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I cannot rm files on mac IOS 13.7.1 [closed]

I am using MacOS 13.7.1 (22H221). I want to delete files from /usr/share/man, for example rm -vf /usr/share/man/man8/parsecd.8, but failed with error "Read-only file system". I have tried: ...
QianruZhou's user avatar
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Can't delete folder on Azure Persistent Storage

I am running an Azure App Service that deploys a container app. I enabled persistent storage so I can store some database data. The service is in the stopped state and now I wanted to remove the ...
WJM's user avatar
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rm command works in shell but not in Makefile

I have an rm command that does not work in a Makefile but when I copy it to the shell it works: $ make clean rm paper.{abs,blg,pdf,aux,log,bbl,out,xmpdata} rm: cannot remove 'paper.{abs,blg,pdf,aux,...
Gergely's user avatar
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unable to dwonload zip file from google drive using gdown method in vs code

manually downloading openpose models %%bash gdown 1QCSxJZpnWvM00hx49CJ2zky7PWGzpcEh unzip mv /content/models/face/pose_iter_116000.caffemodel /content/openpose/models/face/pose_iter_116000....
SAISH's user avatar
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how to prevent exit 1 when blanket rm -R with empty directories

So I am deploying a script to remove several directories of a program we no longer use. It was such a cluster though that not all directories are present on the computers. I am doing a simple rm -R ...
tjernigan's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is there any way I can use rm -rf in PowerShell?

I know that I can use rm -r -fo to remove a folder and all its content in PowerShell. But is there any way I can use rm -rf in PowerShell? I tried to add the below scripts into my $Profile, but both ...
Aaron Hao's user avatar
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nodejs fs.rm(path, { recursive: true, force: true }) throws "ENOTEMPTY: directory not empty"

import { existsSync } from "fs"; import fs from "fs/promises"; export async function makeFolder(path: string) { if (existsSync(path)) { try { await fs.rm(path, { recursive: true, ...
Andrei Ranta's user avatar
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node js rimraf delete dist folder in any of the subfolders of src

I have many dist folders inside src folder. It can be nested at any depth. src - dist - main - dist - com - dist .... - test - dist -...
theprogrammer's user avatar
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rm: cannot remove `dir-name': Directory not empty [closed]

ls -al .vscode-server # . .. bin ls -al .vscode-server/bin # . .. I tried to use rm -rf .vscode-server to remove .vscode-server, and got rm: cannot remove 'dir-name': Directory not empty. I tried ...
SeaMount's user avatar
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Deleting folders and files from s3 bucket based on last modified date column and based on name prefix using AWS CLI

I want to delete folders from aws s3 my-bucket which are older than 2023-05-01 and folder names which starts with "000". using AWS CLI I can delete folders and files which starts with "...
Rohini's user avatar
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1 answer

Shell script - rm does not remove directory from variable set by external parameter

I would like to run a shell script to delete a directory defined by a parameter set in another file test_config.txt. test_config.txt: var = testdir #!/bin/bash vardel=$(...
silence_of_the_lambdas's user avatar
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Add-AzureRmVhd : Resource group 'ResourceGroupName' could not be found

I'm trying to import VHD via PowerShell in a Virtual Machine but am getting errors. Add-AzureRmVhd : Resource group 'ResourceGroupName' could not be found. At line:1 char:1 + Add-AzureRmVhd -...
Suri Gang's Hallen's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to remove special character filename in Linux?

I have a filename with -v. I try to remove it by rm -v or rm "-v" or rm ¥-v But it shows something like rm: missing operand Try 'rm --help' for more information.
Jack jdeoel's user avatar
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Rightmove deliveryPointId does not match up with Royal Mail "CSV PAF.CSV" file

I have obtained a particular property's deliveryPointId from one of their pages. I then tried to match it up with its correct address from the PAF file but find that it matches a property in a ...
user740360's user avatar
1 vote
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How to rename or remove file name with weird quotes and slashes in linux

When I run git status I get: Untracked files: (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed) "\231" "\231\217\373\275\235Y" So I ...
jlcv's user avatar
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Mac terminal directory issues

I previously had a bootcamp that I input labs in one folder but i made them all directories in my macOs terminal. I can't delete them. I tired to (rm -r) all but when I override them, they were all ...
Maria Marquez's user avatar
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Remove all files in *that* directory except *these* files - dangerous in remote directory?

