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Synchronising multiple kinects

I'm currently working on a project and I suppose I need help to solve some errors. I've spend a lot of time trying to connect two kinects V2 to one PC. I followed installations instructions of xlz ...
Bob M's user avatar
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How to get windows version output from Powershell with the same output I get from running winver [duplicate]

enter image description here I'm looking to have the build version listed out as it is shown there. I've ran every powershell command from the following How to find the Windows version from the ...
Exzou's user avatar
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UWP app Shutdown PC don't work in kiosk mode

I have an UWP application that needs to be used in kiosk mode (One app) on Windows 10 Pro (not IOT). This application should also be able to shut down the PC (both software and hardware). I followed ...
Laurent's user avatar
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Can't connect Windows 10 client to AWS Aurora MySQL database after major version upgrade 2 - 3

My system: Windows 11, Windows 10, and Ubuntu 22.04 clients run a Java application that accesses an AWS Aurora MySQL database. What changed: Aurora was version 2.11.2 supporting MySQL 5.7. I upgraded ...
B Houliston's user avatar
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How can one open a browser: edge or chrome or firefox, to specific pixel dimensions?

I have tried the following shortcut for edge, with no success: Shortcut Definition: Target: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --profile-directory=Default --...
Charles Knell's user avatar
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CORBA Client on Windows 10 takes different amounts of time to connect to the server, depending on the number of IP addresses

I am learning the SCADA system TANGO-Controls. The basic components, called DeviceServers request their configuration from a database server via CORBA at startup. My TestDeviceServer runs on Windows ...
AlexK's user avatar
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Using GetObject to read data in an Access Query into Word VBA [duplicate]

Last year I was greatly helped when someone explained how to use GetObject in Word VBA to read data from an Access Form. I have been using it successfully since then. I would now like to do the same ...
jatclat's user avatar
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Registry key not found after Java10 installation on Win10

enter image description here The key is required and the registry does not contain it after the newest Java install. Could anyone advise how to edit the registry to update this path? Uninstalling and ...
orgtr's user avatar
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How do I test if the changes I made to the Windows 10 Update process work

I have several Windows 10 computers that run our App which controls our hardware. Each run of our App takes several days to complete. When a Windows Update comes in, it reboots the computer which ...
AlexHomeBrew's user avatar
1 vote
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Is it possible to pin app programmatically in Winforms app on windows 10?

I am trying to build a sample app to check pinning functionality. I came across this article which demonstrates the step by ...
Abhishek Roy's user avatar
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Running application as non-administrative user while elevated

How (if possible) do you - when you're running as elevated user - start a program with non-administrative rights, when you don't have logon credentials. Scenario: A program running non-elevated ...
HeartWare's user avatar
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To activate the telegram.exe

Hello I have problems in running the code below: import pywinauto,time from pywinauto.application import Application from pywinauto.keyboard import send_keys app = Application().start(cmd_line= "...
Momoko's user avatar
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"File contains carriage returns at end of line" error on Windows 10

I'm trying to push my local branch to a fork on Github but every time I try, I get the error message "File contains carriage returns at end of line" from virtually all the files in the ...
azaya's user avatar
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Error with Installing PowerToys in Windows 10

I get this error when I try to install Powertoys(PT) on my laptop (Windows 10 Pro 64-bit version). Error Image Details: ・I was installing the latest version of PT(0.64.1) ・Using Github Installer ・Ran ...
Smalbro93's user avatar
-1 votes
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c# Program gets an error using Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 after connection open MDAC 2,6 or later is required

An old C# program no longer works to read an MS-Access database through Jet.OLE.DB. Also a new compilation without any changes of the source code didn't help. My laptop is running Windows 10 and the ...
MarcSS's user avatar
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Changing Directory to different Drive in GitBash for Windows 10

I need to know if i open GitBash in desktop, can I change directory to my local disk D from inside GitBash? this will require going backwards and than forwards to D Drive, as Desktop is present in the ...
Muhammad Muneeb Khan's user avatar
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Where is this extra right-hand space in this email coming from? (Outlook on Windows 10)

In the past week, I've started seeing extra space appear in the right-hand side of my emails. It only happens on a Windows desktop, in any version of Microsoft Outlook. Outlook online, mobile, and any ...
alysong's user avatar
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How to run TackleTest using Docker image on Windows 10?

