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2 answers

Getting Started with Silex Composer Project

I'm struggling around with Silex and its Project Structure. I'm using PHP for around 10 years now, but I always used tools like Np++. Now I get started with PhpStorm and I feel like a total newbie. ...
Netzmensch's user avatar
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Composer autoload not including my custom namespaces (Silex)

I'm developing a REST API with Silex and I'm facing a problem regarding autoloading of my custom librairy. It looks like Composer's autoload is not including it, because when I include it myself it ...
ryancey's user avatar
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Silex command fail

I have this error when I try to run a console command with Silex. PHP Error: Class 'Testing\Command\TestingCommand' not found in /var/www/testCmd/app/console on line 9 PHP Stack trace: PHP 1. {...
Morpheus_ro's user avatar
2 votes
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Can't install local extension in Bolt CM

I a trying to write an extension for Bolt CM. I decided I should start by just doing the tutorial they provide, although I can't get it to work. When viewed on the "Extend"-page in the CMS itself the ...
Lars van Scheijndel's user avatar
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Silex Class does not exist - Controller

I start on Silex and I can not link my roads to my controllers. I looked at several examples and posts but I blocked, nothing worked. Currently I have this: In my index.php <?php use Symfony\...
Peter Artoung's user avatar
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Silex and Doctrine2: Class not found with YML entities

I'm using Doctrine ORM with Silex via the Doctrine ORM Service Provider but I'm getting a MappingException with "class does not exist" each time I try to load data from the entity. The exception: ...
Brandon D's user avatar
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Sliex ~2.0 difference between download and composer - e.g missing ServiceProviderInterface

If I download the fat archive linked here I get a different silex to that when I composer require "~2.0" ( as instructed on the same page ) , for example, the ...
user1511303's user avatar
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Doing a "composer install" inside a Symfony console

I have to launch inside a working directory a composer install after a jQuery success (I'm developing a git panel under Silex). I have been told it could be well done with Symfony Console, because it ...
Amelie's user avatar
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silex do i need composer to autoload?

I install my web site on ovh server but i think composer it not install on it. So i have a fatal error Class 'App\Models\Product\ProductModel' not found in /home/xxxxx/App/Controller/Home/...
Castro Crea's user avatar
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Custom ControllerProvider Class not found

I have a custom controller provider class that is working fine. I've tried adding a second one and it just keeps saying: Fatal error: Class 'Bar\BarControllerProvider' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\...
Smern's user avatar
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2 answers

PHP Catchable Fatal Error - on server

Currently facing an issue with a new Silex (Symfony) PHP application. If I start it locally like php -S localhost:8080 everything works fine right away. I directly get an 500 Internal Server Error ...
DominikAngerer's user avatar
2 votes
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Using namespace in Silex for controllers

I'm trying the Silex framework, and I meet a problem.... I tried to delegate routing handlers to controllers (as SF2). But I have an 500 error telling me that the controller class cannot be found... ...
QuentinG's user avatar
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Composer Autoload - Can't find class

I have a little Silex app going on. Trying to get some sort of structure going on. This is my composer.json: { "require": { "silex/silex": "~1.3" }, "autoload": { "psr-0"...
Kal's user avatar
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Silex autoload my namespace

The site is using Silex. Structure look like this: root api RSYWX Book.php vendor views web In Book.php: namespace RSYWX; class Book { public static function sayHello() { ...
TaylorR's user avatar
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Dokku deployed Silex can't find PdoServiceProvider

I have a project done with Silex, and I was using herrera-io/silex-pdo as the PDO provider, but I faced random crashes with socket errors (I connect to the DB via socket), since that lib is abandoned, ...
Maxinne's user avatar
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Windows 10 can't use AWS SDK for PHP v3 with Composer

I'm a student and pretty new to web development so forgive me if I'm missing something obvious. I recently attended a hackathon and was on a team with experienced developers who were building an app ...
Blake Schwartz's user avatar
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Using PHPUnit global installation with Silex' WebTestCase

I have global composer's autoload.php and local project's autoload.php. PHPUnit, when running uses global one, and bootstrap project's. I decided to use Silex\WebTestCase (it is the project dependency,...
Neka's user avatar
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2 answers

Silex and autloading controller classes

I am having problems getting class autoloading to work in the Silex skeleton I am putting together. I have this working in another project, but I can't figure out what I am doing wrong here. My ...
David Legatt's user avatar
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2 answers

