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DataTable.ToList() raises collection was modified exception

My application modifies certain DataTable from multiple threads. I have already implemented exclusive locking mechanism for adding rows and committing to DB (2 different threads were handling it). Now,...
misiek8v's user avatar
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Iterate in dataframe with more that one element per entry to have lists

I have a dataframe that looks kind of like this. It has two columns and some columns have more than one data. For instance the first row in the first column has "tom-15", "to-13" ...
Na_Na_Na's user avatar
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KeyError when converting df to_list

Trying to get one column of a df into a list, but a KeyError is thrown each time. Writing a function to convert a dataframe to a subplot. I want to take the first and last value in the df column ...
5imon's user avatar
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Why does ToList() make a sorted order?

When I execute the following code: using static System.Console; var numbers = ParallelEnumerable.Range(0, 50); WriteLine("\nNumbers divisible by 5 are:"); var divisibleBy5 = numbers ....
Vaskaran Sarcar's user avatar
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With Python, move values from a actual column to the end of a previous column under certain conditions

In a dataframe, columns with an NaN in the first row should be added to the last column with a number inside. If there are two columns after another with NaN those should both be added to the last ...
n.o.b.667's user avatar
-1 votes
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Difference between data fetching through AsQueryable() and through ToList() in ASP.NET MVC 5

I want to know what the exact difference is between the two methods - and when we need either of the two? I want to improve my querying skills.
Muhammad yaseen's user avatar
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when i want to print IEnumerable to console screen then i'm getting "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Linq_1.Objects.UserObject]"

I'm trying to learn Ienumerable with linq. What I want to do is to print the userlist after filtering it with linq. But I am encountering such a console screen. Main Code: class Program { static ...
Emin Altınışık's user avatar
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2 answers

Get value out of a tolist([ data object in Terraform

I have this terraform output: output "cloud_connection" { value = data.cloud_connection.current.connection[0] } $ terraform output cloud_connection = tolist([ { "id" ...
Romain's user avatar
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What is the difference when converting the Linq result to ToList() and when not converting it toList

In the below example when I donot use .ToList() in the Line - var b = a.SelectMany(x => a.Select(y => { ans.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(x, y)); return false; })).ToList(); The Count of ans is ...
SaiRaj's user avatar
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In Python, I am comparing dataframes containing strings to decide if it should pass or fail. How can I stop data from passing when it should fail?

I have over 20 test cases that check a CSV for data anomalies due to data entry. This test case (#15) compares the salutation and addressee to marital status. # Test case 15 # Compares MrtlStat to ...
feelsgood's user avatar
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Entity Framework Core error on temporary table when FromSqlRaw invoques COUNT(*)

I'm using the below query in .NET Core 6. If I use anything other than ToList() I get Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'INTO'. Incorrect syntax near ')'.. This only happens when I use COUNT(*). If ...
Daniel Lobo's user avatar
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Pandas column tolist() while each row data being list of strings?

I am trying to save & read a data frame that has following formatting index sentence 0 ['aa', 'bb', 'cc'] 1 ['dd', 'ee', 'ff'] When I read the saved csv file and turn the '...
Lucas Park's user avatar
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Format problem: pandas df.values.tolist() is converting rows into lists but lists each have just one item

Table with 4 Columns and 10 Rows. Reading in as dataframe(df). Then from there using lists = df.values.tolist() produces print(lists) Outcome: [['30;30;30;0'], ['30;30;30;0'], ['30;30;30;0'], ['30;30;...
enving's user avatar
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Export the Subs and Functions in a Visual Basic Solution

I am wondering if anyone knows a way to list out all of the functions and subroutines within a Visual basic Solution? The short and tall of it is, I have to list out all of the commands in my program ...
Tired's user avatar
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3 answers

Convert a txt document to a list to a list starting with [[, instead of ['[

I have a .txt document with this type of text: [(“Vazhdo”,”verb”),(“të”,”particle”),(“ecësh”,”verb”),(“!”,”excl.”)] (which represents a sentence and the Parts of Speech tags for each word) I want to ...
Kena's user avatar
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serier to tolist() gives elements in squared brackets when appended python

When i convert the series object to list and append each element to a new list the elements are added with extra squared brackets. Can someone help me on how to remove the brackets or append without ...
muzzammil karamadi's user avatar
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dataframe combine row values to a list without NaN

I want to combine values in each row to a list and add a column on the dataframe. But some columns have NaN, how can I remove NaN in the list? df A B C 2 3 NaN 1 3 1 3 4 6 Expected output A ...
Lumos's user avatar
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Why this Widget should be returned as List?

