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Maven spring project opening on notepad

In eclipse my maven spring project when clicking on run on server it is opening notepad. The server is working fine when I open http://localhost:8080/Amazon/home.jsp it is working.the notepad is ...
ZONIC's user avatar
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Facing issue while creating Maven Project

Fail to create archetype.quickstart while creating maven project. I checked my internet connectivity it's stable but still facing it.Can anyone solve this problem. I don't know it would be about ...
4160_Abhijeet Salunke's user avatar
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Using maven multi module, spring boot - issue with Creating Directory in IntelliJ vs. Eclipse

I have a Spring boot maven mutliple module project where I'm trying to create a directory in my code using the Files.createDirectories method. The project is structured as follows: -GlobalProject : ...
Ismail Bouaddi's user avatar
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MAC OS: The Apache Tomcat Native library which allows using OpenSSL was not found

I have added all the spring jars in build path. When I'm trying to run a simple dependency injection program on Eclipse, it doesn't show output in console. I'm using macOS. So please give a solution ...
Prajal Saxena's user avatar
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Debug mvn test in eclipse doesn't end

I cannot debug the tests in my spring boot application. I can debug the application but not the test, I am using eclipse 2021, spring boot 3.0.4, hibernate and junit 4.13.2 for the test. If I do mvn ...
jorge's user avatar
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Disable Eclipse to report "problems" on auto-generated classes (for example Q-classes)

Spring Tool Suite 4 Version: 4.19.0.RELEASE Is there a way to configure STS4 / Eclipse to stop generating warnings in Problems view for auto-generated classes? For example: "Unqualified access to ...
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Java Build Path Entries not found in Deployment Assembly

I'm upgrading from STS 3.9.11 to STS 4.18.1. When I try to run my web project on a STS Tomcat Server (8.5) and receive the infamous java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
Rocken's user avatar
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The type LoveCalculatorApplicationInitializer must implement the inherited abstract method WebApplicationInitializer.onStartup(ServletContext) [duplicate]

Getting this error even after inheriting onStartup() method: The type LoveCalculatorApplicationInitializer must implement the inherited abstract method WebApplicationInitializer.onStartup(...
Prajal Saxena's user avatar
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When I ran the project, this "UnsatisfiedDependencyException" error showed [duplicate]

ERROR org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'gestionnaireEmploye' defined in file [C:\Users\**************\Desktop\PFE\pfeProject-1\target\...
Firas Chebbi's user avatar
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2 answers

Updating Maven Project does not move from 75

I have this problem. I have just started a new Maven project and, after adding this code: <dependencies> <!--
Kazan's user avatar
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Error while running Maven test Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.0:test

I'm working on a migration of my project from java 11 to 17. I've some issues in surefire-plugin and due to this my maven test and maven build is failing. If I skip the test by saying ...
Ruchi's user avatar
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Updating JavaScript Index

I'm studying spring framework with maven, and when I try to make a change in my code I get this error "An internal error occurred during: "Updating JavaScript Index". com/ibm/icu/util/...
Mauro Squeo's user avatar
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The different ways for creating a new Spring MVC project explanation (only explanation)

This is not an opinion-based question. I just want some explanation about the difference between these ways for making a spring mvc project. Creating a spring project using STS Creating a Spring boot ...
I. Riahi's user avatar
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Maven project sourcing old spring dependencies not part of the pom.xml in Eclipse

My maven java project is sourcing versions of spring libraries that are not defined in my pom.xml My pom.xml does not have any references to v3.0.5 for spring dependencies. A snippet of my pom.xml: ...
user1971376's user avatar
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Error when updating Maven Configuration: cannot nest

After adding jpa dependencies and updating maven got this error: Cannot nest 'spring-mvc-app2/src/main/java/resources' inside 'spring-mvc-app2/src/main/java'.To enable the nesting exclude 'resources/' ...
Learning Java..'s user avatar
2 votes
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java.lang.ClassCastException: class org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet cannot be cast to class jakarta.servlet.Servlet

I've seen answers to questions similar to mine, but I've tried everything, the error doesn't go away. I understand that the api servlet classes are loaded by two different class loaders because there ...
utente1234567890's user avatar
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Problem with .xml file on spring and Mysql

