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mybatis springboot data copy from 1 databse server to another

Using mybatis batch session template to copy data from a table having millions of records to another table in another oracle server. @Bean(value = "batchSqlSession") @Autowired public ...
Pat's user avatar
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MyBatis - Issue while passing parameter object to the query

I have a Spring application with MyBatis. Facing an issue while passing parameter object. It works fine if I hardcode the values in query. It doesn't return anything also no error when I pass the ...
Ram Karthik's user avatar
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Getting java.sql.SQLException from DB but it is not execution catch block created for it However it is executing the catch created for Exception

I am trying to insert a record in DB and in one scenario it is throwing java.sql.SQLException(### Error updating database. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-12899: value too large for column "...
Vishal Gandotra's user avatar
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Class org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.BaseObjectPoolConfig does not have member field 'java.time.Duration DEFAULT_DURATION_BETWEEN_EVICTION_RUNS

I'm trying to run a Java 21 app with Spring boot 2.7.18 and mybatis 3.5.10. The project compiles fine but I get the exception below when i run it. The DEFAULT_DURATION_BETWEEN_EVICTION_RUNS ...
Mr Smith's user avatar
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MyBatis Syntax error for xml SQL queries for delete operartion

My MyBatis XML looksl like this <delete id="deleteAllById" parameterType="java.util.List"> DELETE FROM `user` WHERE id IN <foreach collection="list" ...
Parikshit Mukherjee's user avatar
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Resolving Compatibility Issue: Integrating MyBatis with Spring Boot 3.3.0-Snapshot and Java 17

Encountering a compatibility hurdle while integrating MyBatis with Spring Boot 3.3.0-Snapshot. My attempt to include the MyBatis dependency resulted in a requirement stating it needs Spring Boot ...
SYED SAQIB S A's user avatar
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Can we use mybatis <foreach> in UPDATE statement with mysql

I'm trying to run multiple update statements in my Spring Boot application that is calling MySQL db using MyBatis. XML configured query looks like this: <update id="updateAnglersTrackPositions&...
Nemanja Novakovic's user avatar
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Mybatis kotlin dynamic sql update to newest 1.5.0 trouble with isIn

I'm converting a couple of pieces of code to the newest mybatis dynamic sql, and this line is giving me fits: ** Old Code - won't compile with newest version ** { where<...
mikeb's user avatar
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MyBatis Mapping Xml Issue

I was writing this project and I have this problem about the mapping. I am doing something wrong but I cannot find it. I've also checked the document of MyBatis but I couldn't find any update info. I'...
Atılgan Şahin Ulaşan's user avatar
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Why can't I correctly use ibatis

I already induct the dependency of Mybatis, in way of pom. The part of the pom be like: <dependency> <groupId>org.mybatis.spring.boot</groupId> <artifactId&...
90_nk's user avatar
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How to enable transaction logging in a Springboot&MyBatis project?

I'm studying transaction propagation and would like the console to print logs related to transactions. Is there a simple solution for achieving transaction logging in a Spring Boot and MyBatis project?...
Catnip X's user avatar
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Return value of forech statement in mybatis

As follows, I wrote a query to update multiple rows using the foreach statement. <update id="deleteVhcleInfos" parameterType="java.util.List"> <foreach ...
sinichee's user avatar
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mybatis resultMapping not working when order of field names are changed

I am storing playlist information in an SQLite database. This is my entity class; @Data @Builder public class Playlist { private String id; private String playlistName; private ...
mig001's user avatar
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Failed to map to class with member objects when used with Lombok

The Task class has an instance of TaskPayload as a member object. @Data @Builder public class Task { private int id; private TaskPayload payload; // skipping other members } @Data @...
mig001's user avatar
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@MockBean not working for mybatis repositories after upgrading spring boot version from 2.1 to 2.3

@MockBean is not working for mybatis repositories after upgrading the spring boot version from 2.1 to 2.3. While running the UT, it calls the actual method instead of the mocked method, hence my unit ...
Sandeep Kumar P K's user avatar
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How can I avoid Mybatis reloading configuration for every `SqlSessionTemplate`?

