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IOS Cordova App - videos not playing - IOS 16.4

We have a very old Cordova iOS app which mainly opens many PDFs and a couple of videos. All the videos and PDFs are embedded inside the build and the app mainly works offline. Users have recently ...
hashcoder's user avatar
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window.webkit.messageHandlers is defined in an iOS Chrome & Firefox browser which is not in a Webview

I was under the assumption that webkit.messageHandlers are defined on iOS in a webview context. But when I do an alert of this, I get some kind of "value" that I cannot look into. Can I get ...
wiredmartian's user avatar
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Custom WebView With Loading Indicator - Infinite Reload Cycle

I created the below custom WebView for my app - the goal is to show a loading indicator until the content is loaded successfully. Everything works fine when // if isLoading { // ...
Alk's user avatar
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2 answers

How to display embedded PDF file in WebView?

I need a suggestion/advice on how to solve this. Currently I am building a Web application in PHP 8.2 where users can upload PDF files and only users with certain roles have the ability to see them. ...
Elysianitez Zuhair's user avatar
2 votes
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WKWebView with Gesture Recognizer becomes unresponsible when using Apple Pencil

I have a SwiftUI ContentView that includes a WKWebView, and I've added a custom UIGestureRecognizer to the WKWebView. Here's a simplified version of my code: struct ContentView: View { var body: ...
fabian's user avatar
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Webview as overlay in Broadcast Upload extension

I am currently developing a screen broadcasting UIKit application aimed at assisting users in streaming games to social networking platforms. To achieve this goal, I am utilizing the Broadcast Upload ...
Nguyen Hoang's user avatar
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iOS WKWebView's WKProcessPool - when is it safe to share the same process space?

My app uses lots of WKWebView to render different websites. Think of a browser app for example. These are third party websites being loaded from various domains not under my control. I am reading the ...
sudoExclamationExclamation's user avatar
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How to prevent the Audio `play` method from stopping sounds in backgrounded apps in a Webview?

I'm writing a web chat app and whenever a user receives a message, an associated incoming message sound is played. This all works works fine on desktop, but if I'm listening to, say, Youtube or ...
Mike K's user avatar
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How to open a downloaded .ics file in Calendar app?

I have a webview, with an option for adding to calendar. I am able to download the ics file I'm getting in response and can see that file in local path. However in my app, I don't see any option to ...
Anony's user avatar
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Where to persistently store cookies from WebView IOS?

I am developing an app that supports multi accounts in different social medias. On this example view controller I have Instagram domain and "accName" variable. When the view controller is ...
Vladimir's user avatar
4 votes
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UserAgent cannot be changed from UserDefaults only iOS 17 Device using Xcode 15

I want to custom UserAgent(UA) in UIWebView using registerDefaults method of NSUserDefaults NSString *userAgent = @"test user agent"; NSDictionary *dict = [NSDictionary ...
lxxyeon's user avatar
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ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage with AppsFlyerFramework pod

I am making an update to a legacy iOS app but App Store Connect isn't accepting the our new build. I get the message: ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - New apps that use UIWebView are no longer ...
Scam's user avatar
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Outlook calendar download in webview not displaying the right time in iOS app

When trying to download an appointment to Outlook calendar on iOS device in webview, the time is completely off. This is not an issue for Android devices or desktop. The start time is set to device ...
JacobGunther's user avatar
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iOS 17 , when entering Chinese characters, the program crashes. The system is using UIWebView

iOS 17 , when entering Chinese characters, the program crashes. The system is using UIWebView. This is my error message. enter image description here. I know that Apple recommends replacing UIWebView ...
armin's user avatar
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upgrade UIWebView to WKWebView in Cordova

in my Cordova have iOS platform and use UIWebView but this is becoming obsolete and must upgrade to WKWebView for use this add WKWebView plugin with this script cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-...
FamIos Developer's user avatar
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Is UIWebView will continue in iOS 17?