(questionList[_questionIndex]['answers'] as List<String>).map((answer) { return Answer(_textChanger, answer); }).toList(); this code is part of my main.dart. that code is inside of Column(...
John Han's user avatar
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Pandas unlist one dataframe column in chain

I would like to unlist one Pandas dataframe column into multiple columns in a chain. Like this, but ideally in a chain to help readability as there are more steps afterwards. Here is my example, which ...
Zeus's user avatar
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Terraform Datasource oci_core_volumes module return string of a function

I am calling Terraform oci_core_volumes module to query block storage volumes, in the response, I am expecting id list of the volumes, but it returned a function tolist instead, how to execute it and ...
Arthur Niu's user avatar
2 votes
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Numpy array tolist() problem with floating-point values

I have a Numpy array that I obtained by multiplying a Numpy array with a float. a = np.array([3, 5, 7, 9]) * 0.1 The resulting numbers are precise without any rounding. >>> a array([0.3 0.5 ...
Maximilian's user avatar
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Create a 2D List of Random Numbers between Given Range and without Repeating any Number in Python

My code creates an array, shown below: var1 = array([[0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8]]) def Ran(var1): var1 = np.random.choice(9, size=(3,3), replace=0) #print(var1) return var1 var1=Ran(var1) ...
Levi Ackerman's user avatar
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convert selected columns of a pandas dataframe to list

I have a dataframe with several columns, among which 'value1' and 'value2': value1 value2 other 0 13 8 xxxxx 1 14 7 xxxxx 2 17 7 xxxxx 3 18 ...
Rob Porter's user avatar
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How to split tuples in all columns of a dataframe

The columns in my dataframe contain tuples and empty cells. The number of columns in the dataframe is dynamic and the columns have no lables. **0 1 2** **0** ...
konstantin's user avatar
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Read data from Excel and search it in df, TypeError: 'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not float

I read a lot about this Error, but I couldn't find a solution for me. I have an Excel with 3 columns in which I store keywords. I want to read these keywords and search it in a Pandas Dataframe. The ...
shima's user avatar
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How to split a Info column in my Dataframe to 6 separate columns?

The df dataframe consists of one column called Info which has some words separated by ' '. I want to split these and store them in separate columns. I created the columns and tried the str.split(' ',...
nsakash's user avatar
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4 answers

to_list not working with pandas when null values in pandas

df = pd.DataFrame({'a':[None,1, 2], 'b':[None, (1,2), (3,4)]}) a b 0 NaN None 1 1.0 (1, 2) 2 2.0 (3, 4) I want to set the tuple in the column be to each have their own column. However, ...
David 54321's user avatar
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convert pandas series (with strings) to python list

It's probably a silly thing but I can't seem to correctly convert a pandas series originally got from an excel sheet to a list. dfCI is created by importing data from an excel sheet and looks like ...
SModi's user avatar
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got error at => list.add(e)).toList(); . how im gonna parsed the json file?

based on code below, the error state on is "The method 'map' isn't defined for the type 'String'. Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named '...
aqlhsyfqhsym's user avatar
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I'm curious about the speed difference between Kotlin's toList and IntArray

I was curious to see what Kotlin's toList is returned in, so I tested it. fun loop(i: Int){ for(i in 0..i){} } fun main() { val list: List<Int> = (1..100000).toList() val arr = ...
Hwan E's user avatar
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Manipulating/splicing List of Lists

Good evening, May I please get advice for the following code? Here is what I have: z_list = df.iloc[0:5000,2] n = 1000 #chunk row size list_df = [z_list[i:i+n].tolist() for i in range(0,z_list....
gman2020's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Can't give back manager.list in Python multiprocessing from subprocess comes from array.tolist()

I would like to change a manager.list in a multiprocessing subprocess with via array(a).tolist(). Appending the list in subprocess works but changing with that method doesn't. Any hint what is wrong? ...
Markus's user avatar
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Customized read, split, and add to a list of objects from a large file

I am trying to figure out how I can customize read data from large file, the file is organized in this way : some text : Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting ...
tchiko's user avatar
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Iterating over a list parsed over from a cvs. column

