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Change font-size in v-select component

I have v-select component <v-select class="mt-2 mb-2" density="compact" hide-details v-model="item.model" :items="items" ></v-...
Levyi's user avatar
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Error while using Vuetify's sass variables

In my Vuetify3 application, I am using some library with a select dropdown, which I want to style exactly like Vuetify's select dropdown. So, I inspected Vuetify's select box, copied its styles, and ...
Neha Soni's user avatar
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2 answers

Vuetify 3 toolbar

I am new to vuetify, and i need some help. So, I have a VToolbar component that i need to set a height of 30px. The problem is, when i inpected in devtools, vuetify by default adds a div, v-...
raio's user avatar
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1 answer

Binding percentage to style from script in Vue 3

I want to color a cell of a table with two colors such that right and left parts of it has different colors. Yet, I can not dynamically change the portion of the left and right color. I first tried it ...
TFC's user avatar
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Vuetify - Use SCSS to change or prepend to class names

I've created a web component using Vue2 & Vuetify2 and it's working almost flawlessly bar a few websites where there are CSS clashes. The problem is that the web component is not in a shadowDOM ...
Dally's user avatar
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How to allow an element of flexbox to overflow its container

I have tried to use flexbox to create a navbar with the logo in the middle however, it appears that I am unable to allow my logo to overflow the navbar from above and below. I tried squishing the ...
Adam's user avatar
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2 answers

How to justify-content: center with Vuetify3

I've my component at the top of the page but I want in in the middle. Like this: This is my code: <template> <v-container class="align-center" fill-height fluid> <v-...
Raúl Peñate's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Scoped css class with elements

I use vue with vuetify. I have to use sass to override the style of vuetify components. With the following code I want to update the style of my text field. <style scoped lang="scss"> ....
Jens's user avatar
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2 answers

SCSS Override Value of Property from Class

i have this html <div class="v-menu__content" style="left: 559px;"></div> <div class="v-menu__content" style="left: 12px;"></div> <...
Kim De Guzman's user avatar
2 votes
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Vuetify: Change background color after click on v-card

here is my jsbin link,,js,output here is the v-card component of Vuetify I am using, <v-card @click="myClick()"> <v-card-title>hello</...
Sharif's user avatar
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Customize vuetify variables - why @import must be at the end of variables.scss file?

I have a project made by vue cli and I want to change vuetify's default variables, e.g the $red color to another color, Following vuetify docs, to do this I can have a file named variables.scss in src/...
moeinghasemi's user avatar
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2 answers

change the style of Vuetify table header

I am trying to change the default color of vuetify table header. I managed to change the header using custom class using code below: headers = [ { text: "Metering Point", ...
Daniel's user avatar
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How can I add a custom style to an v-dialog in vuetify after the latest update?

I'm working with vuetify and I need to add a custom class to an v-dialog. I've already search information about it, but my problem is that the prop "content-class" has been removed from ...
Paolo Fabrizio's user avatar
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CSS props brought in by the Vuetify framework being duplicated according to browser console

I have an app which uses the Vuetify framework and Laravel. Here is what the app.blade.php where all vue pages are based to show all of the external stylesheets used. All vue pages are seeing ...
One_for_all's user avatar
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Set global text color in Vuetify

I've setup a Vuetify app with sass globals, changing the default font style. However, I'm having trouble finding the setting for font/text color. There is a text-color property under $material-light ...
Alex F's user avatar
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CSS works but SASS can't change style of component

I'm trying to override min-height property of a class named application--wrap but the code only works when declared into CSS style: Code that works: <style lang="css" scoped> ....
Gabriel Reis's user avatar
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Vuetify inherit styles in component

I am working on component, which has many links. I would like to style each link using some built-in classes (like "font-weight-regular ma-3 text-center") and some custom styles. I would ...
Krzysztof's user avatar
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1 answer

How to apply pointer-events to simple-table using rowspan in Vue.js?

I made the table using v-simple-table in Vuetify.js framework as Nuxt.js. When I click on "XXX Inc.", I want the table cells for HR, business, HR,sales and business to all be marked out. But ...
drunkdolphin's user avatar
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2 answers

Pass a SASS variable to a Vue component property

I'm still very new to frontend development, and I'm working on a small Vue component that is basically a Vuetify card with a colored border on one side. The color is a property of the component. This ...
Sebastian.M's user avatar
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Vuetify Mobile Drawer: Square Corners?