My question is related to ios 17. Is apple allow apps to continue UIWebView? Is anyone have information about this? ios 17 beta has been released.
Shahbaz Akram's user avatar
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How can I get request URLs in Swift webview

I'm currently working on an app that uses a webview to log in. I've done the exact same thing before on Flutter and was able to intercept and read the token from an incoming request URL. I need to do ...
Miiko's user avatar
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wkWebview dropdown popover Mirror text ios issue in arbic language

We are facing this issue when running iOS 15 later. Changing the language to Arabic causes this issue in WKWebView.Changing application language english to arbic causing this issue.We are loading the ...
iosDev's user avatar
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Why WebKit font vs iOS UILabel has different Font?

I am using webview & for changing font(size 50) of WKWebKit i am using let fontSetting = "<span style=\"font-size: \(fontSize)\"</span>" I have taken UILabel from ...
Amit's user avatar
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Safari won't see/show the web inspector of my app's WebView (WKWebView or UiWebView)

I have been working on my appliance years now, and as always using the Safari's Web Inspector. But today my Mac's Safari Inspector won't show/see anymore my App's webview, anyone have a clue about ...
Breno Medeiros de Oliveira's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to disable all ads on webView swift

How to disable all ads like popups banner in webView for any URL. I am using WKContentRuleListStore for block ads I have use this json content block rule
Yogesh Patel's user avatar
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Is there a way to remove the date picker calendar in both Android and iOS webview?

Unfortunately the -webkit-calendar-picker-indicator { -webkit-appearance: none; display: none; } does not work and there is still a tiny arrow in webviews.
TheGabornator's user avatar
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Is it Possible to Interleave WebView and CALayerViews in Swift

I have a view that acts as a container for multiple CAShapeLayers. These contain bezier that form a composition on the screen that the user can manage in different ways to do with line weight, colour, ...
Dan Donaldson's user avatar
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Show webView if count x number

I'm working on a crosswords app in Swift and I want to show a certain webView only when it matches a certain condition. Here's my snippet: if (completedPuzzles.count == 25) { self.view....
agis's user avatar
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Objective-C WKWebView: didFinish not triggering when WebView finishes loading

My app is Objective-C, and I'm migrating little by little, so I need help with Objective-C, not Swift. I'm migrating UIWebView to WKWebView and having problems to make didFinish to work. This the ...
Diego Perez's user avatar
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How to you display a webview url in a UISearchBar

I have made a search-browser app and I can't figure out how to display the webview's URL for the current website you are on. I tried mySearchBar.text = myWebView.url and it doesn't work. I found out ...
Sheft's user avatar
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Select file button is not opening the files library in webView of iOS

I have select file button in website which is opening in webview in my iOS application but the button is not opening the files library of iOS device. but the same link is working fine for android and ...
Kushagra Chandra's user avatar
2 votes
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UIWebview crashing when open pdf

I have an app built with Objective C which is crashing only on iOS 16. iOS 15 & below is working fine. I am simply opening pdf link in the webview. Below is the code I am using. NSURLRequest *...
Fahim Parkar's user avatar
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Deprecated API Usage - New apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted(React Native)

UIWebview found in these folder but i'm not able to get replace it into WKWebView, I get using on project directory : grep -r UIWebView ./* Binary file ./node_modules/react-native-maps/.gradle/4.10.3/...
Test Dev's user avatar
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iOS Webview Echo issue When Muting/Unmuting

I have a WebRTC implementation that is inside a Webview on iOS 15. I am enabling the audio/disabling the audio as such: mediaStream.getAudioTracks()[0].enabled = false; setTimeout(() => { ...
Devin Dixon's user avatar
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CSS Media Query that isolates iOS Webview from iOS browser

I'm working on a view that renders both as a webview and a webpage on a browser for iOS. I have a styling change that I need applied to only the webview, and not the browser web page (when the styles ...
kdugue's user avatar
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Obj-C - Embed YouTube video in UIWebView?

I'm using the below code to try and have a youtube video play inside my app (in a UIWebView). For some reason, my WebView returns as just a black box, and no video plays. See below: ...
Brittany's user avatar
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How to check am I using WKWebview instead of UIWebview in cordova app

My app had a display problem when I used Adobe PhoneGap Build. Somehow I solved it via migrating UIWebveiw to WKwebview. Since PhoneGap Build ends its service, I am trying to use cordova command to ...
tylin's user avatar
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How can I download files in xls format from UIWEBVIEW?

