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local time of calendar event

When I use a script like var now = new Date(), then = new Date(); // _interval is passed to cal.getEvents as nr of seconds then.setSeconds(now.getSeconds() + _interval); Logger.log('...
Gilbert's user avatar
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DST timing is getting wrong for Egypt

The DST timing is wrong in countries where DST starts at 12 a.m., such as (Lebanon ,Cuba, Egypt). The library we're utilizing for UTC dates Package version: date-fns: 2.30.0, date-fns-tz: 1.3.8. ...
shaily rajput's user avatar
-1 votes
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Pandas Datetime conversion CET/CEST to UTC

I have a df datetime column that I want to convert from Europe/Copenhgaen t.z to UTC but I just keep getting duplicate entries in the UTC column. The reason this happens is because of how I make my ...
Tom's user avatar
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Saving datetime offset in database

I currently have a problem with saving the UTC time. I have an application in which you can specify a timer for a job and this is then saved in the database. However, I have the following problem: The ...
alessio venturini's user avatar
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Android Kotlin LocalDate Timestamp conversion

I have a problem with my DatePicker and the conversion of LocalDate an timestamp When opening the DatePicker, I choose a day and on confirm I convert the timestampt to a LocalDate and store in an a ...
SkAppCoding's user avatar
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How to handle DayOfWeek field in a database when users from different time zones query the data?

I have a table in my database where one of the columns represents the DayOfWeek. This column stores information about recurring sessions that occur on specific days (e.g., Monday, Tuesday). The ...
Showechy's user avatar
-1 votes
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Parse timestamp

I have a timestamp with a literal separating the date and time. It also includes the zero hour offset. Why am I unable to parse it to MMddHHmmss? def srcFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(&...
user3411153's user avatar
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ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 4, got 3), gps time to UTC

Trying to convert GPS times to a date and time of day in UTC. Inputs are space separated stream of x y seconds and output is a stream of x y z date time This was designed to work with lidar data and ...
Garret's user avatar
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1 answer

How to Save UTC DateTime in SQL Server with 'Z' Suffix or UTC Offset for Accurate Frontend Conversion

I have a DateTime variable with the value 2024-08-12T18:30:00, which is in UTC. While inserting this value into SQL Server, I want to ensure it retains the UTC designation. Specifically, I'd like the ...
H_307's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I parse a date time string with the 'WET' timezone

I am trying to parse a date string like this: import datetime document_updated_on = '01-Feb-2024#15:22 WET' format_str = "%d-%b-%Y#%H:%M %Z" updated_on_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(...
Tino's user avatar
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1 answer

Merge local Time and date to make DATE in UTC in javascript

I am making a calendar app and getting a start date for an event to start from and shift start time, endtime and name. and pick value of time locally. let formattedStartDate if (mergedFormData....
Muhammad Junaid's user avatar
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Convert human readable time to epoch inline with jq for time comparison

I am writing a bash script to compare VM creation date to an epoch time gathered in a previous step to see what VMs were recreated before a certain date. These are bosh vms which gives human readable ...
cbaum's user avatar
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PrismaORM shifting the UTC time from my db to the timezone of my nestJs application

I have records with timestamp fields in mySql DB. Like this: 2024-06-26T19:00:00.000Z But when I retrieve these records with prisma, they are converted back to my timezone, so the UTC time in database ...
Kabdik's user avatar
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-6 votes
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how to extract the local time and year when given a UTC time in milliseconds and the timezoneOffset?

In javascript, one is given: UTC milliseconds since 1970 timezoneOffset of the local timezone From the above, how to extract the local time and year implied by the timezoneOffset?
Bear Bile Farming is Torture's user avatar
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How to prevent converting to UTC in the dayjs plugin?

There is a code: import * as dayjs from 'dayjs'; import * as utc from 'dayjs/plugin/utc'; import * as timezone from 'dayjs/plugin/timezone'; dayjs.extend(utc); dayjs.extend(timezone); //... console....
  Kit's user avatar
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Convert any TDateTime to UTC when Timezone is known

This seems as if it should be a no-brainer. Here are the knowns. I know the datetime of a "ticket". I know its timezone because one of the properties of the Ticket is it's TimeZone as in ...
Meta Mussel's user avatar
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Using LocalDateTime in Java Spring framework, still gives Date,parse() error for MongoDb collection

I want to generate a listing report based on "listing status" and "createdOn" date on the MongoDB collection"processing-status". The "listingStatus" field ...
Arti M's user avatar
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Rust Local time always returns UTC on target

The following code works fine on my host system use chrono::{Local}; fn main() { let local_dt = Local::now(); println!("local_dt {}", local_dt); } local_dt 2024-06-10 16:13:46.339768796 -...
Tim Ross's user avatar
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convert timestamp with offset to utc timestamp in python?

