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MyBatis Mapping Xml Issue

I was writing this project and I have this problem about the mapping. I am doing something wrong but I cannot find it. I've also checked the document of MyBatis but I couldn't find any update info. I'...
Atılgan Şahin Ulaşan's user avatar
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mybatis-dynamic-sql, when using groupBy, where{} OR having{} will be wrong

Here is the one i'm using: I've been stuck here for quite a while and don't know why. When using groupBy and ‘where OR having’ has a filter,...
user2723656's user avatar
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2 answers

mybatis resultMapping not working when order of field names are changed

I am storing playlist information in an SQLite database. This is my entity class; @Data @Builder public class Playlist { private String id; private String playlistName; private ...
mig001's user avatar
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Failed to map to class with member objects when used with Lombok

The Task class has an instance of TaskPayload as a member object. @Data @Builder public class Task { private int id; private TaskPayload payload; // skipping other members } @Data @...
mig001's user avatar
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MyBatis error converting result into Java records with an association

We are moving from using Java Pojo's as DTO's to records with the MyBatis framework. The following two record types are used: public record User(Integer cprid, String inlognaam, String upn, Boolean ...
Mark Smith's user avatar
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MyBatis update annotation failed - ORACLE ERROR ORA-00933 [duplicate]

In a classic spring boot application I've this query in Mapper @Update("UPDATE MY_TABLE SET STATUS_CODE=#{status} WHERE ID_DOC=#{idDoc};") void updateStatus(@Param("status") final ...
ciro's user avatar
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What is resultType for bytea column of postgres while retrieving using mbatis mapper?

I have a query which returns data from bytea column from postgres. The data type used at java side is byte[] The query in mybatis mapper is like below : <select id="getPhoto" ...
Rajeev's user avatar
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Mybatis - nested lazy loaded result property is already exist on result map issue

I’m plan to upgrade the spring from 4 to 5 Due to which I need to upgrade mybatis from 2 to 3.5.11 While upgrading mybatis , I’m facing this issue which is something unclear to me. I’m getting below ...
Inked's user avatar
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How to solve "has an unsupported return type: class java.lang.String" when using Mybatis insert

in my project i need to use pk just i insert. so i used selectKey in my xml and it returns error : has an unsupported return type: class java.lang.String i am using Spring, Java1.8, Oracle DB and my ...
Mizue Lee's user avatar
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MyBatis xml update query using set tag throws org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException

Built update query in MyBatis xml but no luck to pass BadSqlGrammarException Here's my query <update id="updateRecordingVideoStatus"> UPDATE ...
footlessbird's user avatar
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MyBatis TypeException when using <foreach>

I'm trying to create a SelectStatement in Mybatis 3.5.13 using a foreach iterating over a map, where the keys are Column Names and the values are the value I want to select on. I've confirmed that all ...
farmerbenny's user avatar
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How to use conditional where clauses with Mybatis using annotations?

My service is as follows, public List<ApplicationConfig> find(@RequestBody String type){ List<WhereClauseParams> conditions = new ArrayList<>(); WhereClauseParams condition = ...
Abhishek Acharya's user avatar
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How to read nested optional object for an insert statement?

How to read nested optional object for an insert statement? I have the following classes; public class MyObj { private String myField; private MyChildObj myChild; public (String ...
Holger Veltrup's user avatar
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How can I map two different cursor from stored procedure with config xml only using Mybatis

Author (Cursor 1 Data) ID NAME PUBLISH_ID 1 John 123 2 Jane 345 Book (Cursor 2 Data) PUBLISH_ID BOOK_ID BOOK_NAME 123 B101 C# 123 B102 Python 345 J001 SQL 345 J002 JAVA Class Author { ...
QuestForKnowledge's user avatar
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Using if statement to select table inside FROM statement in ORACLE

please someone help me. I want to convert this query from mybatis to ORACLE SELECT * FROM TABLE_A <if paramA is not null> , ( SELECT * FROM TABLE_B ) B </if> ...
Đức Phú's user avatar
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MyBatis update returning a list of values

I have the following update query in my mybatis xml: <update id="updateRoleValues" parameterType="map"> UPDATE sandbox.roles SET rolename = #{roleName}, ...
Mark Smith's user avatar
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Querying multiple records using composite key in the mybatis