I am trying to iterate over a list that contains temperatures. Appending the data/temperatures from a csv file to a list data structure was a not an issue. The problem occures when i want to count ...
Saurus's user avatar
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How to convert dataframe to list without adding more decimal places in python

I have a dataframe. The values are 5 decimal places as shown in the first image. After I use df.values.tolist() to convert to list, some became more than 5 decimal places as shown the 2nd image. ...
saga's user avatar
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5 answers

Add all values of an instance of an object to a List

Say i have a class 'Dog' with a lot of String values and i want all of those values in a List, would there be any better way than adding every value by themselves? e.g. take this dummy class, note ...
JustADude's user avatar
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Filling a fixed number (x) of new columns with tolist() function which sometimes contains less items (< x)

I am using tolist() to split up a 8-item-list in 1 column ('modelGreeks') into 8 new columns in that same dataframe: pd.DataFrame(df['modelGreeks'].tolist(), index=df.index) df[['IV_model', 59, '...
Floris van K's user avatar
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Need to add array elements to list. Trying to use "tolist", "extend", and "append", but not successful

I'm trying to create a list that has image_id then several prediction percentages. The prediction percentages (yhat) are in a np array. I thought that using "tolist" then "extend" then "append" ...
JenniferAnn's user avatar
-1 votes
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Incompatibele types error when copying code

I'm setting up a logger in a program but used some code from another program. I could fix all errors except for an incompatible type error returned by a Collectors.toList(). The error: https://i....
FlorisKnight's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

java IntStream cannot use collect(Collectors.toList()), compilation error, why? [duplicate]

As below: IntStream iStream = IntStream.range(1,4); iStream.forEach(System.out::print); List list1 = iStream.collect(Collectors.toList());//error! Java 1.8 compiler gives type deduction ...
Hind Forsum's user avatar
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export looped numpy histogram outputs to list without array information and formatting

I am running through a loop of data compiled from a number of lists. I am eventually going to create a histogram, however I want the binned outputs from the histogram function to be exported to a list....
GeomorphicJosh's user avatar
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Python Pandas | Create separate lists for each of the columns

I am not sure how to use tolist to achieve the following. I have a dataframe like this: Param_1 Param_2 Param_3 -0.171321 0.0118587 -0.148752 1.93377 0.011752 1.9707 4.10144 0....
J.Calc's user avatar
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Why I use "Collectors.toList()" rather than "Collectors::toList" in Java 8 Lambda? [duplicate]

Usually after a flatMap, we use collect(Collectors.toList()) to collect data and return a List. But why can't I use Collectors::toList instead? I tried to use it, but got a compilation error. I ...
Lang's user avatar
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df.columns.tolist() to return strings not tuples

in pandas to find the columns of a df you do: df.columns which returns a multiindex array. If you want to add it to a variable you do: columns=df.columns.tolist() which would create a tuple for ...
matthewr's user avatar
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How to convert a numpy.ndarray type into a list?

I want to read a matfile in python and then export the data in a database. in order to do this I need to have the data type as list in python. I wrote the code below: import as si import csv ...
Mohsen's user avatar
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Java .stream() not saving List<> sorting in .toList() - prints blank

-- I'm using .stream() to filter a List by name initial chosen by the user and print it out, but I can't get the sorted list to print correctly; it only prints white space. I think it's not saving the ...
Lele's user avatar
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-4 votes
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C++ problematic function, Array to List [closed]

I have this code from programing class: void ToList(List *first, int *arr, int n) { List *p = first; for(int i=0; i<n; i++) { p->x = arr[i]; if (p->next != NULL) p = p-...
Dark GT's user avatar
0 votes
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Rx Java parsing a List to RealmList

So, here is my code: @Override public RealmList<RealmStuff> call(List<Stuff> stuff) { return Observable.from(stuff) .map(this::getRealmStuff) .toList() ...
a_dzik's user avatar
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numpy tolist() uncomfortable output

I'm trying to extract a column of a numpy matrix in a list form. I've used the method tolist(), but it is not useful for my purpose. Let see the code. import numpy as np def get_values(feature): '...
Bernheart's user avatar
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Python list has drift in values [duplicate]

I was having troubles with iterating through a list in Python. For this I fiddled a little bit with making a numpy array iterable and came to the following (still not functional) stage: import imp ...
Robin Kramer-ten Have's user avatar