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Issue While Navigation in the Angular application

this.router.navigate(['/d/admin', this.uuid], { state: { username: this.user.username }, }); I'm using like this to navigate in angular project but the issue that i'm facing is ...
Mohit Patel's user avatar
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Using IntelliJ inside Docker

I'm new to Docker so I don't know if this is stricly possible. We are researching ways of having an image of our Development environment, so everytime a new developer incorporate to the company he can ...
Cristian López González's user avatar
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DevPod desktop (macOS)... `fatal error retrieving container status: find dev container: docker ps: exec: "docker": executable file not found in $PATH`

PROBLEM Pullin’ me hair out. DevPod desktop on macOS 15.1 won’t fire up. I'm getting this error... fatal error retrieving container status: find dev container: docker ps: exec: "docker": ...
god_is_love's user avatar
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Azure Batch Development and Testing Workflow

For anyone who is using Azure Batch. What's your development and testing process when it comes to using Azure Batch with your application(s)? I've come up with a solution using Azure Batch that ...
Nore Gabbidon's user avatar
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2 answers

Opening locally running Angular Site on other devices in Network?

I'm running Angular Web Site on my local machine. I run the command on vs code terminal ng serve -o Its automatically bundles my website and open the link http://localhost:4200/ Is there any way, that ...
Zubair Jamil's user avatar
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Cant run my react native setup project by following the steps give by the react native website (in vs code)

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: Timeout of 120000 reached waiting for exclusive access to file: C:\Users\xxx.gradle\wrapper\dists\gradle-8.8-all\...
doc boi's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Laragon - I have SSL Setup but it still opens non secure site

I'm using Laragon for local dev. I went through the Apache settings and enabled SSL, this works BUT when I use Laragon to open the site (right click > www > click site) it opens the insecure ...
Jon's user avatar
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Node.js does not read env variable set in Mac native Terminal

I am running Node.js application from VS Code. I wanted to save my Database password in an env variable. I exported the data on my Mac native Terminal app and on echo, I was able to retrieve the data. ...
Varun Verma's user avatar
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Fail installing triton

after installing triton on windows and running a program on it, this error shows up File d:\Anaconda3\envs\py311\Lib\site-packages\triton\runtime\, in _build(name, src, srcdir, ...
Jinghong Mao's user avatar
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Issues Managing Python Environments on macOS

I'm experiencing some difficulties managing Python environments on my Mac, and I could use some guidance. Here are the details of my current setup: I previously used Miniconda for various open-source ...
Lion Chen's user avatar
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Manage edge functions in a multi-environment development setup using webhooks on supabase

I’m currently working on a project that uses Supabase with multiple environments (local, staging, and production). My development workflow involves: Developing locally with Supabase CLI. Deploying ...
Kevin Kreps's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Properly Set Up a Node.js Application with Docker Without Storing node_modules Locally?

I'm new to Docker and Node.js and I'm trying to set up a Node.js application using Docker. I prefer using Docker over nvm to manage my Node.js version. Here's the issue I'm facing: Steps I've Taken ...
Gan Gar Dar Wagle's user avatar
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Redirect URL using python requests behaving differently on local vs server

I have a shortened url: which expands to:
Amith Ajith's user avatar
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having problem while importing matplotlib moduels(font cache init error)

When I just try import matplotlib, then it doesn't show any error msg. But when I try some modules or a library using matplotlib like seaborn, it shows an error msg. If I write the import code below, ...
Jaesol Shin's user avatar
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Can someone help me set up junit correctly? My program is not compiling

My code: import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class AListTest { @Test public void testEmptySize() { AList L = new AList(); assertEquals(0, L.size());...
user23641408's user avatar
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Poetry installs `--without` group

I'm using poetry to handle my project dependencies. Here is an example of my pyproject.toml: [tool.poetry] name = "my-package" version = "0.1.0" description = "My project"...
mxmrpn's user avatar
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WebStorm - npm install for docker node STUCK

I am using WebStorm for my next.js project and I'd like to use a fully containerized environment even for development, but when I want to execute npm install the installation is stuck for a long time, ...
zdeneklapes's user avatar
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Error in UI with status CORS error "disallowedbyPreflight Response header" in UI application

**CORS error in SPring boot 3.x mvc Apigateway and Augular 16 UI UI calls Api gateway and both are different domains. Preflight Request is successful with status 200. However subsequent request I am ...
Kedian's user avatar
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OAuth2 in development (Sandbox)

I'm currently developing OAuth2 integration for a website of an organization which internally uses Google Workspace (for Non-Profits). Login to the website should only be possible with Google accounts ...
Marco von Frieling's user avatar
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Title: How to Resolve "File Not Generated" Error in SQLynx Export Function?

