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How do I add border around my focused input in date-picker react-native?

I am building a date-picker I am using "@react-native-community/datetimepicker": "8.0.1", I want to add a border around my focused input only like this: enter image description ...
Rabab Zahra's user avatar
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How to disable Reachability swipe down when UIDatePicker show up

I have UIDatePicker with picker style .wheels It is annoying when users try to scroll the wheels and the app keeps swiping down. Is there any way to disable the Reachability swipe down when DatePicker ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Add 'dots' to UIDatePicker calendar to signify event on date?

I'm using the UIDatePicker calendar in my iOS app. When a user taps on a date (ie. Nov 21), it shows a list of all events happening on that date for the user inside a tableview. Having said that, ...
Brittany's user avatar
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iOS UIDatePicker - disable KEYPAD entry

I have a UIDatePicker displayed with a WHEEL mode, but when I click on a date, the keyboard comes up, letting me enter a date from KEYPAD. How to disable this ridiculous behavior (why would anyone ...
ekashking's user avatar
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Is there a clean way to use .inline UIDatePicker() to populate UITextField() contents?

Looking for some insight on this. If we for some reason still cannot use .inline style this way, I wonder what the cleanest option is for apps like mine that populate a text field based on ...
swiftsquirrel's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to know if Inline Date picker is switch between Yearly and Weekly view in iOS using swift?

I am using UIDatePicker with inline style. A month-year action appears at top left. I want to know if this action is being clicked of Month-Year wheel is appears on the screen. Basically i want to ...
Muhammad Awais Jamil's user avatar
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Cannot change the 24-hour/12-hour format for UIDatePicker on iOS 16.5.1

I was use the UIDatePicker on iOS with following snipe to show 24-hour format (override user's setting) and it works fine until iOS16.5.1 myDatePicker.locale = Locale(identifier: "en_GB")...
linh lê's user avatar
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How to fetch dates(as weekly-monthly) from CoreData in swift?

i am trying to make a spending control application. However, I cannot pull storages from the dates registered by users on a weekly or monthly basis.Monthly and weekly extraction of user-selected and ...
yusuf kutlay's user avatar
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UIDatePicker is not working on macOS Catalina

Here is the code for UIDatePicker: _datePicker = [[UIDatePicker alloc] init]; _datePicker.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight; _datePicker....
jordy jonathan's user avatar
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UIDatePicker not shows proper in IOS 16.2

I am using UIDatePicker to pick a date from the user. In devices below IOS 16, it works fine, but in IOS 16+ devices, the calendar cuts from the bottom. Below is my code, let datePickerView:...
Sagar Zala's user avatar
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Can I detect month change on UIDatePicker?

I have a UIDatePicker with Inline style (showing as a calendar). I have an endpoint where I get the available dates for a month, so I would like to detect when the month that is showing is changed. I'...
Olav Gausaker's user avatar
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Is there any way to auto date format using Keyboarddatepicker

We are using material ui Keyboarddatepicker, and we have set date format using props in react format=DD/MMM/YYYY so date will be set like "10/12/2020". It is working perfectly when we select ...
kush a's user avatar
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Unable to select future date from date picker view

I am unable to select future dates from the date picker view. I would like to be able to select only current and future dates, not past dates. { let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(...
Nicolas's user avatar
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Truncation problem with Xamarin.Forms iOS inline UIDatePicker

The default iOS behaviour of a Xamarin.Forms DatePicker view is the iOS "Wheel" UIDatePicker. Btw this control is quite ugly and users complained because they wanted (as happening in ...
Stefano Losi's user avatar
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UIDatePicker modal view show incorrect (last) month

My UIDatePicker (with style .compact) is set to Today by default, and always in timezone UTC. cell.datePicker.subviews[0].backgroundColor = nil cell.datePicker.backgroundColor = ....
benck's user avatar
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iOS UIDatePicker "Time" label locale / language not working

Is there any way to change the language/locale of the label with "Time" string on UIDatePicker? This is my date picker configuration: datePicker.locale = Locale(identifier: "de_DE")...
Leszek Szary's user avatar
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Resolved: Datepicker clicking month error: Attempt to invoke interface method 'int com.facebook.react.bridge.readablearray.size()' on a null object

