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Unit Testing in Ceedling using ASSERT Statements

I am writing test cases in Ceedling for the below function with assert statement : fsp_err_t ad7606c_init(const bsp_io_port_pin_t cs, const spi_instance_t* spi) { fsp_err_t result = FSP_SUCCESS; ...
Pranoti Joshi - Chepurwar's user avatar
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The failed test cases image are broken inside my Jenkins report

The images inside the Jenkins report are broken but the same images are not inside the local report. I am using the Jenkins Free model to run test cases but in the Jenkins report the images appear ...
Solaf Kmail's user avatar
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Add parent link for new work items, if link contains an item with a parent

A use case may be: Feature is created A child PBI is created A new test case is created via - "Add link", "New item" So most probably the test case is also a child of the ...
Marius Aberer's user avatar
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fControl.get is not a function in angular unit test

Trying to write an unit test for changeFunctionalityStatus(). facing the issue like fControl.get is not a function . Stuck with this Anyone pls help me why this issue coming. TIA ...
web_in's user avatar
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Need to Skip test cases under a fixture If previous test of the same fixture failed (Using TestCafe)

I am working with a situation where I have the following scenario/steps to Test Create Edit Delete I have the test cases ready but I need a way to skip the Edit and Delete TCs if the Create TC fails....
user28133511's user avatar
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How to submit nested test suites with plugin qase-pytest?

I'm struggling to created nested suites when using qase-pytest plugin, hence in the docs, it can be use dot annotation to create the nested test suites but it doesn't works. I use the library from ...
Didit Setiawan's user avatar
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While importing methods from another file - AttributeError: 'TestCase' object has no attribute 'assertRaisesRegexp'Cell Execution Error

Problem Summary: I am trying to import two python methods mentioned in another file and receiving the following error, In Jupyter Notebook (another file named verify.ipynb), I have imported two ...
JoydeepG's user avatar
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I am getting this error while writing the test case : - Trying to run get method on non-active contract

I am writing smart contracts to mint fungible tokens(jettons) in the FunC language for the TON. While writing the test case i am getting below error :- Trying to run get method on non-active contract ...
Aditya Thakkar's user avatar
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Test case errors for Validation Script for Emails and Passwords program

I am doing the following task: Write a program for Master Your Credentials: A Tricky Validation Script for Emails and Passwords Instructions Get the input their email address Use validate_email() to ...
Veena's user avatar
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I am facing issue while using AltTester unity sdk

Using this library in C# script while writing test cases in unity c# script using Altom.AltUnityDriver; we face the error , type or namespace name 'Altom' could not be found (are you missing a using ...
Mohsin Ali Khan's user avatar
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QML TestCase not triggering with my component: What am I missing?

I created a component and decided to immediately add a TestCase to it to check when the application is launched, but the application does not start and even more so does not run. My file is called ...
user414286's user avatar
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Django Test Setup Error: django_content_type Table Issue with MySQL Backend

I'm encountering an issue while setting up Django tests with a MySQL backend. The error occurs during the test database setup phase, specifically related to the django_content_type table. Here are the ...
Gurminder singh's user avatar
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How to write unit test case using Jamine to test form controls touched, untouched and dirty conditions

I have a form built using reactive forms angular and I have the below code. The entire if conditions says , branch not covered, how can i make sure the branch is covered. this.tableOptions.rowData....
Nancy's user avatar
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How to import Test cases from a CSV file into JIRA Xray Test repository using python

Does anybody know how to import Test cases from a CSV File to a Test repository in JIRA XRAY using Python? I am currently receiving response 500 every time I run my code, failing to add test cases My ...
Arjun Kang's user avatar
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Azure DevOps: Link Test case to User Story during bulk import

While conducting a bulk upload of test cases to Azure DevOps, I want each test case to be linked to an existing User Story with Link Type of Tested By. Is this possible?
Huzefa Kazi's user avatar
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Python Coverage is not increasing using Pytest

I have multiple python modules to be tested and I'm testing it using the tox file with the command "coverage run -m test_folder". While testing, for few modules I'm getting lower test ...
Nelson's user avatar
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Django TestCase slef.client.patch gives a 404 error

