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WindowsPhone 8.1 - Application Bar position

I'm forced to change look of ApplicationBar on application that runs on WindowsPhone 8.1. I need application bar to be on top not bottom. I tried to google it, but didn't come up with any simple ...
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How to get number of buttons in an Windows Phone application bar

I have an application bar in my Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight app. It contains one ApplicationBarButton and when the user scrolls to a certain point in the LongListSelector another button is added to ...
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Application Bar for Windows Phone App is not showing in Emulator

I am trying to create an Application Bar for my Windows Phone Silverlight app. I've checked this code several times. I see no error. Even I checked on MSDN's website. But when I'm running this on ...
Shahriar Siraj Snigdho's user avatar
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How to change Windows Phone application bar icon color?

How to handle application bar button click to prevent coloring this in theme color? I have Windows phone 8 app with my own background and foreground colors, but when I'm clicking on app bar button (...
llvk's user avatar
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Windows Phone 8 - Expandable menu list

I want to create custom Application Bar which when expanded would containts list of items and each item could navigate to other page but item would have arrow too (or some icon) and after tap it could ...
Libor Zapletal's user avatar
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How do i handle the event of a selected pivot item in Windows Phone

I have an app with 3 PivotItems and an ApplicationBar. I want to hide the ApplicationBar when the PivotItems 2 and 3 are selected, and show the ApplicationBar when the first PivotItem is selected.
user3847141's user avatar
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How to make user control like application bar - windows phone

My question seems to be a bit strange. I have a long list selector and I want to add a control like application bar in it so it can be repeated many times the same with the controls in the item ...
Abdullah El-Menawy's user avatar
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How to display a control over app bar in WP8 app?

Working on a popup menu displayed when an app bar icon button is clicked (similar to the Respond button submenu in the standard Email WP app). How can I position a control like StackPanel over the app ...
Tecman's user avatar
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Accessing applicataion bar from non UI class windows phone 8

In my windows phone app I've a non-UI class which will show and hide a pop up screen when called from the UI page. I want to hide the application bar when the pop up is shown and show the appbar ...
Presse's user avatar
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Doing something after WP8 app bar has been hidden

I'm in the process of implementing my own popup menu for app bar icon buttons (something similar to the PhoneFlipMenu tool). I'm using a vertical StackPanel for my popup, and I need to display it with ...
Tecman's user avatar
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Get the effective backcolor of app bar in WP8

I'm trying to implement a custom popup menu for one of my app bar icon button (something like the PhoneFlipMenu tool). I'm using a vertical StackPanel for that: <StackPanel x:Name="...
Tecman's user avatar
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My ApplicationBar is not displayed

I created an application for Windows Phone 8 with "Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Phone". I have a first page to log in and after the user go to a pivot with 4 pivotItems where I want to add a ...
EclipseVS's user avatar
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Application Bar icons appearing as white even if the icons are colored in Windows phone app?

Actual Intended Result But appearing like this in emulator This is the icon Image asset I am using Am adding the application bar icon in c# like this: public void SetAppBar() { if ...
Bitsian's user avatar
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How to change color of the Application Bar in Windows Phone?

In my app, I want to have the color of the application bar be white and full opaque, with no regards to the theme. So far I have experimented with this. ApplicationBar.Opacity = 1; ApplicationBar....
Jay's user avatar
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App Bar becomes hidden when navigating away from a page, with its background the phone's theme (and not what is defined in app)

When I'm navigating between pages on my WP8 app, I noticed as part of the transition animation (using Telerik's i.e. "RootFrame = new Telerik.Windows.Controls.RadPhoneApplicationFrame();"), the App ...
Barrrdi's user avatar
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Disable/Enable applicationbar Button in runtime with event textchanged (Windows Phone)

In this part of the code is the event TextChanged to enable the button in te applicationbar. C#: private void Textbox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ApplicationBarIconButton ...
user3621634's user avatar
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Using font icons in WP8.1 Silverlight ApplicationBar

