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TabbedPage with Icon for iPad

I have a TabbedPage with 2 ContentPages for my maui 8 app and want to display these as tabs with Title and IconImageSource. On the iPhone, these are displayed below with title and icon. On the iPad, ...
everydayXpert's user avatar
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Maui - TabbedPage current page indicator can be wrong [Windows]

I have a tabbed page with two pages on it, Page 1 and Page 2. When the tabbed page opens, it correctly displays Page 1, and the bar is displayed under the title Page 1. Then select Page 2, and Page 2 ...
Sparky's user avatar
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TabbedPage / ScrollView issue - sometimes can't scroll

UPDATE: This is a bug within TabbedPage, and a fix is here: That is obviously going to take a while before it gets released - is there any way I can ...
Sparky's user avatar
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.NET MAUI Android - Tabbed Page - indicator color

How can I change the color of the TabbedPage indicator (line) in .NET MAUI (Android)? I'm developing a .NET MAUI application, and I need to change the color of the selected tab indicator (the ...
danny's user avatar
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.NET MAUI TabbedPage customization for required style themes

MY EXPECTATION I want to change the colors of the tabbed page themes as per my need. Default tabbed page theme Tabbed page theme I want Environment .NET MAUI, C#, .NET 8 WHAT I HAVE TRIED I tried ...
Chandramouli's user avatar
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How do I toggle between a tabbed page and an untabbed page in angular?

I have a tab page that has a link on it. When the link is clicked, it goes to an untabbed details page. But there is a button on the details page that goes back to the tabbed page. The problem is, the ...
Daron's user avatar
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Setting font size on TabbedPage Navigationbar Title

I have been trying to set font size on Xamarin forms TabbedPage for the titles of pages on navigation bar for iOS. I have tried to use TabbedView instead, however since I have quite few tabs.. and ...
purr's user avatar
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Making Menubar and TabbedPage work together in Maui

When I add a MenuBar to a TabbedPage the MenuBar sits on the right of the tabs, but I want the MenuBar above the tabs preferably in the Titlebar, but I don't think that is possible so just above the ...
RandomSkinCreator's user avatar
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.net maui tabbed page with toolbar

I am migrating from xamarin to maui. Mobile dev. Working on a tabbed page, issue is the toolbar is not displaying. Code below: ... <TabbedPage xmlns="
Joey007's user avatar
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C# MAUI app - Java.Lang.IllegalArgumentException: No view found for id 0x7f080147 on Android

I have created a sample C# project to demonstrate what I want to achieve. Here, you can check it: GiHub sample In the example, when I press the button on MainPage, I encounter the following error in ...
Mortens's user avatar
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MAUI Grid overflows child ContentPage of parent TabbedPage on initial load and when resizing on Windows

I have this issue filed in github with the MAUI team as a bug but looking for any ideas for a workaround? I have a simple layout in a Grid below. <Grid RowDefinitions="Auto,*,Auto">...
dalchri's user avatar
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Tabbed page's tab icon show incompletely

The App uses Tabbed page to show 4 pages. The tab icon shows normally like Picture-A with iPhone12 Pro/iOS16.6.1. The tab icon shows incompletely like Picture-B with iPhone14 Pro/iOS17.1.2 and ...
Hannah.C's user avatar
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.NET MAUI 7 Barcode Scanner Issue with ZXing.Net.Maui on a TabbedPage

I am experiencing an issue with the barcode scanner on ZXing.Net.Maui in a TabbedPage. On the TabbedPage, I am trying to open a page with barcode recognition. Here is the XAML code: <?xml version=&...
viroff's user avatar
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TabbedPage did not call OnAppearing() when switching tabs

I have a Main page(tabbed page) with 6 child pages, name them A, B, C, D, E, and F page here. When I press the Login button, it will enter into the Main page and show page A on the screen. public ...
Hannah.C's user avatar
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How can I make custom tabbed page in MAUI?

