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ctx feed pro doesn't update feeds according to assigned time interval [closed]

I assigned the feed to update every 5 minutes , yet it barely update once a day , and every feed update differently , some of them not updating at all I kept looking in the plugin code , but i didn't ...
Ahmed Mokhtar's user avatar
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How to fetch more than 1000 activities from a GetStream feed?

Based on the documentation, there is a limit of fetching a maximum of 1000 recent activities from a feed. What if we need access to older feeds? Let's consider a scenario: there are 10000 ...
JiboOne's user avatar
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Using Python to create an RSS feed - but would like to display the feed locally

I've created a project that creates an RSS feed. This RSS feed will be sent to a company that will wrap it and create their own prettier RSS feed with it, but is there a tool or extension that devs ...
Akkkk's user avatar
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Empty RSS/Atom feed only pointing to next chunk?

If my feed contains 0 item and only has the paginated feed information, and items start in the "next" chunk, will most software consuming feeds see my items? Basically, I want all my ...
jcayzac's user avatar
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lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError for Korean Charachters

I am trying to parse but I am getting the error lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: CData section not finished. It seems like the issue is being caused by ...
Asher Ross's user avatar
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UnicodeEncodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't encode character '\ud83c' in position 0: surrogates not allowed

I am trying to parse "" but I am getting the error "UnicodeEncodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't encode character '\...
Asher Ross's user avatar
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Power Automate - Web Scraping only articles published on a specified date?

I am learning how to use Power Automate to collect daily information (including headlines, news summaries, published date and links) from several websites, and then all collected data is stored in an ...
John_Aquila's user avatar
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Why after adding /spatie-laravel-feed plugin nothig is opened?

In laravel 10 app / livewire 3.4 I need to add feeds page and using page as source data I have installed "spatie/laravel-feed": "^4....
mstdmstd's user avatar
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Setting up Custom Post Types to appear in Wordpress RSS Feeds

I'm using Wordpress with Elementor and then using Crocoblock JetEngine to create custom post types which I was hoping would be accessible through RSS feeds, but its not quite working, so I'm hoping ...
chrispx001's user avatar
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ACF update_field - daily data from xml feed

I am trying to extract data from the feed when publishing a post based on the url_address_web field and then fill in the other fields according to the available feed. All indications are that it has ...
Milosh's user avatar
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Read XML feed with PHP [closed]

I have a problem with I trying to read and parse this feed: Some XML Feed for some reason the function SimpleXMLElement returns empty nodes. I am using file_get_contents to read the URL and then ...
Andrés Gómez's user avatar
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Amazon SPI - upload invoices via CreateFeed call (NOT MWS)

I try to use the Amazon Sellers Central SPI API. For our most use cases it works. But I have problems to upload a pdf invoice via creatFeed call. The support does not helps in that cases and the ...
DevBreuer's user avatar
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news on mobile sharepoint app won't show up

0 i'm working with a sharepoint online site and in this site there are some news, the newer one was posted on april 2023, and if I create a new news it will appear on the news tab of the mobile app, ...
Giulio Libralato's user avatar
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Gitlab Activity feed needs authentication

I want to add die Gitlab Activity Feed to my rss reader (Liferea 1.13.7 on Ubuntu 22.04). I am using the Subscription URL with die feed specific Token in the URL. But Liferea is asking for ...
TheName's user avatar
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Force image size for Facebook post feed

I'm using PHP Graph SDK to publish posts with images on Facebook, the source image size is 900x900px. This is my code in summary: require_once('php-graph-sdk-5.x/src/Facebook/autoload.php'); $...
RobertIT's user avatar
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How to get this isPermaLink="false" text from guid?

