Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Walk of Fame - March 2011

Det är tid att igen presentera våra val av alster till Walk of Fame. Det finns så otroligt mycket vackert att hitta ute i bloggvärlden och det är som vanligt svårt att välja ut några få.  Här har vi i alla fall glädjen att presentera  de enastående vackra  alster som valts ut till WoF denna månad.

Det er tid til at præsentere de kort vi har fundet til Walk of Fame. Som vi plejer, finder vi de mest fantastiske kreationer ude i blogverdenen og det er en stor ære at præsentere kortene vi har valgt til WoF.

Det er tid for å presentere kort vi har funnet til Walk of Fame. Som vanlig finner vi de mest fantastiske kreasjoner der ute i bloggverden og det er en stor ære å presentere kortene til 'WoF'

It's time to present to you our choices of cards for Walk of Fame. We did have the most incredible journey looking for cards. It's a pleasure to show our choices for 'WoF'.

On aika kertoa mitkä kortit on tässä kuussa tullut valituksi Walk of Fame joukkoon. Mikä uskomaton blogikierros onkaan takana ja löysimme mitä uskomattomia kortteja. Meillä on kunnia esitellä teille tämän kuun valintamme 'WoF' sarjaan.

Walk of Fame
March 2012

Gratulerer * Congratulations* Onnea !

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Coloring tips - Pro/Flexmarkers...

Hi everyone! Hope you´re having a wonderful wekeend!
Today Im going to tell you a little about Pro/Flexmarkers and give some small coloring tips.

Letraset comes with four different markers; Triamarker, Flexmarker, Promarker and Aquamarker.
The first three all have alcohol based quality ink who stays wetter for longer offering the best blending performance. If you are thinking of trying out Markers for the first time you have to think about what feels right for you.

Triamarker is a very advanced marker, with three various nibs, Broad, Brush and Ultra-Fine
, and most important they are refillable. Tria comes in 300 different colors.

Promarkers are a little simpler with two nibs, Bullet and Chisel, but there is also one additional ultra-fine nib available seperately. Pro comes in 148 colors.

Flexmarkers are the newest marker in the Letraset family and like Promarker it has two nibs. But in addition to the Bullet nib it has a Flexible Brush. Flex comes in 72 colors.

Aqua Markers use water based pigmented inks and come with two nibs,Bullet and Large Bullet. Aqua comes in 42 colors.
Im going to focus on Pro- and Flexmarkers today who is two of my big favourites.

When you are going to try out Markers, regardless of the brand, always try out different papers to color on. We all have our different choices or favourites, but my Tips is that you atleast try out the Marker companies own Paper Pads. They are all made to work perfectly together with the Markers.

I allways use Letrasets own Cartridge Paper. My favourite is their thick, 270 gr.

Because the Markers are alcohol based you should always use a waterbased inkpad.
I often use Memento.

Here come some examples on how to color with Markers:

 I start with the lightest color, Glacier Blue.
I think this is the easiest way, in this way I know in wich area I should be.

Then I use the darkest color, Celestial Blue, and just color in the top.

 Then I take my 'middle-color', Cloud Blue, and draw a little bit further down.

And finally I use the lightest color again and blend them all together.

Then I continue to color the rest of the dress in the same way.

I usually go over the same spot two to three times with all the colors before Im satisfied with the result.
And in this case Im using the lightest color as a Blender.

And here are the final result!

Here comes some video examples on coloring Skin and Jeans:

And finally, here´s one on coloring hair:

Click HERE to see the tutorial on Hair.

I hope my examples have given you some useful tips and most important of all - don´t forget to have FUN!!

Hugs, Åsa

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Shoppingtips for March

It's so much fun to notice the spring is finally here and easter is also so soon. Now it's time to shop and begin to make cards for the parties in spring.

Here's our shopping tips:


I always enjoy when Pion Design
comes with new collections.
This time Pion Design has made this lovely papers:
"Til mor /for Mother"


I just bought my self a new dies and I love it. This doily is from Cheery Lynn, but for us in Norway you can find it here in Bikuben. The name of this one is: English Doily. 


Well, I couldn´t resist Tim Holtz Distress Markers.
I´ve ordered mine at Scrap-Perra.


RoxStamps has released some really nice ticket stamps:

Unfortunately these are just in swedish, but there is also one blank ticket which is nice if you want to write your own sentiment:
The best thing is that there is also a matching die to cut out your tickets with:

All these and a few more you can find at Pysseltagen.

Happy shoppingmoments to you all!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Readers Gallery

Hi everyone! 

This time there will not be any creations, but just a reminder and a wish from us girls in StampARTic. We would love to see more of your work, so if you have used any of out tutorials to get inspired to making your own or creating something new, please e-mail it to us. E-mail is: 

Here is out e-mail.

