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1 answer

Revisiting how to repair broken JPEG images?

This has come up a number of times. This post here shows a way to extract the thumbnails: How to repair corrupted JPEG files that still have their thumbnails (AskUbuntu) That's a low-res solution, ...
sudo_nq's user avatar
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1 answer

ffmpeg split JPEG-encoded MOV video into frames without reencoding

I have a MOV video file from an old digital camera where the video stream is just a series of JPEGs. I'm trying to extract those JPEGs without reencoding them (or at least come as close to the ...
Displayname71's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to make video from high resolution jpg?

I try to make video from 2 jpeg (6912x3456 px, files is large it is 360 panoramas) with ffmpeg by ffmpeg -r 1/4 -pattern_type glob -i "my_dir/*.jpg" -c:v libx264 -profile:v high -crf 18 -vf &...
lavAzza's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How can I convert a HEIC file to a JPEG file, in Debian?

This question appears to address this However, on Debian, adding the required ...
AlphaCentauri's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to use dcmcjpeg to convert DICOM to JPEG?

The dcmcjpeg tool from the dcmtk package (sudo apt-get install dcmtk) is supposed to convert DICOM image files to JPEG. But I suspect it still wraps the image in a DICOM container, because when I try,...
Stéphane's user avatar
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how to send an image in the body of the mail using any of the mail utilities in Linux

How can we send an image in the body of a mail with rich text / HTML. I tried to get from few of the links , but i am not able to get complete solution. I tried below code but no luck mpack -s "...
Arya's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How do I convert a JPEG file into a black and white (1-bit) monochrome TIFF in Ubuntu?

JPEG is a scan of a text document so not much to loose in terms of colour/tones. convert foo.jpg -flatten -monochrome bar.tif gives convert: BitsPerSample 1 not allowed for JPEG. 'JPEGSetupEncode' ...
G33K's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Photos do not save after I rotate them in Ristretto

The photos I am trying to rotate are JPEGs. I open them in Ristretto and press Ctrl+[ or Ctrl+]. Even if I press "save copy", the rotated image doesn't get saved to disk! Why? All files have 777 ...
tensojka's user avatar
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1 answer

guess the secret text inside a jpg file using outguess in linux

How can I get the secret content of a jpg file using outguess command without knowing the passphrase ? Before all is it possible to do so, guessing the content using outguess in linux without knowing ...
Snake Rocks's user avatar
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1 answer

How to remove string from JPEG files using find?

I have many files in many media catalogs with some string and I want to remove this string. The string is contained inside JPEG files and looks like: eval(base64_decode('...
Nips's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Is there a programmatic Linux/Unix/Mac way to obtain the dimensions of a JPEG?

Inner Sanctum ~/mirror/images $ file wardrobe_square_90.gif wardrobe_square_90.gif: GIF image data, version 89a, 90 x 90 Inner Sanctum ~/mirror/images $ file wardrobe_square_90.jpg wardrobe_square_90....
Christos Hayward's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

How to repair broken JPEG files?

I have some JPEG files which have some colours wrong after a certain point and also every pixel is shifted to the left. I think this is because of some missing bytes at the point where it changes. I ...
Falk's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to find all jpeg images of the same camera model

Recently during a installation messup , I lost all my files from my windows NTFS drives. I installed on testdata on Ubuntu 12.10 Desktop edition and with the help of photorec could recover a lot of ...
Poptimist's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

FFMpeg convert jpeg images to video

I'm attempting to take a set of images taken at 1-second intervals to form a timelapse video. I figured this would be easy with ffmpeg, but i'm running into cryptic errors. All the images are yuv420 ...
Knetic's user avatar
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8 votes
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How do I achieve lossless JPEG joining without truncation of partial MCUs?

I am working on a project for which I need to join thousands of JPEG images losslessly (I'm not talking about the Lossless JPEG/JPEG 2000/JPEG-LS formats here). Aforementioned images have varying ...
Karan's user avatar
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24 votes
3 answers

How can I modify the EXIF orientation tag of an image?

I want to change the EXIF orientation tag in my JPEG images but without actual rotating of them. I want to do this to use them as a test case for an application I made. How I can do that in Linux? ...
Wazery's user avatar
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Linux convert jpeg to bmp, xsetroot complains "bad bitmap format", how to fix this?

I am creating a JPEG file, converting to BMP then using with xsetroot, but that is failing. 1) Make a JPEG file $ convert -size 800x600 xc:transparent \ -font Bookman-DemiItalic -pointsize ...
YumYumYum's user avatar
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30 votes
4 answers

How to convert a photo to a black and white image by ImageMagick?

How can I convert a JPEG photo to black and white (not grayscale) image like output of a FAX scanner, by ImageMagick?
ohho's user avatar
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1 answer

Using convert to covert multiple jpg files to pdf - pdf quality

I used the command convert *.jpg out.pdf to convert multiple jpg files to pdf. But the quality of the output pdf is very low. Is there a way I can increase the quality?
Can't Tell's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

JPG files are too small when converted from PDF with imagemagick

I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 with imagemagick. I used this command: convert myfile.pdf -density 300 file.jpg This works well, but the JPGs are only about an inch high. How can I preserve the paper size in ...
Trude's user avatar
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2 answers

Image to PDF quality

I am converting multiple jpg images to a single PDF using following command convert *.jpg mybook.pdf but the pdf quality is not good. Is there a way to retain the original quality of images in ...
MA1's user avatar
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Change background color of 1000 jpg files

I have 1000 jpg files in which all have a white background. Is is possible to change the white background color to red (for example) of all the files in order not to have to do it one by one ? I ...
Jonathan Holmes's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Encoding multi-jpegs with mencoder, skipping broken files

I've multiple jpegs uploaded form IP cam via FTP, I use mencoder to periodically pack them into single avi file, problem is that sometimes one or two jpegs submitted by cam are broken, and this make ...
canni's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Which is the best utility for opening .jpeg, .png and .tiff files on Linux? [closed]

Which is the most commonly used utility?
Lazer's user avatar
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5 answers

Does linux support images in .jpeg format?

Does linux support images in .jpeg format? What is the difference if I save my image in .jpeg or .JPEG or .jpg from a linux point of view? Is this case sensitive?
user avatar
250 votes
13 answers

Batch converting PNG to JPG in linux

Does anyone know a good way to batch-convert a bunch of PNGs into JPGs in linux? (I'm using Ubuntu). A png2jpg binary that I could just drop into a shell script would be ideal.
nedned's user avatar
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49 votes
6 answers

Convert a bunch of BMP files to JPEG on Linux

Someone sent me a bunch of BMP files and I need them in JPEG. I could convert them one by one using GIMP, but I'd rather do it all in one go. I have Ubuntu.
JoelFan's user avatar
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