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WSPBuilder for vs 2012

I am new to SharePoint 2013. I am using trial version vs 2012. I want to use the WSPBuilder to develop the web parts. I have install the WSPBuilder and it is not showing in vs 2012. I have used the ...
user2285802's user avatar
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WSPBuilder doesn't add all Files to manifest.xml correctly

I use WSPBuilder to create WSP-Files from my Sharepoint projects. Some of them contain Files in special folders like "Layouts" that need to be deployed. When I use VS2010's ability to create a wsp-...
Ole Albers's user avatar
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Deploying files inside WPRESOURCES using WSPBuilder

How can I deploy files in the 'wpresources' folder using SharePoint wsp package built by wspbuilder? 'wpresources' is outside 12 hive (or 14 hive). So how can I copy files outside the SharePoint hive?
NLV's user avatar
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Sharepoint WSPBuilder Feature Update

I have two webparts that currently have the default "MyGroup" property in the elements.xml file. I'm simply trying to change these values to something more descriptive by updating both the Group and ...
user327045's user avatar
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WSPBuilder in Visual Studio 2010 for solution in Sharepoint 2007

I've installed the WSPBuilder extension for Visual Studio 2010 and I'm looking for a walkthrough of how to create a deployment package for my web-part. Can anyone point me to a good resource? ...
Jesse Roper's user avatar
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Problem building webpart using WSPBuilder

I have tried creating several web parts using Visual Studio 2010 using available guides for WSPBuilder but I always get the error: WSPBuilder Version: Created by Carsten Keutmann GPL ...
Marcus Rise's user avatar
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Getting "Unable to get commandbar : Tools" Error

I've just installed Visual Studio 2010 along with WSPBuilder Extensions 2.0 (Beta) for use with Sharepoint. When I install WSPBuilder Extensions I get the "Unable to get commandbar : Tools" pop-up ...
MrRay's user avatar
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3 answers

How to include config file in WSP?

I use NLog for logging and now I'm trying to also use it for my SharePoint solution. How do I instruct WSPBuilder to include NLog.config in WSP and place it in the same folder as solution dll? EDIT: ...
Dan Abramov's user avatar
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Importing 2 custom lists in a sharepoint feature, 2nd list taking on the same custom fields as the first

I have a MOSS 2007 wsp solution that I am building with WSPBuilder, that contains definitions for 2 custom lists. In my elements.xml file, I have a and a node for each list. However, when I ...
Bob Lauer's user avatar
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3 answers

SharePoint Web Parts Development Environment

I know there are so many questions and articles on this topic and I have searched hours and hours on the Internet so far, but I still couldn’t find the right answer for my question. I was assigned the ...
dave's user avatar
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Different wsp file size each build

I have a SharePoint project running in 2008. Each time when I build the wsp using WSP builder, the wsp file always turns out to be of different size. Nothing was changed between builds. This ...
BeraCim's user avatar
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Custom aspx workflow form problem in WSPBuilder project

I have a working wss3.0 + workflow solution, with some aspx forms (followed Robert Shelton’s tutorial) and some document libraries. I would like to deploy it with WSPBuilder but I have stuck ...
István Bartos's user avatar
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Update lists when changing custom list template

I have created a feature, a publishing site, in Visual Studio to MOSS - this feature contains some custom list templates and some lists using the template definitions. Now I need to update the list ...
keysersoze's user avatar
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Is it possible to use WSPBuilder to create a sandboxed solution?

i am trying to build a sandboxed sharepoint solution using WSPBuilder, but gets an exception when activating the feature, that the Resources element in manifest.xml is invalid. The Resources element ...
Øyvind Skaar's user avatar
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SharePoint WSP deployment multiple environments and uses SPWebConfigModification

I have SharePoint feature that modifies the web.config (using the SPWebConfigModification class) to add the DB connection string. But this connection string is different for the 3 envrionments I have. ...
Alok Khanna's user avatar
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Microsoft.SharePoint.intl.resources missing

I'm trying to use SPVisualDev to build and deploy my SharePoint feature. It builds the WSP but it won't deploy it, failing with the following message: Failed to deploy solution 'MyProject.wsp'. ...
Dan Abramov's user avatar
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Can I use WSPBuilder in a sharepoint continuous integration system?

