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Questions tagged [ipython]

IPython is an interactive shell for Python and other programming languages. Questions about programming using IPython are off-topic here.

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Solutions for organising configuration files across devices and between categories [closed]

As a Linux user, I have a lot of non-GUI applications for which I configure their desired behaviour through config files. One of the troubles I have is that I have multiple devices from which I would ...
manoelpqueiroz's user avatar
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How to test in VSCode a postgreSQL SQL expression in Python's interactive notebook (= Jupyter Notebook, iPython) in a venv with package manager conda?

How to test in VSCode a postgreSQL SQL expression in Python's interactive notebook (= Jupyter Notebook, iPython) in a venv with package manager conda?
questionto42's user avatar
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Jupyter does not work without kernel restart after exception

I need to kill and restart the kernel of Jupyter upon encountering an exception in the code. Otherwise, none of the cells will execute. This happens with any script, i.e. it can be something as simple ...
borisbundschuh's user avatar
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Is there such a thing as Jupyter Notebooks just for markdown? [closed]

I started making notes on a software process using the code and markdown cells in a jupyter notebook and realised that while I didn't actually use the code cells and was just using it as a notebook, ...
Faceplanted's user avatar
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Installed Jupyter Notebook for Python 3.6.8 stuck at "Kernel Starting, please wait..."

I installed jupyter notebook on my computer for a RHEL system, I installed it using the command pip3 install --user jupyter and then later due to it not working pip3 install --force-reinstall --user ...
David G.'s user avatar
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Run Anaconda's ipython on Windows 10's Terminal in one go

As the title suggests, I would like to run Anaconda's ipython on Windows 10's Windows Terminal (Preview) (preferrably in the cmd.exe tab) in one go. By in one go I mean, with a single shortcut or ...
aafulei's user avatar
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Copy clipboard from Notepad++ to PuTTY issue

I have code written in Notepad++ and PuTTY into a linux server. When copying multiple lines to ipython on the linux server, it only reads and executes one line and forgets the rest of the lines I ...
T-dog's user avatar
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Error loading Jupyter notebook

I have been working on one project on my jupyter notebook for days but python stopped working for some reason. I continued working on file as I was editing some markdown cells. After reopening ...
k92's user avatar
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Ipython kernel keeps crashing when running UMAP

I am trying to run some dimensionality reduction using UMAP. However, python keeps crashing. My hunch is that it has something to do with c compiler/cython, but I didn't succeed to re-install/fix this....
Jan Pesl's user avatar
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IPython has lag on ConEmu, and only on ConEmu

I'm running Python 3.7.3 through IPython 7.5.0 on ConEmu, using Windows 10 Pro. Whenever I run IPython on ConEmu, I experience lag. For example, on IPython's interpreter I input 1+1 and hit ...
Albert's user avatar
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Error while starting Jupyter notebook from terminal on Mac OS

I've been fiddling with my anaconda, jupyter, IPython installations, and I honestly don't know how I ended up with this error. Can anyone help me resolve this so I can get back to running jupyter ...
AbelT's user avatar
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Simplest way to create in-browser python repl?

I want to create a very minimal version of something like Jupyter Notebook where I can type python code into a browser window, run the code on the server, and print the result to the browser. (Don't ...
abalter's user avatar
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Unable to load Google Colaboratory

I went to Colaboratory! and signed in using my gmail address. I'm using Chrome. I disabled the ad blocker for Colab. When I attempt to create a new notebook I get the following error: Error Unable to ...
GotYaNumba's user avatar
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Clear multi-line input in IPython

The current line on the IPython prompt can be cleared with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-U. Is there any shortcut that clears all lines on the IPython prompt in one go?
JJS's user avatar
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Emacs + ipython tab completion not working ("no match")

I am using emacs with elpy, and ipython as interpreter. After a general upgrade of the python packages today, tab completion stopped working in ipython, always gives "no match" message. Does anybody ...
retrot's user avatar
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Issue with importing keras in Jupyter Notebook

