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Gradle: applying plugin from local Maven repository [duplicate]

I have successfully published the artifact into my local m2 repository at location: .m2\repository\com\example\gradle-binary-plugin\1.0 The name of the plugin is gradle-binary-plugin-1.0.jar Now, I ...
meallhour's user avatar
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problem on spring-web and spring-boot-autoconfigure: correct the classpath

I was migrating my API from Java 11 to 17 to reduce high and critical vulnerabilities and changed spring boot version from 2.7.5 to 2.7.11. I'm facing a issue when I run the application even though it ...
Şafak's user avatar
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How to configure Spring web-application starting directory?

I'm reading the Taming Thymeleaf book and want to reproduce the examples but using Gradle instead Maven (which used in original source code). Now I'm stalled with live auto reload configuration from ...
sdorof's user avatar
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Gradle file to Maven

I want to add this dependency to my maven spring application. repositories { maven { url = uri("") } } ...
Karim Nashaat's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I preload some dependencies/plugins in maven before pom.xml?

we are creating a lot of short lived test projects at my work. Dozens of them each day. we have about 10 dependencies that we use internally at our workplace - these are all custom plugins. I want to ...
Sandeep's user avatar
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Spring/Gradle - servlet-api dependency issue

still quite new to Gradle in general so hopefully this isn't a silly question, but I'm running into this issue when running the container (which immediately crashes the container). An attempt was made ...
Ben Whitely's user avatar
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How to resolve external dependency conflict in gradle

I am getting following conflicts for okio library in my sprint boot project. I am not not sure how to read this. Specifically: What does conflict actually mean here. What is conflicting with what? ...
java_doctor_101's user avatar
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Plugin [id: 'org.springframework.boot'] was not found in any of the following sources:

I am new to spring boot and gradle and trying to install the required dependencies, however the video i am watching is using an older version of gradle. buildscript { repositories { ...
udacity training's user avatar
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Spring Boot : An attempt was made to call a method that does not exist

I am trying to upgrade Spring dependency jars without upgrading the Spring Boot version in my project to fix some of CVE's reported. So i am trying to upgrade the Spring dependencies to v5.3.24 . ...
Romano's user avatar
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maven does not have spring version 3 or version 4?

I was trying to run a legacy project using spring version 3 with build.gradle: ... plugins { id 'java' id 'maven-publish' id 'war' } repositories { mavenLocal() maven { ...
Tameem Khan's user avatar
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Can I compile Spring Boot application to have only one controller and disable the rest?

I have a (very very large) Spring Boot application. This is a large legacy application. Assume that I have dozens of Controllers and routes. I want to do limited test deployments. Also, for licensing ...
Sandeep's user avatar
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Import jar issue in intellij project

I have an external jar file, which I want to add in my intellij project. I added it as a module. Now, it is visible under external libraries section. But, I'm unable to use Or access or call the ...
S. D. chowdhury 's user avatar
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After changing the automation tool (maven -> gradle), the application does not build

I replaced maven with gradle in the project. Previously, the application worked without any problems. Now using the gradle clean build command, the application throws a few errors regarding e.g. ...
jadhamterra's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to convert maven project to gradle?

I have a project (spring + angular) built on maven. And I would like to replace the automation tool using gradle. The project contains 3 pom.xml files. The structure looks like this. -MainApp -pom....
DXking07's user avatar
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Failing to get dependency during SonarScan action

In our Java SpringBoot project we are using GitHub actions to run SonarScan. It was working like a charm until I've added first custom library to the project. That library is in Nexus repo and ...
Yehor Levchenko's user avatar
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Spring Boot application initialization problem

I have 2 spring boot applications A and B managed by Gradle. B was packaged as a normal jar and imported as a dependency in A. And B's main() function/entry point will be called by A based on the ...
stackoverflow_user's user avatar
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Gradle to use internal JFrog Aritifactory to get spring boot library

I was to force Gradle 7.4.2 to use internal JFrog Artifactory to download the build dependency files. But when I build it was trying to download it from location. I ...
sfgroups's user avatar
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How to package gradle multi-module spring boot app for other project to use?