We use a teamcity server to do CI for some things, we have started with some sharepoint web part development (again) and would like to integrate this into our CI system Using WSPBuilder on the ...
Loofer's user avatar
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Remote Debugging Web Part

I am having trouble getting Visual Studio 2008 remote debugger to hit break points. I have two VMWare virtual machines. One hosts the SharePoint MOSS 2007 Shared Services and Central Admin and has ...
ChiliYago's user avatar
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Issue with Code Access Security Policy - deploying a third party dll to bin [closed]

Okay, i think most of you guys out there use wspbuilder to build the wsp solutions and to deploy it. So here is my problem. I'm working on a SharePoint solution which makes use of a third party dll (...
NLV's user avatar
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Getting Internal Error - SP2010 - WSP Builder

I've a SP2010 Enterprise installed in Win Server 2008 R2. After i create a web app i'm able to browse the application. After i deploy a custom solution (which is working fine in MOSS 2007) through ...
NLV's user avatar
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sharepoint wspbuilder single aspx page

Im trying to implement a single aspx page with several externals dll's. Following Zimmergren's tutorial I run into a couple of issues early in the process. After creating my blankfeature1 is it ...
Me.Close's user avatar
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SharePoint Application Page - File not found exception

I am developing a webpart in Visual Studio 2005 for SharePoint using a wspbuilder project template. I deploy my pages,images,css and javascript files using WSPBuilder. Sometimes, I come across 'File ...
Raghu's user avatar
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How can I do a silent deployment with a wsp solution and exe.config file?

I have a SharePoint solution (packaged in a wsp file) created with WSPBuilder which is coupled with a simple Setup.exe and Setup.exe.config. The Setup.exe.config just points to a WSP solution. Is ...
Eric's user avatar
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Cannot debug Sharepoint application using non system account user?

I am using WSPBuilder to develop Sharepoint2007 sites, whenever i try to debug using one of the users that are not System Account, the debugger enters to the breakpoint and waits a step (F10), when i ...
Ashraf Bashir's user avatar
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Is VS 2010 SharePoint functionality good enough to replace WSP Builder?

I have been using WSP builder up until now with VS 2008. I recently upgraded my IDE to VS 2010, and have heard that VS 2010 now includes functionality to work with MOSS directly. If you guys have ...
JL.'s user avatar
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WSPBuilder questions for first-time webpart

I have made my first webpart using WSPBuilder. When I try to deploy it using STSADM, I get an error stating access is denied. I am an admin on the machine (well it's a VM). Also, with WSPBuilder, do ...
GurdeepS's user avatar
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How to create SharePoint Solution?

I'm new to SharePoint and I'm creating a public website using SharePoint Server 2007. I want to create solution or installer of my SharePoint website to copy it to another server other then my local ...
imsatasia's user avatar
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Adding JavaScript, CSS and others to a WebPart using WSPBuilder

So, I'm trying to do what I thought was a simple task... But I'm not getting anywhere... All I want to is to get some .js and .css files loaded by my WebPart. I'm using VS2008 + WSPBuilder. I've ...
pmmaga's user avatar
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WSPBuilder: How to create a deployment package to deploy .dll and .wsp?

I'm using WSPBuilder and it is being very helpful. However, it was being hard to understand the strength of WSPBuilder because of missing manual. I've to create a solution file to deploy "Return of ...
Ramiz Uddin's user avatar
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WSPBuilder: Create a deployment package

I've a site which have custom Theme, Layout, WebParts (third-party - no source code), custom user controls (with source code), and the site backup (.dat) which we took from command prompt using stsadm ...
Ramiz Uddin's user avatar
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WSPBuilder cannot find my assembly

I am using WSPBuilder on Visual Studio 2010 to create a feature with a feature receiver assembly for SharePoint 2010. When I try to build the WSP using WSP Builder I get this message in the output ...
ashwnacharya's user avatar
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How to create SharePoint Site definition with custom lists using WSPBuilder?

