I have two methods in my windows phone app and both of them display a message box.
I can call method1 as many times as I like and the messagebox always displays correctly. However, if I then call method2 having previously called method1, I get the error:

the Guide UI is already active. Wait until Guide.IsVisible is false before issuing this call

Both of my methods look like this;

catch (Exception ex)
    "There was a problem.",
    new List<string> { "OK" }, 0, MessageBoxIcon.Alert, asyncResult => Guide.EndShowMessageBox(asyncResult), null);

Is there anything wrong with this?
I thought my call to EndShowMessageBox should be enough but I am still getting the error.

  • Can you show the stuff inside the try block. Hard to tell a problem in code without the code causing the problem. Commented May 7, 2014 at 19:07

1 Answer 1


I found the issue. My code was actually causing the messagebox to open twice very quickly. I simply added a check to IsVisible and now the second box does not display.

if (!Guide.IsVisible)

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