I want to test the update function of a view set from rest_framework.viewsets import ModelViewSet @extend_schema(tags=['Customers']) class CustomerViewSet(ModelViewSet): """ This ...
Thomas Campos's user avatar
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"Test suite failed to run Cannot find module" getting issue with absolute path in Angular 14 test suite

I have just upgraded my Angular project from Angular 13 to Angular 14, Functionality wise everything is working fine but whenever I tried to run the test suite I am getting below error Test suite ...
shekhar's user avatar
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How to write test case for angular 15

I am trying to write test case for below the code in angular. I am new for test case.So, How to write it in the app.component.spec.ts file? I tried but not working. app.component.ts: public arr:[]= [ {...
Sansara's user avatar
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Getting NullPointerException while writing Integration TestCases in Junit 5 with mockMvc

Getting this NPE even when all services are annotated Here is the code, and I think I can also get similar error for EncryptDecryptService though not getting that for now Error java.lang....
Kinova's user avatar
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Is it possible that Azure devops backlogs view will show testcases as well?

I would like to see testcases on the backlog view but it is not showing even though they are linked. Is there a way to make them appear on the backlog views? I've tried to google it without any ...
Drdrn's user avatar
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Django session in tests

everyone! I can't figure out how the sessions work in Django. I have a shop, an anonymous user's shopping cart is bound to session_key. The session key is taken from the request object. def ...
Андрей's user avatar
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Django test case is showing errors because of moesif

I do not want to push actual api key. When I replaced the actual key on code base this error is generated E vcr.errors.CannotOverwriteExistingCassetteException: Can't overwrite existing ...
Diganta Protic Biswas's user avatar
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Laravel feature test with redirecting middleware

I am using laravel 9.X, i have created Feature Test cases. There is a middleware on route Route::group(array('prefix' => 'location', 'middleware' => 'adminAuth'), function () { Route::get('/',...
Sachin Nagpal's user avatar
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junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Test is stuck, see ANR stack trace for more info. You may need to create /data/anr first

I'm running Test cases but facing the below error. junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Test is stuck, see ANR stack trace for more info. You may need to create /data/anr first The error occurred ...
Ashfak Qureshi's user avatar
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Event loop already running when unit testing

I'm running into an issue when running a unit test. I'll try my best to explain the problem. Big picture there are 3 files: (async code) When I run the unit test, it ...
Bellfrank's user avatar
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Django unit test fixing database row id

from django.test import TestCase class DefTests(TestCase): def setUp(self): # first made the label UserType(label="mylabel").save() ## UserType is model object, and I ...
whitebear's user avatar
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Is the jest testing library is worked in fuse theme

I want to run my test cases in fusetheme react.js project using jest library.In one file.js there i used fusecomponent below import FusePageCarded from "@fuse/core/FusePageCarded"; But ...
dhruvin gabani's user avatar
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ADO - On exporting the test cases to CSV or Excel, it doesn't display the "Description" field

On ADO, trying to export the test cases in CSV or Excel format, the field listed as "Description" under "Summary" tab is never exported. This is the Summary tab and Description is ...
Max Shaw's user avatar
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type 'Null' is not a subtype of type 'Future<UserPermissionApiResponse>' while writing unit test case in dart using mocktail

I am trying to write the unit test case for a method called authenticate which has nested method of the same class called login. Now I want to mock the login method and run the test case. I did that ...
divyanshu verma's user avatar
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Gitlab - import CSV and link new issue to existing issues

I'm uploading issues in Gitlab from a CSV file. Every row representa a Test Case. I would like to link every new imported "Test Case" issue to its "Requirement"/"User Story&...
andreav's user avatar
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How to test a condition with instanceof String with Sinon

I have a JS code that is like below: const handleCommunication = () => { window.addEventListener("message", (message) => { if (! instanceof String) { const { topic, ...
Tian Qin's user avatar
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Unable to get the execution time of each steps in Qtest Export

How to export test Cases from QTest with the execution time of each step? I can see the executed start and end time, but not the time of execution of all the steps in a test case I tried clicking on &...
Srinithi's user avatar
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A test case for automating login authentication on the website without having to enter the login details in python