I encountered an issue while exporting data using SQLynx: no matter whether I choose to export to Excel, CSV, or SQL files, I consistently receive an error stating: File Not Generated. I have ...
tom's user avatar
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Flutter Web App on Firebase: different Environments for test and production

We develop an application in Flutter Web. The application is deployed on Firebase. We use the mechanisms available there for user management and the Firestore to store configuration parameters (e.g. ...
Thomas Avieny's user avatar
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Unable to download PDF file in the real device in flutter

I want to download the pdf on the click of a button in the real device which is connected to the flutter project using the usb cable but unable to do so. I have used Dio package of flutter and have ...
Dev oas36ty's user avatar
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How to know the right SDK environment for every imported project

I'm downloading a lot of Java Spring and JavaFX files from Github to continue my learning trajectory. But only seldom can I create the right environment to view other people's work. I've got about 7 ...
Daniel Claire's user avatar
-1 votes
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I got an error in REACT NATIVE CLI App Installing

[email protected] android react-native run-android info Installing the app... Configure project :react-native-reanimated Android gradle plugin: 8.2.1 Gradle: 8.6 Task :app:...
Surendhar S's user avatar
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Flutter how to display existing images and newly picked images in one GridView.builder?

I am creating a screen for updating place details, where admin can view and delete existing images for that place or upload new images [*update] Place Model: import 'attraction.dart'; import '...
Atharv Mhatre's user avatar
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Hi! I am a rookie developer on training... I have a problem with the set up environment, installing dependencies and running basic commands

thanks for your time. I will try to formulate my question since I don't even know what I don't know haha... I am a newbie, starting the developer journey on my own... I am doing Codecademy full stack ...
Zoro's user avatar
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Permission to send critical sound on alerts

I am creating an application in flutter environment and I want to add a functionality where my device would emit a sound even if it is silent or in 'Do Not Disturb' mode. In this case, I would need ...
Adil0101's user avatar
2 votes
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Flutter generative AI sample API_KEY problem in Project IDX environment

I'm trying to practice Flutter generative AI sample in Project IDX environment. It needs Gemini API key. Readme says, " When running the app, include your API key using the --dart-define flag: $ ...
Jaewoo Kim's user avatar
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How does `nix` package manager integrate into the classical linux filesystem and `$PATH`?

Context Our team is currently struggling with development environments. We develop C++/Python applications, for which we need all sorts of tools: gcc, clang, cmake, conan different python modules (...
Sito's user avatar
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Shiprocket API - test environment, test shipment

For my client I am integrating Shiprocket services with his system. I rely on the documentation (ApiDocs) and the Postman collection (Postman Collection). The main problem for me is the lack of a test ...
Leniwcz's user avatar
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Where I can download JDK 7u411?

Where I can download Java™ SE Development Kit 7, Update 411 (JDK 7u411)? There is just release notes in official site. An older version, for example 401, will also work. A search on torrents turned ...
Johny Kage's user avatar
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How to fix URLEncoder related issues?