Recently I noticed that my project takes quite a long time initializing Mybatis-related beans and classes. My database has tens of shards and there is a wrapper that routes queries to the shards. ...
rooot's user avatar
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MyBatis update annotation failed - ORACLE ERROR ORA-00933 [duplicate]

In a classic spring boot application I've this query in Mapper @Update("UPDATE MY_TABLE SET STATUS_CODE=#{status} WHERE ID_DOC=#{idDoc};") void updateStatus(@Param("status") final ...
ciro's user avatar
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What is resultType for bytea column of postgres while retrieving using mbatis mapper?

I have a query which returns data from bytea column from postgres. The data type used at java side is byte[] The query in mybatis mapper is like below : <select id="getPhoto" ...
Rajeev's user avatar
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Mybatis - nested lazy loaded result property is already exist on result map issue

I’m plan to upgrade the spring from 4 to 5 Due to which I need to upgrade mybatis from 2 to 3.5.11 While upgrading mybatis , I’m facing this issue which is something unclear to me. I’m getting below ...
Inked's user avatar
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MyBatis xml update query using set tag throws org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException

Built update query in MyBatis xml but no luck to pass BadSqlGrammarException Here's my query <update id="updateRecordingVideoStatus"> UPDATE ...
footlessbird's user avatar
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How to use conditional where clauses with Mybatis using annotations?

My service is as follows, public List<ApplicationConfig> find(@RequestBody String type){ List<WhereClauseParams> conditions = new ArrayList<>(); WhereClauseParams condition = ...
Abhishek Acharya's user avatar
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how to use mybatis collection property when tables don't have direct relationship?

i have the following data (which were simplified for the purpose of this question): t1 pk | a | b | c | other1 1 | text1 | 123 | text3 | otherValues1 2 | text2 | 456 | text4 | otherValues2 ...
gabriel119435's user avatar
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Mybatis query execution is too slow

I created a project with eclipse maven. And I use Spring Boot 2.2.2 Release and mybatis-spring-boot-starter 2.1.0, Postgresql 13. It's built as a monolithic application, running over 50 insert queries ...
Hyeonjun Jeong's user avatar
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How to set global custom property in MyBatis with Spring configuration

It like to be able to set custom properties in MyBatis java config that I can reference later in my XML mappers. I've created a config class that sets two beans: @Bean public DataSource ...
Raff's user avatar
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How can I log database errors at ERROR level when using Camel and MyBatis in my Spring Boot app?

I have an app built on Java, Spring Boot, Apache Camel, MyBatis, Oracle. It used the Java DSL approach to configuration. Many of the routes poll the database for data: @Component public class ...
dcode's user avatar
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how to wrap a boolean oracle function on a java integer using mybatis?

so this is pack_name.func_name working at sql developer: using spring and mybatis, i have the issue to deal with oracle's BOOLEAN type with an old jdbc driver that i cannot update. trying this idea, ...
gabriel119435's user avatar
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Mybatis upgrade issues related to parameters

I was trying to upgrade my spring version from 4 to 5.3.23 Also updated Jackson databind to 2.13.5 While doing so I needed to upgrade mybatis from 3.0 to 3.5.11 Also mybatis-spring from 1.0 to 2.1.0 ...
Inked's user avatar
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MyBatis update returning a list of values

I have the following update query in my mybatis xml: <update id="updateRoleValues" parameterType="map"> UPDATE sandbox.roles SET rolename = #{roleName}, ...
Mark Smith's user avatar
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Spring boot @Transactional does not work when org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageConversionException is thrown?

I have a rest controller, it will insert 1 record per request,like: @Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class) @PostMapping("/create_user") public Response<Empty> createUser(@...
Jayesslee's user avatar
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Choose schema name dynamically in mybatis xml based on request attribute

How to dynamically pick the schema name based on a request in my batis schema? We would like to do this without changing the arguments or definitions of Mapper files or with parameterType as this ...
Vishnu's user avatar
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Can't I use Mybatis' resultMap's association and collection together?

The team table and the schdule table are in a 1:n relationship. I made a select query showing the reservation details of team as below. <select id="getTeamSchdules" resultMap="...
koreanDev's user avatar
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does these 2 ways of querying equivalent?

