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Upload Standalone watchOS App to App Store Connect?

I want to upload stand along watchOS application to App store connect. App is installed on both simulator and testing device. Now I need to send the build on TestFligt and after archive its not ...
Qazi Ammar's user avatar
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How to setup SwiftUI app file to allow independent app to deploy on WatchOS 6

I am attempting to deploy a SwiftUI app to an Apple Watch Series 2 with WatchOS 6.3, from an iPhone running iOS 15. After connecting the device to Xcode and clicking the build button, I get errors ...
JS_is_awesome18's user avatar
1 vote
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SwiftUI: WebP images are not loading in WatchOS

Tried to load WebP Image like in this article, is working fine in iOS App target but not in WatchOS Extension target. if let image = ...
Guruprasanna R's user avatar
2 votes
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isMagnetometerAvailable always return false on Apple Watch series 6

I'm writing the code to access motion data by CMMotionManager(). I can get Acceleration, User accel, Gravity, Attitude, and Rotation rate correctly. Now I want to add the Magnetometer reading function....
Gelion's user avatar
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WatchOS, SwiftUI pop to root view Controller

I need to pop to the root view from a deep detail view. Found this solution on StackOverflow SwiftUI: How to pop to root view for WatchOS?. The following solution using isDetailList and isActive works ...
Nabeel Hassan's user avatar
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Adding App Icon to WatchOS App info.plist

I am trying to add App Icons to my WatchOS app but need to do this in the Info.plist as I am building the project through the NativeScript CLI. I have all the watch icons stored in AppIcon.appiconset ...
Reece Reynolds's user avatar
10 votes
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Where should data reside in a watchOS app?

I've been going through all of the Apple documents and videos related to creating watchOS apps, complications and the like. Carefully studying the flow of updating data and the user interface - yet ...
Itamar's user avatar
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Is there any delegate for monitoring progress when transfering data from WatchOs to iOs using WatchConnectivity?

I'm using WatchConnectivity to transfer files from Apple Watch to iOS device (this direction). Transfer itself is ok. I send file from Apple Watch by calling transfer file function: session?....
Honza K.'s user avatar
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containerAppExtensionEntitlementsWithCompletion: failed with error: (null)

Trying to authorize on watchOS. Getting this error: 2019-03-20 18:32:45.859857-0600 iRun WatchKit Extension[21129:1854743] [default] containerAppExtensionEntitlementsWithCompletion: failed with error:...
RobRen's user avatar
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Detect "screenshot" press while in background on Apple Watch

I have followed this answer to make my app detect when the crown and side button are pressed at the same time. This works for me, but only when the app is in the foreground. My app uses an ...
Bernard's user avatar
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Access Apples fall detection on the Series 4

Is there a way to get access to Apples fall detection on the Series 4. I would like my watch app to be able to detect when the user falls. I am hoping that Apple would let me get notified when they ...
Bernard's user avatar
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HealthKit permission sheet does not appear

I am writing an Apple WatchOS app which needs the user's heart rate. However, I am not able to get the HealthKit permissions sheet to appear. The watch and iPhone display a notification saying that my ...
Bernard's user avatar
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Apple Watch simple "Modular Large" complication not showing in customize screen unless I enable all other complications too

I am testing and able to reproduce this in a very simple app. I am following the WWDC 2015 video: Another tutorial which uses the same info is: ...
sudoExclamationExclamation's user avatar
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Check how many consecutive days a user has used an app [closed]

I've already seen other questions asking about how many times the app has been opened. I want to send a local notification when the user uses the app for 31 consecutive days. Would this be a ...
MattWright's user avatar
4 votes
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Overlay images and customize x,y position in the watchOS storyboard

I want to duplicate this design mockup and use it in production. iOS has Z-hierarchy for arranging on Z axis, but it's greyed out in watchOS. I want to create an overlay of a profile avatar like this ...
Edison's user avatar
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Can we call IBM worklight 7 adapter from WatchOS 2 extension?