We are running on Windows 10. Instructions said to mount a working directory to a docker container. We have everything and still can't get Tackle Test to run tests on applications. What are we missing?...
Anthony Walker's user avatar
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How to use a Bitmap image from Resources in Windows Toast Notifications

I am trying to build an unpackaged WPF app with Windows 10 Toast Notifications. I would like to make an AppLogoOverride to get a resource from the Resources class of my application. I have tried to do ...
thakyZ's user avatar
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2 answers

Active directory web service (ADWS) is missing on Windows 10 Pro

I want to run below command on the Windows 10 Powershell but I am getting error: PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-ADUser -filter * Get-ADUser: Unable to find a default server with Active Directory Web ...
User7723337's user avatar
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VS2019 Windows 10 C++ exe compatibility tool wants to run as Windows 8

I am using VS2019 (16.11.10) and have created a C++ exe using Windows SDK 10.0.19041.0. When I look at the properties of the exe in Windows 10 the compatibility tab appears and the troubleshooter ...
MikeD's user avatar
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DeprecationWarning: desired_capabilities has been deprecated, please pass in an Options object with options kwarg

I'm relatively new to Winium ( , Selenium (4.1.3) and Python (3.10.2). I want to automate a simple app like calculator I implemented some suggested code but it's for an older version of ...
pylonspidy's user avatar
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How to add WPF app to "Choose which apps can access your precise location" list in Windows 10?

I have a .NET Framework 4.6.2 WPF app that uses Windows.Devices.Geolocation API to get Latitude and Longitude on Windows 10. It uses the Microsoft.Windows.SDK.Contracts NuGet package, version 10.0....
Nesh's user avatar
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SQL4499N when connecting to DB2 express V10.5 from IBM Data Studio 4.1

Background: I have to transfer VS 2003 and VB6 applications from Windows 7 to a new Windows 10 Home machine. The applications are currently using DB2 9.7, Sql Server or Ms Access via ODBC. I decided ...
WolfWeb28's user avatar
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Python cannot open a text file outside of an IDE (Windows 10)

I am having this problem with any python script that involves opening a text file. I have tried in various IDEs, including VSCode and PyCharm, and all works as intended. But as soon as I run the ...
YourLocalFriendlyProgrammer's user avatar
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Does Microsoft Store automatically install a .Net framework?

I'm now using Visual Studio 2022 to recompile a DLL project for a Microsoft Store App (desktop-bridge win32). Visual Studio while upgrading recommends me to use .Net 4.8 framework. I'm looking at the ....
Seeker's user avatar
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Cannot find USB device using Windows 10 Runtime (WinRT) APIs for .NET

I recently found an article on MSDN about Calling Windows Runtime APIs in dekstop apps, so I decided to give it a shot. I tried connecting to my CR95HF transceiver that's plugged into COM3 (USB) using ...
JansthcirlU's user avatar
-1 votes
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Batch File that moves music files by author into another files [closed]

I recently have been cleaning up my messy music files, but was doing a lot of moving searching and dragging when I remembered I could potentially have a batch file help me. I have made a file for ...
nitemare13's user avatar
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AppExecutionAlias does not run under the Store Context

I have a win32 App on microsoft store which has been converted by desktop-bridge and works fine. I thought of adding a feature of being able to launch it by just the exe name. Found the feature ...
Seeker's user avatar
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How to control Windows 10 Mobile Hotpot settings from C# Windows application [duplicate]

I'm developing a Windows application in C# and distribute it with a PC with Windows Home operating system to customers. I'd like to make the PC a wireless hotspot. I tried creating a hosted network, ...
Yaron Habot's user avatar
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Shortcut Menu with Dynamic Verbs for FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE

I want that my Shortcut Menu via QueryContextMenu method (dynamic verbs), is visible as well for "Placeholders". Placeholders are Files that only exist locally virtual and needs to be ...
Trafo's user avatar
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Service IKEEXT automatically switched off after Windows 10 reboot

After rebooting Windows 10, the IKEEXT service appears turned off - regardless of it previous state - started, stopped, automatically started or manually started. No problem to disable or enable it or ...
Log Edge's user avatar
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Win10 1607 LTSB - Change Start Menu Layout for Existing Profile (Appx)

We have a bunch of business critical Win 10 tablets (imagine being used by Ambulance drivers when they are out on a call). As part of upgrading the main app used on these devices, I need to run a ...
Aziz's user avatar
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Anaconda3 + PyInstaller + Win10Toast = Doesn't work