How to get this text isPermaLink="false" from guid? <guid isPermaLink="false">article-67228311</guid> I am using this library com.rometools.rome.feed.synd.SyndEntry. ...
selvi's user avatar
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Encountering SignatureDoesNotMatch Error When Accessing Amazon SP API (/feeds/2021-06-30/documents)

How can I resolve the signature issue I'm facing when trying to access a feed document link from the Amazon SP API? I have been utilizing the API mentioned below to create feed documents successfully: ...
moh's user avatar
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Undefined Type error using willvincent/feeds

I'm getting the following error: [{ "resource": ".../app/Http/Controllers/HomeController.php", "owner": "_generated_diagnostic_collection_name_#0", &...
NLD Brian's user avatar
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Make Yammer feed display on a intranet site without enabling cookies on browser

I can't display the yammer feed on an intranet website as the organization disabled cookies on browsers. Is there any way to integrate the feed without enabling cookies ? Tried using iframes and pure ...
tharinduka's user avatar
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Get video URL from twitter feed using timelines/reverse_chronological

I am using twitter feed API for getting feeds, I am unable to extract video URL: It only shows thumbnail url. I have searched a lot ...
Muhammad Haroon Iqbal's user avatar
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Unable to Upload images via Stream Feeds

I'm using GetStream Feeds and stream_feed_flutter_core for building a instagram like app. I'm able to add activity to the feeds and even able to upload files but not able to upload images. Steps I'm ...
Anupriya's user avatar
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How to implement a vertical news feed or timeline which dynamically loads new items if the end is reached and supports jumping to a specific position?

I have data which consists of thousands of items that I want to be able to display. However, displaying all items at the same time would significantly weight down performance. Also, I only really need ...
finefoot's user avatar
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Correct JSON format for the JSON_LISTING_FEED product upload SP-API

{ "header": { "sellerId": "XXXXXXXXXXX", "version": "2.0", "issueLocale": "en_US" }, "messages": [ { ...
Richard D's user avatar
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Saving RSS Feed history using =IMPORTFEED and a Google Sheets Script

I am trying to build a database of the RSS Feed history of several feeds on Google Sheets. In order to do this, I am building on Digital Farmer's answer to the question Google sheet RSS feed ...
djur's user avatar
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=IMPORTFEED doesn't load as many items as it instructed

I am trying to import the feed from the website "" into Google Sheets using the =IMPORTFEED function. However, I have encountered a limitation where it only ...
djur's user avatar
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How to get rid of @attributes key in json response when reading a xml media:content attribute?

Does anyone know how I can remove the @attributes key from a JSON api response? Actually I'm trying to access the url property of a media:content in an xml file
lucasbbs's user avatar
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Problem with a black screen below the topTabBar

I'd like to be able to animate the top of my toptabbar when the user scrolls up, but when I do it, the whole page moves up and I get a black stripe on my page. I don't want to have this tape anymore ...
matsoccer 360's user avatar
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How to fix 'A feed could not be found' error 200 when trying to add's RSS feed to another website?

I am trying to display blog post from one website to another website. I searched for the /feed/ so I can add recent blogs from to another website but I keep getting this message &...
The Charlie Nicole Experience's user avatar
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How would I slowly print the first three points, reject letters, and only accept numbers?

**How would I slowly print the first three points, reject letters, and only accept numbers? import random import struct print("Welcome to Guess the Number!") print("I'm thinking of a ...
Raman Raman's user avatar
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WordPress: How to redirect all tag feed URLs to their respective tag URL?

I want to 301 redirect all tag feed URLs to their tag URL on my WordPress site. I want to redirect to "???" can be anything. For example:...
Student's user avatar
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Add News using NewsApi Flutter

So i am building a news page for my app , but i am unable to add news using the news api i have made the function that extracts and adds News to the BreakingNews ( basically the headlines ) and the ...
Prateev Bardhan's user avatar
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Why is it showing "False" in leetcode while it is showing True while doing it on my own in VSCode

I am new to programming and I tried some of the easy leet code problems. When I run the code on my own it returns the correct boolean value but when I run in leetcode it returns the opposite. Like it ...
Newbie100's user avatar
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How to publish Angular Libraries in Azure DevOps Artifacts feed?

I am trying to publish some Angular Libraries in an Azure DevOps Artifacts feed using an Azure Pipeline yaml, but i have a problem with authentication. I implemented two solutions but both don't work. ...
Francesco Clemeno's user avatar
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how to use Stream Feed api and actually test it?