I have a gradle spring boot project with multiple modules and want to build it as a jar file so that I can reuse the methods from different modules in other projects. I used java-library plugin in the ...
stackoverflow_user's user avatar
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How to share Spring dependencyManagement and spring boot in Gradle MultiModule

im trying to create a project with a multimodule build using the dependency management from spring (with spring boot) and share dependencies across all the services something like this: The current ...
David Gallego's user avatar
4 votes
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Gradle cannot find Spring Boot 3.0.0-M1

I'm not sure how to debug this or what is wrong at all. I am trying to run this project: In the ...
Sophie Bushchak's user avatar
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Where are the versions of the other spring modules specified in the pom file of spring-data-redis 2.6.1

Maven novice here. The pom file of the Spring Data Redis module version 2.6.1 can be found at
nerdtryingtobesocial's user avatar
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How do I exclude a dependency from being pinned by Spring Boot's dependency management plugin?

I am using Spring Boot and the Gradle dependency management plugin: plugins { id 'org.springframework.boot' version '2.5.6' id 'io.spring.dependency-management' version '1.0.11.RELEASE' } ...
Mark's user avatar
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Liquibase rollback when maven build failed

How to rollback liquibase changeset automatically when maven build failed due to some reason like any test failed or some other reason. I am using below configuration in liquibase. <changeSet id=&...
Manish Bansal's user avatar
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Get Logs in gradle as present in maven

By doing mvn clean install, I got all the logs in console and can see all the test cases running. However using gradle commands like ./gradlew build doesn't show anything like that. In the last it ...
Manish Bansal's user avatar
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Why We Choose Maven Project over Gradle Project while creating a Spring Boot Project? [closed]

While we creating a new spring boot project in Spring Initializr or in Eclipse or in Intelliz why do we choose Maven Project over Gradle Project?
Amiya Rout's user avatar
-2 votes
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Losing Javadoc Comments When Importing a Maven Project as Module in a Gradle API Project

I have a Gradle Spring Boot API Project and another Maven Project which I build as Artifact into a .jar file and import into my API Project as a Module. After doing that, everything works fine but the ...
StackOverthrow's user avatar
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Gradle + Spring Boot Error: Failed to bind properties

I am moving from Maven to Gradle and a Spring boot service fails to come up when run via the Gradle generated jar file. The app runs fine as a Spring app or when run as a jar generated through maven. ...
Yashesh's user avatar
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Code generated with openapi generator fails in gradle but not with maven

I am migrating an open API specification project from maven to gradle. However, Gradle build fails with this error while maven works without error. /Users/skgupta/git-repos/openapi-changes/mycompany-...
Sundeep Gupta's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to create .jar file. Error while working with gradle, particularly ./gradlew build. getting java.lang.IllegalAccessError

I was trying to build a jar file. Basically trying to dockerize my project. But I was unable to create a jar file. I was getting error. While I was running ./gradlew build I was getting the error: l (...
Deepjyoti De's user avatar
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Problem with Spring JPA data.sql script in Gradle only

I have a project which I can run with Maven but not with Gradle. The project consists of one very simple entity and data.sql file where a table for this entity gets populated with initial data. When I ...
Stanislav Mikheyev's user avatar
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Can you add a repository SUBFOLDER to your gradle dependencies?

I'm working with and I have an issue with continuous integration using the Java-OCA-OCPP library. There's an issue with this library's publication to ...
Ivor Baric's user avatar
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Unable to build gradle project

I am not able to build my gradle project. I have installed gradle in my saystem and building it through command promt. , getting this below error. Error : Could not resolve all files for ...
Abhijit Deshpandey's user avatar
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Integrate spring projects and EJB projects within a gradle(or maven) multiple projects

I have a gradle multiple projects. The structure is like below: |--MyProject | |--ejb-project | | --build.gradle | |--spring-project | --com.mine.demo | | | --build.gradle |...
Liem's user avatar
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Ho do I convert exclusion maven code to gradle

