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How to calculate magnitude for a filter to specific dB level?

I'm using fir2 function (and then filter with basic settings filter(fir2,1,audio) ) to filter audio files to specific values in each spectrum band. I have two sets of dB values: the original spectrum ...
Wuchta7's user avatar
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Generating WAV files with a MaryTTS generated audio

I try to record a WAV file with a MaryTTS generated audio. The code I am using is: package org.marytts; import marytts.LocalMaryInterface; import; import; import ...
Hervé Girod's user avatar
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How can I record lossless audio in javascript (react) for all major browsers (including safari)?

My current solution is working okay on browsers like chrome, firefox and opera, but in safari I get a robot voice. When I remove the constraint "echoChancellation" in safari I the recording ...
Dominik Näf's user avatar
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audio adm javascript and ear usage

I developed a javascript function to save the audio objects of my application in ADM format but when defining dynamic objects ear does not render the movement of the object width ear-render -s 0+5+0. ...
dblanchemain's user avatar
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How detect frequency and duration of beeps in wav files?

I have a some test.wav file, and I need to get the frequencies of sounds and their length from this file. To test my solution, I created a test.wav sound with these "beeps": 1500 Hz for 100 ...
kotek's user avatar
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something strange is happening with the WAV sound recording

I want to make my own analogue for SSTV and I ran into a problem: when I start recording fast-changing beeps (which are 5 milliseconds long), very strange extra sounds appear For creating beeps i used ...
kotek's user avatar
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playing midi files in a react website or converting midi to wav before playing

I have a next.js react website that uses an api to generate continuations for MIDI files. the api gets a MIDI file, processes it and uploads the processed MIDI file to cloud and returns the URL to the ...
amd60's user avatar
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Where are the pitches in a wav file in the hex editor?

I'm trying to find the wav file pitches in the hex editor, but I can't find them! I tried changing some bytes but they just corrupted the file, then I tried changing more bytes but then it just ...
alboxer2000's user avatar
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Webm audio blob to Wav file Js

i'm trying to convert a webm blob to a wav audio file. The webm file : no problem to get it from a recorder audio stream const url = URL.createObjectURL(recording); const anchor = document....
Lorenzo's user avatar
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Handling multiple byte lengths within a WAV struct

I'm writing a .wav PCM file header in C, but one part I'm still stumped on handling is the bits per sample format parameter of a file. Right now I've only added support for 8-bit and 16-bit PCMs (...
opl23590's user avatar
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How to concatenate a list of byte audio data (from frontend) into a single WAV file?

Body: I am working with two types of audio data, both in byte form. One type works fine with audio processing libraries like pydub and AudioSegment, allowing me to concatenate and export the audio as ...
Aleef's user avatar
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Merge Two Wav Files into one

I am recording an audio and I want to add the current longitude and latitude when the audio was recorded. I am providing text to Google text to speech to get an audio file. Audio file that is recorded ...
Hafeez Niazi's user avatar
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Convert wav to mulaw in Python

I'm opening a wav file and attempting to convert it into mulaw unsuccessfully. The mulaw is then sent to Twilio to play. The code is as follows: with'audio/test.wav', 'rb') as wav: ...
Foobar's user avatar
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How to write frames from list to the 1 channel wav file correctly, using python.wave?

import wave audio_file ='1.wav', 'rb') frames = audio_file.readframes(audio_file.getnframes()) audio_file.close() binary_data = list(frames) output_file ='output.wav', 'wb') ...
Icold's user avatar
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Save to audio file with OpenAL

I am using OpenTK, more precisely OpenAL. I am able to capture the sound from the mic, but then I want to save the data to a WAVE file. I found a example how to write a wave file and the result is ...
zorgas's user avatar
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can read only 16 bit wav file but recieved 32 - Tensorflow

I have converted all my wav files to 16 bit PCM and checked using below code import soundfile as sf ob = sf.SoundFile('./data/road.wav') print('Sample rate: {}'.format(ob.samplerate)) print('Channels: ...
vishnu's user avatar
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Audio quality issues when converting to WAV from a specific format

I'm working on converting audio obtained from phone calls to WAV files for playback. The audio has a sample rate of 8000 Hz and an AudioEncoding of LINEAR16. However, the resulting WAV file is very ...
Alexander idid's user avatar
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Playing WAV files with different sampling rates

I'm porting a little game from Windows. It uses a few small sounds, stored in WAV files. In Windows the details are all taken care of automatically, but here in SDL2 I'm having a challenge. ...
Joymaker's user avatar
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I am making a python program that can open wav files and I want to know what the format of a wav file

So, I have already made the code that validates, and reads the wav header, with research from this website. But I want to know, how is the data in the data section stored? They are in 16 bit sections, ...
Donovan Black's user avatar
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How do you do continuous Java sound updates?