Developing iPhone application with WatchOS 2 in IBM worklight 7 version. Can we call IBM Worklight 7 adapter from WatchOS 2 Extension?. It was working with WatchOS 1. I found that IBM worklight 7 is ...
nishitpatel's user avatar
1 vote
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share core data iPhone macbook

I want to make a time management app for iOs, OsX and apple watch. Synching database between apple watch and iOs is possible with core data, I haven't tried but WKInterfaceController seems like solves ...
eray2k's user avatar
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WCSession: Data submitted on iOS is never received on the Watch

I am working on a small time tracking app for iOS. The user can create any number of activity and then track how much time he spend on each of them (e.g. sleeping, driving to work, eating, working, ...
Andrei Herford's user avatar
-1 votes
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Apple Workout Rings SpriteKit Animation

I am trying to re-create the Apple Workout Rings in my WatchOS App. I am making use of SpriteKit and GameScene for the animation. However, I am not able to understand how to implement the overlapping ...
Poornima Sapkal's user avatar
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Launching the parent application from the watch app

How can I launch the parent application in background mode on the iPhone directly from the watch? On Endomondo watch app when you press "start", the parent application will launch itself in the ...
Oskar Gusgård's user avatar
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watchOS DNS problems on the target device, but simulation runs perfectly

I got stuck with an application (rss reader) with cocoapods running absolutely fine in the simulator, but failing on the target device (watchOS 4.2 based). The RSS feed sources are valid. - Proof: ...
Beaker's user avatar
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Speech-to-text on Apple Watch

We are struggling implementing the Dialogflow conversational API to an Apple Watch. We have done an implementation but can not manage the speech regognition to work (via Google Voice API) because the ...
winternet's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Stand-alone Apple Watch app - CoreBluetooth

Is it possible to create an Apple Watch application without a need of an iPhone app ? I want to create a simple app that uses the bluetooth framework of the Apple WAtch and search for near devices. (...
PoolHallJunkie's user avatar
2 votes
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How to run watch app on background mode location update

I was using location updates as background mode on Apple Watch series 2.. my issue is when I removed app from dock or foreground. my app is again re-launching to foreground after unlocking watch. But ...
Raja's user avatar
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10 votes
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Can we rotate the digital crown in Apple Watch simulator without having a mouse- or trackpad?

The only reference I can find in operating (rotating/turning) the digital crown on the Apple Watch 2.0 / 3.x simulator is by using a track/mouse-pad. Is it possible with a mighty mouse to rotate/turn ...
iOS-Coder's user avatar
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Unable to install app on watchOS simulator Xcode9, iOS11, watchOS4 app crashes

I wrote a program for watchOS and tried running it on simulator. I am unable to run this app on simulator, installation fails with error: Unable to install the app. I am using xcode9, Simulator: ...
FE_Tech's user avatar
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Watch 2 Language Specific Issue

I'm working on a watch App. The Xcode version is 7.3, Swift 2 , iPhone 5 and watch version 3.1.3 First thing Mobile app and watch App both works properly on simulator.The App has two version (...
gurmeet kaur's user avatar
7 votes
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Animate WKInterfaceLabel with text change apple watch swift

I am working on an apple watch application. In the application, I have a view where the user may swipe left and right between 3 given results. I am using WKInterfaceLabel to show result information. ...
Akshay Sunderwani's user avatar
1 vote
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Watch OS - is it possible to gather data from all the sensors?

I need to build a Watch OS application that gathers and sends the data collected from all the sensors of a series 2 watch: Accelerometer Gyroscope GPS / GLONASS Light sensor Heart rate Is it ...
Ramy Al Zuhouri's user avatar
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WatchOS App Test Flight

So I uploaded my first watchOS-App, but i have no clue how to test it on my apple watch (not the simulator, but on the actual watch) I dont see anything on itunesconnect after successfully uploading ...
Joe Cade's user avatar
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swift 3: Watch app: if watch goes to sleep there's a delay between interface controllers

I have a countdown timer interface controller that will, once the timer gets down to 00:00, launch another interface controller. If I keep the watch active until the timer reaches 00:00, then the ...
CMan's user avatar
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Using firebase with WatchKit

I am attempting to use the firebase database in my watchKit app. I have developed this feature on my iPhone application but have found it difficult to do the same on my Watch app. When I attempted to ...
Hoovin Shmoovin's user avatar
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WatchOS wake the iOS app to initiate recording using paired bluetooth headset

I have an iPhone app that uses a paired bluetooth microphone to create recordings. I want to initiate the recording process from a paired apple watch. The issue I am facing is that the watch doesn't ...
stktrc's user avatar
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Pass text from iOS label to WatchOS label - swift-

I've a problem, with my app.. I try to follow some guide like Passing data to Apple Watch app , but I'm not sure it will fit for my case. I've some label with text on my iOS app, then I want to show ...
MettDich's user avatar
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How to use/import the NSObject class file in watchExtention?

