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self-contained WinRT IBackgroundTask

I followed Microsoft documentation and created working WinRT IBackgroundTask that runs on dotnet8. Now I want to integrate it with my app which is deployed as self-contained and it doesn't require ...
ekalchev's user avatar
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Is 32-bit ARM (windows) considered dead/deprecated?

I was curious about the ARM32 architecture (the 32-bit only version) and it's future: according to the wiki page, the Windows 8 variant Windows RT was ARM32, but it is deprecated now. Windows 11 seems ...
user2281752's user avatar
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How to write programs for Windows RT?

I am wondering what i would need to write some programs for Windows RT. I am going to get a Surface RT (the one with the ARM Chip) for some school stuff and small experiments, because my Laptop i ...
ChaosLeo07's user avatar
2 votes
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Using Only FileSystemObject in a VBScript, How Can I Determine the Operating System's Processor Architecture?

In VBScript on Windows RT, a running script only has access to three COM objects, one of which is Scripting.FileSystemObject. How can I use only FileSystemObject to determine the operating system's ...
Frank Lesniak's user avatar
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Windows Bluetooth LE connection speed

We got a development chip for Bluetooth 5.0 that we want to integrate in our peripherals. For our first testing purposes we used the same chip two times which emulated a COM port. There we were able ...
mrabat's user avatar
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Is there a way to access webcam in windows through node js application without using any external npm library

Is there a way to access webcam in windows through node js application without using any external npm library . I have figured out a way using c++ binding to use windows runtime apis ,is this the ...
Aashish Agrawal's user avatar
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access gps location from java on windows

I'm trying to retrieve the most accurate geolocation of a user, which is using a java app and i haven't found anyway to access the location property, i've seen apps on the store doing it but i want to ...
SDIDSA's user avatar
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Is there an scheduled calendar day view, weekly view for windows 8.1

I am trying to create the day view, weekly view from the monthly calendar but i couldn't able to achieve the day view and weekly view in windows RT 8.1. Thanking in advance.
Ram's user avatar
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RunningObjectTable access in Windows Store App

We have an requirement to integrate our WPF application and Windows Store app with some very old COM technology. It requires us hosting a 3rd party web site in a browser control. That page does a ...
Pat Long - Munkii Yebee's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

"This app does not support the contract specified or is not installed" error in Visual Studio designer

I have an issue developing my app on a VM provided by the project owner which is running Windows Server 2016. The problem I'm facing is when developing a WinRT application in Visual Studio 2015 and ...
MBender's user avatar
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Windows RT (r-pi IoT 10) HID device

I am trying to use a HID (DualShock 4) connected to my R-PI 3 running Windows 10 IoT in a C# universal app. I was using the Device Enumeration sample as a guideline and managed to display the IDs of ...
Cromon's user avatar
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How to get log files sorted by date in Windows 8.1 app (QueryOptions give me an exception)?

In my windows8.1 app, I have some logs and I want to read them by time, I had code below List<string> fileFilter = new List<string>(); fileFilter.Add(".ERROR"); ...
litaoshen's user avatar
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Windows Phone 8.1 RT Windows.Web.Http.HttpClient returning same data in different authentication responses

I am creating the Windows Phone 8.1 RT app (VS 2015 Community). I selected the Windows.Web.Http.HttpClient for the communication with web service. On one page, I am trying to get list of items from ...
Arctic's user avatar
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Error while accessing GetDC(NULL) in vs2015 c++ windows10. Error:C3861'GetDC' identifier not found and Identifier 'GetDC' is undefined.

I need a winRt c++ component , callable from JavaScript that could control screen brightness. I am unable to call the function GetDC(NULL), error pops up. Here is my code snippet: #include "pch.h" ...
Aravind Murali's user avatar
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The project needs to be deployed before it can be started remote debugging

i'm trying to remote debug my windows tablet store app and when i go to debug it on the remote machine i get this error. i have done both ways it asks me to fix it in the image but i keep getting the ...
BunkerBilly's user avatar
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Add "about:blank" to Azure Mobile Service CORS whitelist

I am trying to load content in a WebView in my Windows Phone 8.1 RT app. As per requirement, I need to fetch the content from database and render it in the WebView. The content is essentially an HTML ...
Ajay Raghav's user avatar
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Windows phone 8.1 RT - ViewModel Unit Test - Mocking Framework

