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How to unzip Self Extracting Zip files in Azure Blob Storage?

I have a zip file(.Exe - Self-extracting zip file) that can be extracted using 7zip. As I want to automate the extraction process, I used the below C# code. It is working for the normal 7z files. But ...
Kathir Subramaniam's user avatar
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2 answers

Self-extracting file that takes arguments and return exitcode

I want to create a self-extracting file (SFX) named Setup.exe which contains a Windows application with some dependencies. It is possible to start the Windows application with arguments, and I would ...
JerryA's user avatar
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2 answers

Error Creating a 7-zip installer package

If this is not the correct place to ask this, I apologize. I use 7zip to create an installer package. Recently, my computer was updated, and I can no longer get it to work. I use a Windows Installer ...
Tim's user avatar
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Auto- Drag and Drop 7z File to be added to self extracting zip, custom config.txt

I am creating a program that will allow its users to drag and drop a 7z file into it. After that it will then use the "custom" 7zS.sfx and config.txt files embedded within the app to create the self ...
MrAnderson1992's user avatar
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How to self-extract .jar file and auto run

I am wondering how I can self-extract a .jar file (and supporting files) then auto run the .jar file. This would basically mean the application as a whole would run from the one click. I have read ...
MrAnderson1992's user avatar
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I keep getting "Access Denied" when I try to install 7zip from the installer executatble I have downloaded

I am trying to install 7-Zip if its already not installed in my Win7 systems using a Perl script. # Check if 7-Zip is installed or Not. if (!(-e "C:\\Program Files\\7-Zip")){ print "\n 7-Zip is ...
YouHaveaBigEgo's user avatar
38 votes
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How do I silently install a 7-zip self-extracting archive to a specific directory?

The Ruby Devkit is a 7-zip based self-extracting archive. I would like to invoke it silently without having to install 7-Zip to extract the files to a folder of my choosing, so that I can script the ...
Jay Godse's user avatar
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Issue with spaces in 7zip self-extracting exe "extract to" folder name

We've been using 7zip for a couple of years to zip up our software packages to create a single self-extracting executable. Our default InstallPath is a path without spaces e.g. C:\Install\Downloads ...
xcodr's user avatar
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unzipping self-extracting 7-zip exe files in java [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How can I read from a Winzip self-extracting (exe) zip file in Java? I need to unzip self-extracting 7-zip exe files in java. I tried looking through many posts which did not ...
Eric Kim's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

7zip self extracting installer erases files before installation completes

We made a new installer that works pretty well using Visual Studio and WIX. Now I'm trying to zip it up and make a self extracting installer for distribution. I can create the installer.exe just ...
MrPhilTX's user avatar
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7zip command line self extractor not asking for path

I've created my self extracting .exe file from 7zip command line using the 7z a -sfx <name.exe> <filelist...> commands but when I run this from windows explorer it does not ask me for ...
user845176's user avatar
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Problem extracting SFX during WiX-based install

I have the following code in my WiX project <CustomAction Id="ExtractHelp" Directory="DocFolder" Execute="commit" Impersonate="no" ExeCommand="[MYAPPINSTALLFOLDER]Doc\help_zip.exe" /> &...
codewario's user avatar
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