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How to print X-forwarded-for header value in Spring boot-3.3.5 using logback-spring.xml

we recently migrated our spring boot code from version 2.1.11.RELEASE to 3.3.5, previously when using 2.1.11.RELEASE we were able to print the X-Forwarded-For header value in log using spring-cloud-...
Shivam Som's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I retrieve the full list of IP addresses from the X-Forwarded-For header in Spring?

I'm working with Spring (Spring Web) and trying to determine the full chain of client IP addresses from a request. The code I'm using is based on Spring's ForwardedHeaderUtils. Currently, it only ...
Huseyin Aydin's user avatar
3 votes
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How to change Nginx to deny by default instead of allow, when using X-Forwarded-For, with visitors inside the LAN allowed access without a login?

In an Nginx config we have the following code to allow viewing the site from inside the LAN without a login, otherwise require a login if outside the LAN: real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For; # IPs trusted ...
Danny Beckett's user avatar
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Unable to modify externalTrafficPolicy

I need to preserve source IPs until they reach my destination containers (X-Forwarded-For headers); on web, the solutions/suggestions are leading me to that it's to change externalTrafficPolicy to '...
metaphy6's user avatar
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Is it Secure to Authenticate Solely Based on Spring Security's hasIpAddress Configuration?

I have some concerns regarding the authentication process solely relying on the hasIpAddress configuration in Spring Security. When I configure the X-Forwarded-For header in both Tomcat and Undertow, ...
samsamsamsmasma's user avatar
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x-forwarded-for header missing in http request while it going through AWS LoadBalancer to spring boot application

I have spring boot application. Running this spring boot application behind proxy i.e AWS Loadbalancer. In that there is one endpoint @GetMapping(value = "/test", produces = MediaType....
Karthick Vasudevan's user avatar
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X-FORWARDED-HOST Multiple Parameters Accepted?

I am working on a SOAP Web Service Issue. However I have a ambiguity if X-Forwarded-Host accepts multiple values like X-FORWARDED-HOST:, I've read the Apache ...
Siddhant K.'s user avatar
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X-Forwarded-For header request replace

I'm making http requests in js for remote server which using amazon cloudfront. I know that cloudfront can add and replace X-Forwarded-For header name with my client ip and proxy, but can I make it ...
Даннил Камышников's user avatar
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IIS: Manipulate X-Forwarded-for header

Is it possible to change the X-Forwarded-For header of incoming requests, so that only the rightmost IP address is kept? Example:, Becomes
Lucas Lobosque's user avatar
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Incorrect client IP with Django, Gunicorn, nginx

I've been trying to fix that issue for 5 hours using some possible solutions to the known problem, but it didnt occured. I want to log (django logging extension) requests from client with saving ...
Renzog's user avatar
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Do not forward X-Forwarded-For header when set by non-trusted IP

I am using a Kong Ingress Controller to route the traffic to my cloud services. One of these services (Keycloak) uses the value of X-Forwarded-For for some of its functionalities. Currently, if an ...
Javier Estévez's user avatar
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How to get user's IP address using Amazon API Gateway and FastAPI?

I am using Amazon API Gateway that forwards requests to a FastAPI server (I am not using nginx). I am trying to get the user's IP address in a FastAPI endpoint, but it does not seem to be working (...
AJ222's user avatar
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vite/http-proxy "x-forwarded-*" issue (remove IPv6 part)

I develop a vue application, which use vite as bundler. It comes with a http server and the http-proxy middleware: &
Marc's user avatar
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IP, XSS, Cross-Site-Scripting, x-forwarded-for

I have applied filter in code to block the IP Address of user that try to cross-site-scripting attack on my website. but issue is this here some IP Address come in text format Like below example, what ...
Ashhh's user avatar
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Request.headers missing or undefined

Hopefully somebody will find this a relatively simple answer, but it is beyond me at the moment. I have a Node.js/Express setup. I am simply trying to retrieve the client IP address upon each ...
Pangit's user avatar
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Regular Expression for X-Forwarded-For Values

I'm working on a regular expression that needs to validate the values of an incoming requests' x-forwarded-for header. The regex needs to validate both ipV4 and ipV6 address. Below are possible ...
Gerg's user avatar
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Rewrite X-Forwarded-For header to remove port

I am running a Crowd/Confluence server behind Azure App Gateway LB. When making request to my crowd server, Azure is forwarding IP:PORT for the X-Forwarded-For in the header. There is an issue in ...
kmartinez5555's user avatar
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Get user ip when my service is behind multiple proxies and WAF