I am converting a maven project to gradle using converter. Here is maven code: <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>...
AlexBlack's user avatar
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Java Spring Boot Project without pom.xml

I am new to spring boot project. Recently I was requested to add new functionalities to a spring boot project. I was given the source code of the project. Surprisingly, the pom.xml was missing in the ...
New Programmer's user avatar
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Spring boot project doesn't run on Gradle local Repository

Below is my build.gradle file plugins { id 'org.springframework.boot' version '2.3.4.RELEASE' id 'java' } group = 'jwt.demo' version = '0.0.1-SNAPSHOT' sourceCompatibility = '11' ...
trilocho's user avatar
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Java Spring : How to declare maven dependency to gradle [closed]

I am new to Java Spring. I am following a tutorial regarding Mock FTP server( ) This demo has a Maven dependency. However, how can I build it using gradle ?(...
vi90's user avatar
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WADL2JAVA:Gradle PlugIn

So far we were using Maven as build tool, recently we started migrating our projects to use gradle. When we were using maven we used to have cxf-wadl2java-plugin to convert wadl to java code.But with ...
Rocky4Ever's user avatar
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how to get list of transitive dependencies required for my java application?

We have a requirement to build all dependencies from source code which we are deploying as part of application deployment, so here is my question how to get list of transitive dependencies ( 4th/5th ...
Babu's user avatar
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Convert pom to gradle for Spring boot

Im trying to convert an autogenerated pom.xml from ( online tool to gradle. I have Java gradle project that needs some features in Spring boot. ( ...
cyber101's user avatar
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Thymeleaf template works in gradle, but not for maven

So I made my first Spring project using gradle, and I had a problem getting the database set up, so I decided to switch to maven and see what happened. Well now, my database is hooked up and works ...
stephanie86's user avatar
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How to create a Java Spring WebApp Folder Structure using Gradle

I am making a Java Web App project using Gradle. Now, for building a Gradle web app plenty of resources are available over the net. But, my issue is a bit different. Suppose, I want to initiate a ...
Pritam Pallab's user avatar
4 votes
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Which is gradle's compileOnly equivalent in maven scope?

I want to mention following dependency in maven , which is included in gradle as : compile('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-web') compileOnly('org.apache.tomcat.embed:tomcat-embed-jasper'...
Pramod S. Nikam's user avatar
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Spring development on Docker

I'm quite new to Java and Spring. I'm looking for a containerized solution that watches the src folder, rebuilds the project and takes advantage of Spring devtools hotswap to reload the changed ...
Alessandro Cappello's user avatar
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Unable to resolve java build / Spring

First Thing to say, I am a relatively inexperienced programmer. My task is to import a given gradle project into Spring Boot Tool Suite (sts). I have already download springboot cli, java, gradle. &...
govmorra's user avatar
3 votes
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How to solve "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.springframework.util.ReflectionUtils.accessibleConstructor"

I'm replacing lagecy's gradle project with boot's maven project. There is no error, but when i run Tomcat server, the following error is displayed. i tried these.... pom.xml spring-context remove ->...
Bonyeon Koo's user avatar
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Maven or Gradle Spring app with in-memory MSSQL DB from MDF file for tests

Is there a plugin, library or anything else that could allow me to bring an MDF file as in-memory database for testing in my Spring app with maven or gradle?
LIvanov's user avatar
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How does a Multi-Module Project build equate to multiple microservices? Is one the foundation for the other?

I've seen multi-module Spring projects, ie, a project build composed of multiple modules. Are these a foundation for building microservices. That is, is it usual to have microservices written as ...
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Getting Error creating bean with name 'requestMappingHandlerAdapter' exeception while adding Redis Dependency

In My spring boot application I am facing below problem. Added below dependency in build.gradle file compile('org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-data-redis-reactive') Added in Application....
Rahul's user avatar
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What is the spring-boot-configuration-processor ? Why do people exclude libraries from it? Why is it invisible in dependency tree?

Introduction So I noticed the following line in the gradle file of the jhipster project: annotationProcessor ("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-configuration-processor") { exclude group: ...
Menelaos's user avatar
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