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thymeleaf + bootstrap + css - why is my last image NOT aligned to the end?

I am working on a header fragment I want centralized on the screen <nav class="navbar navbar-custom navbar-expand"> <div class="container-fluid col-8"> <...
gtludwig's user avatar
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Prettify bootstrap template from java spring

I have a spring project focusing on library books that be checked out. Here is the html code rendered from the server side. The columns are crooked! Here is the html code (and the first row): https://...
Sumangal Sinha Roy's user avatar
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3 answers

How to center my bootstrap div in the middle of screen?

I want to center following divs in the middle of the screen HORIZONTALLY AND VERTICALLY (2 SITES). What should I add to my HTML code to make it works? I managed to center div from first site ...
user's user avatar
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Button with input field doesn't want to align to the right corner

I'm trying to use class=float-right on button "Add to cart", but it doesn't work properly. To illustrate the problem I increased the width of the card. "Add to cart" button sticks ...
leonaugust's user avatar
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spring boot + thymeleaf 3+bootStrap, Configuration bootstrap return 404 error

I can't import Bootstrap static resources when I configure thymeleaf and Bootstrap in Spring-boot. I know there are many similar problems, but I can't solve them for me. if i use web resources like &...
Andy Ho's user avatar
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Problem with integrating Bootstrap, Jquery and Thymeaf

I'm trying to create a double dropdown, so I found good example from here w3schools. But when I paste code from there, dropdown doesn't work. This looks like: Button "Tutorials". When I replace ...
Egorika Belarus's user avatar
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It is possible to use bootstrap library only for the content without the header and the footer in 'thymeleaf'?

I would like to know whether it is possible to use the bootstrap library without influencing the footer and the header ? Is there any possibility? thank you in advance. <!DOCTYPE html> <html ...
flyordie's user avatar
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2 answers

Spring boot carousel fullscreen html,css,bootstrap

I have a problen with making fullscreen carousel using html and css. When i start my webapp its just shows me nothing in browser like its blank html file only with glyphicon on the top. It works fine ...
Ekera's user avatar
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Bug on background image after wrong password

I have a bug on the login page of my project, the background image simple disappear when a wrong passowrd is inputed. I think it might be because of the URL of the page (if a wrong password is ...
Mauricio Renan's user avatar
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How use bootstrap with thymleaf in jhipster application

I'm currently working on an email template with thymeleaf in a jhipster application. My problem is that i can't use bootstrap css in thymeleaf template. I understand that thymeleaf is a server-...
BELLIL's user avatar
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Jumbotron background doesn't show with Bootstrap

I'm using Bootstrap with template engine Thymeleaf for the front end, however I can't seem to get the background image to show with my inline CSS, I tried the answer in this stackoverflow question ...
Gherbi Hicham's user avatar
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CSS files are not loading :

I am trying to learn thymeleaf. I am doing so by referencing the "petclinic spring project". I was able to create a html page with thymeleaf tags. I am able to load the java scripts but not able to ...
user641887's user avatar
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HTML page layout - multiple form tags

I have a twitter-bootstrap & thymeleaf project where I need to have two form tags covering the respective parts of the page as shown below: The area represented by the black box contains two text ...
Al Grant's user avatar
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Spring and Gradle - adding to the project WebJars Bootstrap

I want to using in my service webjars bootstrap. I added dependency compile group: 'org.webjars', name: 'bootstrap', version: '4.0.0-alpha.6-1' I register source registry ....
sdgdsfgfdhgdf's user avatar
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How to create two inputs for the same field with responsive design?

I'm trying to create a responsive design form with number input in form-group using Thymeleaf and Bootstrap. My goal is to make such input that would be the slider type on mobile devices, and the text ...
DimaSan's user avatar
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Spring + Thymeleaf + Bootstrap

I would like to know how to override the css from Bootstrap. This is what I have tried so far. I created a separate css file and there I am calling the Bootstrap css classes and making some changes, ...
Maxi Bisurgi's user avatar
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Setting CSS styles on images in Thymeleaf

I'm developing a web app using Spring MVC and Thymeleaf as templating technology. I can't understand how to set up rules to an image, possibly in an external CSS file. I know the following code ...
andy's user avatar
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Html, css, bootsrap, how to aline element

I am using thymeleaf,bootstap,css for the view. I couldn't aline the button and level as shown in the picture:- Update: Here is the source code:- <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=&...
masiboo's user avatar
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