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Xcode 6.2 fails to download docsets, complains they're "untrusted"

The docsets I seek are Xcode 6.2 and iOS 8.2. The machine is running an old macOS and can't be upgraded. Every time I click on offered items under "Preferences->Downloads->Documentation&...
Elijah's user avatar
  • 9
2 votes
2 answers

Compare NSURL String and simple Swift String

I have a function in Xcode 6.2 where I want to compare a URL returned from webview and compare it with a static string. I am doing it like this: func webViewDidFinishLoad(webView: UIWebView){ ...
Adnan Quraishi's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

iOS Swift : can't Retrieve current url loaded in UIwebView

i am working in webview application iOS swift : problem i am facing is i want to get each url which webview displays : upon urls i have to perform some if else checks . but i could not get the urls ...
Adnan Quraishi's user avatar
0 votes
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Swift Compiler Error Class Variable not yet supported in Xcode 6.2? How to I fix this

This is the code in my commonutils.swift folder. I am getting an error stating class variable not yet supported. Can someone help me to understand what to do so that I can fix this? Please class ...
Justin Currie's user avatar
2 votes
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How to add Icon to Xcode C++ Project

Hello I'm new to Xcode and I'm creating a C++ application using "Command Line Tool" Template. Please tell me how can I add an Icon to my C++ application. Also when I'm building the the project I can't ...
rajiv's user avatar
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1 answer

validation error in archiving the app using Xcode 6

I have met this problem when archiving my app using Xcode 6.2 which I tried to solve for several days.. I can success in running it on my phone or the simulator. And I also created provisioning file ...
Lynn_Yang's user avatar
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2 answers

DateFormatter not working in ios By setting

I am using date formatter in xcode 6.2 with swift.It is working fine in the ios 8.1 but when I am testing my app in ios above 8.1(I tried in 8.2 and 8.4 ) the date formatter is not working. Does any ...
chakshu's user avatar
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Invalid WatchKit Support mail from apple after successful submission to iTunes using xcode6.2

I have created an iPhone app using xCode 6.1 and then for iWatch and submitted it using xCode 6.2, but after successful submission when I check on iTunes Connect, it shows Status: Invalid binary and I ...
Alisha's user avatar
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1 answer

dyld: Library not loaded...reason image not found?

I'm new to c++ and XCode, I'm using sdl2 to create a window but when i compile it, it crashes giving me a thread.I have included opengl.h , stdio.h and SDL2.h. There are questions about dlyd:...
Shayan Razavi's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

I am getting this error "use of undeclared identifier 'recipe'

Please refer to below code. #import "RecipeDetail.h" #import "Recipe.h" @implementation RecipeDetail @synthesize recipeLabel; @synthesize recipeName; - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; ...
Panky's user avatar
  • 21
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Getting an index from an array pulled from - fatal error: Cannot index empty buffer

I'm fairly new to Swift and I've been trying to pull individual items from an array stored in When printing the array itself, I get all the users, however, when attempting to get the first ...
Javz's user avatar
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ld: library not found for -lPods-AutomatorSampleApp-Illuminator clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

While running AutomatorSampleApp.xcodeproj , I am getting error:-- ld: library not found for -lPods-AutomatorSampleApp-Illuminator clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to ...
Manirul Halder's user avatar
18 votes
7 answers

library not found for -lPods-AFNetworking

I am getting the following error when using AFNetworking: ''library not found for -lPods-AFNetworking'' "linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)." I checked for all ...
LoveMeow's user avatar
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Performing actions when selecting image from UI [closed]

I have a UIView that has: Image View Text View Scroll View (it has multiple images which are dynamically created in run time) what I need to do is: when I select an Image (either the first image ,...
Ameer Fares's user avatar
1 vote
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Dynamic Pictures Adding in table View

I'm trying to do a bit tricky thing for me (new to the layout constraints thing). The idea is that I have to dynamically add pictures to a table cell.The cell structure is: an image view text ...
Ameer Fares's user avatar
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UITableView with dynamic height in Swift

I would like to create a dynamically sized UITableView in Swift. When I add a UITableView via the storyboard some content is cut off at a certain point. Is there a way to make it possible to scroll ...
Azulath's user avatar
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Unable to upload new build on iTunes Connect