I have a dataframe with a column in it - date_col 2024-05-12T17:46:50.746922-07:00 2024-05-12T17:31:35.438304-07:00 2024-05-12T17:46:50.642095-07:00 2024-05-12T17:02:02.299320-07:00 I tried below ...
emiley mille's user avatar
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Timezone Issue: Aisa/Almaty Changed from GMT+6 to GMT+5 on Feb 29th, 2024,Dayjs Libraries Not Updated

Recently, Aisa/Almaty's timezone was changed from GMT+6 to GMT+5 effective February 29th, 2024. However, it appears that the libraries are not yet updated to reflect this change, resulting in a one-...
Deepak Sarvepalli's user avatar
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Using typescript how to get current date "local" date in "yyyy-mm-dd" format [duplicate]

I am using this: const today = new Date( new Date().toISOString().split("T")[0] + "Z" ); console.log(today); but returns correct date but format is "Sun May 26 2024 19:...
shyam yadav's user avatar
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offsetting a dateTime object ub

Suppose we need to get a fixed time such as 1600 eastern Time in local-time. I have found the following works fine Dim dtNow As DateTime = DateTime.Now Dim NYSEclose As DateTime Dim ...
Ernesto's user avatar
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Parsing malformed XML UTC DateTime values in Golang

In my program, I am parsing/decoding XML files and storing values in structs, using the Decoder.Decode() function. The files contain several malformed UTC dates, intended to be parsed as time.Time ...
Dust_In_The_Wind's user avatar
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Shift in seconds from UTC to real clock time

While fetching data from a weather API the result time zone for Indian location was 19800, which was shift in seconds from UTC to real clock time. timezone : 19800 I need that to real clock time. ...
Tony's user avatar
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How can the system time and computer time be different locally in .net core API?

I am running a .net core API project locally on my Windows machine, local time is utc +3. In the response header returned from the requests, the results are returned according to utc + 0. This time ...
deneme deneme's user avatar
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Unable to reflect UTC coverage on the coverage/index.html page using Rspec ( uses Forest Admin )

Unable to reflect UTC coverage on the coverage/index.html page using Rspec in Ruby on rails, except the test_setup_db.rake file nothing is covered even after writing valid test cases ( using simple ...
user24777179's user avatar
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Unix date utc 1 hour ago

Is there a way to get utc time 1 hour ago the same way that this works for local time? date -d '1 hour ago' "+%m/%d/%Y -%H:%M:%S" Something like date -u '1 hour ago' etc...? Thanks Different ...
bob monty's user avatar
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Can't Convert From Server Now DateTime to UTC -11

I'm trying to convert a Datetime.Now to UTC -11 TimeZoneInfo info = TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones().FirstOrDefault(x => x.BaseUtcOffset.ToString() == "-11:00:00"); try { ...
Gabriel Scarafia's user avatar
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convert UTC timezone into custom local time with daylight savings offset (and back) in google sheets

I'm looking for a way to convert standard UTC timestamps into a valid Date Time values of local timezone with daylight saving oscillation in mind. ...using this unnamed calendar app, that does not ...
player0's user avatar
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Converting UTC Column into datetime in python pandas

I would like to ask for little support. I have here a python frame containing data giving in UTC format. I would like to transform the column into date-format. Order Date 15-Feb-2024 UTC 17-Feb-2024 ...
SMS's user avatar
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JavaScript Date object showing incorrect date when set to midnight in UTC

I'm encountering an issue with the JavaScript Date object where it's showing an incorrect date when I set it to midnight in UTC. Here's my code: function updateDates(startDate) { var utcStartDate =...
Daniel's user avatar
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get current UTC posix timestamp in better resolution than seconds in Python

I am trying to get a UTC posix timestamp in better resolution than seconds – milliseconds would be acceptable, but microseconds would be better. I need that as a synchronization for unrelated external ...
Jan Spurny's user avatar
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How to convert UTC to EET in ggplot2 geom_segment chart?