I'm trying to figure out why I can't use the glyphicons that are available to WP8 XAML apps in my Silverlight 8.1 Application. As you can see from the fragment below, I have to specify an image to ...
Sandeep Bansal's user avatar
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ApplicationBar Foreground color not applying

I am working on Windows Phone 8 application. I have Application Bar with icon, I have set the Background and Foreground color to the icons as well. ApplicationBar.BackgroundColor // Orange ...
Goofy's user avatar
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Application Bar scrolls up the Webbrowser view in Windows phone App

I have been working on a windows phone 8 app. I have given complete space of my layout to a WebBrowser element which renders my mobile site's pages. Those pages has: -A fixed header at the top. -A ...
pratpor's user avatar
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How to Switch Between ApplicationBarMode

I am wondering if it is possible to programmatically change the app bar mode between minimized and default size. For instance, if the application bar is minimized when the user presses the ellipses, ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Source for all Windows Phone standard application bar icons (like select, etc)

Windows Phone 8 SDK comes with a set of the standard icons one can use in WP apps (they can be found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v8.0\Icons\). However, I could not find the ...
Tecman's user avatar
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WP8 change color of a Single application bar button

I've been reading through a few posts, and from as far as I can tell, it is possible to change to color of the entire application bar so it doesn't use the default light/dark themes. However, I'm ...
Leigh Shepperson's user avatar
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ApplicationBar click/tap event don't update input text/pasword boxes

Facts : phone:PhoneApplicationPage.ApplicationBar don't change the focused element. TextBox/PasswordBox is changeing its binded content when losing focus So if a user is writing something in a ...
Wojciech Sobczyk's user avatar
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Black bar where the applicationBar was on BackKey

My app has a white background and a blue applicationBar on some pages. But everytime I tap the backbutton and leave a page the applicationBar goes down and leaves a black bar of the same size. At the ...
ecth's user avatar
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Access violation exception applicationbar

i'm trying to manipulate buttons in my app bar with the proprety enabled and disabled but every time i got an exception telling me System access violation!! any idea about what's going on <phone:...
Meriem Ben Mrad's user avatar
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WP8 Applicationbar hidding on rotation change

I have this kind of code in my app to hide the SystemTray, and i cant do this same for the Applicationbar. Why? I want to change the isVisible property on rotation change. This is the code: private ...
dinchy87's user avatar
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How to globalize more than one ApplicationBars within a page in windows phone 8 Application

I am working on windows phone 8 app. I have two pages one has one applicationbar and second has three applicationbars which hide and unhide according to the situation. Everything was right unless i ...
Ashish-BeJovial's user avatar
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make button clickable when the application bar is open

according to this question. I prepare stack panel with 4 textboxes and button. When the user open application bar i change the margin in stackpanel to fit it to the top of application bar and here is ...
MyWay's user avatar
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How properly handle change mode of application bar in windows phone 7

I need to handle the event when the application bar is minimized or not, but my code apparently doesn't work.I add the StateChanged event but it doesn't work. <phone:PhoneApplicationPage....
MyWay's user avatar
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Change border color application bar button windows phone

How do I change the application bar from this to be like this . I already try code like this <phone:PhoneApplicationPage.ApplicationBar> <shell:ApplicationBar IsVisible="True" ...
albilaga's user avatar
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ApplicationBar with minimized mode override WebBrowser component at landscape orientation

i have been read some similar questions on Stackoverflow but cannot make it works correctly Here is my WebBrowser XAML code <phone:WebBrowser Name="webBrowser" ScriptNotify="...
HelloWindowsPhone's user avatar
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Cannot update info after clicking the appbar with Save function

I display a list of fullname of Member and when I select a member, it will go to the detail page. I edit info directly in the textbox and then click Save in application bar but the info is not changed ...
EddieDuy's user avatar
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WP8 Applicationbar flow direction?