Installing and using Mink with Browserkit driver

I seem to be unable to install Mink with Browserkit driver on Centos. I am using these instructions: The steps I am taking is by: adding a file in my ...
SwCharlie's user avatar
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Composer: unresolvable dependencies when installing Silex application

I am trying to build a Silex application, with the following requirements requirements Yaml configuration Doctrine ORM Simple User Authorisation my composer.json { "require": {...
Homunculus Reticulli's user avatar
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use namespace with composer and silex

I tried to load a class with composer and the class can't be found. { "require": { "silex/silex": "~1.2", "twig/twig": ">=1.8,<2.0-dev", "symfony/twig-bridge": "~2.3"...
amiceli's user avatar
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Call to a member function get() on a non-object - Symfony and Silex

I just got added to a team working on a project based on Symphony and Silex as PHP frameworks and composer as a package manager. The system is currently being used in production and works just fine. ...
daniel_c05's user avatar
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How to reduce size of /vendor directory in a Silex project

I created a frontend API for an existing tourism booking system. In order to distribute it, I want to reduce the size of my /vendor directory. It has a total size of 26.4 MB. Those are the biggest ...
Mateng's user avatar
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Silex, class not found

I want access of a function in my controller "ItemController". I always have the error; Fatal error: Class 'Iso\Controller\ItemController' not found ... testsilex / Silex - app - composer.json - ...
Tim Dirks's user avatar
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PHP - Silex: Fatal error: Class not found

I've made a PHP application with Silex. I'm using a WAMP solution on my laptop to develop, in combination with Composer. Now, when I upload the application (maps 'app', 'src' and 'web') and upload ...
user3581249's user avatar
1 vote
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PhpUnit unable to locate test files

I am currently developing a rather large web application that uses Silex as a backend. I have added PHPUnit to the project created a simple test case: class IndexControllerText extends ...
ferdynator's user avatar
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silex webprofiler not displaying logs

I am setting up a silex app and I can not figure out why I can not view the logs from the web profiler. It always displays no logs. I do have monolog-bridge in my composer and it is installed... ...
Yamiko's user avatar
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register namespace in silex without composer

I'm using silex to build an api for an app I'm building, and I want to abstract my controllers into different files. I work for a pretty big corporation with a very strict IT department, and they won'...
Sam's user avatar
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Load namespaces with composer as psr-0 libraries

I am using Silex (and so, composer) for any web application project. I would like to autoload 4 entities and forms: FSB\MyProject\Entity\Booking --> /src/FSB/MyProject/Entity/Booking.php FSB\...
Flo Schild's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

How to autoload classes without namespaces with Composer without reinstalling?

I just need to autoload some classes, and I don't like the psr-0 namespace insanity (no offense). This used to work just fine in my project: "psr-0": { "": [ "app/controller/", "...
ChocoDeveloper's user avatar
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Silex custom class structure and loading

I'm building an app using Silex (the micro-framework). As my app are growing in size and the need of using the same code in several routes rises, I want to organise everything a little more.. My ...
charliexx's user avatar
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silex/silex 1.0.*@dev -> no matching package found

If I create an empty folder and put composer.json there: { "require": { "silex/silex": "1.0.*@dev" } } and than run composer install - it works fine, microframework silex and all it'...
Petr's user avatar
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Using the object Silex/Application into a Symfony2 project

I need to use a third party API into a Symfony2 app, which is using composer to manage dependencies. This API is built using Silex, so I need to use a Silex/Application object. I have manage to get ...
julietaCuadrado's user avatar
8 votes
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Composer fails to resolve to installable set of packages on using "install" but not "update"

Background: I set up a new project, on my desktop machine, with Silex and set up my composer.json file with the dependencies that I need. I ran "composer.phar install" successfully on the desktop ...
Moismyname's user avatar
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Views/Resources location for Silex Twig Library

Normally, for a Silex project, I would have top-level directories like: - app/ - views/ - src/ - vendor/ - web/ Now, some of my classes may call $app['twig']->render(...) and it will pull out ...
Adam's user avatar
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composer require silex.phar

Is it possible to require the latest stable silex.phar from within composer? I found silex/silex dev-master / 1.0.x-dev on packagist but that seems to be the latest unfolded silex code.
ivoba's user avatar
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