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Remove subview after a particular duration

I showing a subview which contains the a subview, an image and a message. I need to remove this subview after a particular duration/time (5 seconds) in swift. The code for the subviews is as follows: ...
Amit Raj's user avatar
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Can Xcode 6.1 be the reason for bugs in code

I use a non-depracated device orientation code that works perfectly for all iOS 7 simulator and devices. And for iOS 8 it works on iPad 2, iPhone 4s, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5. However, on iOS 8 it won't ...
Jet's user avatar
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Is there any way to lock simulator orientation in Xcode 6.1

For some weird reason the simulator/device won't change the orientation of my app. My code is not deprecated and according to people who are using it on Xcode 6.2, they say it works. However, for my ...
Jet's user avatar
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How to send more than one object between controllers in Hierarchical navigation style in Apple watch?

I am developing an app for Apple watch. I am pushing a interface controller from another interface controller ,how to send more than one object between controllers in Hierarchical navigation style?
Sangeetha B's user avatar