I have an issue while importing keras after installing Tensorflow and Keras using Anaconda Prompt. The error says 'No module named keras'. I'm using Python 3.67.
Sunil's user avatar
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Install IPython on stand-alone windows machine

How can I install IPython on a Windows machine not connected to Internet. I only need the shell without the notebooks. I couldn't find dependency list - all installation instructions use pip and ...
jackhab's user avatar
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"ssh -X" doesn't open matplotlib figures

Often times, I ssh into another computer to do python work. While I'm coding, I like to have an ipython shell open for quick testing. For some reason, I cannot get matplotlib to open figures. Here is ...
mwoods's user avatar
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vim emulator does not work properly in pycharm ipython notebook

PyCharm community version 2016.3, when I enable Vim Emulator and open an Ipython Notebook, it just does not work. I believe it is very easy to duplicate, and I don't know if that is a bug for PyCharm ...
shelper's user avatar
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3D graphics in Jupyter notebook (ipynb)

I'm searching for most convenient way how to insert 3D graphics into ipython (Jupyter) notebook? I mean some simple 3D model of machines (space-crafts in my case) mostly composed of simple primitives ...
Prokop Hapala's user avatar
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Jupyter Notebook hangs when it launched in background. Why?

If it launched in GUI and I left the PC and access it via my notebook, it runs ok. If it via launched jupyter notebook via SSH, it runs ok. But obviously it will be exited when the SSH is closed. If ...
Rizky Luthfianto's user avatar
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Switching between a python 2.7 Jupyter Notebook and python 3.5 Jupyter Notebook

Due to some of the work I do and classes I am in I frequently find my self needing to use both python 2 and python 3 jupyter notebooks. I installed both notebook servers using pip (pip3 for python 3 ...
bs7280's user avatar
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Control A on Mac Terminal behaves unexpectedly while using python ipdb

When I'm using Python ipdb (and this only happens on one of my three macs), I type Ctrl-A to get to the beginning of the line (after running a few statements without issue). The cursor APPEARS to jump ...
HaPsantran's user avatar
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General getting started with untrusted https

I have about 9 year's experience creating/maintaining minimally secured personal or departmental web sites with Linux and Apache httpd. Recently I've deployed a couple of web apps that require a ...
Mark Miller's user avatar
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Can't import matplotlib on Anaconda (Python), on my Mac, even though it's installed on the terminal and set as a default

So basically on my Ipython I can't get it working even though it's installed, and the terminal shows that it should be working. Syntax and Error In [1]: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt -------------...
Lorenc Hoxha's user avatar
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Getting rid of welcome message in Spyder Python IDE (Anaconda)

I am on Windows 7 64bit. Is there a way to customize the welcome message in the Spyder IDE IPython console? (I am using the Anaconda distribution.) Preferably, starting with a plain: In [1]:
blackened's user avatar
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How to search and install package in Anaconda (Conda)

I am trying to install pandoc so I did conda install pandoc but nothing popped up and it told me to search. I searched with anaconda search -t conda pandoc and the results are below...How can I ...
O.rka's user avatar
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How can I install ipython with pip3?

I just did the following with no problem: brew install python3 pip3 install numpy pip3 install scipy But when trying: pip3 install ipython I get: Exception: Traceback (most recent call last): ...
user3491525's user avatar
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500 server error using IPython notebook on Windows

I've just done a fresh install of IPython notebook on Windows 7 Professional 64 bit. The steps I took were: Install Python 3.4.1 from pip install ipython[notebook] pip install pywin ...
blokeley's user avatar
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ipython notebook can't find python

I had a couple of Python 2 versions under home-brew. Since I was only using ipython notebook, I decided to uninstall all Python 2 instances, which turned out to be a bad idea because now I just get an ...
Richard Berg's user avatar
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Is there a terminal supporting embeded graph under linux? [closed]

everyone. I want to know if there is a graphic terminal which support viewing images inline. The ipython qtconsole is very cool because it has the '%matplotlib inline' magic. But I'd like to use ...
Libin's user avatar
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show all breakpoints when debug a python code with pdb

I am using pdb to debug a python code. I set the breakpoints in the pdb command line with b [linenumber]. Can I check all the linenumber of breakpoints? thanks.
HXGuo's user avatar
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IPython QtConsole: select text to copy?

