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ActivityXamlServices.Load takes half an hour

In a windows service, in some situations a workflow is loaded using the method ActivityXamlServices.Load. After service startup, the loading does not take more than a second. Later, sometimes loading ...
draz's user avatar
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Turn Byte() into a Null Value

I am utilizing Visual Basic within a Windows Workflow Foundation Environment. Workflow is very limited with it's drag-and-drop interface so no outside coding can be done. I am trying to turn a Byte() ...
Jakxna360's user avatar
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Unable to build Windows Workflow project in windows docker. Error - XamlBuildTask.dll not found

This is my docker file - FROM RUN net user admin /ADD RUN net localgroup Administrators /add admin USER admin RUN C:\TEMP\...
user9969157's user avatar
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Toolbox not showing custom workflow codeactivity in visual studio 2022

I have created a sample workflow console app in visual studio 2019 and added a code activity named Login.cs. After compiling that, I am able to see that in Toolbox while loading xaml but when I open ...
Sandy's user avatar
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System.Activities.Presentation not supported in .net 5

Recently i migrated my wpf application from .net framework 4.7.2 to .net 5 with the help of upgrade assistant tool, but after upgrading System.Activities.Presentation is not supported in .net 5. ...
Adesh Kishore's user avatar
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Detecting the language (C# or VB) of a host Workflow

I'm developing a custom activity which internally (in my activity designer) has a instruction using the code activity VisualBasicValue<string[]> which I use to represent an array of strings, e.g:...
Alexandre Perez's user avatar
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WF4: "instance owner registration for owner ID has become invalid' errors

We have an windows workflow application hosted in WCF and IIS. We have turned on tracing in this application and we are seeing a large number of System.Runtime.DurableInstancing.InstanceOwnerException:...
Ajit Goel's user avatar
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Set BitmapImage dynamically via Binding using a converter in XAML

I have the following xaml (Note this is used in a Microsoft Workflow Foundation activity and is contained within a <sap:ActivityDesigner.Icon>. Hopefully, it won't matter but I thought I'd ...
Thierry's user avatar
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How I can get '*' characters instead of any string in InArgument<string>

I have a property 'Text' that stores any text, or a password. When the property contains a password, I need to display the characters '*' instead of the password. I have a view in which there is an ...
Fannur's user avatar
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How the workflow control "type" is related to .CS class file?

I have a workflow (flowchart) application developed in .Net. The workflow has many control; few control type is waiting and few control type is sendemail. I have a "wait" class and "...
AskMe's user avatar
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Rehosted WF4.0 designer does not update activity from canvas when the designer.Text (xaml ) modified xaml

I have created rehosted designer studio like Visual Studio IDE. What I want to achieve, When I will modify xaml from xamlTextEditor (My costume text box) designer from center canvas should update/...
Pradeep atkari's user avatar
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sometime Workflow instance is getting deleted automatically without executing completely

We have implemented Windows Workflow foundation with persistence in c#.NET. In various flows, it is running smoothly, but in 2 to 3 days of time, any of the workflow instance is suddenly disappearing ...
atul negi's user avatar
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How to know workflow foundation resumebookmark succeed or failed?

I have been trying to use Microsoft Workflow Foundation 4.0 in .Net Framework 4.5. I've been following tutorials from
Toby's user avatar
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How to Update Windows Workflow Foundation Console Application?

Basically here is my problem, I attached a WriteLine primitives on the designer, I input Hello World, then run it, it works perfectly fine. Then I add an argument which you can see here, I deleted ...
Willy David Jr's user avatar
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WF4 WorkflowApplication - custom SynchronizationContext to impersonate user (Thread.CurrentPrincipal)

I am using Workflow Foundation WF4 and would like to impersonate or "run as" users when running a WorkflowApplication instance. To access the user I would like to use Thread.CurrentPrincipal I am ...
Michael Bates's user avatar
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Rehosted Microsoft Workflow Designer UI

I have recently created a rehosted Workflow Designer application and noticed that the UI looks outdated when compared with how it looks in Visual Studio. Does anyone know which could be the problem? ...
Razvan's user avatar
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Writing "WriteLine" message to trace window in Windows Workflow 4.5