I have already gone through various similar questions asked here on Stack Overflow and also on other blogs. Unfortunately, none of those solutions are resolving my issue. After doing a lot of search ...
KavitaDev's user avatar
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WatchKit NSUserDefaults are null

Doing a real basic test in setting / receiving data using NSUserDefaults. My iPhone app is working and setting the data just fine, but on the watch, it's coming up null. I have the App Group enabled ...
Drew's user avatar
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Adding stripe pod is giving me Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: error

I am using Stripe/Apple pay to achieve a transaction. The method I am using from Stripe.h: [Stripe createTokenWithPayment:payment completion:^(STPToken *token, NSError *error) { ...
Talib Shabbir Hussain's user avatar
0 votes
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Stripe integration error Xcode 6.2

To be specific i get this error when i build my project after adding the stripe framework.The project is for the iOS platform. I have all the standard architectures added to my build settings namely ...
Jerrin's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Can I inherit user defined environment variables from the iOS App in a WatchKit app?

I have a project with multiple targets. Each target has a user-defined build setting named $(BUNDLE_ID) to set the bundle ID of that target - of course this setting must be per-target, not for the ...
jhabbott's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Running the app on a real Apple Watch and infinite spinner

I wanted to make a clickable prototype of an app on (storyboard only). I have just added two interface controllers and some images and buttons. I filled xcassets with several images (overall less than ...
matthewfx's user avatar
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watch kit showing the updated data from the server

The scenario is. 1) I have already existing iOS app for iPhone device. The application is showing the real time data in dashboard page. The data on Dashboard is updated after every 60 sec by calling ...
Ganesh's user avatar
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7 votes
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Apple Watch, several targets and shared Watchkit Extension / Watckit app targets

I am currently working on projects that has a lot (10+) targets. This is a white branded app, each target is dedicated to a customer, all targets share the exact same code but compile different ...
Romain Dorange's user avatar
1 vote
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Understanding Syntax issues about Parse latest SDK / Swift 1.2

Why does the 2nd snippet work and the first not work? This code does not work: func logIn() { PFUser.logInWithUsernameInBackground(tv_username.text, password:tv_password.text) { (user: ...
user1406716's user avatar
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After adding watch extension, app no longer runs

I created a watch extension/app that runs under the simulator. When I try and run on the phone, Xcode says the app is running on the phone then after a few seconds it says finished running. No ...
Aron Nelson's user avatar
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WatchKit title disappears if modal view shown on paged modal views

This issue is quite simple to reproduce. And I think this may be a bug in watchKit. If I display View with: [self presentControllerWithName:@"OneButtonView" context:nil]; It works great. If I use ...
avuthless's user avatar
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1 answer

Remove subview after a particular duration

I showing a subview which contains the a subview, an image and a message. I need to remove this subview after a particular duration/time (5 seconds) in swift. The code for the subviews is as follows: ...
Amit Raj's user avatar
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18 votes
7 answers

"Install of Apple Watch Application never finished" Error when deploying watch kit app to device

So I got my new watch (yay!). I manually added its UDID to the developer portal and refreshed the provisioning profiles and I was able to push an archive to ITC for testing but now I want to run the ...
valheru's user avatar
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4 votes
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How do I attach debugger to an app running on the Apple Watch?

I want to debug my Apple Watch app in the same way as when it is being run on the simulator. When running on the simulator, Debug > Attach To Process will show the apple watch app, but this does not ...
Ying's user avatar
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2 answers

How do I place a button inside of an image?

Is it possible to place a UIButton inside of a UIImage with the Apple Watch? It seems that I can only place objects beside each other rather then on top of them as I can with iOS
DevonCarlson's user avatar
13 votes
6 answers

Apple Store submit fails with Error ITMS-90046, but Associated Domains is not among entitlements

When I first built my app & Watchkit app, I had the "Associated Domains" capability enabled. I've disabled it in the "Capabilities" panel of both the watchkit extension and the companion app, and ...
brianfit's user avatar
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1 answer

Watchkit app control volume parent iOS

I have a question, Is it possible to control volume from Apple Watch of iOS App? I mean, for example if I have an WKSlider to control volume on the iOS app with objective c, is that possible and what ...
Hugo_hutch's user avatar
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Crash on WatchKit Extension

I made an application for the Apple Watch, which I have published. Today, I received a crash log from Apple. According to them, my app crashes when using voice input on the Apple Watch. Here is my ...
Ilya's user avatar
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iOSSDK 8.3 is SPErrorInvalidBundleNoGizmoBinaryMessage