Is there any way to make QtConsole copy marked (selected) text automatically to clipboard? OS: Linux, GUI: KDE.
LetMeSOThat4U's user avatar
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Going back to a stopped job [duplicate]

wim@wim-zenbook:~$ ipython Python 2.7.4 (default, Apr 19 2013, 18:28:01) Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. IPython 0.13.2 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. ? -&...
wim's user avatar
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How to use IPython with Python3.3 in Fedora 18

I've got both Python 3.3 and Python 2.7 installed on my PC. After installing IPython 0.13.1 on Fedora 18 using the Software installer it defaults to Python 2.7. I've little experience in both Linux ...
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ipython and sublime text 2

I really love how Rstudio has a shortcut for running a line of selected code, this allows for much quicker coding. I notice more and more however, that I need to work in python as it offers a bit more ...
Vincent Warmerdam's user avatar
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%paste magic function on ipython3

I'm using ipython3, installed on Ubuntu with apt-get. I can't use the paste magic function, it complains about missing Tkinter. But I do have Tkinter and the same thing works fine on ipython (2). ...
wim's user avatar
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forcing windows 7 not to open python script executables (specificaly pip an IPython) in a new popup cmd window

Meaning that when I run from the command line something like: Ipython or pip install somelib windows runs them in a new cmd window instead of in the current window. therefor if there is an error ...
alonisser's user avatar
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Where are ipython key bindings documented?

I'm mostly loving ipython, but exasperated by my efforts to find any documentation for keyboard shortcuts. I can arrow/scroll through my command history, I can use ctrl r to search my history, a la ...
Amanda's user avatar
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IPython plots show up in IDLE

This quite stupid, but every time i use plot() with IPython it pop's up in the IDLE window opposed to showning it inline. How can I change this?
root's user avatar
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iPython in multi-line editing

I'm using iPython in (on Mac), and when I scrollback to a multi-line block it's really slow moving between lines. Is there a keybinding (or can I configure one) to make it possible to ...
moinudin's user avatar
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IPython HTML notebook multiple users login

IPython HTML notebook looks incredible! I'm thinking of using it for our computational/numerics classes, but can't find an documented ...
sivic's user avatar
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How I can register ipython in Mac OS with latest versions of python?

I have installed ipython through easy_install but it didn't create the file in /usr/local/bin/ as usual. I know if I use older version of easy_install of python, for example 2.6 I have this file ...
papachan's user avatar
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OSX - what would cause a d.txt file to contain all my Terminal history to appear in my homedir?

I was working when I noticed a file in my homedir called d.txt. It contained all of my iPython work I'd been doing in the last hour or so. Is this something that my Terminal app did, or something that ...
orokusaki's user avatar
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CTRL-[keys] and arrows not functionning in terminal / ipython

I'm using ipython Inside the python shell, when I press up instead of showing the last command, it prints ^[[A also CTRL-[keys] are fubar. CTRL-p prints ^P Everything is normal under terminal\...
user1190's user avatar
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How to config ipython3-3.2 on Mac OS X?

I installed IPython with Macport: $ sudo port install py32-ipython It issues errors when I start it: $ ipython3-3.2 /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.2/lib/python3.2/site-...
qazwsx's user avatar
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Can I redo/undo in ipython shell?

A feature in bpython called rewind. Is there some similar key bindings?
iMom0's user avatar
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Error running IPython3 on XP: TypeError: _isdir() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)

<UPDATE> Never did get IPython3 to work under Windows, but I did manage to get it to work on my local CentOS server (after much frustration) by eventually discovering the absolutely ...
B. Striegel's user avatar