You will find all of our tutorials here

But this is some of the latest ones. To get to the tutorial, just click the the name under. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

First sign of Easter!

Påsken närmar sig med stormsteg, vart tar tiden vägen? Det var ju precis jul!
Fast även om det är några veckor kvar tänkte vi starta lite smått med våra ägg. Det kan ju ta tid att hitta tillräckligt mycket godis att fylla den med.

Easter is approaching really fast, I don't know where time go. Wasn't it christmas not long ago? We thought we would start our celebration with making some eggs. Who knows, it might take some time to fill them!

Inger's card and egg
Bakgrund gjord med akrylfärg. Bakgrund gjord med bandage limmat till cardstock och målad med akrylfärg och rub n buff.

Background made with acrylic paint. Background made with bandage glued to cardstock, acrylic paint and rub n buff.

Limmat på spets på ägget och målade med gesso och akrylfärg, sedan rub n buff. Värmebehandlad tyll, band och en hög pärlor.

Glued on lace and painted with gesso and acrylic paint, put rub n buff on. Heated textile (tulle), fibers and beads that I put together.
Jag har gjort ett center step card i härligt orangea toner. Jag började med att färga in min vita bakgrund med orange distress. Sen stämplade jag i en embossingfolder med samma stora textstämpel som jag använde till ägget, stoppade i min bakgrund i foldern och körde igenom Big Shoten. Sen färgade jag in de upphöjda mönstret med ytterligare lite distresser. Den fina stämpeln är färglagd lite enkelt med copics.

Center step card in orange. White cardstock coloured with orange distress. Stamped in embossing folder and put it through the Big Shot. Coloured the raised pattern with more distress. The stamp is coloured with copics. The greeting is printed from the computer and punched out with spellbinders. Coloured the oval before removal of the die.

Jag ville prova något nytt så jag klädde in mitt ägg i fimolera. Innan jag stoppade in ägget i ugnen så använde jag en stor textstämpel för att att göra avtryck runt om hela ägget. När leran väl var bränd i ugnen så målade jag hela ägget med rosa akrylfärg och sedan med vit crackle paint lite här och där. Sist embossade jag med ett pulver som ger en lite antik effekt.

Covered the egg in fimo clay. Used a big text stamp to make imprint around the egg. When baked, painted with pink acrylic paint and white crackle paint. Embossed to give the egg an antique look.
Även den vackra ramen har jag gjort i Fimolera och sedan lagt en bakgrund innan jag klistrade dit bokstäverna och fyllde ramen med Glossy Accents. Lite band och fjädrar senare var mitt ägg klart.

The frame is also made with fimo clay, filled with letters and glossy accent. Ribbons and feathers finished it off!

Notpapper limmat på kartong. Färgat med inka gold. Stämpeln färglagd med distress markers och sprejad med vatten.

Music paper glued on cardboard. Coloured with inka gold. The stamp was coloured with distress markers and sprayed with water.

Notpapper limmat på påskägget med gel medium. Färgat med alco ink och inka gold.

Music paper glued on the egg with gel medium. Coloured with alco ink and inka gold.

And as always. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us what you want to know! Check out our blogs for more details. How did your egg turn out? Share it with us!

Last but not least we would like to congratulate our team leader, the very talented Connie on her birthday!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Winner- March Challenge!

Yes!! It´s time to present the winner of this month´s challenge- Something to put the Easter Candy in, decorated with at least one feather.

First of all- THANK YOU for all the lovely projects you have shared with us!! It was not easy to pick just one winner among all the gorgeous boxes, bags, baskets and other lovely creations.
 Nevertheless, the team has voted and we have  a winner...
...And the winner of the March Challenge...
... who will recieve a lovely prize from

with tis gorgeous little bag:

Great work, Linda and BIG CONGRATULATIONS to you!!!

Please e-mail your address  to [email protected] so we can send you your prizepackage!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Maja Design Part 2 - Life by the SEA

"Maja Design create innovative and well designed paper
for scrapbooking and crafts. 
The papers are all  inspired by romantic vintage style.
Maja Design was founded in November 2007 and since then been growing 
to over 70 retailers in Sweden and 80 retailers in Europe"

Today we are continuing to work with Life by the SEA and showing you different ways to create projects with this lovely papers.


This time I made a tissue box cover! I have used the orange papers from this collecton and mixed it with some white, blue and kraft cardstock. As a main stamp I have used Henry from the Getting Well Collection at Whiff of Joy! 



I made a 'She Art' canvas out of Majas gorgeous papers.

And candels with matches




I made decorations to one of baskets by making flowers from Maja Design papers.



I have done a lighthouse center piece/ home decor with a battery-operated tea light. Don`t ever use a real tea light!

And my second project was this pop-up Galleon card.



I´ve made a birthday book card for a dear friend :).