I created a tabbed page, and I am trying to achieve this kind of Bottom Tab Bar. I manage to do this in Android using TabbedViewHandler, but there is an unwanted white layer behind the custom tab bar,...
UmairAhmadK's user avatar
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SwipeView re-enables TabbedPage.IsSwipePagingEnabled

My Xamarin.Forms app has a tabbedPage where I have blocked swiping between tabs as seen in the XAML code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <TabbedPage xmlns="...
Marcel Delhaye's user avatar
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MAUI Tabbed Page crashes when it is called from another page

Simple example Main Page (which is a simple content page with a button) Second Page (which is the tabbed page displayed when the button is pressed) The code works under Windows, but on Android crashes ...
Brenden Jacobson's user avatar
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.NET Maui TabbedPage does not work on Android

I have the same issue as this thread When I load my app on Windows Machine, NO ISSUE. However on Android I have an Exception pointing on the constructor of my TabbedPage public partial class ...
christian80gabi's user avatar
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Really basic Xamarin iOS tabbed app freezes when tapping More

I wrote an incredibly basic tabbed app in Xamarin with 6 tabs (so it provides a More menu). Weirdly, tapping More -> Page and then on the More button causes the app to freeze on iOS. Here is the ...
bcl's user avatar
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Change Background color of tabs popup opened on click of more button/icon in xamarin forms

I have a Xamarin form for android that I set the background color for tabs at the time of creating the tabs from code behind. The first 4 tabs show exactly the right colors but, the next 3 tabs, under ...
Ramkesh Banwala's user avatar
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PopToRoot while retap active tab in TabbedPage in MAUI Android

How can I setup a PopToRoot action while tapping active tab on Android devices. On iOS it works fine but on android nothing happened if i clicked active tab again. In Xamarin using shell i use a code :...
Michał Peterek's user avatar
6 votes
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MAUI Shell + TabbedPage

I have application based on Shell. Application contains pages with tabs which are defined in Shell. Everything works properly and correctly. I need create second level page with tabs which contains ...
Jozef's user avatar
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Navigation Within a Tab Inside a tabbed Page

inside one tab i use this code and add button to navigate to another content pageI make a tabbed page in Xamarin Forms And Inside tabbed page I take 4 content page for tab Inside those content page ...
Md Mosabbir Alam's user avatar
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How can i add ContentPages to a Tabbedpage programatically in ViewModel in Xamarin Forms

So, I am trying to build a Xamarin Forms Application where I have a tabbedPage which has n-Amount of ContentPages included. My TabbedPage looks like this below: <TabbedPage xmlns="http://...
Ändres's user avatar
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Xamarin TabbedPage without shadow on android

I created a really simple TabbedPage on my project and i set the BarBackground to the same color of the other pages but the bar has a shadow that i want to remove but i don't know how to do it. I ...
Pedro Schuster's user avatar
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.NET MAUI Dynamic Tab page

I am having issue to implement dynamic tab page in .NET MAUI project. Can we add tabs into Navigation page at runtime to open Webpage. I am trying to implement functionality model like Chrome or Edge ...
Gajendra Singh's user avatar
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Xamarin forms + Prism using TabbedPage with many same page

I want to use a TabbedPage in my project with many page inside. There is what I want : <TabbedPage xmlns="" xmlns:x="http://schemas....
Alexandre S.'s user avatar
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Xamarin Forms Tabs with a Button

I'm trying to make a design like in the picture But I don't know how to make tab buttons and tab process. I read microsoft's articles and watched a few videos.but none of them were as I wanted.I ...
arslanarso's user avatar
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Xamarin Forms - Navigate to child of Tabbed Page

I have a TabbedPage with 3 tabs, where I want to navigate directly to the 2nd content page (TagsListPage), but still keep my Tabbed header. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?...
GertDeWilde's user avatar
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How to use content page from Android Project in Xamarin forms

I was making a cross-platform app and I wanted a page from android project on tabbed page I tries using Xmlns:local="clr-namespace:Project" And showing me error XLS0414 The type localu:...
Fidel Tech's user avatar
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TabbedPage with Shell (FlyoutBehavior="disabled") show blank space above tab in Android and bar with Page Title in iOS How to remove it?

I'm experimenting with TabbedPage and Shell in MAUI to create Horizontally scrollable tabs. I have got the expected behavior but in Android it shows a blank white space at top of Tabs and in iOS it ...
Divyesh's user avatar
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My toolbar buttons are disappearing after two entries

I have successfully created my app and am finally ready to start testing before continuing with designs, however, while testing I find that after using my toolbar buttons twice it just disappears for ...
JasonHayes71's user avatar
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Why Xamarin Forms tabbedpage throws unhandled exception when the child page is wrapped inside NavigationPage?

I have a legacy Xamarin forms app to which I am trying to add a tabbed page as the root page. This is how my tabbed page xaml looks like- <TabbedPage xmlns="
BCoder's user avatar
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How can I detect focus on child view inside a Tabbed Page in Xamarin.Forms?

