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Windows batch filename generator not running where am I going wrong?

I'm writing a windows batch script to take a .csv as input read data in each row as variables and output unique filenames to a new .csv in Windows batch script. I'm doing this to create an inventory ...
Gamma5779's user avatar
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Find a string at the beginning of all lines in a file and save to another file

I have tried quite a few options with no luck for this task. I would really like to do this as batch file but my attempts fail to get the desired result. I have tried a lot of different commands with ...
JAH's user avatar
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Forcing locale upon a specific .net application

In my .net application, I'm loading a CSV file and then parsing the fields using float.Parse(). Users from Germany who run Windows 7 (and 8) have their region set to Germany. This causes decimal ...
liorda's user avatar
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Windows Batch to read TXT and parse lines to CSV

I've made a good deal of headway by searching this site and learning the ridiculous language that is Windows batch scripting, but frankly I'm stuck. The sample below is from our lab's old radiometer ...
KDC's user avatar
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2 answers

Creating Comma Separated Values in Batch Scripting

I have written a piece of code in Batch script which is somewhat like : ( wmic.exe /node:x.x.x.x computersystem get name wmic.exe /node:x.x.x.x computersystem get domain wmic.exe /node:...
Mandar Shinde's user avatar
-2 votes
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Deleting the first column of csv via batch commands [duplicate]

Is there a way to delete the first column of a csv using a batch command file? I have data in this first column but I want to get rid of it and output a new file starting at the 2nd column. Thanks!
batchnoober's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Can I use a batch file to remove blank columns in a .csv

I have nine columns in my current .csv file, however, the 2nd and 3rd columns are blank and I want to get rid of them. Is there a way to use batch commands to remove these empty columns from my .csv ...
batchnoober's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Filter a CSV file using Windows batch file

I have a file with 12 columns separated by ? I need to export column number 12 (NetBIOS Name) and append the whole row to a CSV file. Skip the first line that is the column description. The first 4 ...
roundup's user avatar
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