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How to remove odd characters in R wordcloud

I'm trying to build a word cloud in R using corpus and various tm_map functions. The problem is I keep getting this odd symbol returned, the one with the euro symbol and the upside down quotes. It's ...
Mr_Percy_Heat's user avatar
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Error in strwidth(words[i], cex = size[i], ...) : invalid 'cex' value

I am using the tm and wordcloud packages. I am trying to make a word cloud from a DTM. Here is the code: ocs <- Corpus(VectorSource(text)) trans <- content_transformer(function(x, pattern) gsub(...
Rafsan Sadman's user avatar
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New error being thrown with tm package and dtm/wordclouds

using R(3.2.5) and with the following packages loaded 'SnowballC', 'tm', 'NLP', 'RWeka', 'RTextTools', 'wordcloud', 'fpc' carmenCorpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(feedback$Description)) carmenCorpus &...
Martin Perry's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

R: wordcloud package omitting words below three characters from corpus

When creating a wordcloud using the wordcloud package it seems like the package defaults to omitting words below three characters (such as "tv"). I think this is a feature rather than a bug, but still ...
h.2's user avatar
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3 answers

Unable to get n gram word cloud in R

I am trying to create a word cloud for bi-gram (and higher n grams) using the below code - text_input <- scan("Path/Wordcloud.txt") corpus <- Corpus(VectorSource(text_input)) = tm_map(...
Saibal Gupta's user avatar
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Why my bigrams are still considering stopwords?

The result still consider stopwords... Few lines of my txt: Sensacional, uma das melhores remakes de animação sai do cinema emocionado, absurdamente lindo, insensibilidade de quem reclama do musical, ...
Raquel Dourado's user avatar
4 votes
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Wordcloud in R from list of values (not from text documents)

I have ranked the tokens in my texts according so a criterion and they all have a value. My list looks like this: value,token 3,tok1 2.84123,tok2 1.5,tok3 1.5,tok4 1.01,tok5 0.9,tok6 0.9,tok7 0.9,...
ulima2_'s user avatar
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Make all words uppercase in Wordcloud in R

When creating Wordclouds it is most common to make all the words lowercase. However, I want the wordclouds to display the words uppercase. After forcing the words to be uppercase the wordcloud still ...
FilipW's user avatar
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Error at creating word cloud in R (Error in simple_triplet_matrix: 'i, j, v' different lengths)

I have the following code in R to get the recent tweets about the local mayor candidates and create a wordcloud: library(twitteR) library(ROAuth) require(RCurl) library(stringr) library(tm) library(...
Joabe da Luz's user avatar
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error using Corpus in R (wordcloud)

I am new to R and trying wordcloud using a text file separated by spaces. I have installed tm and tmap packages. I am getting following errors: Error: could not find function "Corpus" Error: ...
Kishor Bhoyar's user avatar
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Remove phrase with apostrophe in R for word cloud

Thanks to the help of this community I've been able to make some word clouds from movie scripts and it's getting easier and easier. Someone requested I do the movie Pan, so I found the script and off ...
user137698's user avatar
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Saving text from webpage for word cloud in R

I'm trying to practice making word clouds in R and I've seen the process nicely explained in sites like this ( and in some videos on YouTube. So I ...
user137698's user avatar
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Wordcloud on dataframe in R

Being new to R, I am lacking a few basics. Is it possible to make a wordcloud on a dataframe? my data is like: X x a 10 b 8 c 6 d 4 Can i make a workcloud on the above data where X is the word ...
eclairs's user avatar
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How can junk data be removed from text analytics

I am very new to R and have recently started working on with on a text analytics project. I am trying to make a wordcloud of the words that make up my story. The packages that I have installed are: ...
eclairs's user avatar
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Making a wordcloud, but with combined words?

I am trying to make a word cloud of publications keywords. for example: Educational data mining; collaborative learning; computer science...etc My current code is as the following: KeywordsCorpus &...
Lian Ahmad's user avatar
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2 answers

R textmining build a corpus structured with subsets of a dataframe

I'm new in formulas with R and I'm struggling quite a bit to change some repetitive code into something more compact. As suggested in the comment of MrFlick, I posted the working solution I've already ...
Joel.O's user avatar
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Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]) : there is no package called ‘Rcpp’ [duplicate]

Basically I want to use wordcloud function. I'm working through R console. But I could use Rstudio if thats the problem. When I use wordcloud(r_stats_text_corpus) Error: could not find function "...
tikiabbas's user avatar
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R comparison wordcloud from dataframe with quantity

I am currently struggling with the construction of a word cloud like that one : To have a wordcloud like in the following image, you need a corpus of 4 texts, "ATT", "Verizon", "T-Mobile", "MetroPCS"...
Joel.O's user avatar
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Error in Wordcloud in R -Error in UseMethod("meta", x) : no applicable method for 'meta' applied to an object of class "try-error"

I am trying to create a wordcloud from the tweets I have mined useing twitteR. I have used the csv file containg the tweets sans formatting as input for the same. Following is my code: library(tm) ...
Srikterdon's user avatar
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Error reading txt file into R and turning it into a wordcloud using the tm package

{R version 3.1.2} I am trying to make a function that can take the name of any txt file in the working directory and automatically read it, remove stop words, and create a word cloud. Here is the ...
Grant Oliveira's user avatar
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Grouping Words in R to create a Category

Hello everyone and thanks for your help. I am using R 3.1.3 to create a comparison cloud and i will like to group certain words under one word. Example: easier and ease will be grouped under easy. I ...
user3117087's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

text mining with tm package in R ,remove words starting from [http] or any other specifc word

I am new to R and text mining. I had made a word cloud out of twitter feed related to some term. The problem that I'm facing is that in the wordcloud it shows http:... or htt... How do I deal about ...
Amanpreet Singh's user avatar
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Cloud Comparison for text represented in graph (wordCloud package)

I have a query-related content set (from emails) that are being reprocessed using the tm package. Wanting to represent it graphically, I came across this twitter cloud comparison on text and am ...
KRU's user avatar
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Wordcloud in R without "tm"

I was trying to use Wordcloud without "tm" package, since it is supported on versions 3.1 and above, but most linux systems have R 3.0.8 installed by default (from the apt repository). So i was ...
rjalfa's user avatar
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Errors when creating a wordcloud using the tm and wordcloud packages in R

I am a little unclear about some errors I'm getting using the tm package. I know that the wordcloud function in the wordcloud package takes a corpus as an argument: As stated in the ...
tumultous_rooster's user avatar
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Error in tm_map with dictionary

I using below code to text mine - I copied couple of paragraphs to a text file and ran below code. ...
Savi's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

R: add title to wordcloud graphics / png

I have some working R code that generates a tag cloud from a term-document matrix. Now I want to create a whole bunch of tag clouds from many documents, and to inspect them visually at a later time. ...
knb's user avatar
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