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Upgrading to Spring Boot 3 causing annotation processing errors

I am in the process of upgrading our existing application from Spring Boot 2.7.8 to 3.0.13. The core Spring Boot library is being pulled in through a custom common library our team uses. I'm using ...
Bugalley's user avatar
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Getting "Abnormal build process termination: " while building the application in intellij

Abnormal build process termination: nice -n 10 /Users/yashwandhare/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-22.0.2/Contents/Home/bin/java -Xmx700m -Djava.awt.headless=true "-Djna.boot.library....
Yash Wandhare's user avatar
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Spring boot 3 Drools 9.44.0.Final kieBuilder failing with Sisu : Error injecting: org.apache.maven.plugin.internal.DefaultMavenPluginManager

I'm integrating drools with spring boot 3 app running on java17, but while running the app kieBuilder.buildAll() is failing with exception Sisu : Error injecting: org.apache.maven.plugin.internal....
Azeem's user avatar
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Runnable jar file not running white label error how to solve it? spring tool suite [closed]

I am developing a Web application, with Maven, and having the Following problem While running the application from the "Spring Tool Suite" it is working fine. but after exporting as a ...
Ramanan Nathamuni's user avatar
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elasticsearch Dependency failed to fetch from repo maven - maven project

Java version: 22 Springboot version: 3.3.5 Apache Maven: 3.8.1 I am currently trying to fetch elasticsearch java API from repo maven <dependency> <groupId>co.elastic....
Gagak's user avatar
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Spring post request keeps saying: "Invalid username or password"

I'm trying to make a login system with Spring. Now the users are created with the hashed passwords and a token should be generated if the login is correct. I'm testing in Postman and I see that it's ...
Simon Wyns's user avatar
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In Sprint Boot 3.2.x, the spring-boot-configuration-processor package is excluded by maven when building the fat jar

I have upgraded the spring-boot from 2.2.6.RELEASE to 3.2.11 and there are some references from spring-boot-configuration-processor like below import org.springframework.boot.configurationprocessor....
Kona Laxman Deepak's user avatar
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How to establish secondary database connection after API call?

How can we establish the secondary database connection after API call.currently database is establishing connection at runtime. Below are the code samples. Controller code: @GetMapping("/...
sana arya's user avatar
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2 answers

Why it is not showing the data that I give them instead it show the word post

I am new to Spring Boot, I hope someone will answer my question. When I run the program, it shows the words post instead of the data I give them My pom.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding=&...
Ang Theow Meng's user avatar
-1 votes
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Spring Framework componentscan cannot resolve package

A rather strange mistake. In Intellij Idea, the string "@ComponentScan("ru.kasatchikov.test")" is highlighted in red in the Spring Config file with the inscription "...
Steffano Aravico's user avatar
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maven-javadoc-plugin does not work correctly in conjunction with hibernate-jpa-modelgen

I am faced with the problem that I am getting an error: Exit code: 1 C:\Users*\Desktop***\target\delombok\ru**\service\impl*.java:15: error: cannot find symbol import ru...entity.Balance_; ^ symbol: ...
Artem's user avatar
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Spring Boot/Java Error during mvn installs & startup after upgrading to 3.3.4 & Java 21 [closed]

I upgraded my backend application to spring boot version 3.3.4 and to Java 21 in the POM.xml and now it's like it doesn't even recognize my bean classes or repositories? What's strange is the ...
Donald Groezinger's user avatar
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For some reason, when I try to run my program, it can't find something called entityManagerFactory

The full project can be found on my GitHub here: The big issue is that my application cannot find this mysterious entityManagerFactory. I tried changing the ...
Noah Rouse's user avatar
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Maven compatibility Issue Java 21

I am trying to build a Java Spring Boot project for my staging environment. I am using Java 21 on Ubuntu System (Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS) When executing my following staging shell script #!/bin/bash ...
Gullian Van Der Walt's user avatar
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How to run integration/component test from cmd with maven

I am trying to run integration tests from cmd MacOS using maven and the following command: mvn test -Dspring.config.location=classpath:/src/test/resources/...
Alexandra Dediu's user avatar
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Error occurred while calling a method on a Groovy class from classpath.: InvocationTargetException

I am working on vulnerabilities and have upgraded spring-webmvc version to 6.1.13 to resolve them Here is my pom(omitted the dependencies which are not important in this context) <parent> ...
A2har's user avatar
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Lombok not being inherited from spring-boot-starter-parent [duplicate]