I'm a Spring backend learner, currently want to query some data from mysql. What I want is just a field from table.(I want categoryName in category). First, I was using LambdaQueryWrapper. I wrote ...
siyuan's user avatar
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Spring & MyBatis - how to get MyBatis databseId in a @Bean annotated function

I am trying to create a Spring bean based on a MyBatis databaseId like so: @Bean fun getSomeBean(@Autowired databaseId: String): SomeBean { if(databaseId.equals("mysql")){ return ...
mikeb's user avatar
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Type handler implementation for array of objects in myBatis

I am trying to write type handler for array of objects but this is giving me errors. I want to store arraylist as JSON in DB(mysql) and retrieve it as arraylist . I got the type handler examples with ...
Priyanka Mane's user avatar
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Im Trying to log queries , doesnt matter if they're unprepared ones , for over 500 xml mapper files using jdk logger . (mybatis - spring )

previously when I used to used ibatis , it was running fine just by adding java.sql to my file in tomcat and that used to output the queries with their params to the log file . now ...
Dany Allaw's user avatar
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How to compare MySQL binary UUID using dynamic SQL in Mybatis

We store one of the UUID values as binary(16) in mysql db. spec MyTable myTable = new MyTable();` //table SqlColumn<Long> id = column("id");` // id column SqlColumn<UUID> ...
aravindaM's user avatar
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sqlBuilder pagination with MyBatis without Limit & Offset in the query

I'm trying to understand how to do dynamic queries for pagination with myBatis in my java spring-boot application My problem is that the database version of my application is Oracle 11.2 which doesn't ...
user2298581's user avatar
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Mocking Mybatis Mapper Not working in Spring boot integration tests

I am trying to mock my batis mapper. @SpringBootTest(classes = ApiApplication.class, webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.DEFINED_PORT) @AutoConfigureMockMvc @TestPropertySource("classpath:test-...
Patan's user avatar
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Why mybatis default ExecutorType is Simple not Batch?

Why mybatis default ExecutorType is Simple not Batch ? Batch is more effective than Simple . Why use Simple as default ExecutorType ?
河馬日報's user avatar
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mysql query date erro

Why is the difference between the time of the database query and the result 13 hours?
YX_Rows's user avatar
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Overriding mybatis typehandler

Im using latest spring boot with spring mybatis which uses mybatis 3.5.9 I have a pojo with a LocalDateTime and the db has a timestamp.. So I would expect mybatis to convert it.. But since, 3.4.1 ...
Daniel Cosio's user avatar
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UUID insert fails when using a UUIDTypeHandler

I'm trying to insert a UUID value, into a Postgresql table, so I've defined and configured a UUIDTypeHandler to deal with this at mybatis level. Unfortunately, the insert operations are failing with ...
Yonoss's user avatar
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java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 16 out of bounds for length 10 Error

I encountered the following error during the posting paging process. I don't even use an array, but I don't know why I get this error. How can I solve this? BoardCriteria is an object that stores the ...
heo's user avatar
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spring mybatis - Failed to parse mapping resource

I made a boardContentMap in clubMapper.xml, but I don't know why they can't find it. org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'sqlSessionFactory' defined ...
heo's user avatar
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MyBatis mapping nest pojo of fundamental type

I have a POJO of type: POJO { int id; int name; List<Date> Dates; } Now my POJO is broken into two tables x and y, where y have dates and x have name, which are joined over the id as below: ...
Stotra's user avatar
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Getting error while iterating Map in mybatis

Getting this error while iterating over Map in mybatis Cause: org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeException: Could not set parameters for mapping: ParameterMapping{property='__frch_key_0', mode=IN, javaType=...
Karan Suthar's user avatar
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Mybatis, pass muliple list as parametres

String loadCandies(@Param("id") String id, @Param("varietyList") List varietyList, @Param("errorCode") List errorCodes) How can I achieve this in mybatis xml, as for a ...
Ankur's user avatar
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Java MyBatis How to find SUM of the Cases WHEN value is IN the list passing the list as a parameter to the mapper's method

In my Mapper Class I have a method with the example query: "<script>......" “GROUP BY acct, call, score HAVING sum(case when code in(\n" + "'PTP' \n" + &...
AlexR's user avatar
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Is it possible to use yaml's profile variable in spring mybatis's mapper xml?

It is possible to use yaml's profile variable in spring mybatis's mapper xml? If is it possible, how i can use?
jabel123's user avatar
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How can I execute a method inside mybatis mapper?

<if test="group_id != null"> <choose> <when test='group_id.get("eq") != null'> and roleobj.object_id = ${group_id....
LordNani's user avatar

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