I am using rehosted-designer of WF 4.5 to give an interface for the users to create a workflow with custom activities and some of the inbuilt activities of the framework. I am using AsyncCodeActivity ...
Pankaj_Sen's user avatar
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Rehosted RuleSetEditor with VB Intellisense

I rehosted the RuleSetEditor in my application. Is there a way to make it understand VB expressions, instead of C# expressions? In the following picture, you can see, that the Condition, and the "Then ...
Alex's user avatar
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WorkflowApplication Orphaning Workflow State[s]

I have a Windows Service wrapping a WCF Service which wraps a WorkflowApplication and this invokes activities. The WCF client is wrapped in a PowerShell command that invokes against a given server. ...
felsokning's user avatar
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WWF: SqlWorkflowInstanceStoreBehavior verus SqlWorkflowInstanceStore

I have a Windows Service wrapping a WCF Service, which contains a WorkflowApplication, which runs Activities. I have also configured SQL Server 2008 Express (I know, it's approaching EOL, but the ...
felsokning's user avatar
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Get WorkflowDesigner from a ModelItem

I am trying to create a custom IExpressionEditor. In order to new one up I need a WorkflowDesigner, All I have is the ModelItem representing my custom activity. Is it possible to access the ...
user1336827's user avatar
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Is there any way to execute step by step a Windows Workflow Foundation using C#?

I am a beginner with Windows Workflow Foundation, I'm trying to execute the next sequential flow new Sequence() { Activities = { new WriteLine() { Text = "Step 1" }, ...
Alejandro Mosquera's user avatar
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Using ICommand in Windows Workflow Custom Activities

I have used Relay Commands quite a bit in WPF projects but I am currently working on Windows Workflows and I am making a custom activity with its own designer. I want a button on my design to add new ...
JohnChris's user avatar
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How to use .NET Custom workflow inside UI Path

Hay All, Please any one help me to use custom workflow in UiPath (Custom activity is working ok). Developed a custom workflow using Visual studio, and create nuguet package, import it in to UiPath ...
kAsdh's user avatar
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Get the Name of the Workflow from within Custom Activity

I am trying to create a custom activity for windows workflow that needs to get the name of the workflow file that uses it. Is there a way to achieve this?
Rammohan Banda's user avatar
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C# Workflow Custom Activity with a string-combobox in the PropertyGrid

i want to use a string-combobox in the propertygrid of a custom activity in .NET Workflow Foundation. While the combobox in the custom activity designer works fine and is bind to the activity ...
Tucca's user avatar
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Windows workflow for large scale application

Has anyone used windows workflow foundation for a large-scale program? We have about 200k new records faily with about a 3-week processing window. So about 5milliok active workflows at once. Has ...
DidIReallyWriteThat's user avatar
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Workflow extension NULL in GetInstanceExtensions<> method

I'm trying to retrieve a workflow extension once the workflow completes (in the workflow application Completed event) via the WorkflowApplicationCompletedEventArgs GetInstanceExtensions<>() method. ...
Modern Viking's user avatar
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Find and replace in XAML programatically

I'm trying to programatically parse/search a XAML file for a certain node then a certain attribute to modify it. The XAML is a windows workflow so its not really user controls. I have found many ...
user1336827's user avatar
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Can a host application communicate with an executing workflow?

Is it possible to have communication between an application host and a currently executing workflow that application has initiated? The scenario I have is that a workflow will be initiated with ...
Modern Viking's user avatar
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Windows Workflow Foundation Switch Activity having Expression in Case (not constant)

I am trying to implement the following code in Windows Workflow Foundation using Switch Activity: string userInput = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userInput)) return; ...
Saurabh Rai's user avatar
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WF4: Transition check order

In a state machine I have a state which has an entry activity and that activity has an out parameter which contains the information about the next state. This info is then checked in the transition ...
Dee J. Doena's user avatar
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Add an image to a windows workflow custom activity designer

I am developing some custom activities in Windows workflow using the designer to add some nice custom looks for users. I have been able to do everything like in WPF mostly although I am having an ...
JohnChris's user avatar
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How do I create an in memory persistence store for Windows Workflow 4 State Machines?

