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How to migrate jQuery libraries to Zepto.js in wordpress website?

I have a WordPress website with JQuery libraries and I want to migrate it to Zepto.js. How can I achieve this? Any Suggestions or guides?
Abdul Mannan's user avatar
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Getting Zepto undefined error when using it in a page. How to resolve this?

I am running a script on a page where I include my zepto.min.js file first and then use it. I get Zepto undefined error. Here is a code snippet: <script type="text/javascript" src=""s-post-summary--meta">
SIVAKOSARAN's user avatar
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Lowering CPU consumption of animated particles inside the canvas

I'm using this library zepto.min.js to add some particles over a canvas. Here is the result on Codepen: I wonder if there is an option to: ...
foxer's user avatar
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I am unable to connect php code through ajax when zepto.js (or even jquery) when I am using a template from app.js

I am trying to create a mobile app with Cordova. However, I am unable to connect my file to the database (MySQL) since AJAX is unable to send the variable from the input to the PHP file that I have ...
Atharva's user avatar
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"using API key multiple times" error after adding API Key to an old Google Maps API project

Finally getting around to fixing the well-known problem "API Key" error on a Google map I created back in 2014 (before you needed an API key for Google Maps API). I obtained a key and put this in the &...
user1147171's user avatar
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Chart.js - Getting data from HTML

I am able to retrieve the data for the bar graph but I am unable to match the labels, and colors with the data. How do I change the function so that if each <canvas> has: data-chart="[1,2,3]" ...
Kyle Underhill's user avatar
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Usinf App.js Framework and trying to use photoviewer but App.load is conflicting

Hello please review below code i am using App.js framework to create a mobile web app and i want to show photo viewer when user clicks on some button. but i am unable to do so, the thing is App.load ...
Abdul Qadir's user avatar
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How to make multiple divs sortable on Zepto

I must use Zepto instead of jQuery (, Also I use drag'n'drop library for Zepto, zepto-dnd. No other 'big' libraries can be used. With the following code everything works fine. ...
DisplayMyName's user avatar
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zepto trigger not work

I bind a click event for '.a' div $('.a').on('click',()=>{ //something }); and another click event for '.b' to trigger '.a' click event: $('.b').on('click',()=>{ //something $('.a')....
michael.ray's user avatar
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Aliasing an external dependency (zepto as jquery) with Rollup

jQuery is imported by node_modules/backbone/backbone.js but I need use zepto instead of jQuery. How can I edit the exported name of the zepto module to jquery? rollup.config.js plugins: [ babel(...
pmnazar's user avatar
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Siema Ca indicator

I'm using the Siema carousel on my site with Zepto. I'd like to be able to indicate what slide the user is currently on. How do I do this if there is only an onChange event available? HTML <...
Leah's user avatar
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emulating app-like swipe to switch pages on mobile website

I recently got curious about an interesting behavior of one of frontend frameworks out there for WeChat (威信). If you look at using Chrome's Device Toolbar toggled on, and then select ...
Zerus's user avatar
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Weui hyperlink doesn't work on Android

I am using weui and zepto.js to create an Android app, the hyperlink works on my PC but not on Android. The code is as follows: > <a href="input" class="weui-tabbar__item"> <img > ...
ahmed MENAEM's user avatar
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@types/zepto prevents me from importing zepto itself

I have installed zepto and @types/zepto packages in npm. If I install only zepto without types and import it like this: import * as $ from 'zepto'; Everything works. But if I install @types/zepto as ...
Gherman's user avatar
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Why use (!fn || zid(handler.fn) === zid(fn)) to (!fn || handler.fn === fn) in zepto.js - event.js?