Build on iOS8.3 is working watchApps, but not woring on iOS 8.2. It's saying "SPErrorInvalidBundleNoGizmoBinaryMessage" I tried XCODE Clean, delete from MyApps on the Simulator and rebuild. Other ...
Yow's user avatar
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1 answer

cellforrowatindexpath not called after reloaddata swift

If I'm managing getting the data inside TableViewController, everything works perfectly, but as I want to move logic outside VC, when I'm triggering reloadData() from outside VC it is not calling ...
Mohit Gaur's user avatar
4 votes
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How to set alignment for WKInterface Label using setAttributedText

I'm trying to set alignment for WKInterfaceLabel using setAttributedText function. Here is my code: var paragraphStyle = NSParagraphStyle.defaultParagraphStyle() paragraphStyle.alignment = ...
Hieu Duc Pham's user avatar
0 votes
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Optimize WKInterfaceTable when loading data from NSURL?

I load the data from NSURL from internet and show up the data by WKInterfaceTable. My Table have about 82 rows with text inside each row. When I run the code, my table show up the data row by row and ...
Hieu Duc Pham's user avatar
20 votes
7 answers

How to export shared container of an iOS App with Xcode6.2?

In our iOS app we utilize a shared container to share files between our main iOS app and its extension (specifically WatchKit Extension), using [NSFileManager ...
Sagi's user avatar
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14 votes
8 answers

iOS simulator crash in iOS 8.2 and Xcode 6.2 with "Failed to lookup the process ID of #ID after successful launch."

iOS simulator crash in iOS 8.2 and Xcode 6.2 with an error below "Failed to lookup the process ID of after successful launch. Perhaps it crashed after launch. No such process". And I ...
Kentaro's user avatar
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2 answers

Run iOS App with WatchKit Extension on iOS 7 device in Xcode6.2

My iOS app has a deployment target of 7.0 and my WatchKit App of 8.2. Xcode won't allow me to run the iOS app on an iOS 7 device. It says my WatchKit App has a deployment target of 8.2 so it can't ...
Collin's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I delete a push notification from a device which have receive this push notification?

I have the following problem. I look for a capability to delete a push notification from a device (iPhone respectively Apple Watch) but this device have receive the push notification. The use case ...
user avatar
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WatchKit: What is the difference between bundle identifier and WKAppBundleIdentifer and why can it cause App groups to not work?

I do not know what the purpose of WKAppBundleIdentifier is. Is the bundle identifier for WatchKit Extension and WKAppBundleIdentifer suppose have the same id? When I assign them both the same id com....
Danger Veger's user avatar
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How to check if 2 images match each other - Swift Apple Watch

My code is randomly generating 2 separate images on the same interface controller. I need to check if the images match each other, but i'm unsure how to go about this as they are being randomly ...
Nick89's user avatar
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3 answers

Exclude App Extension (WatchKit) from Xcode build script / xcodebuild

The CI service we are using at the moment works from iOS 8.1 which (correct me if I'm wrong) does not support the Apple Watch / WatchKit. I've done some searching and poking around Xcode, but to no ...
Killian's user avatar
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2 answers

User-Defined settings for WatchKit

I am using User-Defined settings (for example CustomAppBundleId) to change bundle identifier for different configurations. In the app’s plist file I set CFBundleIdentifier to ${CustomAppBundleId}. For ...
sash's user avatar
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Archive validation failed with following error to my Apple watch application

I wants to upload my Apple Watch application on iTunes. When I am validating my Archive it is giving following error.
Anupam Mishra's user avatar
0 votes
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Apple Watch : issues creating project files with Premake

I'm currently working on embedding an Apple Watch app in a previously existing iOS application, for my company. Since it is a vast project, with multiple libraries and developers, we are using ...
user1443996's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to add multiple apple watchkit app for multiple targets single iPhone app

I have an iOS application with several targets. I want to create multiple apple watchkit app for different targets in single iPhone app. EX: iOS application having two targets name like "ABC" and "...
Ashutosh Srivastava's user avatar
3 votes
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San Francisco font not showing in apple watch simulator

I installed San Francisco Font in my iMac as well as I have listed it in my project application . When I am running my application the font is not showing in Apple Watch Simulator . Please help me ...
Anupam Mishra's user avatar