Everything is ok but when clicking month then got the error: Attempt to invoke interface method 'int com.facebook.react.bridge.readablearray.size()' on a null object reference. This is the Call page: ...
Roger Chen's user avatar
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onSelect function of jquery datepicker is not working

<label class="label-size" for="location">Select Date&nbsp;<sup style="color:#e7377b"class="label-size">*</sup></label> <input ...
Sachin Chawla's user avatar
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Show Previous Selected Date in UIDatePicker

How to show previous selected date value when reopen UIDatePicker? @IBOutlet weak var datePickerView: UIDatePicker! func setupDatePicker(){ setUpSelectedDateValue(date: ...
kiran's user avatar
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Can I set the iOS Date picker default date to be blank?

I am trying to set the iOS UIDatePicker to have a blank default date instead of the current date. is this possible?
isaacthedev's user avatar
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How to dismiss DatePicker with selecting current date in SwiftUI?

Say I have the calendar picker show up with below code. Selecting a different date than current date would dismiss the picker. Selecting the current date (with blue background) will not. How to fix ...
oaranger's user avatar
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Incorrect tint color DatePicker swift 5 ios16

I'm using UIDatePicker with preferredDatePickerStyle = .inline and tintColor = .systemOrange. I've tried to put this settings inside ViewDidLoad, ViewWillAppear and ViewDidAppear but the result is ...
TheCesco1988's user avatar
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iOS 16 with broken UIDatepicker .inline

Any one notice that app with date picker with style .inline freeze and crash ? I used below code at my existing app at Appstore if #available(iOS 14, *) { datePicker....
DSRawat's user avatar
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My DatePicker return current time instead of midnight what is supposed to do

I'm currently working with dataPicker and in my project specification I need to set time to midnight and then to noon and I'm doing it like this: let dateFormatter = DateFormatter() dateFormatter....
NikolaSwift's user avatar
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iOS Different behavior when tapping UIDatePicker

Good afternoon, I have detected a difference with UIDatePicker's behaviour: My UIDatePicker setup (Only time) let timePicker: UIDatePicker = { let view = UIDatePicker() view....
Triplem's user avatar
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How create calendar with only custom date selection allow so other date will be disable in UIDatePicker swift

I want to allow user to select only given date from API and other date should be un-clickable or disable. As I can check in SWIFT UIDatePicker only providing minimum date and maximum date selection ...
Maulik Kumbhani's user avatar
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How to show UIDatePicker calendar on tap gesture?

I have a UIDatePicker view that is embedded in a UIImageView. I want to create a functionality where when the UIImageView is tapped, the UIDatePicker's calendar appears on the screen. I also want the ...
Nadia Siddiqah's user avatar
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Expand and Collapse UIDatePicker as countDownTimer in SwiftUI

I want to recreate time duration picker similar to this Project or or in SwiftUI. So far I created a ...
DerEchte's user avatar
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How to get initial value of datePicker Swift

I want to get initial value of timePicker, value changes when I am just scrolling time. Please watch photos it will be more clear to understand what I want. @IBAction ...
No name's user avatar
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DatePicker SwiftUI - Missing date

I'm trying to create a form with DatePicker , but can't get it to write on firebase. I did convert datapicker value into string, but can't understand why in firebase appears date "" Do I ...
Ulisses's user avatar
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is there is a way to show old date and time picker in swift

I am new in swift and I am facing problem with new date picker I need to show old date piker But the current date piker is like this Is there is any way to show old picker My code is like this func ...
Muju's user avatar
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Why UIDatePicker is not showing the time and days in .inline style in iOS 15

Hi I have a UIDatePicker with inline style and dateAndTime mode as InputView to a UITextField, and when datePicker appears its not showing the days and the time. Please refer the image1(when it ...
Hilaj S L's user avatar
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UIDatePicker UIDatePickerStyle = .compact notification when pop-up calendar is dismissed

I would like to receive a notification when the user dismisses the pop-up calendar for a .compact style UIDatePicker. The user may trigger several valueChanged while trying to select the right date, ...
Lars C. Hassing's user avatar
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Swift UIDatePicker: can you specify a color for an individual date on the calendar (accessibility contrast problem)

I am using a UIDatePicker in inline mode, in an app that has both dark and light mode. I have specified a light blue AccentColor for dark mode, which works well for all other components. But for the ...
Pacificana's user avatar
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Can I have UIDatePicker pick dates earlier than 01/01/0001 AD/CE?