I want to change the flow direction for the applicationbar for WP from LeftToRight, into RightToLeft, so the 3dots are on the lefthand side, and the menuitems are on the righthand side, how would I ...
Bohrend's user avatar
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Programmatically changing the appbar icons

In my C# Windows Phone 8 app, I have an AppBar. I have two icons on this AppBar, one new icon, and one edit icon. I want to change the edit icon, to the back icon whenever it is pressed, and then back ...
Erik's user avatar
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Application Bar Button States in WP8

When I clicked Application Bar Button in WP8, the button background changes to be PhoneAccentColor. Is it possible to change its color when I clicked it (pressed state)? I use a global AppBar and it'...
Hai Cu's user avatar
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How to Override Application Bar Theme using Jeff Wilcox's PhoneThemeManager

I have recently added Jeff Wilcox's PhoneThemeManager to my app, which works great, although I am having problems changing the application bar buttons to the color I wish to use. My app design ...
Matthew's user avatar
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different application bar in panorama windows phone for navigation

I am start developing application for Windows Phone 8. As usual, there is something coming up. yups, that is error. LoL I have an application using panorama, and I planning to put an appbar for each ...
Budi Prasetyo's user avatar
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How to implement a 'AddToFavorites' button on an win8 app

I am developing an app on win8 and would like to add an 'AddToFavorites' button on the application bar, so that the user can select his favorites/bookmarks and place them to this. I have added this ...
dmurali's user avatar
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How can I hide an Application Bar on certain Pivot Pages in Windows Phone 8

I think this has a trivial answer but I'm not getting it. Basically I have a Windows Phone 8 app that contains a Pivot, and application bar. I want to hide the application bar when a certain page in ...
Devmonster's user avatar
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How to Change the Color of Application Bar Buttons when Pressed

An interesting question, I was wondering if it is possible to theme the application bar buttons in Windows Phone 8 to use another color other than the current accent color as the background of the ...
Matthew's user avatar
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Windows Phone 8 ApplicationBar button long-tap event [duplicate]

I'm trying to create a music player in my Windows Phone 8 application. I want to use same ApplicationBar buttons for Next and Forward as well as Previous and Backward functions. Is there any chance to ...
Deepak's user avatar
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Change AppBar Icons Color in Windows Phone 8

I am using ApplicationBar Icons with size 48x48 PNG files,with transparent background. But I colored Icons as per my App theme i.e. orange, but when i tried the icon in my app it is showing me the ...
user2582973's user avatar
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WP7 Toolkit: Open ContextMenu from ApplicationBar (contextmenu not displayed)

I tried to open the ContextMenu from the applicationbar using the "ContextMenu.IsOpen()" method which will run on the event "ApplicationBarIconButton_Click". On the first button click, you see there's ...
jordi's user avatar
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Expand application bar in Windows Phone 8 app from code

I wonder if there is any way of expanding windows phone 8 application bar from code. I know that this was not possible on windows phone 7 but maybe they done something in the SDK so its possible. ...
Robin M's user avatar
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can I put a toggleswitch in application bar in windows phone 8?

like this picture below inside the application bar,we can see two toggle switch here If possible,How to implement this??? ANY ADVICE WILL BE GREAT!
IloveIniesta's user avatar
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How can remove the circle of ApplicationBarIconButton in windows phone?

I create the Application Bar with 4 icon Buttons and 3 normal menus. It's working fine. But i don't want, the circle around the icon button. How can i remove that. And another one question is how to ...
selvam's user avatar
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Global appBar, add other buttons to this appbar for a specific page

I add an appbar with 3 buttons in App.xaml.cs to put it on each page but I have a page where I would like to add another button in addition. What I do, it's I get the appbar with my 3 defaults ...
Volkan's user avatar
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How to create two type of application bar in windows phone? [closed]

I already create the application bar in my application. Now i want create new application bar with exist of old one is present. Is it possible or not? Please help me. Thanks in advance.
selvam's user avatar
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Dynamically add Applicationbar in Application.Resources

Could anybody tell me how to do the following dynamically. I have refered many sites. but nothing helped me. <phone:PhoneApplicationPage.Resources> <shell:ApplicationBar x:Key="...
Ponmalar's user avatar
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Create Application bar when request from WebView in Windows phone 8

I want to create application with webbrowser. When the request like "createappbar" through script, then i have to create the application bar from JavaInterface methods. is there any tutorial available....
Ponmalar's user avatar
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