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Feedparser errors during SSl read operation when accessing NASDAQ RSS Feeds

By utliizing Python 3.12, Feedparser 6.0.11, ca-certificates installed When attempting to read this RSS feed: Feedparser library ...
Dan's user avatar
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How to add rows to dataframe in pandas

Building a scraper for news: import feedparser import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime archive = pd.read_csv("national_news_scrape.csv") pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)...
elksie5000's user avatar
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Not sure why URL isn't being passed into a scraper of RSS feeds

Just want to scrape news feeds from RSS. import feedparser import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime archive = pd.read_csv("national_news_scrape.csv") # Your list of feeds feeds = [...
elksie5000's user avatar
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Correctly sort RSS items by time

I'm getting RSS items from different RSS channels. And I'd like to sort them correctly by time and take into account the time zone, from the latests to the oldests. So far, I have the following code: ...
xralf's user avatar
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Python Feedparser Not Showing Entries

I've watched a lot of videos about feedparser library in tutorials everybody use this library like in my code but my code is not working... Anyone help me? my code I still can't get output even though ...
M S A's user avatar
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How to scrape data into PythonAnywhere database

I have a database on PythonAnywhere and credentials in place. The aim is to scrape a whole load of news websites and chuck the data into a new website using Flask. Here's my code for a section of my ...
elksie5000's user avatar
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ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'feedparser'

I have Python 3.11 and I have done everything expect Anaconda thing in this video below to try and fix this issue. ...
molten's user avatar
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Formatting a tweet from python using tweepy

I'm trying to tweet my movie reviews from Letterboxd using python's tweepy but I can't format the tweet. I tried printing the tweet without the square brackets or printing the title and link to the ...
Kikeshi's user avatar
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Python rss feed gets AttributeError

Running this code: import feedparser Feed = feedparser.parse('') pointer = Feed.entries[1] print (pointer.summary) print ( I get this error: ...
ghulseman's user avatar
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How do I update RSS feed with feedparser in

I'm working on a custom bot to send a message in a Discord channel every time a new post is made on a subreddit. With this, it just sends a link to the same post every 30 seconds, the post never ...
Carter S's user avatar
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How to scrape news articles from cnbc with keyword "Green hydrogen"?

I am trying to scrap news article listed in this url, all article are in span.Card-title. But this gives blank output. Is there any to resolve this? from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup import ...
Hitesh Prajapati's user avatar
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Skipping analyzing "feedparser.util": module is installed, but missing library stubs or py.typed marker

How do I fix this error? It seems feedparser does not support mypy typings? I could not find a typeshed implementation for feedparser UPDATE 1 I see an option called ignore_missing_imports that I can ...
PirateApp's user avatar
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Feedparser pubdate gives error when trying to store into a table with asyncpg

I am trying to store feedparser data into a Postgres database via asyncpg and I am getting an error while storing pubdate that is of type timestamptz in the database I have a Postgres table test with ...
PirateApp's user avatar
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Using Python to get Substack posts without scraping

I want to create a dataframe of Substack posts from all the newsletter I subscribe to. But using feedparser + Substack's RSS feeds only seem to go back ~20 posts—even if a particular newsletter has ...
user53526356's user avatar
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Why is my pythonscript breaking after hours of working fine?

I wrote a small simple program which checks the RSS feed of a german news site, saves the pubDate, title, description and link of the last article and saves it to a txt file. After running over 11 ...
Thore Wagner's user avatar
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Feedparser not returning values, only metadata

I'm using feedparser to get info from a public database ( Each of my entries looks as follows When accessing specific properties: url = '...
Numy's user avatar
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How to cycle through indices

so in this script I am writing to learn python, I would like to just put a wildcard instead of rewriting this whole block just to change line 2. what would be the most efficient way to consolidate ...
imlearningpython's user avatar
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How to use an rss feed in python?

