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Vulkan SDK Demos not runnable

When running the Vulkan SDK demos (e.g.: vkcubecpp) (by opening DEMOS.sln) it gives me this error: cannot open source file volk.h. I noticed this and checked the Inlude folder in the VulkanSDK to see ...
Husky's user avatar
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FastDDS ShapesDemo Application Can not Communicate with Simulink DDS Blockset ShapesDemo EXE

I followed the MATLAB/Simulink tutorial Creat DDS Applications in Simulink and have build the shapesdemo.exe successfully. I have also installed eProsima FastDDS ShapesDemo Application. In ShapesDemo ...
MathWorker's user avatar
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how to perform a Ping flood attack / ICMP flood attack demonstration?

I need to perform a Ping flood attack against myself another local computer / a virtual machine / ... to demonstrate that the network will be overloaded en eventualy stop responding using scapy. I ...
Jan Martens's user avatar
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How to show frontend demo from WordPress customizer options?

I am making a WordPress Woocommerce theme using Kirki Customizer. For the default archive page, there are different product card styles and girds. But using the customizer, I can only show demo one ...
Sunny's user avatar
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gh-pages branch not making with npm install --save gh-pages

[![enter image description here][1]][1] I want to add the React project to the github page to see the demo, and I do the creation steps in the following order, but the gh-pages branch is not created ...
Zohre Omidi's user avatar
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How can I record a website demo as an animated SVG like this?

I have never seen this before and am excited to learn how this was accomplished. How can I record a website demo as an animated SVG like this? I found, but ...
Ryan's user avatar
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With the Kraken Python REST API, how to interact with Sandbox/demo environment?

I want to use a Python 3.9 client with the Kraken REST API. I'm using the codebase they posted here -- ...
Dave's user avatar
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Scilab 2023 Xcos electrical demo does not work in Windows 10

I've just installed Scilab 2023 in Windows 10 with Visual Studio Buildtools successfully: --> haveacompiler() ans = T --> findmsvccompiler() ans = "Visual Studio Build Tools 2022&...
Salva's user avatar
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Is there any way to deploy a demo application in flutter, specifically something made for mobile (regardless of being iOS or Android) on the web?

I wanted to put my apps demo deploy somewhere, so when I apply for jobs, people can test the apps I made, not just see pictures of the UI and code. I found a place to do it,, but it let ...
Thiago Dal Santo's user avatar
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How to reset a cloud Postgres DB as if it was just created before each demo deployment?

I was using Heroku for projects in development. Heroku has a great option to reset Postgres DB: Now I'm using other ...
Fred Hors's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to start julia reinforcement experiments?

I'm new to Julia and JuliaReinforcementLearning and just want to start the Experiments provided on So I made one file like this: using ...
Mike75's user avatar
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How to create demo project in Xcode?

I was asked to create a demo project in Xcode to send it to the third-library developer so the question is: is it a special thing or I should just send him a copy of my project uploaded or zipped? ...
Misha Demidenko's user avatar
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How to execute a file from URL

I'm writing a demo for a file upload attack. I have uploaded my file to the server. How can I execute the file I just uploaded from the URL like a hacker enter image description here
thịnh vũ's user avatar
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Adding a pretrained model outside of AllenNLP to the AllenNLP demo

I am working on the interpretability of models. I want to use AllenAI demo to check the saliency maps and adversarial attack methods (implemented in this demo) on some other models. I use the tutorial ...
Roshanak's user avatar
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Slider demo for a contour plot in python

I am trying to create a slider demo contour for a sinusoidal function using python, but I do not know how to code the line that we will manipulate for a contour plot slider. I appreciate anyone that ...
mohammad reza afyouni's user avatar
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dotcms osgi plugin from examples web interceptor

I'm evaluating dotcms through the docker demo, version 22.02 I'm trying the plugin samples provided by dotcms, example:
LaurentD's user avatar
-1 votes
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Any example for Fully Featured Ag-grid?