I have a TabbedPage, which includes 3 pages (A,B,C). I need to detect (using some override method) when a page is active/selected from tabbed control. I tried some override methods such us OnAppearing ...
Thanos's user avatar
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Change main page of TabbedPage, Xamarin.iOS

I want to set the Heart screen as the first shown page when entering the whole TabbedPage, I would be happy if anyone can help me with that. Thanks Each icon is a blank content page title:
TalGav's user avatar
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Xamarin.Forms: Display additional tab on specific Platform

Good morning I have a TabbedPage in my application. Due to restictions I would like to display one more tab on Android than on iOS. My current TabbedPage look like: <TabbedPage> ... <...
miechooy's user avatar
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Xamarin.Forms TabbedPage - iOS with 'More..' tabitem

Good morning I have created a TabbedPage where untill now I had 4 tabs. Everything was working as expected however I have to add two more tabs and the problem begins. On Android platform result is as ...
miechooy's user avatar
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Showing ToolbarItem in Xamarin Forms with AppShell

In my Xamarin Forms 5 app, I'm trying to add a ToolbarItem to a ContentPage which is a "child" of a TabbedPage but the ToolbarItem is not showing. The key point here is that the app uses ...
Sam's user avatar
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How to set the scroll property in the tabbedpage

I've created a tabbedpage to create a horizontal menu at the bottom of the page, but I can't set the scroll property. This is my code: <TabbedPage xmlns="
Davide Tramontano's user avatar
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Xamarin Android tabbed page, tab title doesn't match with page content

I am using Xamarin to implementing an APP. While using tabbed page with 6 sheet. Follow the step below: Go to 2nd sheet. Click the 5th tab on the top bar.(The 5th page takes few second to load. So ...
tester's user avatar
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Xamarin Forms Tabbed Page Tabs Initializing

I am developing a tabbed Page in Xamarin that consist of 3 tabs ( Tab1= "Home" , Tab2= "Chat" ,Tab3="Menu" ) When the App starts ( MainPage = new TabbedPage() ) it ...
Amjad S.'s user avatar
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Make Xamarin.Forms TabBar translucent on iOS

I want to make my TabBar in my Xamarin.Forms app translucent, like it's the default on iOS nowadays. But just setting ios:TabbedPage.TranslucencyMode="Translucent" like in the docs didn't ...
Julian's user avatar
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Xamarin.Forms - CollectionView and TabbedPage in one view

I have a Xamarin Forms app, where I have a CollectionView of Frames. What I want to add now in this view is a TabbedPage, so that the screen in split in half (using Grid) and the left side has the ...
Ganesh Gebhard's user avatar
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Xamarin Forms 5.0 TabbedPage Tab Title Text Customization in AndroidX

I am working on a Xamarin Forms App. Requirement is to make Title of the Tab Pages to Letter-Case + use custom font. As you can see in this article, I found some solutions in which styling changes are ...
Fahad Ali Qureshi's user avatar
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How to hide the tab bar navigation header in xamarin forms ios

I have an application with 8 tab bar, am using custom navigation bar for all pages.In ios while clicking the item from the more tab, the tab bar title is coming as navigation bar header, how to hide ...
Swathy's user avatar
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TabbedPage selectedItem doesn't change when change tab programmatically to tab in "More"

I am working on a Xamarin Forms app with a TabbedPage which has 6 tabs. <TabbedPage xmlns="" xmlns:x="
LongTran's user avatar
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Why doesn't my changed string appear on the other page using tabbed forms xamarin

I have <Entry/> field with default set Text in my WeatherPage.xaml <Entry x:Name="_cityEntry" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Margin="5,0&...
Ben Johnson's user avatar
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Multiple Content Pages inside one Tabbed Page

I am doing my app from scratch without using TabbedPage template and I really don't know how to put my multiple Content pages inside one TabbedPage. Right now my Tabbed Navigation XAML looks like this:...
Vidmantas Telksnys's user avatar
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How to center Tabbed Page Tab Icons and/or text in XAML?

I've encountered a problem working with Xamarin Forms for Android. I've created a TabbedPage with ContentPages for displaying different content. At the bottom, there is a navigational tab bar, which ...
kemdeveloper's user avatar
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How to split TabbedPage ContentPage into different file

I would like to follow SIP (Single Responsibility Principle). I created the below TabbedPage with 3 tabs/Pages respectively (Page1, Page2 and Page3) and it works well. I'm thinking of spliting each ...
CodingValue's user avatar

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