I am trying to set a new log destination without restarting.
It is unclear to me what to set / how to set it.
I am running
localhost > db.version()
I want to change the system log to
I have tried
localhost > db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, "systemLog": "/var/log/mongod/mongodb/mongod_NA.log" } )
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "no option found to set, use help:true to see options "
localhost > db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, "Log": "/var/log/mongod/mongodb/mongod_NA.log" } )
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "no option found to set, use help:true to see options "
localhost > db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, "logPath": "/var/log/mongod/mongodb/mongod_NA.log" } )
"ok" : 0,
"errmsg" : "no option found to set, use help:true to see options "
localhost > db.adminCommand( { setParameter: 1, help: true , systemLog: { 'path': '/var/log/mongod_NA.log' } } )
"help" : "help for: setParameter set administrative option(s)\n{ setParameter:1, <param>:<value> }\nsupported:\n [ ... ]",
"lockType" : 0,
"ok" : 1