I've written a state machine using Windows Workflow 4 which has a number of states which contains bookmarks which I use to resume processing from one state to another. Whilst idle I want to persist ...
The Senator's user avatar
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Custom For-Each Sequence-like activity

We use WF in our system to provide users with the ability to construct their own flows with some specialised 'building-blocks' (aka activities) that we provide them. The task is to create a custom ...
Hagay Myr's user avatar
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In Windows Workflow 4 why is my state re-entering itself when I attempt to use only a conditional data trigger

I have a windows workflow state machine (VS2017 with the Sharepoint module added) with a number of states which has been working fine until I introduced an additional state with purely a data driven ...
The Senator's user avatar
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How to execuete windows workflow from commandline

I need to execute workflow from command line that is already created using UI. Already I have tried to invoke workflow by creating workflow instance. the code shown below which is i was tried ...
Prabakaran's user avatar
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Windows Workflow Foundation editing workflow outside visual studio

Is it possible to edit the workflows defined in WWF outside of visual studio so that an end user can edit the business rules without resorting to development team?
Sisyphus's user avatar
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Windows Workflow: Getting variable from WorkflowApplication

I'm using the Windows Workflow Foundation (WWF). I made an Activity (XAML) with one Sequence in which I defined a variable. I run the activity in the console application by creating an instance of ...
Porfus's user avatar
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Should I reuse a workflow definition?

We have a web application that has to execute tens or hundreds of workflows in a given time. After many hours spent we know that the performance bottleneck is the deserialising of workflows (we keep ...
Valentin's user avatar
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WWF SQL persistent schema script for old NET version

I am looking for SQL Scripts for Windows Workflow Foundation SQL Workflow Instance Store for NET Framework 4.5.1 I know that scripts are located at C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\SQL\...
LP13's user avatar
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Windows workflow not waking up after delay

We have windows workflow service with two Sequences. between these two sequences there is delay activity set to new TimeSpan(0,0,10) that is 10 seconds. MainSequence Sequqnce_1 Delay ...
LP13's user avatar
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Workfolw Foundation restart/resume the workflow from the activity that failed

I have a workflow with a number of compensatable activities. If one of these activities cancels I would like to restart/resume the workflow from the activity that failed. I am thinking of bookmarking ...
Dooie's user avatar
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How to add activities to a workflow definition at runtime?

I need to add a couple of activities (Persist is one of them) at runtime to any executing workflow. The way was done until now was to encapsulate the loaded workflow (which is actually a ...
Valentin's user avatar
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WF4.5- Expression Activity type 'CSharpValue`1' requires compilation in order to run

Background What I'm trying to do is to have a scoped variable of one of my models in the xaml. In my workflow project "MyProject.Workflows" I have created model classes, code activities and Xaml ...
Kasun Koswattha's user avatar
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Workflow Foundation and Azure

I have been looking into Workflow Foundation for a build we are currently undertaking. I have a proof of concept and have been using IIS AppFabric for tracking, faults, and persistence to SQL which ...
Dooie's user avatar
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Workflow, NativeActivity and Callback

I have workflow in C#. This workflow writes some text to the console and then is running Method with callback.. (another NativeActivity) Unfortunatelly, the callback is not fired.. Does somebody knows,...
petrtim's user avatar
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Workflow throwing error when changing site name in IIS

Initially our workflow configured under Test Site name and Test virtual directory name. we are trying to rename Test Site to Default Web Site and workflow throwing below error for existing instances. ...
reddy39's user avatar
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Threads in Azure Cloud Service Worker Role not responding after Task.Delay

We have our application hosted on Azure Cloud Service containing a Web Role and a Worker Role. The worker role is used for running workflows using Windows Workflow Foundation and other processing ...
Pratik Bhattacharya's user avatar
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VS 2017 hangs while loading windows workflow .xamlx file

I have old Windows Workflow Service solution with bunch of Workflow Services ( .xamlx) files. I recently installed VS 2017 and also installed WF extension for VS 2017. When i open .xamlx file for the ...
LP13's user avatar
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