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Creating a simpledialog with tk that has a variable number of inputs and then outputting them

Im trying to create a simpledialog box in which you can input numbers. The number of inputs however does depend on a dataset, technically people are using it to input rows into a dataset. I cannot ...
Jannes Rausch's user avatar
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4 answers

tkinter askstring deleted before its visibility changed

I am trying to make a popup window where someone can fill in a string in an Entry box. I have gone through many examples, but it doesn't work. I am trying to this: var_entry = simpledialog....
Max Koning's user avatar
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How to auto-activate a tkinter simpledialog pop-up window?

I have this function inside one of my python scripts which throws up a Tkinter simple dialog screen to ask for some simple user-input. The function works. However, there are 2 problems with it. It ...
Montmons's user avatar
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messagebox stops validation

I don't understand why a messagebox (or simpledialog) breaks the flow of the following code. The code basically validates an entry box in python 3.5. It checks that the field only contain numeric ...
Dr Jeep's user avatar
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Declared variables not initialised when using 'simpledialog'

I have a problem with some code that I have been working on where I am trying to pass a variable to a 'simpledialog' box. However, when I declare the variable in the __init__ section, the variable ...
skyhammer's user avatar
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