In event.js, to judge the same handler, here is code: return handler && (!event.e || handler.e == event.e) && (!event.ns || matcher.test(handler.ns)) && (!fn || ...
tomision's user avatar
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Creating a Sudoku Grid (Javascript and HTML), won't allow input to cells

So I've got my program running, where it creates a sudoku grid, and has a single-row table beneath it, to allow number input. But, when I click on a number at the bottom and click a cell so that the ...
Nick Hofmann's user avatar
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Element disappears when clicked

I'm using App.js (Javascript UI library) and Zepto.js (JQuery-like library) to make a mobile application. The code below is not from my application, but demonstrates the exact problem I am having. I ...
Tuomas Koivisto's user avatar
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swipeUp or swipeDown is not valid in google chrome which emulates mobile platform

as the title description,i write html codes which applies on mobile platform,then i test codes through google chrome which can emulate mobile phone to access the web pages.the codes as follows. <...
heizhishi's user avatar
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NPM peer dependency on JQuery OR Zepto

My problem is fairly simple: I'm working on a front-end development framework that is currently dependent on a few pieces of JQuery. However, with NPM it seems that it makes more sense to have a peer ...
rmehlinger's user avatar
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zepto function not what's selector.item

When I read source code of zepto, I found there is a something that I can't understand. For example: 'not' function: what's selector.item? There is someone said IsFunction (selector.item) is to ...
zhuhuoxingguang's user avatar
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webpack: implement zeptojs into the build

I'm trying to add ZeptoJS into my webpack vendor bundle but I keep getting an error stating: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'createElement' of undefined(…) I checked the zepto.js ...
rolu's user avatar
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Zepto JS : CSS doesn't apply to basic HTML template

I attempting to load some HTML via a Zepto JS ajax call : // inside $(docuement).ready... $.get('dist/traffic-lights.html', function(response) { $(document.head).append(response); // in the page ...
Hefeust CORTES's user avatar
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use summarized swipper slider zepto library

i'm using the zepto library instead jquery , Use the swiper slider on ajax project of zepto library where the is used and in what way it can be summarized that the optimal call.
Ali Moradi's user avatar
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JS library path not recognized

When running the bellow code locally (WAMP), it works fine. When I upload it to the server, it won't include jQuery unless I add it to the folder "js". What am I missing when including libraries from ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Write a simple zepto plugin

I'm writing a couple of simple zepto plugins that I would like to use in my application:
Michele Carino's user avatar
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How to use native (not overwrote) method

I have not standard problem with my service. I'm using library Zepto in my SaaS script on client's sites. But 2 hours ago one of my clients wrote me, that my script is not working. I checked all code ...
Leonid Zakharov's user avatar
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Combine Flot with Zepto

Is one able to use Zepto with Flot and how? I know Flot works fine with jQuery (tested), but Zepto just feels faster and smoother, than jQuery on mobile devices
Alexander's user avatar
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3 answers

How to get the float value of a div [duplicate]

I need to know if there is a method or something, that will give me the value of the CSS tag float. I am working on a system that requires Arabic language meaning it needs to be RTL ( Right-To-Left ) ...
Thedtxy's user avatar
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Using Variables in Zepto Animation function

I want to use the variable "drawerHeight" in my translateY to specify how much I want the translation to be. I need to get the current height of the div because I plan for the drawer's content to be ...
Liv MacIntosh's user avatar
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Zepto Velocity.js Typescript definitions

I have tried looking for type definitions for velocity the only one i could find is on tsd `tsd install velocity-animate' but does not support velocity using Zepto. Any ideas ?
BasssS's user avatar
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how do I use typings client side effectively?

I'm trying to use a library client side with TypeScript. (Zepto, a lightweight JQuery alternative) This is for old browsers, so I don't want to use import and fancy ES6 syntax, and ideally avoid ...
dcsan's user avatar
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Handlebar template not rendering in cordova

I am new to Handlebar js and using it for cordova app development. I just tried with static html content. After compile, HTML content is not rendering. cordova 6.0, Android 4.4, Javascript library ...
user6024092's user avatar
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What are el and $el in backbone's view?

I'm trying to avoid wrapping with empty div when render view in backbone. I do it with the following code this.$el.replaceWith(this.template(this.model.attributes)); return this; but I get empty div ...
wanghaoming's user avatar
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4 answers

Zepto's $.post does not have error handler

I'm using Zepto in my application as an alternate to jQuery and I was working on a task when I realized, $.ajax have a error handler, but other methods like $.post, $.get does not have it. What can be ...
Rajesh's user avatar
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RequireJS + Backbone without jQuery?

