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How to word wrap text with Weebly HTML embed code element?

I'm trying to use the embed code element on the weebly website builder to create a button that hides a paragraph of text where when it is pushed it reveals the text and then the button can be pressed ...
S.B.'s user avatar
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Excessive spacing on a Weebly section

My website on Weebly is divided into sections. But the gap between these two sections is unnecessarily large, and I can find no way to reduce it. Can someone please help me to reduce the padding and ...
Sam Diamond's user avatar
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Weebly editor inserts destination url into text hyperlinks

When I insert a url into a text hyperlink, the Weebly editor inserts the destination url into the middle of the text I'm trying to use as the link text. I highlight the text to be used as the link, ...
MalcolmChisholm's user avatar
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How can a weebly form submission email contain a newly added form element?

I am adding some form elements to my Weebly form via Javascript based on user choices. More specifically, I have inserted the following code into the footer of the page that has the form: <script&...
DonBergen's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Load External HTML Using JavaScript Script (via Embedded Code in Wordpress)

Here's what I'm trying to do: I need to create web pages in Wordpress where I can add embedded code (JavaScript) in numerous places on a web page in order to read in external HTML files into each ...
Billy J's user avatar
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Adding java element to a weebly webpage

I have created a small game using IntelliJ and I'm not sure how to add it to my weebly page I'm making for a project. My game has multiple classes and I have no idea how to get it to be built into the ...
user2121's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Extract data from JSON in URL (real-time)

I am a green hand in building websites. The Hong Kong government recently released real-time open data on vacant parking spaces. I would like to display vacant spaces in a parking lot on my Weebly ...
Dong Ho Leung's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How can I FIX/CHANGE the almost invisible Menu Items in my Website's Mobile Version? (Used to be fine then Weebly made changes)

BACKGROUND Years ago, I built my first Weebly website for my business ( ) The mobile version 'used to' look great! SINCE THEN However... Weebly made some changes a year or so ago ( I ...
SmallBusinessHelper aka-Steve's user avatar
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Is there a way to add clickable icons on weebly nav bars?

Using weebly to create a website and I have come across this webpage( to add icons to the navigation bar. Here`s the ...
ray's user avatar
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Is there a way I can create an upload function for photos which will then display in a gallery in HTML/CSS for Weebly?

I am looking for some code to help me... Problem: I want to be able to create a picture gallery in CSS or HTML (Weebly) where by external users can upload a photo (or multiple) and it will then ...
ACH's user avatar
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Weebly Lightbox/fancy box close button layered behind image Weebly

Weebly Fancybox/Lightbox Mobile Issues- X layered behind image and Images too high Can anyone assist with the following issues: 1- How can I make the close X button in fancybox/lightbox layer in front ...
Nelly's user avatar
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Weebly and Mathjax

I have tried the four or so answers here to display MathJax on weebly (free account). Is there any way that would actually produce inline equations? Any hint would be super appreciated! Thanks!
max_zorn's user avatar
1 vote
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jquery wont set image src from another image

I have started some blogs using Weebly now I want to do several changes to the blog UI, everything went well until I wanted to do this. I wanted to get the image path from the image inside blog-...
Danijel Markov's user avatar
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3 answers

Nothing happens on clicking social icons on mobile

I created some social media icons on my website. My links are working fine on the desktop but nothing happens on tapping them in a mobile browser. Here is the website and ...
Neil Smith's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

How can I fix the Lighthouse returned error: NOT_HTML. The page provided is not HTML (served as MIME type ) error for square/weebly website?

