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Correctly sort RSS items by time

I'm getting RSS items from different RSS channels. And I'd like to sort them correctly by time and take into account the time zone, from the latests to the oldests. So far, I have the following code: ...
xralf's user avatar
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Python Feedparser Not Showing Entries

I've watched a lot of videos about feedparser library in tutorials everybody use this library like in my code but my code is not working... Anyone help me? my code I still can't get output even though ...
M S A's user avatar
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Using Python to get Substack posts without scraping

I want to create a dataframe of Substack posts from all the newsletter I subscribe to. But using feedparser + Substack's RSS feeds only seem to go back ~20 posts—even if a particular newsletter has ...
user53526356's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why is my pythonscript breaking after hours of working fine?

I wrote a small simple program which checks the RSS feed of a german news site, saves the pubDate, title, description and link of the last article and saves it to a txt file. After running over 11 ...
Thore Wagner's user avatar
-1 votes
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Feedparser not returning values, only metadata

I'm using feedparser to get info from a public database ( Each of my entries looks as follows When accessing specific properties: url = '...
Numy's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to use an rss feed in python?

I have never worked with an RSS feed before, I can't seem to find the url of the feed. The page which is offering the RSS Feed: I am ...
Sid's user avatar
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How to create Article tags from splitting the Title in Django

I want to create articles tags from the title of a RSS feed post. Then save the tags into a DB with a post_id of the title i got the tags from at the same time. Something like this: Title = "...
CoderS's user avatar
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Cannot get thumbnail in rss feed in laravel

I am using willvincent feed reader to parse rss feeds, But i cannot seem to get the thumbail of the images, Here is my code Route::get('feed', function(Request $request) { $f = FeedsFacade::make('...
Waleed's user avatar
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4 answers

Accessing duplicate feed tags using feedparser

I'm trying to parse this feed: The channel section has two entries for podcast:person <podcast:person role="host" img="https://...
Brenden's user avatar
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Feedparser not parsing email body properly

I'm trying to parse the below (which came from a gmail email body) using feedparser by feeding it in as a raw text feed. I'll be displaying it on a page so I want it to look like it did in the email ...
Drizzit12's user avatar
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How can I serve a modified version of an RSS feed?

The problem: I use to monitor a set of RSS feeds. Each of the feeds is generated by and contains academic journal articles. But there is an annoying quirk where pubmed encodes ...
cxrodgers's user avatar
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Import RSS with FeedParser and Get Both Posts and General Information to Single Pandas DataFrame

I am working on as a python novice on an exercise to practice importing data in python. Eventually I want to analyze data from different podcasts (infos on the podcasts itself and every episode) by ...
user1260086's user avatar
3 votes
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Extract value from a list formatted like a JSON file in Python

I have a function that returns an image URL from an RSS feed (I'm using feedparser). The problem is that it returns a strange formatted list. My feed has a key called media_content. The code used to ...
NicolaCaldo's user avatar
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Feedparser, no etag and modified attributes

How could I know if the feed has changed since last check if none of these attributes exists for a given feed ? Example with this one from a nintendo news website: d=feedparser.parse('https://www....
Heroe__'s user avatar
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How to update RSS Feed every 5 seconds in Python using Flask

I did a lot of research and nothing relevant worked. Basically I am trying to scrape RSS Feed and populate the data in a table format on a webpage created using Python Flask. I have scraped the data ...
Sebanti's user avatar
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Output of feedparser in python unexpectedly truncated

I'm writing a piece of code that parses information from an RSS feed. I am storing the parsed informations for later research. In the case at hand I'd like to store info such as [Name, Surname, Type ...
Basilbloop's user avatar
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Python Feedparser pubdate to one timezone

I need to parse RSS feed. I am using feedparser on python. Basically my task is to run script every N seconds and check for last feed. I come up with idea to check is date is younger than 15 seconds ...
Roman Hrybinchuk's user avatar
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Issue while using python rss feed with feedparser

I am trying to get the data from a rss feed using python 3.7.7 and feedparser. I am able to get the simple information like feed['title'] but I am unable to get feed['ht:approx_traffic'] which is one ...
user3702643's user avatar
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How to detect with feedparser if there are new items in an RSS channel?

I have the following code. When you understand the code, you can look at the two comments with the capital letters. I could test if there are new items in the channel with insert or ignore but I'm ...
xralf's user avatar
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Trouble with parsing, target contains a hyphen

I'm trying to get some information from an RSS feed, more specifically the data contained in the "filing-type" section. However the section contains a hyphen and so when i run the code: import ...
Dominic Ormston's user avatar
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Extracting a substring from XML element

I am trying to extract the 'Abstract' substring from the 'Description' elements of an XML RSS feed. Code snippet: import feedparser rss = '
propofrolic's user avatar
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Feedparser not parsing searched for description

I'm trying to utilize RSS to get auto notifications for specific security vulnerabilities i may be concerned with. I have gotten it functional for searching for keywords in the title and url of feed ...
shoughton1996's user avatar
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How to check / reload automaticaly rss feed with feedparser?

I started to get interested in python and feedparser. I would like to know how to get the new entries of an rss automatically without having to restart the script to get the new entries. When there ...
dmeriem's user avatar
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3 answers

How to build a simple RSS reader in Python 3.7?

I built a simple RSS reader on Python and it is not working. In addition, I want to get the featured image source link of every post and I didn't find a way to do so. it shows me the Error: ...
Kadio's user avatar
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Get new items from rss feed

I am using python feedparser to parse some rss feeds(every 2 hours), unfortunately the rss feeds do not contain etag or modified values and therefore whenever I parse the feeds I get the entire data ...
Prim's user avatar
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How do I access the image and image url in an RSS feed using Python?

