Monday, November 24, 2008

Vinnere av sneak peak konkurransen ~Winners of the Sneak peak contest

Vi er så glade for at så mange deltok på vår før-åpnings konkurranse, og enda mer imponert over hvor mange som hadde riktig svar....nemlig AIJA!!!

Vi har trekt mellom de som hadde rett svar og de 4 heldige vinnerene er:

Charlotte singing carols:

Charlie with snowballs:

Charlotte in sledge

Angel Charlotte

Sirpa (ingen link, men tror det var bare en sirpa som deltok)

Til dere som vant;
Send addressene deres til [email protected] så skal dere få tilsendt stemplene deres!


Følg med senere i kveld, for da kommer en ny sneak peak konkurranse med en ny spennende premie!

We`re so happy that so many participated and this could not be a challenge since the majority had the right answer.... AIJA!!!

We have drawn amongst those who had the right answer and the winners are;

Charlotte singing carols:

Charlie with snowballs:

Charlotte in sledge

Angel Charlotte

Sirpa ( no link, but I think there is only one Sirpa participating)

For the winners;
Please send us your address to [email protected]
and we will send you your stamps!


Please check in later on tonight as we are posting a new sneak peak contest, with a very exciting prize!


Carola said...

Den här gången gissar jag på Petra

Kathy said...

Oh thank you so much!!! I cannot wait for the 1st to get here!! This is such a talented team and I know the inspiration will be flowing!!! Thanks so much!! :)Kathy