I have this piece of code for a video game that updates the gain for a music loop based on how far away the player is from the end door. EDIT - Updated this code with gainControl as an instance ...
love4code's user avatar
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Why does a sound file sent by iMessage change the file name?

I have a standalone iMessage app that sends a sound file to another recipient. The sounds are .wav files, that are assets inside the app, with names like surprise.wav. When I send the file, the sender ...
coco's user avatar
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NodeJS - efficiently and correctly convert from raw PCM to WAV at scale (without FFMPEG?)

I have a stream of raw PCM buffers I need to convert to playable WAV buffers. @ffmpeg.wasm can convert an individual buffer in the stream well, but it's limited to executing 1 command at a time, so it ...
Royi Bernthal's user avatar
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Uploading Large WAV Sound Files into Github

I'm trying to upload large WAV files into a Github Repository that I have. They have music that will play in a game I'm designing. But Github won't let me upload them to the repository because they ...
Sean Creveling's user avatar
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Binary Audio data into .wav Format

I am working on a React-Flask project where I am sending recorded audio file as Base64 to flask. I'm converting this Base64 to Binary and writing in file which I later on want to serve to frontend ...
Adnan Ali's user avatar
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Extract (Wav) Sound from using Java 17

This question is based on Extract Sound from I would like to get the audio of pronuntiation from google. Here my code in Java 17. package org.example; import com.fasterxml.jackson....
joseluisbz's user avatar
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AVAssetExportSession fail with wav

I try to merge wavs into one file WAV. But if I set export m4a(AAC) all is ok all is merging fine. But if wav it works only with one file composition. If few wavs , wav type become incompatible. That ...
D P's user avatar
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Why do I get a higher pitched sound or artifacts when sliding between notes?

I'm building a system to create melodies using specific sound waves, I'm using C# and writing into WAV files. The process is creating a melody as an array of frequencies, which indicates the frequency ...
Ian vos's user avatar
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MFCC conversion returning error "TypeError: expected string or bytes-like object, got 'NoneType'"

I have a mel spectogram saved to a numpy array (in a file called spectogram.npy). In the same folder, i have a file called Essentially, this python program is supposed to take this spectogram ...
Andy K's user avatar
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".aus" to ".wav" convert Tools after convert Sound Problem

I'm trying to make a small application to convert ".aus" audio extension files to “.wav" in Python. But after converting, a part of the sound in ".wav" is distorted, and I can'...
Mr. Çınar's user avatar
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Streaming WAV data as it is being generated without knowing the data size before hand

I am making an simple server for Piper TTS using FastAPI. One of the APIs allows streaming the audio as it is being generated. However, I quickly find out that my current approach, which is borrowed ...
Bill Trần's user avatar
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Anyway to get more description about wav files?

well i have a faster-whisper model and two files: when i put the first one into the model it returns me nonsense subtitles, BUT then i put the second file into model it work perfect import wave ...
2 votes
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WAV file creation - basic C program

I am trying to make a small program for writing a wav file (single note 440Hz, sampling rate 44100 samples / sec). The program is as follows: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #...
Vinayak Deshmukh's user avatar
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How to get IQ component file directly from SDR#

I'm using SDR# to capture the signals. I have used Baseband recorder to record the signals. But i'm getting data in .wav file. what exactly this .wav file contains(will it contain only IQ data)??And ...
Merugu Jahnavi's user avatar
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why won't this html5 audio wav file work in Safari?

