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Are there any examples/documentation available that demonstrate how to use FFMPEG libraries directly in Python/C instead of the command line?

I want to perform the operation done by the below command line of FFMPEG but only using the command line. Instead I want to use the underlying libraries directly in Python and C to perform the ...
Zaid Bhat's user avatar
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1 answer

ffmpeg aloop filter not working correctlly

I am trying to run FFmpeg Command as follow -i "" -i "0.mp3" -filter_complex "[0:v]trim=0:204,setpts=PTS-STARTPTS[TrimmedVideo];[0:a]atrim=0:204,asetpts=PTS-STARTPTS[...
Abhishek Sharma's user avatar
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1 answer

How to convert from .h264 to .ts using FFmpeg wrapper for C#/.NET?

Context I'm using FFMpegCore in my .NET Core API project that receives a .h264 file (sent in a binary format that is received and converted into a byte array) to be converted to a .ts. I want to ...
juan_marti's user avatar
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Is it possible to use Memory Stream how input file for FFMpeg?

I'm trying to work with ffmpeg in a .NET application. Is it possible to use a memory stream instead -i [string inputFilePath] to get some frames for example? Many thanks for any answer.
Fedor Zhilkin's user avatar
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Convert mp4 video to m3u8 format with C# ffmpack

I can convert the file with the extension mp4 in my hand from the code line related to PowerShell to m3u8 format. ffmpeg -i inputVideo.mp4 -profile:v baseline -level 3.0 -s 960x540 -start_number 0 -...
İlyas ARUCA's user avatar
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Encoding raw frame to H264 using SharpFFmpeg

I want to encode raw frame (byte[]) to H264 using SharpFFmpeg. Code is: public void Encoder(byte[] capturedFrame) { int returnValue; FFmpeg.avcodec_init(); FFmpeg....
HelloWorld's user avatar
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create animated gif from video using ffmpeg and c#

I am trying to get animated gif from an video file.I cant create gif from below code. could any one help me in solving this problem. Process ffmpeg; // creating process string video; ...
Sri Hari Krishna Yalamanchili's user avatar
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Identifying values for arguments in c#

I'm searching online for converting video and capturing thumbnail image after uploading the video file. I found something similar with this link
timmack's user avatar
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FFmpeg for Windows Phone development

I have used FFmpeg in ASP.Net web-based applications. Now I want to use it for Windows Phone development. Is it possible to use it? If yes, then how?
Akash Langhani's user avatar
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How to run FFMPEG at my web host server

I want to perform some video process at my web host server. I don't think the web host server will allow me to execute an exe file for security reasons. Should I use SharpFFMpeg? I have downloaded ...
Hoy Cheung's user avatar
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Can anyone convert this code to C#?

I'm facing troubles with converting this code ( for using this FFmpeg Wrapper ) to C# since it's the main language of my project . I tried ...
Alaa Alrifaie's user avatar
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switch between video streaming

I am struggling with switching between multiple live streams. For example, I have five live streaming servers streaming(HTTP or RTSP) and I want to put some broker between those (five) streaming ...
user1225084's user avatar
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Using ffmpeg-sharp, convert a wav to mp3

Using the ffmpeg-sharp project, how do I convert a wav to mp3? I feel silly to ask, but I can't find any explanation on how to do it.
marcelo-ferraz's user avatar
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2 answers

I have a log file with RTP packets: now what?

I have a log file with RTP packets coming off of a black box device. I also have a corresponding SDP file (RTSP DESCRIBE) for that. I need to convert this file into some kind of playable video file. ...
Brannon's user avatar
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FFmpeg (sharpFFmpeg) decoding - Protected memory error

I'm trying to use C# binding of FFmpeg library calling SharpFFmpeg to decode H264 video stream that I receive by RTP. I think I correctly decapsulate NALUs from RTP-packets, but I can't decode ...
mazharenko.a's user avatar
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2 answers

SharpFFMpeg ffmpeg conversion tutoiral

I am after a good tutorial or how to on using SharpFFMpeg or if there is an easy way to use ffmpeg in c# ... I would like to convert video.(x format) to video.flv taking screenshots and saving them ...
Kieran's user avatar
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