I am trying to connect Springframework with Mysql, the question is, whena I trying a test to add a new entry on my database, appears the next errors But i cannot see the error on my .xml file. Allso ...
Axel Rosas's user avatar
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I am getting an 501 error from maven repo

I am trying to build the build.xml But when it reaches It throws this error. I have deleted the .m2 folder and rerun, still getting this error. I believe there is an internal call for a http link to ...
Samir's user avatar
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Installing spring boot 4 on eclipse marketplace bug

When i try to install spring boot 4 from the eclipse enterprise marketplace it gives me this error: An error occurred while collecting items to be installed session context was:(profile=epp.package....
Raphael01's user avatar
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Maven Build error when using jaxb2-maven-plugin in contract first SOAP ws

I'm trying to make my first soap ws using this guide,the xsd file is correct and in the right directory, and the pom is straight up copy-pasted and looks like this : <?xml version="1.0" ...
Roman's user avatar
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Unable to download Java dependencies with Dockerfile

Well, there is this java project using maven, and the pom.xml file is like THIS When I run locally ./mvnw -B dependency:go-offline and ./mvnw -o package -DskipTests, it works fine. However when I use ...
João Casarin's user avatar
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Facing error in POM.XML (Project build error: Non-resolvable parent POM )

I installed maven and tomcat and sts in eclipse but still facing error in POM.XML : Multiple markers at this line Project build error: Non-resolvable parent POM for com.example:demo:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: ...
naimishawasthi1's user avatar
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Difference In Maven Dependency Display Structure

I am observing a difference between how the dependencies are being displayed in eclipse ' Maven Dependencies ' folder. Although the M2_REPO translates to C:\Users\XYZ.m2\repository only but why there ...
Naman Sharma's user avatar
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Maven Build Unresolved Compilation Problem Missing Type

I am converting my application to Maven and I have hit a problem I'm not able to figure out. The project has no errors in the workspace (eclipse, using m2e plugin), no errors in the build log, and no ...
Reed Simpson's user avatar
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Missing Artifact in eclipse maven project

When I try run the project I have this error Error: Could not find or load main class com.listactivitysyariah.ListActivitySyariahApplication Description Resource Path Location Type Failed to ...
Romli Eko's user avatar
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Spring maven project build is failing due to test resources not found

Maven build is failing, and the reason behind it is test files not found from test/resources folder. src/test/java and src/test/resources folders are added in java build path src folder and in ...
KJ21's user avatar
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In Eclipse maven build success ,but compilation error is there when the functionality is accessed with URL

Code explained: Default error is: org.springframework.web.util.NestedServletException: Handler dispatch failed; nested exception is java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem: Duplicate local ...
Muralidharan G's user avatar
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HTTP Status 404 - not found - Java Spring MVC

I'm trying to run my first Spring MVC Program on eclipse using XML configuration, I have no error markings on my directory but I get this response when I run the program. I also tried with Spring java ...
Plus Ultra's user avatar
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In Eclipse , I am using Version: 2019-12 (4.14.0) ,getting maven build error related to JDK8 which is already set

method references are not supported in -source 1.5 (use -source 8 or higher to enable method references) [ERROR] The JDK path 8 is clearly set in eclipse but maven build is getting failure Eclipse ...
Muralidharan G's user avatar
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I am getting maven dependency problems in a fresh project generated from How can I fix this?

I have not touched anything in the pom file. The fresh project shows 99 maven dependency problems. I generated the project from by adding various dependencies like lombok, spring data ...
Subham Bisoyi's user avatar
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Maven update in Java 9, Maven compile in Java 8 in Eclipse

I have a project with Spring and Maven using Java version 8. When I run maven update it works with Java 9 or higher and when I compile it works well with Java 8. I have noticed this because updating ...
suomi's user avatar
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'Maven Dependencies' Folder is missing even though build is successful

'Maven Dependencies' Folder is missing even though maven build is successful in Eclipse. I have 2 projects. In one project 'Maven Dependencies' Folder is visible under the Project parallel to src , ...
Surya's user avatar
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I get bean.xml file not found exception in Maven Spring project Intellij Idea but file exists in the correct path

I have a simple Spring app. created using Maven and Intellij Idea. I have 3 simple files, a Person model, an executer class and a bean.xml file for Dependency Injection. > src > main >...
Murat Can Kurt's user avatar
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SpringMVC w/ Maven - not able to get Servlet to find second page

I am trying to build a demonstrator example for a Spring MVC project that uses DispatcherServlet, following a precedent: It has been ...
epicUsername's user avatar
-1 votes
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Maven, Spring Initializr and Eclipse: How do I set a single main class?