I am trying to use PageSpeed Insights in Google Search Console for Weebly/Square website and getting an error: Lighthouse returned error: NOT_HTML. The page provided is not HTML (served as MIME type ) ...
Julia S's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Integrating multiple Store APIs that fulfill similar function

I'm working on flutter mobile app for a client. It will be a small online-shop at mobile app. They sell real products (not electronic). The client uses Square. As I understand, sometime ago, Square ...
Kherel's user avatar
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Weebly: After clicking on "Manage" button redirects to wrong url

We have developed a weebly app for our product. After installation when clicking on "Manage" button it redirects to another url. Not the url we have defined in manifest.json "...
Atequer Rahman's user avatar
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Clear cache for end users Weebly

I have a website hosted on Weebly. It looks fine right now. However, when people first visited the website, caching was enabled. Thus when they visit the website in the future it still looks like the ...
user3927866's user avatar
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Sidebarnav push content with opacity

Trying to have my menu push the content to the left and make it opaque until the user closes the menu. With Weebly, the page HTML main content is shown as: The menu is a custom HTML embed item on the ...
Mara Hogan's user avatar
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How to Set Up Side Navigation Menu HTML Element on Standard Page

I am having trouble getting my HTML custom embed sidebar navigation menu to close on my Weebly page. I built it in Dreamweaver and it is working perfectly fine when viewing on their or view the HTML ...
Mara Hogan's user avatar
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3 answers

Can you make a form with a single HTML file?

All of the examples of making drop-down forms that I can find involve having a separate PHP file. I'm trying to embed some code into a Weebly page, so I'm not sure that I can save a separate PHP file ...
Addem's user avatar
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How to Master the HTML/CSS in Weebly

I’m trying to update a client’s existing website with: Centered links in the navigation Social Media links on the right side of the navigation A Sidebar on the right side of the Home page that would ...
Brett Hansen's user avatar
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Receiving an excel file from an HTTP POST request and embedding it into a Weebly website

I have a sensor recording data every minute and updating an excel/csv file with the results, done in python. I then use to create an HTTP request sending the file to a Weebly website. I ...
Cameron Greenwalt's user avatar
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I need to set up an HTML code to recieve a HTTP request from python

This is my first question I've posted here so let me know if I need to add more information. I have set up a python code which utilizes to send an HTTP request to the website (the code ...
Cameron Greenwalt's user avatar
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Hey, can anyone help me initialize code in my weebly website?

I want to place a comment box on my website. This is the code for installation of the plugin: <script src=""></script> which I ...
jitesh's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Need to add text and links to Header [closed]

I am working in Weebly and trying to edit my theme. In the top header (row1), I want to add the text "Request a Free Quote" in the middle and link this text to a website page. Furthermore, I would ...
SMathias's user avatar
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How to pull articles from a blogger and post them to Weebly. The illustration is supported by pictures or video

I have tried as much as possible through searching the web and I have found most of them talk about bringing content from Blogger to Weebly through an RSS reader and I have already done an experiment ...
mansourb364's user avatar
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Re-order of colums of a table on a website

I have setup a conference website: But I do not know how to make it display in a different order, i.e. the center column first, followed by the left and right ...
NZBCS's user avatar
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Integrating R highcharter graphs into Weebly webpage

I am trying to include three javascript elements (interactive statistical graphs created with highcharter in R) via the `Embed Code' feature into my Weebly website - not in the header or footer but as ...
cknotz's user avatar
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how to set up SEO title and meta description in weebly online store products category pages

I have a simple query in weebly web-site i have updated SEO title and meta description on product category pages but it is not update on website. is there any another options to update SEO title and ...
Amrit backupinfotech's user avatar
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How to remove sticky/fixed header from Weebly website containing JavaScript?

So I'm currently designing a website on Weebly. However, the theme that I'm using contains a sticky/fixed navigation menu. So whenever I scroll up or down, the nav bar always sticks to the top. I want ...
h. evan's user avatar
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How did these mysterious meta tags get into my Weebly site?

The Weebly templates for my site do not match what I see on the actual website. Specifically, I am seeing meta tags in the document head which I did not add there: <meta property="og:site_name" ...
Jonathan Cross's user avatar
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How did gdprscript.js get into the header of my Weebly site?

When I view the source of my website, I am seeing this script inserted into my website. However I cannot find the template where it is being added.
Jonathan Cross's user avatar
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What could be the problem causing the tooltip hidden under other spaces?