- (BOOL) webView:(UIWebView *) webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *) request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigationType) navigationType { NSString *mimeType = [request ...
ibrahim halil bozkurt's user avatar
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Migrating from UIWebView to WKWebView/ Configuration cannot be nil

Error when trying to switch my objective-c project from UIwebview to WKwebview NSURL* webViewURL = webView.request.URL; NSString* urlString = [webViewURL absoluteString]; if([urlString containsString:...
Eda Barutçu's user avatar
1 vote
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Webview disable opening installed Apps by clicking on link

I have a simple WebView in my Project. The user can google and search for anything. The problem that I have right now is that by clicking on certain links, I get automatically redirected to the ...
Chris's user avatar
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Which is the best way and most secure for pass sensitive data to WKWebView with Swift?

For my scenario, I have to use WKWebview for render some content but I want to authentication between my application and my webview first by use accesss token. I have no idea how to pass token to ...
Tar journey's user avatar
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React Native - IOS In App Purchase webview

I'm using react-native to build an app for my website(webview). Payment method is already available in the website. App store rejected my app for not using In-App-Purchase. What should I do to make ...
Fariz Mohammed's user avatar
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Swift: Crash in libMainThreadChecker while loading WKWebView

I am using Xcode 13.1. Following Crash occurred in WKWebView! NSException * "Completion handler passed to -[WebViewController webView:decidePolicyForNavigationAction:decisionHandler:] was not ...
McDonal_11's user avatar
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I have to deleted the libNativeStrands.a file which uses UIWebView. After that I am getting the below error _OBJC_CLASS_$_IMNativeStrands",InMobi

I have to deleted the libNativeStrands.a file which uses UIWebView. After that I am getting the below error OBJC_CLASS$_IMNativeStrands",InMobi Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "...
sejn's user avatar
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UITabBar custom color in WebView

Is there a way to customize the TabBar design in different views, cause I don't want my WebView to have the red color design, but rather a transparent design. Here's the code: struct TabView1: View { ...
user avatar
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Swift WKWebview Initial zoom and magnification

I have a webview that zooms in and out properly via zoom scale. However, I would like to set the initial zoom scale when the webview is loaded. For example, I would like the web view to be presented ...
CoderChick's user avatar
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Window webkit failure postMessage iOS Swift

I am trying to create a library that open a web view in a class, where the objetive is opened it but does not see it in the screen. I created and try to execute a javaScript that makes a postMessage, ...
david vargas 's user avatar
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how can I export a portion of ios app as sdk or library

I want to export a view with a couple of UI elements as a standalone library/SDK. I have been able to achieve this in android by exporting an app as .aar , then importing it as library and calling the ...
Aniket_Cons's user avatar
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AppStore keeps rejecting my build due to having UIWebView even though I removed all usage

Apple has stopped accepting new apps with UIWebView, my app had some usage and was removed then I updated the FB sdk and it was removed there yet my build is getting rejected, Contacted apple support ...
Marchal's user avatar
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is apple store accept the app part of it depend on UI web view flutter

recently I have been working on Flutter app and I read that the App Store will no longer accept any app that uses UI web view, so here is my question what about if part of my app depends on UI web ...
mustafa hasria's user avatar
-1 votes
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WebView load crashes on url opening

I have an app that retrieves urls from a json and when the user clicks on a button the UIWebView opens to the url. The problem is that when I added utm codes to the urls the app started to crash and ...
liz14's user avatar
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WKWebView not displaying pdf files in web view after app update

I just recently updated my app, and when I did so, I noticed that a web view that had been working just fine before the update no longer displays pdfs as it should. I made no modification to this ...
TJ Rogers's user avatar
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ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - New apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView on my unity game

when upload my game on app store and then i got error.(Error is given below) ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - New apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. Instead, use WKWebView for improved ...
Dhiren's user avatar
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Force AutoFill Save Password dialog programmatically

I setup Password AutoFill in my iOS 14 app. The app uses multiple tabs. Associated Domains are also set up. All works as expected. I have a Test button below the user/password TextFields, which the ...
geohei's user avatar
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