I have never worked with an RSS feed before, I can't seem to find the url of the feed. The page which is offering the RSS Feed: I am ...
Sid's user avatar
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Python feedparser's bozo is of bool type instead of int

Disclaimer first: I am a python newbie. I am using feedparser version 6.0.8 (checked using pip freeze | grep feedparser) to parse Twitter feeds from random Nitter instances (using Python ...
zajer's user avatar
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How to create Article tags from splitting the Title in Django

I want to create articles tags from the title of a RSS feed post. Then save the tags into a DB with a post_id of the title i got the tags from at the same time. Something like this: Title = "...
CoderS's user avatar
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how to handle 30x when using feedparser to parse rss url

Now I am using Python 3 feedparser to parse some RSS url, this is my code: if __name__ == "__main__": try: feed = feedparser.parse("") ...
Dolphin's user avatar
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Cannot get thumbnail in rss feed in laravel

I am using willvincent feed reader to parse rss feeds, But i cannot seem to get the thumbail of the images, Here is my code Route::get('feed', function(Request $request) { $f = FeedsFacade::make('...
Waleed's user avatar
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Accessing duplicate feed tags using feedparser

I'm trying to parse this feed: The channel section has two entries for podcast:person <podcast:person role="host" img="https://...
Brenden's user avatar
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what's the use of feed(input()) in Python?

from HTMLParser import HTMLParser class MyHTMLParser(HTMLParser): def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): print ('Start :', tag) for ele in attrs: print ('->', ele[0]...
Shravya's user avatar
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Feedparser not parsing email body properly

I'm trying to parse the below (which came from a gmail email body) using feedparser by feeding it in as a raw text feed. I'll be displaying it on a page so I want it to look like it did in the email ...
Drizzit12's user avatar
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How can I serve a modified version of an RSS feed?

The problem: I use to monitor a set of RSS feeds. Each of the feeds is generated by and contains academic journal articles. But there is an annoying quirk where pubmed encodes ...
cxrodgers's user avatar
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AttributeError: object has no attribute 'published' when parsing CNN source

I'm facing this problem since parsing CNN.RSS site. It only get first 7 entries then i get this problem. Below it my log .. Please help me :(. Thanks you This is my code: import feedparser url = &...
Hoangtho1997's user avatar
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python feedparser and getting multiple categories (category) within a item

import feedparser import webbrowser feed = feedparser.parse("") feed_entries = feed.entries for entry in feed.entries: article_title = entry.title ...
Krusty Jonez's user avatar
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Error using cx_freeze with a feedparser import: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sgmllib'

I am trying to use cx_freeze to freeze an app that uses Feedparser. The app works perfectly if I launch it from the command line using python. However, when I try to freeze it using cx_freeze, I don't ...
Ricky Kresslein's user avatar
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How to add a link to text in tkinter text widget with feedparser?

I would like to build a simple rss reader. I use the following code: import tkinter as tk import feedparser import sqlite3 import webbrowser NewsFeed = feedparser.parse("
mn_wy's user avatar
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Import RSS with FeedParser and Get Both Posts and General Information to Single Pandas DataFrame

I am working on as a python novice on an exercise to practice importing data in python. Eventually I want to analyze data from different podcasts (infos on the podcasts itself and every episode) by ...
user1260086's user avatar
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Retrieving JSON Title, URL from Pygooglenews feedParser

I'm trying to retrieve values from pyGoogleNews ( that is using feedParser to output the values. Code Snippet as follows: from pygooglenews import ...
Gene's user avatar
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how can I clean my code content once bs4 scrapes the code snippet?

I am trying to scrape all the data content inside code , but however my code looks like kinda weirdy on code_snippet = soup.find('code') since it display different data as the following: <code ...
Raul Delgado de Luna's user avatar
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Extract value from a list formatted like a JSON file in Python

I have a function that returns an image URL from an RSS feed (I'm using feedparser). The problem is that it returns a strange formatted list. My feed has a key called media_content. The code used to ...
NicolaCaldo's user avatar
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How to query arXiv for a specific year?