I'm trying to use RequireJS, here is my config file : require.config({ baseUrl: "/scripts", paths: { zepto: "zepto.min", underscore: "underscore.min", backbone: "backbone.min" }, ...
Dr. Z's user avatar
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how can I get same effect Jquery $().slideToggle() from zepto

I have a code in Jquery as below; $("#id").slideToggle('fast'); $("#id").promise().done($('html, body').animate({scrollTop: $(document).height()}, 200)); I start to use Zepto js instead of Jquery, ...
Chanaka Wije's user avatar
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$(window).on doesn't work as expected when migrating from jquery to zepto

Previously, I have a JavaScript code, which will pop up a dialog & perform redirection when user closes the browser. <html> <head> <script src=""s-post-summary--meta">
Cheok Yan Cheng's user avatar
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Strange ajax behavior with Zepto and Cordova

Something strange is going on with an Ajax call I'm making and I can't figure out why its happening, maybe someone can shed some light. This is the call $.ajax({type:'POST', url: apiURL+"misc/"+cola,...
hdezela's user avatar
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Difference between Zepto and jQuery

I read that Zepto.js has almost the same functions as jQuery but it's much smaller and faster than the latter. So why should I prefer jQuery? What are the differences between Zepto and jQuery? The ...
Giorgi's user avatar
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Zepto page transitions will not work if i load jquery

I use this For page transitions. But if i load a jquery.js the transition.min.js giving a error. Uncaught TypeError: $(...).transition is not a function the lines in the is transition.min.js: $(...
user3819560's user avatar
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Firefox extension offsetParent()

When calling offsetParent on a element in Firefox extension I get the following exception. This works fine in Chrome with no errors. I am calling it like this: $(passwordField).offsetParent();
jcamm11's user avatar
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Can't make an onClick with Zepto

Hello I have a simple HTML page like this: <html> <head> </head> <body> <h1>Test page</h1> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script&...
user avatar
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Can't pass parameters to $.getJSON()

I'm using jQuery and PHP to communicate with my MySQL database. jQuery calls a PHP script and passes along the parameters to look up, then PHP looks through my MySQL database, turns it into JSON and ...
Jacob Pickens's user avatar
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Cordova/Phonegap remove focus select html

I'm bringing my old Cordova/Phonegap in new Cordova/Phonegap 5.1.1...I have a problem...In this app there is zepto.js for manage all tap events so when I open a page, I have a bad select ...
Alessandro's user avatar
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hammerjs pan event not working in cordova app

I'm using Hammer.js with the jQuery plugin in a Cordova app. I am also using zepto and zepto touch. The reason for having both (currently) is that I recently used only zepto. But the touch/gestures ...
user2123796's user avatar
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Zepto greater than selector

Is it possible to do something like this in Zepto for selecting elements greater or less than an index: $( "td:gt(4)" ).css( "backgroundColor", "yellow" ); $( "td:gt(-2)" ).css( "color", "red" ); as ...
alexrogers's user avatar
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loop until meet a class then do something How can I make all the the p up to class="here" the color of red using a loop? <p>1</p> <p>2</p> <p>3</p> <p class="here">4<...
Aaron Musktin's user avatar
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Tried to use querySelectorAll but failed

I want to select the first id that has class a. <li class="a" id="1">1</li> <li class="a" id="2">2</li> <li class="a" id="3">3</li> var c = document....
Jamie Anderson's user avatar
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increment within a loop to alter css value doesn't work

I tried to increment the value of current 'top' property value within a foreach. var percent = 50; $('div').forEach(function (obj, i) { $(obj).css('top', $(obj).css(...
aviate wong's user avatar
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jQuery like standalone ajax library [closed]

I was working on a javascript project using jQuery 2.1.0 for ajax request (among other things) and now I need to get rid of the jQuery dependency. To keep this change as simple as possible I need to ...
Augusto Altman Quaranta's user avatar

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