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How to get the format of audio streams(WASAPI) of other processes - Windows

In Windows, one can see the volume used by each audio-playing program in sndvol.exe. Is there a way to get more detailed information such as sampling rate and bits per sample? I want to know whether ...
gp120's user avatar
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can't connect to https API using cURL?

I have API endpoint URL, certificate file ( cert.p12 ) & password. Here is the steps I try to connect to this API. ( IN Windows 7 ) First I type the URL in chrome browser and it didn't give me ...
Shyamin Ayesh's user avatar
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In Windows, how can I get a list of all installed programs via script?

I'm trying to figure out how to get a list of all installed applications using a script. My O/S is Windows 7 x64. I've found several purported mechanisms to generate a list of installed applications,...
vrtigo1's user avatar
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How is a WSD printer different from a non-WSD printer?

I installed my printer today (Epson Expression Photo XP-750) and I saw that Windows 7 was asking me to choose between two different printing devices, even thou they both belong to the same physical ...
Samir's user avatar
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Windows Generic Software Updater API (Example: Steam, Origin) [closed]

i just noticed that the updaters of steam and origin look very similar. Is this just some "coincidence" or is there some generic updater api available in Windows that i never noticed?
Nick Russler's user avatar
4 votes
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Windows API Error 2 when installing MikTex 2.9

I am trying to install MikTex 2.9.3927 on Windows 7 x64. Very early in the installation process, I get a MikTex setup wizard error saying: "Windows API Error 2: The system cannot find the file ...
Eric's user avatar
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