My project is of the form: |- BOM |--- \ Child My BOM specifies sprint-boot-starter-parent as its parent (version 3.1.12). Lombok is a managed dependency under this, as seen on https://mvnrepository....
supersaiyajin87's user avatar
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Cannot find symbol exception using Lombok

I use Lombok in my Spring project and because I use the IDE Visual Studio Code with the plugin Extension Pack for Java, the necessary generated sources are created automatically. This works inside of ...
Socrates's user avatar
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Spring Boot Java 11 in Debian 12 with tomcat10

I've switching a Java 11 spring boot war to tomcat10 on Debian 12 from Debian 11 and want to build with maven using existing definitions in a pom.xml file. I don't want to use: Java 17 Jakarta ...
Eamonn Kenny's user avatar
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Changing java jdk on springboot maven project

I was using java jdk 17 before and i built all my springboots maven projects with jdk 17 but now i have installed java jdk 23 on my laptop and then i tried running my springboot maven projects and it ...
Abdulkadir Barambu's user avatar
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Spring boot app with old version, maven can't download old version

I have one issue with maven, and he can't download me a older version of spring-boot-starter-parent, when I build spring project by, then is working,but when I change version to older ...
Michal Hodul's user avatar
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ERROR creating bean for org.springframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate

Stack Trace: Sorry I have to scrub this for policy reasons. Using Eclipse Maven Build orgspringframework.jms.core.JmsTemplate v6.1.10 On Compile in Eclipse StackTrace INFO: Stopping service [Tomcat] ...
Moojjoo's user avatar
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Spring Boot "kotlin-maven-plugin" not found

I created a new Spring Boot Project using the Spring Initializr ( I didn't change anything after downloading. I entered spring-boot:run to run the application. I get the ...
Neidi's user avatar
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Cucumber and Springboot tests to mvn test

Im triying to set my cucumber test in mvn test, but I cant. You can check the repository in I did use this plugin: <plugin>...
Marco Tenorio Cortés's user avatar
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Wildfly 34.0.0.Beta1 POST method not supported

I've try to deploy spring boot application with spring security in latest wildfly version. But if i try to call POST method return 405 error ("HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL")....
Marco Sciuto's user avatar
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ERROR 1968 o.s.boot.SpringApplication: Application startup failed

I am new in spring and this is my first project. What have I done wrong which has resulted in the following error? ERROR 1968 --- [lication.main()] o.s.boot.SpringApplication: Application startup ...
Ganiel24's user avatar
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cannot find symbol of spring boot class when using repackage of spring-boot-maven-plugin [duplicate]

I created a simple project to showcase my problem: This is a maven multi module project (reactor) having only a spring boot application class ...
Chris Brown's user avatar
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Update Spring Boot values during building in command line

I am trying to update an value while building a Spring Boot project with maven. I have tried the following: mvn clean package -Dspring.datasource.url="--jdbc:postgresql://[...
aCarella's user avatar
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Get a NoSuchBeanDefinitionException in my DAO Spring + Hibernate + MySQL code

I have code based on DAO architecture with Maven on IDEA Ultimate 2024.2.2 In it, I use Spring + Hibernate to work with the MySQL database and Project Lombok to work with User entity annotations. It ...
f7ckin's user avatar
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Spring ORM and Hibernate 6.x Migration: SpringHibernateJpaPersistenceProvider does not implement jakarta.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider

I am facing an issue while migrating my Spring 6.1.12 application to use Hibernate 6.5.2.Final with the jakarta.persistence-api version 3.1.0. The error I encounter during application startup is as ...
Pulkit Soni's user avatar
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ClassPathXmlApplicationContext error in IntelliJ

I have created Spring Initializr project and am having a problem instantiating a ClassPathXmlApplicationContext: I can't understand the core problem, so I am using IntelliJ to get a better ...
Parth Jadav's user avatar
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Problem in building docker image using jib Plugin

I am using Google jib to generate the image for my maven project and I also added the jib dependency in pom.xml for my maven project. But my docker image is not building, It is giving me an error of ...
Ayush Ghildiyal's user avatar
-3 votes
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What is the reason for Spring auth dependency error