I'm using Ag-grid Enterprise edition for my workspace is there any fully-featured example available for Angular > 8 ?
NewQuantum Gmail's user avatar
7 votes
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How can I self-destruct a Kubernetes pod automatically after 20 days?

I need to set up a kubernetes pod to create demo environments for clients of my web application, with a 20 day trial duration. After these 20 days, the pod should be automatically deleted, how can I ...
Luis Manuel Cortés Tirado's user avatar
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Searching for a matching map name in Powershell

sorry i really dont know how to properly ask this question. I would like to parse CS:GO Demo files in Powershell, and i would like to retrive the map name from it. I opening dem files like this: Get-...
ad1k4h's user avatar
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Embark_demo/embark run is not starting

I followed the instructions and install all the prerequisites that was listed as required to setup Embark; however, when I reached the dmo test piece, I am not successful. I am getting eht following ...
Johnny's user avatar
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Google Rich Text Editor Demo not running on localhost

I'm trying to run the google editor demo on my local machine to see if I can use it in my project. I've ...
Jacques Mulder's user avatar
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flutter dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType() returns null

I am trying to use InheritedWidget approach to share state down the Widget tree. For this, I am making a simple counter app. You can add, subtract, multiply or divide the counter however you like. It'...
Ariel's user avatar
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AWS IoT embedded C SDK - fleet provisiong demo times out when doing TLS handshake

I'm trying to use AWS IoT embedded C SDK. After compiling, every demo works just fine, except for the fleet_provisioning demo. SDK version used: 202108.00 logs: [INFO] [PKCS11] [core_pkcs11_mbedtls.c:...
Vadim's user avatar
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5 votes
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Do you run demos in production or have a separate demo environment?

It's a pretty common query that I find comes up in SaaS applications. Do you run demos in production or in a separate demo environment? It's slightly different to testing in production, which again is ...
jpswade's user avatar
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TextField issue using Consumer where taping "done" on keyboard causes textField to clear

EDIT: Tried to delete post but can't because of answer. So I am editing entire post to better describe new issue I'm having as I have now narrowed down the problem. I have seen other posts that solve ...
RobbB's user avatar
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NODE JS Project Demo

I have a toDo web application made in NODEJS. I want to include it in my resume and want 2 links , one for project code and other for project demo ? Is there any way to show live demo of this nodejs ...
kinshuk's user avatar
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Weblogic 12c, nmConnect command - "General SSLEngine problem"

While trying to connect to my NodeManager via wlst command, I am getting this error: General SSLEngine problem My Weblogic is using demo cert from DemoIdentity.jks which should be valid (until Sat May ...
mussa's user avatar
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3 answers

Package 'demo_nodes_cpp' not found. Cannot run ros2 demo after installing ade when trying tutorial on linux

I'm following the tutorial. After installing ade, I cannot run ros2 demo talker/listener examples: source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker source /opt/ros/foxy/...
Dean0307's user avatar
-2 votes
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I purchased wordpress theme from themeforest but not able to import demo content?

As I purchased WordPress theme from themeforest and installed it. But I am not able to get demo content as seen in preview section of that theme. From import demo data menu I tried importing demo ...
Sagar Patil's user avatar
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"action_page.php" in form error leads to Error 404

I want to create a form in HTML and I am leading it to the demo page, "action_page.php". When I press "Submit" it shows Error 404. I tried changing the attribute up and down but it ...
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How to share only the demo in Codepen?

Whenever I open the Codepen links, I am shown this UI. I want to share this with someone but without the code being shown on the UI since that irrelevant to the target person. I want share only the ...
SagarM's user avatar
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Forge: Select a single part: cant switch between parts

I am trying to link part id's to PDF pages. At the moment I am test linking them by: const page = results[0].selection[0] % 100; Each part ID does now link to a page. However, it only works when I ...
Poppy's user avatar
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Autodesk Forge: Industrial Construction Demo bucket not working

I have cloned the Industrial Construction Demo code but I am having issues with the 'bucket-name'. In the launch file you need to specify &...
Poppy's user avatar
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How to slow down a service-worker to simulate 56k or 2G 3G slow connection

