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In Ruby, how to send multiple files in single request using RESTClient

I've been have a issue where I tried to use the RestClient lib to send two or more files to Kotlin Service endpoint where this controller needs to receive a files attributes that is a List<...
Flavio Guilherme's user avatar
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How to fix Gem Conflict Error with 2 versions of a dependency without bundler

I am making a discord bot in ruby and am using the rspotify gem. rspotify has rest-client v2.0.2 as a dependency while the library discordrb has rest-client v2.1.0.rc1 as a dependency. When I try to ...
nishant217's user avatar
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How to check for nil on an object?

I do the following call to get a Ruby object, which returns data from Spotify's API: spotify_track = RSpotify::AudioFeatures.find('3RmAqYZZjiSyMV40hm6rDL') That returns: #<RSpotify::...
Shpigford's user avatar
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Failed to install gem rest-client

I am trying to install gem res-client in my redhat linux server.Installed whatever dependencies i found but still not working for me. Ruby Version: ruby 2.3.6p384 (2017-12-14 revision 61254) [...
Sina's user avatar
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Httpi timeout on PUT but POST works

I am trying to get PUT working with httpi. I am using curb (curl) as my adapter with gss negotiation (I need to use a Kerberos token). I am able to GET the article_to_update and I'm able to POST new ...
Greg Ruhl's user avatar
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ruby rest-client content in the header / payload

My request from the swagger is curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Accept: application/json' -d '{ \ "version": "v15" \ }' 'https://XXX.XX.XXX.XXX/tools/v1/...
testerBDD's user avatar
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Using system Proxy in RestClient

I use RestClient to get pages over internet. Also this script I made is proxy enabled by using RestClient.proxy = "". But I dont always use proxy. So instead of manually ...
Rishav's user avatar
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unable to install restclient gem

i want to install restclient in ruby. I get these message: Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing rest-client: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. ...
r.az91's user avatar
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Can't Update Rest-Client Gem?

bundle-audit reports: Name: rest-client Version: 1.6.8 Advisory: CVE-2015-1820 Criticality: Unknown URL: Title: rubygem-rest-client: session ...
codenoob's user avatar
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Passing metadata with payload for Google Drive Rest API

I have been facing an issue in passing metadata with the Payload using the google drive api I have been trying the following but title, description, etc is not applied to the uploaded file on drive. ...
Nishutosh Sharma's user avatar
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Sinatra error with dashingio and rest-client

I'm using rest-client in a dashingio job. Since adding code for rest-client I get the following error on dashing start /Users/emcevoy/.rbenv/versions/2.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/sinatra-1.4.6/lib/...
Eamonn McEvoy's user avatar
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How to sign requests with custom access token for 2 legged oAuth

I using oauth-ruby gem for a while, and I already implemented 2 types of auth: default one and custom, which uses OTP sent via sms Both of them works perfectly now But now i'm trying to implement ...
brbrr's user avatar
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Multiple JSON Requests Ruby

Im using rails for with the crunchbase api to pull down the info for companies and I've been battling this error all night. It completes one request successfully and after constructing the second ...
rich's user avatar
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rubygems rest-client error message

New Ruby user and I am completely addicted, LOVE it...but...I have hit a roadblock right out of the gate Have read plenty on the Ruby basics/theory/etc Working my way through "Bastards" Ruby Lessons ...
user1902953's user avatar
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Replace all occurrences except the first in Ruby. The regular expression spans multiple lines

I am trying to down my last 3200 tweets in groups of 200(in multiple pages) using restclient gem. In the process, I end up adding the following lines multiple times to my file: </statuses> &...
Yahoo-Me's user avatar
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RestClient strips out the array of hashes parameter with just the last hash?

I have a condition where i need to pass a parameter as an array of hashes which looks like this: The following is the Rack::Test post method for API call. post "#{url}.json", :api_key => ...
millisami's user avatar
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