I deployed an ASP.NET Core web application using kubernetes and ran WAF server to manage the incoming request and protect our service. I had a part of code that gets the IP of the end user and store ...
Navid_pdp11's user avatar
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How to set remote_addr to the real client IP? [duplicate]

I have the following nginx.conf and in the access.log I am getting the same IP for every request in remote_addr, which is the IP of my VM. events{} # See blow link for Creating NGINX Plus and NGINX ...
Kosmylo's user avatar
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Can't get client's real IP when using Nginx in Docker

I have configured Nginx reverse proxy with Docker in my project. part of my docker-compose file: version: "3" # optional ports are specified throughout for more advanced use cases. ...
L.Min's user avatar
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Can I remove X-Forwarded-* headers from NodeJS https requests?

I have a NodeJS script I'm using to collect some web data, but the website I'm pulling from seems to have a strict no-proxy policy. Their API outright denies any requests with the X-Forwarded-For ...
Eric's user avatar
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How do I removed X-Powered-By Express from Angula App hosted on Azure App Service

I have an angular app deployed to azure app service. it returns two X-Powered-By as part of its response headers as below X-Powered-By: ASP.NET X-Powered-By: Express I want both removed. I modified ...
apk's user avatar
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X-Forwarded-Host header of OracleCloud LoadBalancer adds port alongwith the host. Is this correct?

As per my understanding, whenever there is a forward proxy or loadbalancer in the network, it must keep only the Host part in it. But the LoadBalancer used in OracleCloudInfrastrcture is adding both ...
Anshuman Chatterjee's user avatar
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Lua sample-fetch 'routeIP': runtime error: /etc/haproxy/route_req.lua:3: attempt to call a nil value (method 'fhdr') from /etc/haproxy/route_req.lua

I was trying to print my 'X-forwarded-for' header using LUA script in HAProxy. But I am getting error /var/log/haproxy.log May 18 18:37:06 ubuntu-s-1vcpu-1gb-blr1-01 haproxy[161927]: [ALERT] 137/...
Himanshu Poddar's user avatar
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How do I rewrite the app's base URL in spring-data-rest links?

My company uses an API gateway that transforms URLs as follows, modifying both the hostname and the base path of the resource: -> https://myapp.mycompany....
RMorrisey's user avatar
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Identifying client IP from AWS ALB's X-Forwarded-For header while avoiding spoofing

According to AWS' documentation on the ALB and the X-Forwarded-For header, the client IP is the left-most (so proxies would follow on the right): The left-most address is the client IP address where ...
julian's user avatar
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How can I display the headers sent in the request that results in an NGINX error page?

I have set a custom location (with a minimal HTML file) for the error page in my Nginx location block. The function `location is: location / { #try_files $uri $uri/ =404; proxy_set_header X-...
TekDood's user avatar
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ForwardedHeaderFilter no longer support IPv6

After upgrading spring boot version to 2.4.9, the spring boot application works fine only for ipv4 but throws an error for ipv6. The app is deployed on google cloud run service. Current versions: ...
Sahil Chimnani's user avatar
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Traefik, EKS, TLS Termination, X-Forwarded-For

Deploying Traefik on EKS cluster. Need to terminate the TLS session using the ALB and also pass the X-Forwarded-For header. Running Traefik v2.4.8 using official helm chart ( traefik/traefik from ...
rubenhak's user avatar
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AWS ELB Apache Get Client IP, Avoid X-Forwarded-For Spoofing

From apache docs ( we implemented the following assignment on our server: RemoteIPHeader X-Forwarded-For to get a client's IP rather than the ...
user3783243's user avatar
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Azure Function X-FORWARDED-FOR Header format IPV6?

What is the format of the X-FORWARDED-FOR header of an HTTP-triggered Azure Function, when client makes request from an IPV6 endpoint? IPV4 headers come across as... 111.222.333.444:<port#> I'...
ericOnline's user avatar
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How do I obtain Client IP address in .net-core instead of the load balancers? (using X-Forwarded-For)

I'm simply trying to get the Client IP address in a .net-core controller after they POST. We have a load balancer between the client and the server. The setup in my startup: services....
st0rch1991's user avatar
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Does cloudflare cf-connecting-ip affect http header?