I have Windows phone 8.1 RT app. I want to write ViewModel Unit test. So I have created Windows phone Unit test project. I can't able install any Mocking framework like NSubstitute, Moq.. If i ...
user1343947's user avatar
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new LocationTrigger(LocationTriggerType.Geofence) fails with InvalidCastException when registring background task

I build simple app with usage of geofence api and background task to handle geofence changes. Here is part of code, wich try register background task private async void RegisterBackgroundTask() { ...
mshipov's user avatar
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Open a link in browser after clicking cortana tile

I have developed a universal app which displays sharepoint files in cortana canvas in the form of tiles. So, when one clicks on the tile, it launches the app in foreground which then opens a link in ...
Mudit Juneja's user avatar
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How run async method multiple times in separate threads?

I am newbie in using of await/async and windows phone 8.1 programming. I need to run async method simulateously in more than one thread. May be four, because my phone has four cores. But i cannot ...
Josef's user avatar
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Delegate to an instance method cannot have null 'this' in Windows Phone 8.1 custom control

In my not silverlight project for windows phone 8.1 i have problem.I create my custom control PullToRefreshPanel, and after the addition of a GridView, Xaml designer shows an error: Delegate to an ...
arsenium's user avatar
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Windows 8.1 XAML application crashes despite error handling

Here's a strange issue I'm facing with a Windows 8.1 XAML application. A bug in DevExpress controls causes the entire application to crash, despite my implementation of exception handling. DevExpress ...
MBender's user avatar
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Windows Store App - Local Toast Notification

This may seem like an odd question, but is there a way to send a local toast notification from a Windows 8 Store App to the machine--and NOT show it on the screen? I have a background task that needs ...
MorpheusZero's user avatar
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Windows RT - Background Task Not Firing

I am implementing a background task for my Windows Store Application (Win 8.1 App). I have written a very simple test class, registered it, prompted for access, but when I choose to debug the task ...
MorpheusZero's user avatar
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ObservableCollection memory leak Windows Universal

I have a memory leak in my Windows (8.1) Universal project. Since my project is really big I've created a small sample project of which the only goal is to mimic the memory leak. I've tried many ...
WereWolfBoy's user avatar
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Capturing custom URIs in Windows 8.1 RT's WebView

I am porting an application from Windows 8 Phone to Windows 8.1 RT, and I have a web service that returns a custom URI that cannot be processed by Windows RT's WebView, but can be handled by Windows 8 ...
JFrancinilla's user avatar
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Editing Image Tint in Windows RT App

I have created custom renderers for the Xamarin.Forms Image control for both Android and iOS that allow me to specify an image tint at runtime that is applied to the Image. In Android I adjust the ...
Will Decker's user avatar
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Pdf in Windows Phone 8.1

Because the PdfDocument class is only available in Windows 8.1, there is something to use in a Windows phone 8.1 (windows runtime) for render a pdf file inside my app? Edit MuPdf Works great! But to ...
frenk91's user avatar
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WinRT application accessing external LAN via Cisco VPN

I'm developing a WinRT application. Said application will use a corporate LAN in the end to connect to available services. I suspect things will work smoothly then. However, I'm having a bit of an ...
MBender's user avatar
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Port .NET Win32 to Windows RT

I would like to know if a .NET Win32 app can be compiled to ARM with VS 2015 Community (or any other version). I have seen, and tested, that Visual C++ Win32 apps can be compiled to ARM and run on ...
Jesuslg123's user avatar
14 votes
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WWW.responseHeader["STATUS"] does not exists

I already asked on answers.unity3d but as there is no response I'll ask on SO too.. I'm not able to retrieve the http status of a response on the WWW object on Windows Phone 8 and Windows RT 8.1 (...
Hacketo's user avatar
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How do I Print file to default printer without user interaction or charms in windows store application 8.1 for kiosk?