I am creating my portfolio site from Weebly. I want to add tag like elements with tooltips when hovering so I start exploring with custom HTML and CSS and follow tutorial from w3schools. I realized ...
L_L's user avatar
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How to set responsive iframe height without css (html only)

I'm looking to iframe in a web form that has variable height depending on the page of the form user is on, so that it will be responsive on mobile too By setting the width it seems to display ...
Ian Cross's user avatar
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CSS - Flex Sidebar - full height of the page - Weebly

I have been working on a Weebly website: The issue is the sidebar menu on the left. If the sidebar menu has only a few menu items, the sidebar covers full height of ...
Joe Bloggs's user avatar
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I am adding the code in weebly but it dosent show up

Issue with JSON LD CODE To start with I am trying to use this code in weebly, buy using embed code option and then I click on the edit custom HTML and enter this code. However, after entering this ...
harsha vardhan's user avatar
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How to change font sizes in Weebly Embed code?

I'm currently doing a school project, and I need to use Weebly to build a website. Using Weebly's "embed code" section type, I put some code (that I stole off the internet) into the embed code area. ...
Anonberg's user avatar
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Is there a way to customize email notifications I receive from contact form submissions?

Using Weebly: when a user submits a contact form entry, I receive a notification email with their information. The problem is that the information I receive only includes what the user typed into ...
Garrett's user avatar
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Editing HTML of a page in Weebly

I have a page with: title image gallery with code for title: <h2 class="wsite-content-title" style="text-align:left;"><font color="#515151" size="5">​&nbsp; External / Internal</...
w4j3d's user avatar
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Adding two separate {content} areas in Weebly HTML editor

I am attempting to add two {content} areas on my Weebly website that are separated by custom code in the HTML/CSS editor. I am not understanding the basic fundamentals to how {content} sections work ...
JcFrK1983's user avatar
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Maintaining product image size and aspect ratio in Weebly

I am using Weebly to design an eCommerce site. I am having issues with the product element images, The images appear to twice the size from original upload, i do not have access to any other images as ...
Troy Hendrick's user avatar
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CRSF cookie not set in iframed Django View within another site

I have a Django app with about a dozen views that I am currently hosting on Heroku. I can do POST requests just fine to the app when directly going to the app url, and I have the 'django.middleware....
JackR's user avatar
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How can I control the title on a Google Chrome tab?

In putting my website together using Weebly (I know, but it's for compatability) I have noticed that when Chrome opens a new tab the title does not match the content. These titles seem rather random: ...
Nophear's user avatar
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How do I use my existing G Suite apps inside Squarespace?

I am paying for a G Suite business plan. I have a domain, host, and emails set up already, and would like to use the G Suite apps inside my website builder (Squarespace). But Squarespace does not let ...
user10499246's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to implement/upload my own html and css code to weebly?

I made a custom website using html,css etc for a friend who is currently using a weebly platform template for their current website. After agreeing to use my custom website, I have no clue on how to ...
Ron's user avatar
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Stop Mailchimp Custom Form Redirect On Submit With Email Validation Errors

I am using a custom mailchimp form with various validators. One validation that is derailing my form is the duplicate email validation. The problem I'm having occurs when someone tries to subscribe ...
iLoveMechKeyboards's user avatar
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Scroll bar and other content disappear on adding a leaflet map to a webpage (weebly)

I am trying to add a leaflet map to my website on weebly. To do the same: I published the leaflet map from R as a webpage (.html) I added the html page on my git account here I used the embed code ...
Vijay Ramesh's user avatar
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Changing the background color on the Weebly lightbox

I am working on this non-profit art site and could use some help. What I would like is to make the background color on the gallery lightbox less opaque and darker for better viewing experience. Please ...
Mikkel's user avatar
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Crawl status saying it can't find any pages to index in my android app

Although I followed the below guide on my app (up to 7th step because I'm not interested in personal contents or on-device indexing): Firebase appIndexing tutorial And connected my app to firebase ...
AstroMan's user avatar