I have a few questions about cloudflare service before I use it. Are there any difference on http request header between a web server use cf-connecting-ip,x-forwarded-for etc and a web don't use ...
Jokerjh777's user avatar
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enable X-Forwarded-for on oracle cloud private loadbalancer

the traffic is accepted at firewall then forwarded to private load-balancer on oracle cloud, the forwarded to internal web servers. the problem is that client IP address at we server is seen as load-...
Mahmoud Ahmad's user avatar
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double proxied request - get original ip

I have the following setup: User makes a request, that goes to cloudflare, that acts as a proxy for the request, and redirects it to an aws network load balancer, that finally routes it to its ...
zozo's user avatar
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no X-Forwarded-For with Traefik 2 on bare metal Kubernetes with ClusterIP Service and kube-keepalive-vip

My setup is a bare metal cluster running Kubernetes 1.17. I'm using Traefik 2(.3.2) as a reverse proxy and to get failover for my machines I use kube-keepalive-vip [1]. --- apiVersion: v1 kind: ...
Max N.'s user avatar
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Varnish: Multiple IPs compare to ACL using Tilde

What would happen in Varnish if multiple IPs are in an X-Forward-For header which is compared to an ACL using the tilde operator? Dummy example: The request has the following HTTP header: X-Forward-...
Silver's user avatar
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Kong :: Client IP missing in X-FORWARDED-FOR

Using Kong ingress controller (v2.1) in Kubernetes. Running in Digital Ocean. The problem is that client IP is missing in X-FORWARDED-FOR header for HTTPS request, yet present on the HTTP request. I ...
rubenhak's user avatar
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Apache proxyPass with x-forwarded-for not working

I have an issue with Apache X-Forwarded-For. Here is the scenario I have a server which will forward the request to an Apache Server. And the Apache server has multiple Proxy forwards. What the ...
Prasenjit Debnath's user avatar
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Is remote address the same as x-forwarded-for?

I need to get the x-forwarded-for header from requests. Since i already have an http filter, i can easily log remote address using HttpServletRequest.getRemoteAddr(), whereas logging x-forwarded-for ...
isotronic's user avatar
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Need to get remote ip of one who is accessing the web application

I am trying to log website visitor application in tomcat logs I have tried adding below lines of code in server.xml <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve" directory=&...
Mahendran K's user avatar
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How to select origin ip for X-Forwarded-For field using log parser studio?

I am trying to write a query that gets the first value of the X-Forwarded-For field. There is multiple IPs in that field due to load balancers. Is there any way just to get the first value, which is ...
techguy1029's user avatar
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AWS Api Gateway Lambda proxy integration, how to get source port from client request

I'm using AWS Api Gateway to invoke my Lambda functin in proxy mode. Event object contains X-Forwarded-Port information but it contains destination port of client request whereas I need the source ...
Ali Aksakarya's user avatar
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What's the purpose of setting "X-Forwarded-For" header in nginx

I have the following Nginx configuration for my Django application: upstream api { server localhost:8000; } server { listen 80; location / { proxy_pass http://api; ...
Johnny Metz's user avatar
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how to set squid proxy server to get client real ip address

My clients http requests go through Squid proxy server to connect to backend apache web server. A php script in the backend webserver gets clients' real ip address as below: if (!empty($...
Steven Lu's user avatar
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Apache httpd (mod_proxy) seems to drop/ignore 3rd IP address in X-Forwarded-For chain?

Consider the scenario/flow: remote user (client) > proxy1 > proxy2 > AWS ALB > httpd/reverse_proxy > my_application As user's request traverses out of their network, the X-Forwarded-...
qwolf0's user avatar
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Tomcat: 'X-Forwarded-For' doesn't work with load balancer

We are currently working on a redundant server setup (2 servers + 1 load balancer) using Tomcat 7 update 76. To fulfill the logging requirements of our company, we are trying to get the IP of the ...
Nkls155's user avatar
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Nginx deny ip not working when I use ddos denfence server as frontend

I want add block IP address into nginx configure.But it still can be accessed using curl ! ... log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ' ...
user9407425's user avatar
48 votes
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How to configure nginx X-Forwarded-Port to be the originally request port

I am using nginx in a standard reverse proxy scenario, to pass all requests to /auth to another host, however I'm trying to use non-standard ports. My end goal is to have the X-Forwarded-Port header ...
Andrew Stubbs's user avatar
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11 answers

FastAPI (starlette) get client real IP

I have an API on FastAPI and i need to get the client real IP address when he request my page. I'm ty to use starlette Request. But it returns my server IP, not client remote IP. My code:
Nataly Firstova's user avatar