I'm using the Vuetify mobile drawer component and would like it to have square corners rather than the rounded corners that seem to be a Material default for all Vuetify components. The Vuetify card ...
Alex Leibowitz's user avatar
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Vuetify without vue-cli sass/scss conflict

I need to integrate vuetify into a project which can not use vue cli and has the following css/sass webpack config. { test: /\.s?[ac]ss$/, use: [ MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, { ...
Faizan Shakeel's user avatar
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Override Vuetify styling with .less file

I am in the middle of developing an app based on Vue and Vuetify. So far, the library proved to be largely helpful in quickly prototyping new features. But now I have to align the styling in the app ...
maleficca's user avatar
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Vuetify table same width on all cells

I would like to replicate the same design as in this screenshot: I have been able to replicate some of this design styling the vuetify data table with the following CSS: .v-data-table { @extend ....
Bruno Francisco's user avatar
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How to set the background color of Vuetify v-data-table row on hover?

How to set background color attribute of <v-data-table> ? I tried this which works, but not with scoped attribute and it also affect group header rows: <style lang="css"> .theme--...
DevonDahon's user avatar
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Set 2 background colors in Vuetify's card component

I need create login card with following design: I want split card in half by v-row and v-col components, where left column should be some place for image and other stuff, and right column for form. ...
Denis Stephanov's user avatar
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How to disable Vuetify styling?

I'd like to know how I can disable Vuetify styling. It messed up my whole website. I just need it for the functionality of v-btn and v-text-field. I do not want to use any of the actual styles for ...
Daniel Radosa's user avatar
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2 answers

Elevation in v-dialog vuetify vueJS

I would like to know how I could remove the elevation of a v-dialog, so that it is left with nothing, the elevation property in the v-dialog itself does not work, nor does it embed it using the class ...
StringFormat's user avatar
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How to animate Vuetify <v-badge /> on state change?

In my navbar, I have a "Cart" item with a <v-badge /> on it that displays how many items are in the cart. When a user adds or removes to the cart, the number correctly increments and decrements. ...
J. Jackson's user avatar
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Nuxt/Vuetify Overwriting variables in variables.scss

I'm trying to make my nuxt/vuetify website have the same container size for both lg and xl (i.e it still has the gap at each size in XL. I Have tried overwriting my variables.scss with this: @import ...
Joshua's user avatar
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Dynamically resolve icon font code in a SCSS rule

I am using Nuxt.js (, Vuetify.js ( and @mdi/font ( icon font. I have a case where I want to use an icon, but not the normal ...
Frank's user avatar
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Limit maximum page length in css

I have a Vue application running Vuetify but neither of these seem to be equipped to handle my desire to limit the maximum length of the page to be such that there is no scrolling. I hope that makes ...
a_here_and_now's user avatar
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How do I use CSS as a prop for a Vuetify v-tab?

I am trying to change my website to make color palette swapping easier, as we are still trying to find colors that work still. We are using Vue and Vuetify with SCSS generating our main CSS file. We ...
Abaddon's user avatar
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Change all read only fields background color in Vuetify

My goal is to make all read only input fields distinguishable for my users. Currently, in Vuetify 2.0.12 readonly <v-text-field> and <v-textarea> components are indistinguishable from non ...
Jake Perkins's user avatar
10 votes
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How to change breakpoints in the scss in vuetify v2?

I'm using scss files and I want to change the breakpoints in the css side in vuetify v2. I Can't find any reference in vuetify upgrade guide for this. In version 1.5 I did style-x.styl: $grid-...
Jon Sud's user avatar
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7 answers

Override Vuetify 2.0 sass variable $heading-font-family

In Vuetify 2.0.0-beta.0 I try to override the default variable $heading-font-family. This isn't working. However I can override e.g. $body-font-family, $font-size-root or $btn-border-radius. I've ...
Wim T's user avatar
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Vuetify select menu is not showing

I'm using vuetify datatables, and when i click the "rows per page" select or an input select, the menu with their options is not showing properly. I mean, it's rendered and loaded, but it doesn't ...
GPC's user avatar
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Applying .scss-styles to vuetify custom tags

There I have a PageHeader.vue file in my project which includes a stylesheet from an external PageHeader.scss-file: <template> <header> <v-toolbar app flat ...
Степан Сычёв's user avatar