I'm writing a small bash script for deploying a bunch of files to a specific remote directory. The process is as follows: Mount remote directory (sshfs) Remove everything except these few files Copy ...
OZ1SEJ's user avatar
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Aliasing the rm command to avoid evaluating separate asterisks

I would like to use the rm command such that it returns an error when there is a separate asterisk in its argument. For example, if I type rm -f * .txt , then this command should not be executed (this ...
user avatar
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failed to delete multiple folders inside one folder except 3 folders using rm

I am trying to delete all folders inside a folder except 2 3 using rm. But, command doesnt work with below error Tried using escape character, but it will not delete folders. Any solutions? EDIT 1 ...
SAURABH PANDEY's user avatar
3 votes
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Remove dirs from parent dir without deleting parent directory (Linux)

I am using the following command to remove all dirs older than 1 minute from the following path: find /myhome/me/xyz/[0-9][0-9]/[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]/my_stats/ -mmin +1 -exec rm -rf {} \; folder ...
Shubham Sangle's user avatar
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How to avoid a directory from being removed [closed]

I wanted to know if there is a way to create a file inside a directory that avoids it to be removed by a simple rm -r, just like when we have a Git respository and it is not deleted because of the ....
Juan Esteban Agudelo Ortiz's user avatar
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Delete a file in a directory except for first file (or specific file) in Python

I want to delete all files in a directory except for one file in python. I used os.remove and os.system(with rm and fine), but all of them return errors. Lets say I have a folder X and in there I have ...
Hawshemi's user avatar
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Remove only one specified directory recursively from a folder (Linux)

My question is pretty quick to explain, I don't know about the solution. I have a folder always containing 3 folders that can themself contained others folder. I would like to be able to remove only a ...
JeremP's user avatar
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How to remove files with wildcard?

rm with wildcard is not working. if there are files that named with ef1 & ef2 then, i tried to erase ef1 & ef2. $ rm ef* This could not erase ef1 & ef2. But like as bellow, single file rm ...
yWorld's user avatar
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How to delete an empty folder with 2 times . (dot) file and .. (dot dot) file?

On a qnap nas I have a folder that I cannot delete. The folder is empty except for 4 directories: 2 times a . (dot) folder and 2 times a .. (dot dot) folder. To my knowledge this is not possible. Does ...
Michel Gielens's user avatar
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Why doesn't rm() work on paste0() string?

I tried removing data from my environment using rm(paste0("namePart1", "namePart2")), but got the " ... must contain names or character strings" error. However, when I ...
rdv's user avatar
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rm not deleting files completely

I have written an alias to create makefile (basically copying a template makefile and substituting the final exec name) in any project dir: This is my cpmk command: alias cpmk='f() { ...
Fitohe's user avatar
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Bash one-liner: check if a directory exists; if so, delete it, then create it anyway

I have to use bash -c, so i need something like bash -c "rm -r tmp/mydir1 && mkdir -p tmp/mydir1/mydir2" but it does not work in this way.
eric_parrot's user avatar
-1 votes
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Do we have any command that HDFS rm/rmr command confirmation before removing the file?

If I call hdfs dfs -rm -r Filepath, the file/directory will delete instantly. I want to know whether any command arguments is there which will ask for confirmation before rm the files?
RamK's user avatar
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Deleting directories with exceptions (in where to find)

I am working with Linux and I am trying to build a script to delete directories (pattern: dir.*) inside /tmp directory. Inside /tmp directory I have something like this: /tmp/dir.1 /tmp/dir.2 /tmp/dir....
fr0zt's user avatar
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what happened if i rm a file without unstaging it?

lately, I've been learning git, then I came to the git rm that kind of confused me, I kept digging in and understood most of it, but there is a question still baffling me, what will happen if I ...
elakhdar_ayoub's user avatar
2 votes
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I accidentally deleted files in a repository using rm *$*

I was trying to remove a file within a repository which contained a "$" symbol, so I used: rm *$* But this deleted all my files in the directory and attempted to delete all subdirectories ...
Messiah's user avatar
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delete all files except a pattern list file

I need to delete all the files in the current directory except a list of patterns that are described in a whitelist file (delete_whitelist.txt) like this: (.*)dir1(/)? (.*)dir2(/)? (.*)dir2/ser1(/)?(.*...
ronen's user avatar
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How can I delete all files in a folder, but not the folder itself, in zsh?