I've started taking a multi-language course in meantime and now I'm practicing Python with beginner projects. I've made a small desktop notifier project and I want to make an .exe out of it. I use ...
Kuzgun Wayne's user avatar
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Installing a compiler for Qt4.8.7 on Windows10

I am trying to install Qt4.8.7 for Windows 10 and I am having some issues with installing the corresponding compiler. I got the Qt4.8.7 installer from this link:
Jack's user avatar
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Windows/Python check if file is open or in use

I am using python to monitor a folder and check if files are being copied in and if so, replicate those to a new location. I am using the following to monitor the folder: fsmonitor The issue I am ...
LugalG's user avatar
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Windows 10 Powershell Automation Script Issue

I am currently stuck on a pretty significant issue, so much so that it seems even Google does not have an answer for it. Here is my situation. I have a program that takes an html file as input and ...
mtrontz-the-dev's user avatar
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How to change standard email to exchange email account?

What are the things I used : I acquire my S/MIME certificate from ACTALIS . I used my GMAIL account. I want to add S/MIME certificate to my email. But mail client(Mail in windows) said , " This ...
Devanand_R's user avatar
4 votes
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WinUI3/Desktop/C++: Can't compile winrt::resume_foreground(Microsoft::System::DispatcherQueue const& dispatcher)

I want to use: co_await winrt::resume_foreground(window.DispatcherQueue()); (Type of "window" is: "winrt::Microsoft::UI::Xaml::Window") But I cannot compile it because winrt::...
Markus's user avatar
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vcpkg and Eigen3: Eigen3 set to NOT FOUND

I have used vcpkg install eige3:x64-windows and then the integrate install command on Windows 10. Now, from inside CMakeLists.txt I do find_package(Eigen3 CONFIG REQUIRED), but I get the following in ...
Ilonpilaaja's user avatar
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Reading network computer names using mfc in windows 10

I tried to read network computer names using WNetOpenEnum. I am getting only 'Microsoft Terminal Services', 'Microsoft Windows Network' and 'Web Client Network'. Not getting the other machine ...
sambath's user avatar
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How to get the screen timeout event in windows

I'm new to windows desktop application development and I'm working on a project in that I need to show images that are downloaded from the internet once the screen is timed out as like a screensaver. ...
Gulshan Sharma's user avatar
3 votes
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How can I automate no, partial and full hydration of "cloud" files (OneDrive) for testing?

I would like to test some software and would like to make it well-behaved regarding cloud files. For reference functions like RtlIsPartialPlaceholder and RtlIsCloudFilesPlaceholder have been ...
0xC0000022L's user avatar
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C++ Desktop application integration with Windows 10 Calendar App

Is it possible to integrate with Windows 10 Calendar App using C++? I would like to add a new local Calendar and manage events on it, set attendance, etc..
TiKi's user avatar
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Determine the root cause of a System.AccessViolationException

I've reviewed other questions related to this one and specifically Finding the cause of System.AccessViolationException but perhaps there is something else that could be looked at. I have a powershell ...
Bob's user avatar
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Write data to Windows 10 taskbar?

I would like to create a simple app that writes data to the windows 10 taskbar, similar to the example below. Any idea how I would do this? Preferably, I could update the string every minute or so.
Eric Chavez's user avatar
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Outlook 365 works fine with mobil hotspot but when logged into home wifi network doesn't work anymore

The outlook 365 in windows 10 behaving strangely. one day suddenly it stopped working and I no longer could synchronize my emails. (Probably due to an update). When windows is connected to my mobile ...
john's user avatar
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Managing UWP WebView overall memory consumption over extended periods of time

TL;DR We are looking for a method to force a UWP Webview to clear any cached assets/memory for our library. Our goal is to be able to re-use the same WebView without calling methods that may adversely ...
foreza's user avatar
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Random black box on desktop

Image of Random black box Started up my computer and have this random black box on my desktop.I can only move it around and have no way of closing it. Anyone know how what the cause it and how to ...
RennY's user avatar
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How to draw adjacents single pixels with windows 10 scaling of over 100% in java awt graphics

I'm drawing a minimap for a game and every 40x40 pixels in the game is a pixel on the minimap. The problem starts when I have a screen which uses windows 10 scaling for example of 125% scaling. Pixels ...
HopefullyHelpful's user avatar

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