I have an issue while importing keras after installing Tensorflow and Keras using Anaconda Prompt. The error says 'No module named keras'. I'm using Python 3.67.

1 Answer 1


As a start:

1) Try pip list | grep Keras and check for latest

2) Try pip list | grep tensorflow and check for 1.5

If not something went wrong with the install. If so, the next thing I'd try is

3) conda update --all (probably worth trying anyway)

4) pip install --upgrade tensorflow and pip install --upgrade keras ... see https://inmachineswetrust.com/posts/deep-learning-setup/ step 3 which tells us keras isn't officially available on conda.

5) If you've messed around with your environment, I'd suggest doing a brew cleanup and brew cask cleanup

6) Look into virtual environments if you haven't. Probably better to mess around with that than your base env

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