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MyBatis Mapping Xml Issue

I was writing this project and I have this problem about the mapping. I am doing something wrong but I cannot find it. I've also checked the document of MyBatis but I couldn't find any update info. I'...
Atılgan Şahin Ulaşan's user avatar
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Mybatis - nested lazy loaded result property is already exist on result map issue

I’m plan to upgrade the spring from 4 to 5 Due to which I need to upgrade mybatis from 2 to 3.5.11 While upgrading mybatis , I’m facing this issue which is something unclear to me. I’m getting below ...
Inked's user avatar
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Mybatis, pass muliple list as parametres

String loadCandies(@Param("id") String id, @Param("varietyList") List varietyList, @Param("errorCode") List errorCodes) How can I achieve this in mybatis xml, as for a ...
Ankur's user avatar
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how to directly add ENUM in Mybatis IN query ,with no params

i directly have to check ENUM in where condition , <if test="params.fileTypes != null and !params.fileTypes.isEmpty()"> AND RTRIM(INTH.IF_FILETYPE) IN <...
Rishab's user avatar
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MyBatis dynamically including script

I am trying to dynamically include select query based on some input parameters. The following is what I am trying to achieve. <sql id="query1"> SELECT * from table_1 WHERE a = #{...
Sooraj's user avatar
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How to populate values to Map of a POJO in MyBatis

I have a Java class that looks like this. class Student { private String studeID; private String UUID; private Map<String,Object> attributes; } And I have SQL to get students as ...
Santosh Hegde's user avatar
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Mybatis returningHashMap

I am new to MyBatis. Could anyone help me to resolve this. Thank you. I created a table named "CodeValue" with columns like "Code","Value" etc. I am retrieving the ...
rajani chowdhary's user avatar
2 votes
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Mybatis Insert PK manually

I am trying to single insert data into table with assigned PK. Manually assiging PK. XML file <insert id = "insertStd" parameterType = "" ...
Surya Chandra's user avatar
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Dynamic query execution in mybatis/xml file

I have a spring boot application code from controller to dao in which I execute queries in mybatis/xml files. I want to pass the entire query as a variable to the dao and then it should get executed ...
Monika Gupta's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to solve indexOutOfBounds error in MyBatis selectForUpdate?

I use postgreSQL. Here is my request in a myBatisMapper: <select id="findByStatusAndIdentityAndPrvCode" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultMap="Request"> ...
Maksym Rybalkin's user avatar
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Mybatis to map automatically to support dot

<select id="findAll" resultType="com.pojo.Pod"> select,, a.create_date, a.user_name as '' a.user_phone as '' from t_pod a </select> configuration ...
HelloWorld's user avatar
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Getting Map<Long, List<Object>> using MyBatis

Here is my method, I need to get a Map<Long, List<CMBill>>: @Mapper public interface CMBillMapper { @MapKey("groupId") Map<Long, List<CMBill>> ...
Maksym Rybalkin's user avatar
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Unable to insert the batch in sql via MyBatis

I've recently started learning to use MyBatis and I am stuck up in one scenario. I am not able to insert the list of Reason object in sql by using MyBatis. I am having below ReasonMapper.xml file but ...
user8906704's user avatar