I'm using the code shown below in order to retrieve papers from arXiv. I want to retrieve papers that have words "machine" and "learning" in the title. The number of papers is ...
Fluxy's user avatar
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Feedparser is not sanitizing html text downloaded via asyncio aiohttp

I am downloading feed using aiohttp asyncio Feedparser is supposed to sanitize input text with its _HTMLSanitizer class to accept only specific tags The sanitizer does not work, any suggestions? ...
PirateApp's user avatar
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How do I pass raw untrusted text to feedparser.parse method in Python?

I am trying to use feedparser to parse text which I download using asyncio aiohttp library The feed text is available HERE (Large document, hence not pasting here) The documentation of feedparser....
PirateApp's user avatar
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Feedparser, no etag and modified attributes

How could I know if the feed has changed since last check if none of these attributes exists for a given feed ? Example with this one from a nintendo news website: d=feedparser.parse('https://www....
Heroe__'s user avatar
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How to update RSS Feed every 5 seconds in Python using Flask

I did a lot of research and nothing relevant worked. Basically I am trying to scrape RSS Feed and populate the data in a table format on a webpage created using Python Flask. I have scraped the data ...
Sebanti's user avatar
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Output of feedparser in python unexpectedly truncated

I'm writing a piece of code that parses information from an RSS feed. I am storing the parsed informations for later research. In the case at hand I'd like to store info such as [Name, Surname, Type ...
Basilbloop's user avatar
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What represents this more exactly

I'm building a RSS-Feed parser to extract news from various websites. One thing tho that makes me confused is: <html lang="nl" dir="ltr" prefix="content: ...
Cristian Tozuna's user avatar
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Python Feedparser pubdate to one timezone

I need to parse RSS feed. I am using feedparser on python. Basically my task is to run script every N seconds and check for last feed. I come up with idea to check is date is younger than 15 seconds ...
Roman Hrybinchuk's user avatar
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Parsing <cap:event>, <cap:urgency> tags value using feedparser in python from a Atom/xml feed

I am using feedparser for parsing data from an Atom/xml feed file. The link for the file is: This is a feed that is put out by the National Weather Service ...
HamOp_N8MDP's user avatar
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Printing a list in Python3

I am using feedparser to pull some data from a news channel RSS page. There are around 54 title in the page. However I want to print for example 10 details. I tried over and over but i couldn't do ...
Khan Khan's user avatar
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Issue while using python rss feed with feedparser

I am trying to get the data from a rss feed using python 3.7.7 and feedparser. I am able to get the simple information like feed['title'] but I am unable to get feed['ht:approx_traffic'] which is one ...
user3702643's user avatar
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memory leak on FeedPaser 5.2.1?

Recently i get to parse a RSS feed using FeedPaser 5.2.1, accidently i find a continuous memory increase as my app. running without break. is there any mistake made by me? Any help would be highly ...
biotech7's user avatar
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List index out of range error only when run on server - python

I hope you can help me with my issue I am currently coding a bot on discord with python using There is a portion of my code which, for the time being, is used to retrieve the latest (or ...
FrenchGap's user avatar
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How to detect with feedparser if there are new items in an RSS channel?

I have the following code. When you understand the code, you can look at the two comments with the capital letters. I could test if there are new items in the channel with insert or ignore but I'm ...
xralf's user avatar
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How to use feedparser with proxy in python 3?

I'd like to use a proxy and feedparser. This is how I'd do in urllib2: import urllib2, feedparser proxy = urllib2.ProxyHandler({"http":"proxy:port"}) d = feedparser.parse('
dranxo's user avatar
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Sorting a large list of rss feed items by publish_parsed or updated_parsed

I have a large list of rss feed items that I'm attempting to sort by key 'published_parsed' like so: allheadlines.sort(key=lambda hl:hl[0]['published_parsed'], reverse=True) The problem is this is ...
wormyworm's user avatar
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