Not sure why this isn't working... Works in Chrome fine but Safari won't play it at all. <audio controls loop> <source type="audio/wav" src=""s-post-summary--meta">
suryanaga's user avatar
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Need to send Audio to Twilio websocket in x-audio/mulaw 8kHz

I am trying to stream the output audio back to the twillio but as the output.wav file generated has these configurations {'numchannels': 1, 'samplerate': 24000, 'byterate': 96000, 'bytespersample': 4, ...
vinoth kumar's user avatar
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FTP downloaded binary files (wav) have unexpected conversions using Flutter

The problem I'm dealing with is related to handling binary files, specifically wav files. The sample code for text files is working like a charm – I can connect to FTP, download, and upload files ...
masoud Afrakhteh's user avatar
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How to change sample rate without altering the samples, just to increase the duration of reproduction in Audacity

I have a a wav file that i record to my proyect, i have a file written to 5000 samples per second (sps), i want to save the same file, but changing the sample rate to 100 sps without altering the ...
jimmy714's user avatar
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Increase volume from Google's Text-to-Speech (WAV Audio processing, React Native)

I am using Google's Text to Speech API on my backend. I want to play the resulting audio in my Expo application, but I have a low volume problem on physical devices (but not on simulators). Right now, ...
Martin's user avatar
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Speech recognition save speech to wav too faster

When I run this script on my computer, the library records the voice at normal speed. When I do it on OrangePI Zero 3, it records the voice at 1.5-2 times the normal speed. The only difference between ...
Mistake's user avatar
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Creating a audio file using PCM data which is converted to bytes, getting audio played with a different pitch and slowed

I am using a voice call functionality in which i am extracting the audio data, the audio data i get is in PCM format which i convert into bytes array and then write it to a .wav file and then download ...
Xavier's user avatar
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Java - Exception in thread "main" Audio data is too big

I'm a new to java and programming in general. I'm trying to play a sound with the code below (in java Eclipse). But it says audio data is too big. Audio's extention is .wav and it is nearly 28 kb. ...
Ahmet Kale Aka's user avatar
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Python pydub issue: Can't repoen a wav file after it as been reencoded by ffpeg [Silved]

Solved by Michael Butscher. Updated code is now in the repo in the fixed branch. Thanks! I have a python script that reads in all the *.wav files in a directory and saves them in a folder called ...
Trent Tompkins's user avatar
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Distorted audio output when converting chunks starting with "data:audio/webm;codecs=opus;base64" to WAV format

I am working on a Node.js application where I need to convert audio data, received in chunks, into a WAV format. The audio data consists of an array of strings, with each string representing a chunk ...
Raj Khurana's user avatar
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How to extract the audio stream from an mp4 video file?

Basically I am using this python code but when I put the extracted audio stream below the video stream with the same audio, they don't line up. One interesting detail is when I used the video editor ...
Joan Venge's user avatar
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Using MAX 9814 PCM data to create a .WAV file

I have a MAX 9814 microphone/amplifier attached through ADC to my Raspberry Pi Pico WH. I am trying to get it record audio (specifically into a .wav file). I am struggling to understand the digital ...
Arianna Hu's user avatar
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I'm getting chopping noises and incorrect results from my phase vocalizer in jupyter notebook

Im tryng to write a python class with methods that let me edit audio, the method in question is an attempt to pitch shift with a phase vocalizer, i know theres a librosa vocalizer and many others, but ...
erik parsi's user avatar
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How to implement pause/resume feature for wav audio with sounddevice in python

I wanted to implement the pause/resume feature using sounddevice. I found out that this library doesn't have a dedicated method to achieve this as other libraries like PyGame. But for my specific case,...
Playo feo's user avatar
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WAV music extracts some features through librosa. How to restore this matrix to WAV format?

I want to use the librosa package to convert music in wav format into a 34-dimensional npy matrix based on 34 features for model training, but I don’t know how to restore the trained 34-dimensional ...
么寒旭's user avatar
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Get PII durations (start-end time) from an Audio file using Transcription/other techniques

I have a use-case where I want to: Locate all PII data in any given Audio file (done: using GPT/similar models) Transcribe the audio and then mask all those PII in the text file (done using whisper/...
Aakash Basu's user avatar
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Binary Visualisation of a WAV file using Python

I want to achive something like this: However not really sure what is the best way to approach this, only one idea came to my mind but it's not working as I want to. import wave import time import ...
Denver's user avatar
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