Is there any way to select negative years? (i.e. years in the BC era) I am only able to scroll the year column to minimum of "1". However, I wish to allow selecting BC years, such as -100, -...
Joshua's user avatar
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UIDatePicker Month/Year Blank On Load

I have an almost working datepicker with the following settings: Preferred Style: Automatic Mode: Date Locale: Default Date: Current Date My problem is the current month and year name do not appear ...
Chris's user avatar
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how to do localization for UIDatepicker in swift?

I am able to do localization of my datepicker by adding following line in my code datePicker.locale = Locale(identifier: "fr_US") datePicker.calendar.locale = Locale(identifier: "fr_US&...
Muhammad Haseeb Siddiqui's user avatar
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UIDatePicker as UITextField.inputView not showing correctly

I have a textField and its inputView as an UIDatePicker Using .inline would still work fine when UIDatePicker is set as as UITextField.inputView but major issue that for some reason UIKit hard-limits ...
Iker Solozabal's user avatar
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How can I change Calendar range selection colour in swift?

I want to change the background color of selection date from the first to last date dark and between light colour. I've researched other questions but it's not working. All I want to do is just change ...
Hiral Jahlani's user avatar
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UIDatePicker on iOS 15 stops showing era when Japanese calendar is used

My UIDatePicker uses either Gregorian calendar or another calendar of user's choice. When they choose Japanese calendar, the picker shows years with era like this: "平成30年" or "令和2年”. ...
tsuyoski's user avatar
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UIDatePicker causing memory to rise

I am creating an app that uses a date picker that is pictured below. In the simulator, each time the date picker is opened the memory continues to rise. Is there a way to dismiss the date picker so ...
Eliza's user avatar
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Make UIDatePicker Visible Against Black Background

I've got an app with a date picker against a black background. Before the picker is clicked, it is almost invisible. Is there a way to make it opaque or easier to see? I've messed with the parameters, ...
jspiezio's user avatar
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Text color not changing for UIDatePicker (iOS 14+)

I am trying to change the text color for UIDatePicker using setValue() function, but I don't see any change on the UI. I am displaying date picker on a UITableViewCell and testing it on iOS 15 device. ...
tech_human's user avatar
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UITapGestureRecognizer on UIDatePicker not working in iOS 15

I have a row for a user to select a date, and I'm using the UIDatePicker to do this. When a user taps on it, I want it to change some text on the row as well as open the date picker. This was ...
teradyl's user avatar
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Change compact date picker text color. Always black

I have inserted a UIDatePicker in .compact format, only date, in Swift. I have done several tests and read many posts but I can not change the color of the text which always remains black. ...
Francesco's user avatar
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UIDatePicker show only specific days

I have a Realm database where I store data, also with a date. Therefore I want my DatePicker to hide basically all dates where NO entry is in the realm. I will create an Array of Date-Strings which ...
Flo's user avatar
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UIDatePicker change font color ios15

I have a uiDatePicker and I had changed the font color previously with myDatePicker.tintColor = for example. Now that I have updated to Xcode 13 and ios15 when I run this on a device with ...
ez4nick's user avatar
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UIDatePicker rendering is getting right aligned in Xcode 13 (iOS 15)

I compiled my app with Xcode 13 and iOS 15, and I noticed the UIDatePicker is getting right aligned. You can see that my storyboard is properly setup with constraints: This UI element was working ...
KBog's user avatar
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How to add UIDatePicker into textField in UIAlertController?

I'm new in swift and I need help with my first app. I have UITableView with To Do tasks. I need help with adding a UIDatePicker in textField in UIAlertController. override func viewDidLoad() { ...
BetYx's user avatar
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UIDatePicker with toolbar but without text field

In my app, I have a button which when clicked should display time picker with toolbar on it. Most of examples I saw added toolbar as an inputAccessoryView on text field, but in my case I don't have a ...
tech_human's user avatar
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