I have added the watchExtention to my existing iPhone project by adding watch target. My iPhone app uses the CoreData, I have written NSObject class(DatabaseManagerClass) to manage the CoreData (...
Suhas Arvind Patil's user avatar
3 votes
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Easiest way to share data between iphone and apple watch

I have stored simply data for table view in UserDefaults for persistence. Now I am working on app for Apple Watch and I want to sync that data in UserDefaults with Apple Watch. Sample use case for ...
Lifeplus's user avatar
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WatchConnectivity timeout error between iPhone and Apple Watch

I am trying to send a string from my apple watch to my iPhone using the WatchConnectivity framework. I have started two sessions, one WCSession and a HKSession because I want to transfer heart rate ...
dcampb's user avatar
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How do I reference in watch kit extension?

I'm not able to make references to outlets created in the Interface Controller in the Extension Delegate. Eg The name of a timer, created in the interface controller, does not come up automatically ...
Mr Big Problem's user avatar
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How to run/debug WatchOS apps using AppCode?

How to run/debug WatchOS apps using AppCode? I just imported an XCode project into AppCode - there's no way to run the watch simulator (there are options for the main app though). What am I missing?
Xlaudius's user avatar
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Hide presentMediaPlayerController Swift 3 WatchKit

Is there any way to hide the media player or display it on a sublayer where it won't be seen? I can play sounds directly from the watch, but the media player looks bad when its a sound effect. ...
ThundercatChris's user avatar
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WatchOS sendMessage received by iPhone inconsistent and delayed

This is the first time developing something with the WatchOS. I am trying to trigger an action using the WCSession sendMessage sending a value and trigger that action. Now it does work, but it's very ...
Josh York's user avatar
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Xcode Watch Simulator with wallet

Trying to test my iphone app with the wallet. I'm using Xcode 8 with a sim for both the iphone and wallet. I can add the pass to the wallet just fine on the phone sim, but when I go to the watch sim, ...
David's user avatar
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WatchSimulator 3.1 SDK does not support x86_64 architecture?

This is the warning message appears when I compile my WatchKit 2 app ignoring file /Applications/
Sang's user avatar
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How often and how much iPhone share NSUserDefault data to Apple Watch?

Look at this Apple Docs Additionally, iOS automatically forwards a read-only copy of your iOS app’s preferences to Apple Watch. Your WatchKit extension can read those preferences using an ...
Sang's user avatar
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How to implement notification handler in WatchOS 2.0?

In handleActionWithIdentifier:forLocalNotification:'s docs, this method is declared that deprecated from WatchOS 2.0 I looked for App Programming Guide for watchOS, at Notification section, they ...
Sang's user avatar
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Is it possible to connect Xamarin ios App to swift watchOS Extension

I already have a WatchOSExtension developed under swift, is it possible to connect it to a newely developed xamarin ios project?
Ramy Zbeidy's user avatar
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NSLocalizedString in iWatch

I make my app localized for two language in the iWatch. Most of the text get localized except in the Complication and the Alert dialog. Could anyone help me? Code for Alert let restartAction = ...
Zaki Al Karam's user avatar
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How to identify different connected watches in iOS

From watchOS >= 2.2, iOS >= 9.3 iOS device is able to connect with multiple watch devices via sessionDidDeactivate:, sessionDidBecomeInactive:. However there is no identity provided in these delegate ...
Sang's user avatar
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Did Apple change NSUserDefaults sharing from iOS app to watchOS app

I want to ask about how to use NSUserDefaults on the watchOS app. Is its data different from the iOS app's NSUserDefaults's data? There are a lot of stackoverflow questions about this topic and all of ...
Sang's user avatar
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Swift: startDeviceMotionUpdates is not working

I'm using startDeviceMotionUpdates for my apple watch app, and it is not working. Following is my code: import WatchConnectivity import CoreMotion class ResultInterfaceController: ...
Aawara's user avatar
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