I have a table with composite key. I want to query it in bulk in mybatis. Is it possible? if yes, how? Table structure of table Foo with foo_id_1 and foo_id_2 as composite primary key. { foo_id_1 ...
Anmol Garg's user avatar
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Problem of org.apache.ibatis.binding.BindingException: Invalid bound statement (not found)

Here's my problem. I was trying to learn about mybatis in springboot. It can connect to JDBC correctly. However it keeps throwing Invalid bound statement (not found). And I cannot find the bug. pom....
陈宇星's user avatar
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How to compare dates with less than operator in mybatis XML in <if test = " "> block

<if test= "birthdate lt '20-10-2000'"> it works but is there a better way which mybatis documentation approves?
Lisbon's user avatar
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Error querying database. cannot invoke "Object.hashCode()" because "key" is null

I'm getting the following error Error Querying database. cannot invoke "Object.hashCode()" because "key" is null stack trace: org.mybatis.spring.MyBatisSyste Exception: ...
ip1234's user avatar
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Add a Mapper to cache with java api

I want to add a Mapper to cache with java api in MyBatis. I try this way and add Mapper's namespace to caches, but the statements of the Mapper still has no cache. is there any way to add Mapper ...
MHSaffari's user avatar
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3 answers

mybatis mapper on node express xml regular expression error

when I open the web page via node express + mybatis-mapper, it works on dev environment on my PC(windows + vscode). But it not works on linux(ubuntu) server with below error message. It seems like xml ...
J.S.Choi's user avatar
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resultMap in mybatis , I need to pass a List of Strings as return type. How to do this in the mapper file

<select id="getXXX" parameterType="java.util.List" resultMap="?"> </select> In the above select query in my mapper file I need to get the resultMap as a List ...
Santhosh P's user avatar
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how can i solve mapper null pointer error in dao with spring

[First, I was built bean for mapper interface and dao in Dispatcher Servlet.xml .Then I built the new package for mapper then add interface and i built dao too.In dao, i built service from dao bean in ...
Minthway Khaing's user avatar
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Overriding mybatis typehandler

Im using latest spring boot with spring mybatis which uses mybatis 3.5.9 I have a pojo with a LocalDateTime and the db has a timestamp.. So I would expect mybatis to convert it.. But since, 3.4.1 ...
Daniel Cosio's user avatar
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UUID insert fails when using a UUIDTypeHandler

I'm trying to insert a UUID value, into a Postgresql table, so I've defined and configured a UUIDTypeHandler to deal with this at mybatis level. Unfortunately, the insert operations are failing with ...
Yonoss's user avatar
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Unable to find class in mapper.xml using mybatis plus and spring boot

Unable to find class while parsing mapper.xml in mybatis plus. Having json response class with below structure. @Data @Builder @Setter @Getter public class StudentCourseDetailsRes { @Valid @...
user3898783's user avatar
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spring mybatis - Failed to parse mapping resource

I made a boardContentMap in clubMapper.xml, but I don't know why they can't find it. org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'sqlSessionFactory' defined ...
heo's user avatar
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Getting error while iterating Map in mybatis

Getting this error while iterating over Map in mybatis Cause: org.apache.ibatis.type.TypeException: Could not set parameters for mapping: ParameterMapping{property='__frch_key_0', mode=IN, javaType=...
Karan Suthar's user avatar
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how to directly add ENUM in Mybatis IN query ,with no params

i directly have to check ENUM in where condition , <if test="params.fileTypes != null and !params.fileTypes.isEmpty()"> AND RTRIM(INTH.IF_FILETYPE) IN <...
Rishab's user avatar
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Equals() returns false on 'Y' but returns true on 'Yes'

I'm doing an if statement in mybatis, and <if test="param.equals('Y')"> returns false even when the param is "Y", but <if test="param.equals('Yes')"> returns ...
Rivaldo's user avatar
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MyBatis - how to define array in mybatis xml mapper file

I would like to define array of string in mybatis mapper and pass it as argument for java static method. It's possible?
Dawid Pawlak's user avatar
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Has MyBatis ever been able to cast java Calendar?