I am using below spring dependencies in my project . I am getting error on application start up after added auth related code. This is a leagacy project, so i cant use spring boot directly. Any help ...
Ast's user avatar
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Issue: FileNotFoundException for AppConfig.xml in Spring Project

I'm working on a Maven-based Spring project named MavenfirstProject. The folder structure is as follows: src ├── main │ ├── java │ │ └── │ └── resources │ └── ...
d1vyanshu_Nayak's user avatar
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Build separate artifacts for child modules in multi-module Maven project

I was wondering what the best practices are on creating separate artifacts for child modules in a multi-module Maven Spring Boot project. So let's say you have one project (operators), one root pom....
Thomas Verhoeven's user avatar
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Zookeeper unimplemented error after upgrading to jdk 17

Objective I am trying to migrate my application from jdk 11 to 17. Issue After migrating to jdk17, i got the error mentioned here (Unable to canonicalize address error) - Zookeeper connection error. ...
Aakash Naik's user avatar
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maven spring viewresolver not showing jsp with 404

I have spring boot project as child project of a parent pom that serves jsp pages. when I build (mvn clean install) the project from parent directory and start the jar (java -jar myproject) it gives ...
Al Fraco's user avatar
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Spring boot app (error: method getFirst()) failed to run at local machine, but can run on server

The Spring boot app can run on the online server. Now, we want to replicate the same app at the local machine but the Spring boot jar file failed to run and had the below error. I read Compilation ...
findingdori's user avatar
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Spring boot 3 : package javax.jws.soap does not exist

We have been migrating our app to Spring Boot 3. We see an error : `package javax.jws does not exist [ERROR] package javax.jws.soap does not exist [ERROR] cannot find symbol class WebService [ERROR]...
stackuser's user avatar
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How to add lib folder in pom.xml with many jar files

I have the lib folder under root of my maven project which contains many jar files. How we can add this one folder all alone under pom.xml As a temporary solution i have added each jars as dependency ...
Subham Kumar Mishra's user avatar
2 votes
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How to Use External Configuration Files to Provide Environment-Specific Configurations in a Spring Boot Application?

Is it possible to maintain a parameterized application configurations file with configurations that are most likely to change depending on the development environment maintenance in a different file ...
Gehan's user avatar
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Importing a module as a dependency in another module makes its autowired beans fail

this is my parent module: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="
Karim Halayqa's user avatar
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Spring Boot 3.0 Multi Module project not access properties file in another my project

I have a problem. Lets ı explain my project structure and problems. 1. Multi Module Project you will see project structure below. auth-service auth-service-app auth-service-bom auth-service-data ...
Cihan gürkan's user avatar
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"Updates" column in maven dependency's description page on mvnrepository

I am trying to find out what the column Updates means in the below screenshot. Can I update those transitive dependencies e.g spring-security-config higher than 6.3.1, using spring-boot-starter-...
Vladislav Miltsyn's user avatar
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How to debug tests in spring?

I have a spring boot project. Usually I run IDEA debugger on port 63344, set breakpoints, run ./mvnw spring-boot:run"-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,...
Vaks's user avatar
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Spring Boot 3.3.2: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ch.qos.logback.core.util.StatusPrinter2

I have upgraded the Spring Boot version from 3.2.2 to 3.3.2. While running the application, I am facing this error given below : Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: ch.qos.logback.core.util....
desi_stoic's user avatar
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Get maven to build a java application using the values from the rather than from

I am trying to deploy a spring application in production mode. When I run the application locally with the profile production and set the, the application will ...
Kendricks L Camille's user avatar
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IntelliJ maven compile don't find file in project

I have a Spring Core project in Java 1.8 that I imported into IntelliJ (previously I was using Eclipse) and for which I created various Maven configurations to execute builds, releases, etc. ...
Federico Xella's user avatar
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Spring Boot Application Runs in IntelliJ IDEA but Fails with mvn install Due to JDBC URL Error

I'm encountering an issue with my Spring Boot application. It runs perfectly fine when I start it directly from IntelliJ IDEA by clicking the play button. However, when I try to build the project ...
Ramiro Schettino's user avatar
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When i am. trying to run spring intializr using ./mvnw spring-boot:run. it showing the error

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-maven-plugin:3.3.2:run (default-cli) on project initializr: Unable to find a suitable main class, please add a 'mainClass' property -...
jayaprakash dash's user avatar

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