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How to show frontend demo from WordPress customizer options?

I am making a WordPress Woocommerce theme using Kirki Customizer. For the default archive page, there are different product card styles and girds. But using the customizer, I can only show demo one ...
Sunny's user avatar
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How to upload multiple images to use as gallery in Kirki Framework

I am using Kirki Option framework which works like charm in most cases, I recently shifted from Redux framework. I have a section in my website for the gallery, I want to upload multiple images using ...
Milan Bastola's user avatar
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How to change the post title tag in WordPress?

WordPress post titles are usually in the h1 tag by default. How to write the post title inside the h2 tag? WordPress Post Title I go through all the themes files but can not get any solution. When I ...
Md. Nafiul Islam's user avatar
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How to only load CSS when the Option is checked in Theme Customizer in Wordpress?

New to WP and stuff, and looking for a way to load the CSS only when the Option is checked. I used the below code to add in the Control in Theme Customizer, but not sure how to load the CSS only when ...
Umer's user avatar
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Illegal string offset in PHP function

I am getting illegal string offset warning when i try to output some multiple checkboxes options from a wp_customize settings. $wp_customize->add_control( new Customizer_Simple_Checkbox_Control(...
Liviu Costache's user avatar
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Wordpress Customizer HTML manipulation and dropdown menu

I'm trying to add a section in the wordpress customizer with a few different "subsections" in a dropdown menu. Like in the following image: I would like to open a subsection when you make ...
Álvaro García's user avatar
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Wordpress customizer - Using a setting value for another control

There are probably dozens of better ways to do this, but I'm still learning the ins and outs, so I'm starting basic. I'm trying to set up a range (working), for the logo, that scales only as tall as ...
faeyren's user avatar
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