Here is my use-case : I'me developping Static Site Generator and stuff for them. I would like to host on static pages (like gitlab-pages or github-pages) some demo of my stuff. So I can't use server-...
1000i100's user avatar
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Mask RCNN demo code error in jupyter notebook

I am trying to get the MASK RCNN demo code to work to see what else I need to download. I can't get past this error. AttributeError: module 'tensorflow' has no attribute 'placeholder' Does anyone has ...
Ramila's user avatar
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Darknet OpenCV found but can't demo

-- Found OpenCV: C:/OpenCV/build (found version "3.4.12") ^^ when I run cmake . it shows found opencv but when i try to use darknet.exe detector demo ... it displays CUDA-version: 10020 (...
Udders's user avatar
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What language(s) was the "The Mother of All Demos" written in?

For the "The Mother of All Demos", what language(s) were used to write the code for the demo? Is any of the source code publicly available?
Eugene's user avatar
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How to install Shopware demo data in existing installation?

Is there a way to install the Shopware demo data (not the random demo data) after an installation of the dev template?
RappY's user avatar
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CountdownLatch Demo program .Not waiting for coutdown latch to get over

In this program why All countdownlatch over message printed in between .Although it should wait for all the countdown latch to get over .As an extra Thread is started in the main method but that ...
Sidhant Pant's user avatar
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Docusign Signature Without Account

Is it possible for a user to sign his/her own signature even he/she doesn't have a DocuSign account? In the github code example ( I found that account id is ...
Abhratanu B's user avatar
4 votes
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Spring Boot API Mocking In Production

I know, we can mock our code in test scope easily in Spring-Boot. In here, I want to try create a demo-production scope/profile in Spring Boot. And in this profile, I want to work with mock sceneries. ...
Sha's user avatar
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How to increase PHP Limits in phpMyAdmin using Xampp server?

I'm getting this error message when I import demo in Wordpress. Demo import failed.Please check for PHP limits in red on the System Status page. Change those to the recommended values and try ...
mairy's user avatar
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OracleXE install the SCOTT schema on Windows

I want to create the SCOTT demo schema on OracleXE 18.c I managed to install the HR demo following the instructions from the Oracle documentation here:
George M.'s user avatar
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React Form Hook: make selectors equal width again

Here's a link to codesandbox of this form I'm trying to make Using React form hooks and material ui. Code is inside CreateEmployee.tsx file under components\execute folder. UI Screenshot is below. I'...
Somjit's user avatar
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Missing data in ALV demo program(s)

If I run any of the demo programs whose names start with SALV_DEMO, the screens do not show any data. Example for program SALV_DEMO_TABLE_SIMPLE: As you can see, there's no data, so impossible to ...
Sandra Rossi's user avatar
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Karate - How to write to the same CSV file that is being used as an input to the feature file

Karate - How to write to the same CSV file that is being used as an input to the feature file I have created a java function which accepts key and value pair as arguments and then writes those values ...
Pooja Wadhwa's user avatar
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I cannot load WebGL examples in XAMPP webserver except WebGL-experimental

I was using webgl-experimental code do display a webgl-demo on a custom webpage on an XAMPP webserver. After that I tried some non-experimental code:
user4576528's user avatar
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How to properly generate vimeo token for glitch aframe starter app

Here we have vimeo aframe demo app!/join/33131776-fd15-4fb4-bf54-f46db97e5409 In .ENV file need to provide valid api key e.q: VIMEO_TOKEN=[TOKEN REDACTED] /*somewhy not ...
Konstantin P's user avatar
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ProvidedIn Root Services within a Demo App

I am developing an Angular6 library to be used as the basis of many internal websites. It will be providing mostly services, but also provide a few components. I want to create a Demo App for this ...
Pait's user avatar
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3 answers

Internal Server Error- http://localhost:1080/webTours/home.html

Application: http://localhost:1080/webTours/home.html [I intend to use it for Jmeter testing] Below error is displayed when I am trying to click on "sign up now" link. Kindly help to fix it. Pls note,...
Pankaj's user avatar
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