Two days ago I wrote this piece of program to access database, and it's been running fine. It contains some actions about searching datas with TIME as a parameter. In db, which in my case, pgsql, it's ...
Morris Town's user avatar
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How to populate values to Map of a POJO in MyBatis

I have a Java class that looks like this. class Student { private String studeID; private String UUID; private Map<String,Object> attributes; } And I have SQL to get students as ...
Santosh Hegde's user avatar
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Insert data in 2 tables MyBatis Error Command not properly ended

I´m trying to insert data in 2 tables, I have mybatis method with 2 single inserts but when I execute it it throws: Error updating database. Cause: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00933: SQL ...
nazonekio's user avatar
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Spring My-batis MapperScannerConfigurer not resolving dat source place holder values

After adding MapperScannerConfigurer bean configuration to the configuration xml to autowire my-batis mappers, getting below datasource bean creation error for placeholder issue. looks like spring ...
Suresh's user avatar
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spring mybatis how to determine if using batch mode correctly

How do determine if one is using batch mode correctly? I am using spring boot with mybatis (org.mybatis.spring.boot:mybatis-spring-boot-starter:2.2.0) Setup // Controller @PutMapping("/{id}")...
user1778855's user avatar
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mybatis passing in the datatype on dynamic update query

I am trying to create a dynamic update statement using dynamic-sql method and sql-builder method but I only manage it get it work for string datatype. I'm not exactly sure how to "cast" to ...
user1778855's user avatar
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Typehandler with mybatis annotations

i have a question about mybatis annotations and Oracle stored procedure i have this in my mapper.xml: <mapper namespace="xyzname"> ... <select id="getDocument" ...
tine's user avatar
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mybatis cursor "A Cursor is already closed." error msg although transactional is defined

Mapper: @SelectProvider(type = Provider.class, method = "retrieveTx") @Results(value = { @Result(property = "transactionId", column = "transaction_id",...
Alvin's user avatar
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Mybatis property mapper error for List of objects in pojo class : spring Boot/mybatis

Please help : Issue description in below image URL, Issue description in below image URL, even setting property to cost/margin/retail or currentday also not working in mapper interface, Let me know,...
Code Rockstar's user avatar
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Mybatis returningHashMap

I am new to MyBatis. Could anyone help me to resolve this. Thank you. I created a table named "CodeValue" with columns like "Code","Value" etc. I am retrieving the ...
rajani chowdhary's user avatar
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is there any way to force mybatis to use setter

I need to do some logic before the value is set from the db with mybatis, however, my list field always has size=0 i really need help, if someone knows please help me, I'm so appreciative
namnv's user avatar
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How to insert java HashMap keys and values as columns in database using mybatis

I am following a SpringBoot + MyBatis tutorial.I am able to insert simple objects into the database. Eg I tried inserting an employee object: Employee{ private String id; private String name; }...
Akash Sharma's user avatar
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MyBatis Typehandler with String Substitution Instead of Prepared Statement

Does MyBatis support specifying type handlers with string substitution ${​}​ instead of prepared statement substitution #{​}​?   I am trying to populate an order by clause with an enum value so I am ...
A_B's user avatar
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How to generalize similar namespaces of mappers in MyBatis?

There is an XML mapping associated with an interface FirstMapper: <mapper namespace=""> <select id="selectAll" ...
diziaq's user avatar
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MyBatis mapping collection inside association

I have a next resultMap <resultMap id="resultMap" type="***.PreMigrationData" autoMapping="true"> ... <association property="...
Vasiliy Pupkov's user avatar
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Mybatis Insert PK manually

I am trying to single insert data into table with assigned PK. Manually assiging PK. XML file <insert id = "insertStd" parameterType = "" ...
Surya Chandra's user avatar
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How can I propagate properties into a nested sql fragment?

I have an sql looks like this. <sql name="level1"> ${alias}some AS ${prefix}some </sql> Now I want to nest above fragment into another fragment while propagating those two ...
Jin Kwon's user avatar
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How to map JSON_ARRAYAGG results with mybatis

I can't map the results from JSON_ARRAYAGG function. mybatis mapper: <mapper namespace="com.test.mapper.UserEntityMapper"> <resultMap id="userMap" type="UserVO&...
yong ho's user avatar
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