I created a spring maven project with spring initializr, which generated following pom: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="
von spotz's user avatar
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mvn build failures : Compilation failure

While builing project via maven getting following error. Tried with mvn clean install command. Project was latest cloned and no changes done still errors coming locally. Project seems to be passed on ...
rahul.cs's user avatar
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How to use Spring Initializr (1)?

How to use Spring Initializr in order to create a project and then create a maven JAR from this project in order to put it into a Docker container as described in This ...
von spotz's user avatar
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Eclipse: no active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default

In, I specified which should have picked as the profile to activate. However, when I Run As Java Application in Eclipse, I ...
charlesw's user avatar
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How do I import a Java project into my workspace correctly and make it run?

i am new to microservices, to Docker and Spring and followed the instructions here how to install Spring, that is, how to make a Spring project. Then there is the hint to Spring initializr https://...
von spotz's user avatar
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Unable to connect to Maven Central Repository within organization due to Firewall, Maven does not connect to internal URL and fails in simple project

I am working inside an organization and the firewall settings donot allow download of jars from Maven Central repository. Instead the organization has created an internal repository https://...
waavman's user avatar
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"in cannot be resolved to a variable" error showing while write this code in Eclipse (maven project using spring boot) [duplicate]

I creating some java projects. in this project I find one error when I'm write code in Eclipse IDE. pls help me to correct this ERROR... this file error occurred) ...
BHANU LAKHUJANI's user avatar
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Trouble Creating REST project using

Having trouble getting with generated project to work in Eclipse. I'm so used to right-clicking on the pom.xml file and seeing 'update maven', but I don't see that. The imports for the ...
Night Rider's user avatar
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Read files inside a folder from a path

I need to read all files inside a folder. Here's my path c:/records/today/ and inside path there are two files data1.txt and data2.txt. After getting the files, I need to read and display it. I ...
jajaja's user avatar
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Exception Could not resolve placeholder

In general, I will try to describe the problem. A working project stopped working at one point. Revised and tried many options with from other posts until nothing helped. That's what comes out: Caused ...
feodal007's user avatar
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Context Initialization failed while migrating from Oracle JDK to AdoptOpenJDK

We are migrating our Java application from Oracle JDK 1.8.0_211 to AdoptOpenJDK 1.8.0_282 The Spring application was working fine with Oracle JDK but once I replaced Oracle JDK with AdoptOpenJDK, ...
Karan Choudhary's user avatar
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Spring Project is not building in the eclipse

I'm using Eclipse 4.17 for Mac OS X Java version in the build path: Java SE 15 And I'm facing the issue while building the spring project. It is throwing an error: Errors occurred during the build. ...
Vijay Rajpurohit's user avatar
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Multi-module maven project - use a module just as a dependency

The project consists of multiple Maven modules using Spring. One of the modules, DependencyService, contains Java classes (models) that I want to reuse in Backend1 and Backend2 without duplicating ...
Gykonik's user avatar
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Can anyone explain me the package structure of default spring boot application that is provided by spring starter project?

What is the target folder, what is mvnw and mvnw.cmd file and what is src folder?
enthusiastdev's user avatar
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Spring and Hibernate dependencies are not being resolved

I am having this error message for all the imported packages "The import org..... cannot be resolved". and my Spring and Hibernate dependencies are not being resolved. I have tried multiple ...
Jack Black's user avatar
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Does creating a folder in default maven directory structure offered by eclipse lead to any issues?

I've recently started learning Spring REST. As part of my learning process, I developed a simple Hello World application using Maven. The directory structure of maven offered by Eclipse doesn't ...
Naveen Kumar Vunnam's user avatar

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