I have been working my graduation project which is "Social network application for my university" it basically have 4 main pages (Home page, news page, messages page and profile page) I ...
Ravennuo's user avatar
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React Native posts user's page vs all posts (newsfeed) page

Below is my user's model. Note that posts is set as an array. You may ignore everything else, I've only included the rest to eliminate any confusion: User.js const mongoose = require('mongoose') ...
jedihomeslice's user avatar
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wordpress feed displaying full posts instead of excerpt

I've been implementing a way to get the feature images to display in the rss feed for automated newsletters to retrive them, and I've managed that by adding the following snippet: function ...
Jonas96's user avatar
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How to open URI in web in react native?

Code App.js useEffect(() => { axios .get( `` ) .then(response => { ...
Dhara Patel's user avatar
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Amazon SP API Feeds API processing report: The Amazon product type specified is invalid or not supported

I have been working with the feeds API. I am using a client library in Nodejs. I have been able to create a feed document, encrypt and upload a payload to the returned URL, create the feed, and then ...
Ameer97's user avatar
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sort feed by engagement count django

I would like to sort my feed containing image posts by the engagement (number_of_dislikes + number_of_likes), so that the most popular post is on top. But I'm pretty unsure of how to do it. Please ...
amber's user avatar
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Want to parse podcast feed in php

I want to get the audio and logo URLs for each episode of the podcast using php. First I try to use simplepie to parse feed. But, it so complex for me. I only found how to get podcast episode's logo. ...
JhonJhonJhon's user avatar
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image post feed with django does not display images

Currently working on a very simple social media and since yesterday the images in the post feed either disappear or i get a value error: ValueError at / The 'image' attribute has no file associated ...
amber's user avatar
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`userToken` must be provided while running on client-side please make sure to call client.setUser" in getstream io

Im working on the getstream io feed api integration.But am getting this error userToken` must be provided while running on client-side please make sure to call client.setUser" when i call this ...
F sam's user avatar
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Best Practices For Handling Feed Subscription Events In getStream

Im having trouble finding documentation regarding best practices for handling activity data emitted from a realtime subscription to a getStream feed. Our current set-up mimics what it seems react-...
dberning's user avatar
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How to efficiently pre-fetch posts in a feed that are being replied to by other posts

Problem is frontend/backend-agnostic, but technically I'm doing this in Flutter, Rust, and MongoDB. I'm trying to design a feed of posts, where posts can either be: Standalone posts. Posts that "...
Matthew Trent's user avatar
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Publish to internal feed in Azure Devops

We are migrating to Azure devops environment and have a problem. In our old environment, we used a Jenkins server to automate a release procedure ran a gradle maven deploy plugin script using ...
alebo611's user avatar
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Camera Live view (Hikvision) with Flutter

I'm building a Flutter app and I need to connect and view live feed of our Hikvision IP camera inside our building: I have tried these two libraries but they are very old and I couldn't get them to ...
Salar Azad's user avatar
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QuestDB installation on a VPS web infrastructure newbie - moving

I have a fx vol model which I have written in python / questdb on my local machine. The standalone model works as an application in my machine and I also have lots of feeds written which are ...
sinhadefi's user avatar
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How to scrape news articles from cnbc with keyword "Green hydrogen"?

I am trying to scrap news article listed in this url, all article are in span.Card-title. But this gives blank output. Is there any to resolve this? from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup import ...
Hitesh Prajapati's user avatar
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Lacks permission to complete this action, you need to have 'AddPackage' Azure Devops

However, I see my user in the package as Publisher. But I didn't send the packages. It turned out automatically, I think. Tried it manually in CMD nuget.exe push -Source "Feed" -ApiKey az &...
Tsunani's user avatar
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How to parse the title of each item of a feed in Google Apps Scripts

I try to simply parse a RSS feed, but i get an error. How can i get the "Title" of each item? It says "Cannot read property 'getText' of null" I have no clue how i can debug this. ...
hagu81's user avatar
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