I'm using WSPBuilder and I want to create a site definition this site definition contains some custom list definition (some list creates based on "Custom List" template). The site contains also some ...
Ahmed Magdy's user avatar
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Using WSPBuilder Tool with SharePoint

How can I disable all of my features in SharePoint using the WSPBuilder tool without doing it one by one manually?
Alejandro Barreiro's user avatar
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HTTPModule and Sharepoint Site

I am running into an issue with using a HTTPModule with a sharepoint deployed site. Here is what I have: my pages inside the /layouts/[ProjectName]/ folder. The aspx file uses a sharepoint ...
Alok Khanna's user avatar
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Deploy application resource files with WSP

I am trying to use Sharepoint solution installer to package and deploy my wsp file. My question is how do I deploy the images associated with my webpart? Do I use setup.exe.config (part of Sharepoint ...
test's user avatar
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How to get a safecontrol entry into manifest.xml with WSPBuilder project

Upon taking the default sharepoint master page for MySite, making some changes, and making a wsp out of it with WSPBuilder, I come to these errors in my logs: http://spoint/MySite/_catalogs/...
andrew's user avatar
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update page templates with new site columns in MOSS publishing site

I have created a feature, a publishing site, in Visual Studio to MOSS - this feature contains a masterpage, some pages, some site columns (grouped to match each page) etc. I have also created a site ...
keysersoze's user avatar
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Creating and updating site columns in MOSS publishing site

I have created a feature, a publishing site, in Visual Studio to MOSS - this feature contains a masterpage, some pages, some site columns etc. I have also created a site collection based on my ...
keysersoze's user avatar
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Don't uninstall file with WSPBuilder

I am building a WSP file with WSPBuilder. All my DLL's are added to the file and the WSP install will install them at the proper place (bin, GAC etc...). My problem is that I don't want some of those ...
Zee99's user avatar
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WSPBuilder obfuscated dll

I am using WSPBuilder to build a wsp file for sharepoint. One of my referenced dll's is obfuscated with .Net Reactor. When building the wsp project, this dll is not recognized, the WSPbuilder is ...
Zee99's user avatar
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User controls, web parts and WSPBuilder

Can anyone point me to tutorials on how to use WSPBuilder to host a user control in a MOSS webpart?
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How do I add a css or js file to current MasterPage by wsp deploy?

Is it possible to do it? Or do I need to deploy a new mastepage.
walming's user avatar
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Best way to create a simple WSP containing a few features

Not having a really great time with the smart template projects found on CodePlex. If I wanted to create a simple wsp, that would contain a few features, some content types, a list, and a list ...
JL.'s user avatar
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Using WSPBuilder to build a solution for a web part I developed

I have only ever deployed web parts from development by clicking F5. Now, I know I have to have a manifest file, feature file, etc and it all goes into a wsp file. I understand the wsp file is what ...
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What do the different scopes in WSPBuilder do?

When creating a new WSPBuilder project or new WSPBuilder item in Visual Studio, you get to choose the scope of the item being created. The options are Web, Site, WebApplication and Farm. What do the ...
ICodeForCoffee's user avatar
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WSPBuilder, Config Store and partially trusted callers

Has anyone used WSP Builder to package a solution that uses the Config Store ( and deploys to the bin directory of the web application? When I try to referecne ...
Rob's user avatar
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WSPBuilder and Code behind for a Sharepoint Masterpage

I created a code behind file for a custom master page in visual studio. I hooked everything up manually; safe control and custom cas policy. Everything works great! I then wanted to put this into a ...
Rob's user avatar
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How should SharePoint Visual Studio projects that share each other's code be managed?

My SharePoint Visual Studio solution structure currently contains these projects: Common: contains extension methods, helpers, frequently used controls, etc. Logging: would normally be included in ...
Alex Angas's user avatar
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Packaging multiple features into a single WSP solution file

I am working on a sharepoint feature which includes a couple of list definitions, 2 webparts, a feature receiver assembly and an InfoPath form. I have to use WSPBuilder to package these, and the ...
ashwnacharya's user avatar
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4 answers

My DLLs are strong named, but WSPBuilder reports they are not

WSPBuilder Version: Created by Carsten Keutmann GPL License 2007 Install and deploying [MYDLL] Unable to deploy solution Inner exception(1): This solution contains one or more assemblies ...
Michael L's user avatar
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