Unfortunately zsh: how to delete contents in folder without deleting the folder? does not have any good answer. I'm currently using rm -rf {.,}* and if that fails because there is no hidden file in ...
Felix Dombek's user avatar
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How do you remove an entire directory except for certain subdirectories in linux? [duplicate]

Suppose I run the following command in linux: $ mkdir -p mp3 jpeg/dir1 jpeg/dir2 txt $ touch mp3/1.mp3 mp3/2.mp3 mp3/3.mp3 $ touch jpeg/1.jpeg jpeg/2.jpeg jpeg/3.jpeg $ touch txt/1.txt txt/2.txt txt/3....
user1068636's user avatar
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4 answers

Recover deleted files from local git repo?

I accidentally rm'd some files in a git repo. Those files had been changed a lot and hadn't been git add'd yet. Is there a way to restore the files to their 'last saved' state? UPDATE Just wanted to ...
Aaron Parisi's user avatar
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Bash script to delete certain files from "semi-sequentially" numbered directories?

I have directories that are sequentially numbered 1001, 1002, 1003, etc... Some directories may not exist so we may see instances like 1001, 1002, 1003, 1007, 1008, etc... and I want to delete all ...
jmt76's user avatar
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What does command rm -f -- would do?

I am trying to understand a command it runs this remove after -execdir flag. find /a/directory type -f -execdir rm -f -- {} \; I am trying to understand what the -- symbols after rm -f signify ?
Anit Aggarwal's user avatar
11 votes
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Automatically solve rm cannot remove path : device or resource busy error

I am trying to remove a directory /path/to/dir using the rm -rf command. Unfortunately I get the error rm: cannot remove '/path/to/dir/.nfsdda293a660f276ca0000000a': Device or resource busy After a ...
JejeBelfort's user avatar
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bash: removing many files of the same extension [duplicate]

I am dealing with the folder consisted of many log filles. I have to remove all of them using bash. My version using rm does not work: rm "${results}"/*.log that gives me: ./
James Starlight's user avatar
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Cannot remove .git/: Directory not empty

I have a .git/ folder that I'd like to delete. However, it isn't possible because there is a puzzling file into it which is not reachable. Below is my try: $ rm -rf .git/ rm: cannot remove '.git/': ...
TVG's user avatar
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Command in dockerfile doesn't take effect

Below is my dockerfile. After the dependencies are installed, I want to delete a specific binary (ffmpeg) from the node_modules folder on the container, and then reinstall it using the install.js file ...
Josh's user avatar
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-3 votes
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What does rm ** does in LINUX [closed]

what does rm ** do in linux. started learning linux and stuck here. I tried reading but couldnt understand or didn get the answer
jenito's user avatar
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Deleting in a directory where other thread is writing in linux

In my code I am trying to delete a directory having files and subdirectories using rm -rf . While deleting I am getting the error message , "Directory not empty". This is happening because ...
Nancy Garg's user avatar
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Lost previous commits and .git folder (all hashes lost) [duplicate]

TL;DR: I deleted the .git directory, recreated it with git init, then did a git commit, then did a git push using --force option and overwritten the remote repository with an empty one. So as a total ...
newbie pete's user avatar
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Not able to remove a file

Am not able to delete a file called 'go' in my bash home directory. I tried rm -r dint showed permission am a beginner I really can't figure it out how such a directory was ...
User's user avatar
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How to mass remove files that contain special characters in file name

Google Drive went a little crazy and create multiple iterations of files by appending multiples of "(1)", "(1) (1)" to the file names. So far I've been able to get a decent list ...
randmjohn's user avatar
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I have problems with permissions using xargs with rm

I have remove.txt file containing a.txt and b.txt as text. All files are in the same folder, I set chmod 777 for all those files. Now, when I run sudo cat remove.txt | xargs rm I get Permission denied ...
Rusvi Kaos's user avatar
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How to drop object accoring the object's name [duplicate]

There are data.frame in R , I want to drop all of them whice name like 'table_*'. rm(c('table_a','table_j','table_w','table_z')) seems can't work. Anyone can help ? Thanks table_a <- data.frame(cat=...
anderwyang's user avatar
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nftw: remove the directory content without removing the top dir itself

I developed a function to recursively remove a directory with nftw(): #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <ftw.h> /* for nftw() */ int unlink_cb( const char *...
MOHAMED's user avatar
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