I am new to windows store application. I am developing application for Kiosk Machine which supports print feature. I am downloading a PDF file & I can able to Launch file via Windows.System....
Mohsin S's user avatar
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ComponentOne WinRT finding route on map

I would like to ask how to show routes on my map using WinRT ComponentOne map. I am no able to show map and connect the points together by lines but lines are not following the routes. It shows only ...
Jan Holešínský's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

C++/CX : Convert std::string to Platform::String^

Is there a simple way (one line of code would be cool) to convert à std::string to a Platform::String^ in C++/CX ? I found how to do it the other way(String^ to string) but nothing for this one. ...
ashtrail's user avatar
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how to cancel navigate back on back button pressed in Windows 10 UWP?

How can I cancel current page to navigate back when back button pressed in Windows 10 UWP? In windows Phone 8 or 8.1 Silverlight I can write this code and handle it private void PageBackKeyPress(...
Maulik Shah's user avatar
3 votes
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UAP app crashes when page navigating backwards to page with MapControl

I have a MapControl on my MainPage with ItemsSource binded to a ObservableCollection (via x:Bind). When I navigate to another page and then back again, the app crashes randomly (about every 5th time) ...
tipa's user avatar
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How to Implement In-App Purchases in Windows 10 Apps?

I want to integrate in-app purchasing in my windows universal app. I do the following thing before coding. Make App on Windows Dev Center Add products with details in IAPs section and submit to Store ...
Waleed Amjad's user avatar
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Win 8.1 RT: I want to play a click sound for a button click event

In the Win RT app I am working on I have a Number Pad User Control. The user has requested that everytime he presses a number, he wants to hear a click sound. I am new to Win RT do not know how to do ...
arame3333's user avatar
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What does "If your app contains Windows Runtime components" mean on Windows App reqirements?

I'm somewhat confused regarding this new architecture having just upgraded to 10 and started looking for the first time at "Universal Windows Apps." I was kind of interested in generally focusing my ...
ThisHandleNotInUse's user avatar
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How to add custom resualt to windows search everywhere

I trying to add custom result to windows search everywhere. For example i typed 'MyApp settings' and navigate directly to settings inside my app. I look at
Famos's user avatar
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How do I call a console application from a Windows 8 application?

I have a Windows RT Application and a console application. The console application performs certain tasks with Microsoft PowerPoint and a few other applications and it works as a standalone ...
Arjav Jain's user avatar
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Is there a way to launch phone camera app from Windows Phone 8.1 app

Is there a way other than creating a page with CapturePreview control inside to capture a photo with the camera and set it to an Image object. I need to launch the phone's camera instead of this http:/...
v.g.'s user avatar
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Navigation Between Two projects under one Solution WindowsRT

I have been working on different projects and I have to navigate through different projects at button Tap or Click event is there any way to achieve this outcome. I searched online and all i could ...
iam.Carrot's user avatar
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How to avoid multiple invoking of Background Task for every pending raw push

How to avoid invoking background task for every pending raw push delivered to application from wns server when user returns to connected state after being temporarily disconnected in windows runtime 8....
Abhishek's user avatar
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Windows Runtime of Windows 8 improved by Windows 10

Is the Windows Runtime library that was introduced with Windows 8 the predecessor of the Windows Universal library in Windows 10? Or is the Windows Universal library something totally build from the ...
Geert Van Laethem's user avatar
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Access a hidden file programatically in Windows RT?

Is there any way to access hidden files programatically in Windows RT? Whenever I try to do GetFileAsync for a hidden file, I get UnauthorizedAccessException.
mainprashant89's user avatar
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SQLite Search in Chinese is not working in Windows RT

I am writing a Windows RT app (Windows 8.1) in which I have used SQLite for the database. When I change the language setting of the machine to Chinese and I try to search a entity with a Chinese name, ...
arvis's user avatar
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How to dynamically set ComboBox binding based on bool values?

I've come across the situation where I need to dynamically set the combo box's Items source, based on which toggle button is selected. In the app there are two toggle buttons, Higher/Ordinary. I want ...
Brian Var's user avatar
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Set ZoomFactor when page loads

How can I set the ZoomFactor of my image using the OnNavigatedTo method? I've tried using this code but it doesn't work. protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { ...
wbk727's user avatar
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Convert DateTime to a specific format

What is the best and fastest way to convert a DateTime to this format? 2015-03-26T18:02:58.145798Z Currently I receive a date from a server and I'm able to parse it and convert the date in to ...
frenk91's user avatar
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