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2 answers

C Program exe file defined as a Trojan:Win32 Virus. How to solve this problem?

screenshot When I run a basic C code in VS Code then windows defender called it a Trojan:Win32. It makes the file removed. It really makes difficulties. So, what should I do now? I reinstall the mingw ...
Ahsanul Ekram Sahil's user avatar
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MinGW gcc C compiled program detected as virus by avast

I have readed a lot of people with the same problem but the most of them are Windows Defender, in my case it only happens with avast(free version) and it detects this simple hello program compiled ...
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WindowsDefender Trojan warning after compiling c program with string.h and stdio.h?

As you will see I am not good in c programming, still learning but my WindowsDefender is yelling at me for compiling this code with MinGW from Codeblocks IDE. #include <stdio.h> #include <...
mortytheshorty's user avatar
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C Array creating Trojan?

I recently stared learning C. everything was fine but suddenly when today I was trying the 2d array with CodeBlocks Windows Defender constantly showing that my compiled file is a "Trojan:Win32/...
Drwe Joe's user avatar
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Trojan(Simple Client-Server in C)

So I started network programming a few days ago, and I created a very simple trojan (Victims execute a client that create a connection to the hackers PC's and then Hackers can execute function of CMD ...
Lapinou Sexy's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Compiled executable seen as Trojan threat

I've converted a very simple bat file to an EXE. my C file looks like this: #include <stdlib.h> int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { system("set PATH=%PATH%;%CD%\bin\ffmpeg"); ...
jansmolders86's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

C homework - trojan found when compiling the code

I was coding some homework (101 level). When I tried to compile the code, I got some virus alert from bit defender: #include <stdio.h> int main ( void ) { int numbers [10]; int i, temp; for (...
Nomics's user avatar
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