I am having issues with my URL encoder, it is working locally and on stage, but not working on live. I am using filters to get brand names, but some of those brand names have spaces. When I send a ...
Esphi01's user avatar
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npm : Unable to Recognize "npm" as a Cmdlet, Function, Script File, or Executable Program in VSCode

I am trying to run the 'npm run serve' command in Visual Studio Code's integrated terminal on my Windows machine. However, I am encountering an issue where I am receiving an error that states: npm : ...
happyinn's user avatar
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Regarding isolation between conda environments

I have a conda environment M in which I had installed scikit-learn. I had done this installation by going to the local scikit repository at path "D" (where D is data/retry_runs/...
Excalibur's user avatar
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Troubleshooting MSYS64 Installation Issues

enter image description here I’m encountering issues while trying to install MSYS64 on my computer. Can anyone provide a solution for this? I tried to reinstall many times, and it still has those ...
Thanh Lee's user avatar
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How to remove duplicate entries for Python env interpreter in VS Code

I'm using Windows 10 and I'm not sure why I have such a long list of the same Python env when I select the interpreter for my Jupyter notebook. Does anyone know how to fix this? Currently have no ...
EricChester's user avatar
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Excessive disk I/O when using VSCode remote SSH for Next.js development

I'm encountering an issue where Node.js processes are consuming excessive disk I/O when I'm using Visual Studio Code (VSCode) with Remote SSH to develop Next.js applications on a cloud server. This ...
user23468663's user avatar
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Run Angular from inside docker container

I want to have a Docker container with image of the Angular application to be served from inside. So user could pull the image, run the application and start developing conveniently. My current ...
Blyzniuk Yevhen's user avatar
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App engine development environment log output for a service configured for basic scaling is not working

So, I have recently changed a Google App Engine service from automatic scaling to basic scaling. Works fine in production. With my development environment (Eclipse), the log output from the instance ...
Fil's user avatar
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Force resources and services cache for offline development

i am a web developer and recently i frequently found myself developing with reduced connectivity. Everything works fine except the integration part with external services. I was wondering if anyone ...
zibibbalibbo's user avatar
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Which latest version of Unity Engine supported xbox 360 platform?

I'd like to try working on a project that involves the Xbox 360 platform, and I need to know which is the latest version of Unity Engine that officially supports development for Xbox 360. I was ...
Dead Wolf's user avatar
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Error in react query Typescript while deploying on vercel

I am using react-query, I have used useInfinteQuery. I'm getting error in getNextPageParams. I have created queriesandmutaion.tsx file and write the code in it: return useInfiniteQuery({ ...
Eshika Rawat's user avatar
4 votes
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How to concat strings in application.yaml?

I want to add two lines in a yaml file, or rather, I want the instance-id field to contain the result of adding the values of the port and name fields I tried using +, tried through various tags that ...
Ever Last's user avatar
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How to view screens that were executed before debugging in Eclipse

Previously, when I used Visual Basic 6, after setting breakpoints and running up to that point, I could see the screens that had been executed so far by pressing a shortcut key. However, Eclipse ...
ddd2dd2 vvccfff's user avatar
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Package is not added after instantiating in Julia

I received a project environment from a colleague which contains the Manifest.toml, Project.toml and script.jl files. I tried to install the dependency for this project, which is just the ArgParse ...
armando's user avatar
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Cannot deploy R-shiny app due to "fribidi was not found"

Local app runs fine, but I keep encountering this error when attempting to publish it. I have already installed fribidi & harfbuzz using brew install fribidi & brew install harfbuzz on my Mac, ...
FakeSake's user avatar
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how to implement predictive text functionality inside the text field or text view In Android java so the next word will populate as placeword

I need to implement the functionality same as G-mail text field , where if. the user is typing, "hi how are" then the "you" is auto populating inside the text field as placeholder ,...
Hrushikesh's user avatar
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How to Properly Share Tynker-Developed Websites with Friends Outside the Platform?

There is an option to share a website I developed on tynker with friends? I am unable to share the site I developed in Tynker, I am able to copy through the embed the link and open it on my computer, ...
תומר אומרקדר's user avatar
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Error with reading dataframe while submitting batch job through Juliahub

I am trying to submit a batch job through JuliaHub. I am trying to read the dataset using the full path to the file : df ="/home/jrun/data/code/ECMO_UMMC/UFH_PEDS_PK.csv",DataFrame)...
user23147280's user avatar
-1 votes
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jupyterlab not detecting installed module: textract and doc2text

I did this in a jupyter lab cell: !pip install textract and i managed to installed it successfully. I also installed textract and doc2text in command line too in my conda environment. But when I ...
Ryan's user avatar
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