I'm trying to adjust the UTC time into EET time in a gantt type of chart, where I want to plot some Cron schedulings which are in the UTC time. Here is the code. How can I adjust the time conversion ...
jrara's user avatar
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Standardizing Different Time Formats in Column

I have a data frame that looks like this: data <- data.frame(PROG_START = c("Tuesday, October 1, 2019", "1682294400")) > print(data) PROG_START 1 Tuesday, ...
JonathonV92's user avatar
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Reading UTC timestamp in python pandas and converting it to European dates

I have an issue with a timestamp column, hoping you can provide me some support. I checked here few already posted questions, but somehow I couldn't find the right approach from them. I have a pandas ...
SMS's user avatar
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Confusion in saving a C# Datetime? to a PostgreSQL date column (via dapper and npgsql)

Can someone please explain why converting a C# datetime to string before passing it into PostgreSQL via dapper and npgsql results in correctly saving the date; whereas passing the C# datetime object ...
Alan Wayne's user avatar
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react apex charts x axis labels and tool tip showing different times instead of actual PST time

i am new to react js and i am using react apex charts of chart type line and getting the data from backend in the form of json array and coming to the issue the data has time as key in UTC iso format ...
Harish Mahi's user avatar
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57 views Serialization Error when serializing 12:00 AM Midnight

Using, I serialize a calendar using this code: var calendarSerializer = new CalendarSerializer(); var attachmentContent = calendarSerializer.SerializeToString(myCalendar); When I serialize a ...
Joe's user avatar
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MySQL inserts on March 09th fail due to DST

I have a Java program which uses Spring JPA that logs events to a MySQL table. In the entity class, I have defined the timestamp attribute as below: @Column("received_timestamp") private ...
user538578964's user avatar
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Python UTC America/New York Time Conversion

Working on a problem where I have to evaluate whether a time stamp (UTC) exceeds 7PM Americas/New_York. I naively did my check as: if (timestamp - timedelta(hours=4)).time() > 19: __logic__ ...
billash's user avatar
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How to create cronjob such that reminders are triggered as per user timezone?

I have an app where I need to send reminders for upcoming sessions. Now, users are spread across the globe. There session timing is stored in UTC in the database. Now, I am getting confused as to how ...
lsr's user avatar
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How to convert any timestamp of a given timezones into UTC?

I need a function that converts any given timestamp in a given TimeZone into UTC. I started by using the UTC-Offset of the source-timezone, but then it turns out, that this is not always correct ...
Carsten's user avatar
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Convert UTC time to local time in nodejs while creating csv

When I convert utc time to local time its working in my local machine but when i deployed it on server then getting me UTC time only means it does not convert time into local. I have tried with moment ...
Pradeep Kumar's user avatar
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Mysql UTC format works for "SELECT" but NOT for "UPDATE"

This is the columns "created_at" datatime And I can query "created_at" with a UTC time But alert "Incorrect datatime value" while "UPDATE" I don't know, but ...
Peter's user avatar
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How could I get hours of each timezone for 2000rows in dataframes

I used many methods to get what I want but it doesn’t work I have dataframe for 2000rows and in this df, I have latitude and longitudes columns I wants to get the hours for each rows in new column ...
ninja_minida's user avatar
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ngx-daterangepicker displaying wrong value with UTC timezone

Version of ngx-daterangepicker is displaying wrong value while using UTC timezone. This is what value picker is showing: 2/05 02:50 PM and this is value i send to picker: Mon Feb 05 2024 13:50:13 GMT+...
Angualry's user avatar
-1 votes
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javascript converting datestring to epoch returns three digits too much

I am converting a string to epoch like this: arrival = $('#aircraft_arrival_time').val(); console.log(arrival); //2023-12-09T14:03 temp = arrival.split("T"); arrivalDatePart = ...
Matt Welander's user avatar
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How to convert date without timezone [closed]

how to convert date without timezone? data from the backend comes in the format 1701699255 I'm trying to execute code like this new Date((1701699255 * 1000) - new Date().getTimezoneOffset() * 60000) ...
Thrackerzod's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to convert dates to UTC taking into account winter and summer time?

My objective is to convert a list of dates to the correct UTC format, i.e.: taking into consideration winter and summer time. Dates were scrapped from a chat. I am Switzerland based which uses (CET) ...
plonfat's user avatar
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Python Arrow datetime function returns a timestamp with seconds field value more than 60

I have a function in my code for taking a UTC time argument like - 2023-11-06T20:53:39.062Z, convert it to EST time and then return in a format as 'MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS'. def date_conv(time): est = ...
mrin9san's user avatar
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