I currently have this code in Python using feedparser: import feedparser RSS_FEEDS = {'cnn': ''} def get_news_test(publication="cnn"): feed = feedparser....
Obie's user avatar
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2 answers

feedparser for reddit returning empty

I am trying to use feedparser with python to fetch the most recent posts from a sub_reddit. I have the code below but it is not returning anything when I run it. import feedparser feed = ...
Charlie Morton's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I handle index when reading from stdin [duplicate]

I'm working with bash scripts and would like to embed a Python snippet inside a bash function. So I got this working Python snippet, which simply reads from stdin and parse it to get the title of the ...
Hudson Santos's user avatar
2 votes
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Unexpected error when using

I have had great success parsing RSS feeds from the National Hurricane Center using the feedparser module: import feedparser feedparser.parse('') #Works Fine ...
WarpedReality's user avatar
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Identify itunes:keywords and itunes:category individually with feedparser?

I'm using feedparser to parse rss feeds such as and can't work out how explicitly identify the itunes:category values. Looking at the feedparser itunes tests it ...
user783836's user avatar
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Feedparser only returns number not the entire URL

I am using a simple Python script to retrieve the latest RSS info # RSS read d = feedparser.parse("") ### (1) Last RSS Feed url = d.entries[1].id It works fine as in ...
Elfer Tipp's user avatar
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Issues in time delay for RSS feed on full screen clock python

I have designed a full-screen clock for my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B which runs on Raspbian but can also run on Windows. The whole point of the clock is to show the date, time, and a RSS feed on r/news (...
Trooper Z's user avatar
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sys.argv list index out of range error [duplicate]

I am trying to run this script that grabs rss feeds on the environment "Thonny" but I just keep receiving this error of "IndexError: List index out of range" Traceback (most recent call last): File "...
Uriel Navarro's user avatar
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How to use Feedparser in Django Project

Could anyone direct me on how to include feedparser in my Django project? Essentially I'm building a news aggregator, so there will be 100's of rss feeds to parse through. I understand the basic ...
Kevin Hebert's user avatar
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Python feedparser module error

python feedparser not parsing . "it gives me error that object has no attribute image." rss feed: thenews = '' this does not work: d = feedparser.parse(thenews) ...
charsi's user avatar
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Python feedparser not returning any entries

I've been cycling through RSS feeds over the past week using feedparser. When using it today, my entire program fails to function and I've noticed that the error seems to be at the start of the ...
Versace's user avatar
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UnicodeEncode error in the process of inserting RSS data into the Mysql database

I am currently working on personal project that make news aggregator. For that, i collected some sources about articles from some sites using Python feedparser lib. Following codes are functions of my ...
Antenna_'s user avatar
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Python: Download/parse *Solely* the pubdate tag of rss entry

how do I download only the specific attribute of a metadata of an rss? I'm using the universal feedparser library feedparser.parse(linkstr).entries[0].published I have this line, which returns ...
xland44's user avatar
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Get exception when just started py script, but all work

Interesting situation! I has script, link to it below in 1, with feedparser library. When i just started it, i get such exceptions: Connected to pydev debugger (build 172.3757.67) pydev ...
Gudsaf's user avatar
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Parse Stackoverflow RSS job feed for same name elements, with Feedparser in Python

Every job item on the Stackoverflow RSS feed has certain tags, with the key "category". Looking basically like this: <category>scala</category> <category>hadoop</category> &...
Felix's user avatar
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Feedparser returns a SAXParseException

I try to read RSS feeds using python. I use feedparser, and it works well for every feed, except one : import feedparser feed = feedparser.parse("https://www.frenchweb....
iero's user avatar
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Python and Comparing File Changes

d = feedparser.parse('somerssfeed/rss.xml') message = {} smessage = {} for post in d.entries: message[] = post.title fwrite = open("db.txt", "a") for k, v in message.items(): if k ...
ggnoredo's user avatar
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Script for FeedPaser to Regularly Gather RSS, then Storing Data in Database

I'm learning Python. To teach myself I've decided to try to build a tool which gathers RSS feeds and stores the output, title, URL and Summary in a database (I will later build a tool to access the ...
Nick Duddy's user avatar
2 votes
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How to parse a xml feed using feed parser python?

Im trying to parse a feed in python using feedparser. But all I get is None returned. Im not sure what im missing. Here is my code: import feedparser def rss(self): rss = '
kevinabraham's user avatar
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Feedparser SAXParseException, bozo:1

I'm using feedparser in a script that's generally working for RSS URLs, but there's one URL that's giving me a headache: I get a SAXParseException('not well-formed (invalid ...
malla's user avatar
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Parse multiple RSS feeds (Python)

Using Feedparser to parse multiple RSS feeds but this function doesn't work. How can I create a function to parse feeds and get the link out of the feed entry to further push to a tweet? def get(): ...
codenovice's user avatar
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Feedparser Missing Elements in MRSS Feed

I'm trying to parse an MRSS feed that has video entries and some metadata for those videos. Here is one entry: <item> <title>Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone</title> <...
jpavs's user avatar
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Not able to store media title using python feedparser

I a trying to store feeds from a website using feedparser, but the problem is in xml format each media-content has a media -title in it but while parsing using python feedparser library i can't get ...
Abhishek Sachan's user avatar
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Python - Constantly monitor RSS feed (feedparser)

I'm trying to figure out how to 'subscribe', or constantly monitor an RSS feed (Python 2.7, using feedparser). The website I'm looking at is DTCC, at the "RSS Feed for Credits". When you download ...
keynesiancross's user avatar
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Checking updates for rss feed every minute using etags

This is the code I am using for checking RSS feed updates. I am storing the last modified and etag of the feed in variables . whenever there is an update i am updating these 2 variables and rechecking ...
kar's user avatar
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