I want a python script that automates authentication of a login page without testing the credentials for vulnerable users. I tried to use the following code to reuse the cookies for the next ...
Richa 's user avatar
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How can the Toy object I get from a Child object not be the same as passed in through the constructor? [closed]

I am doing an assignment that requires me to create the code that will make this run with no errors or failures. This is only one test case: Toy t1 = new Toy(1000121, "Red Bike", 3, 98.90); ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Asked why it failed import axios for testing

import React from "react"; import { render, waitFor } from "@testing-library/react"; import axios from "axios"; import ax from "../conf/ax"; import conf from &...
learner_jk's user avatar
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How to functionally test an app that has a GUI and also CLI

How should I functionally test an app from which you can execute its functionalities either through the GUI or through CLI? If I make changes to a functionality, lets say "Read a file"; ...
Carlos J. Jimenez's user avatar
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How to clear/reset mockimplementation for a method using Jest

Using Jest I've mockimplemented the method and testcase is getting succeeded and for testcase2 I need to implement same mock method with different input and I'm unable to do that. jest.mock('../../lib/...
MUK's user avatar
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NUnit custom attribute for each [TestCase]

in my UI tests I created Custom Attribute [TestCaseId] to be used in tests: [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)] public class TestCaseIdAttribute : PropertyAttribute { ...
czarls's user avatar
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How to mock blob response from API in Angular test case

In my angular application, I have a REST API call which returns me a Blob data which is eventually opened in a new tab. I am trying to create a mock Blob object in my jasmine testcase and spyon the ...
user1015388's user avatar
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how to test if deleted post has been removed from blog

as I'm new in Django I've tried to write a simple program for blog posts to add, update and delete a post. Now I want to test if my deleted post has been removed from my blog list by assertNotContains ...
elahe motavalian's user avatar
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How to Null Check?

My application developed by C# (Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore, version 6.0.25). I am using Moq (version 4.20.70) and NUnit (version 4.0.1) for unit test cases I tried below method to null check, [...
brendan davton's user avatar
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nose2 Execute Tests from Multiple Classes in a Single Module

I have a module with multiple Classes in it. For example, module class Test_method_1(unittest.TestCase): def test_1_1(self): # test steps assert True def test_1_2(...
Steve Eckhart's user avatar
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error in testing :the exc is Authentication credentials were not provided

I make a test for the /course url, made a login using another endpoint /auth/login in setUP and setUp working fine. The test is failed. here the error message: ERROR:root:the exc is Authentication ...
Omnia Osman's user avatar
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Django existing db records not found in testcase when using postgresql

ubuntu 22.04, mysql 8.0.35, postgresql 16.1, python 3.8.18, django 4.2 django default db = "mydb" We have a large data set saved in "mydb", generating that takes a long time. While ...
Tuhin's user avatar
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Resetting Primary Key (pk) Sequence in Django Factory Boy for Each Test

I'm trying to figure out how to reset the factory model's primary key (pk) sequence in Django when using FactoryBoy for testing. Consider the following sample model and tests: class Profile(...
Mateusz's user avatar
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Rename testcase parameters in Azure DevOps

For my project we use the Test Plans and Test Cases work items within Azure DevOps for quite some time. Now from an automation perspective we want to rename a few of the paramters in some of our ...
Jurn's user avatar
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Breadcrumbs navigation for Test catalog / test environment

i've got a task at my job as internship to enable a breadcrumb navigation for their test catalog in vs code, which I unfortunately can't post here for security reasons. But basically looks like this: @...
Gilchrist's user avatar
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How to write selenium code for validate asterisk symbol

How to write selenium code for validate asterisk availablity with mandatory fields e.g First Name* , Last Name* , Enter Address*, Enter Phone Number* Need to validate asterisk availablity after the ...
Ajay D's user avatar
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how to give relative path for json file for test cases in C#

Need to access a json file from project structure. so need to give relative. C# This is for the test case where the data list is compare with the data List from the API call. string ...
Kishan Mistry's user avatar

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